*** San Diego Fanviews 7/7 Here ***

Ed Pre-Set: Soon Forget
Sonic Youth Set List: Incinerate, Reena, What A Waste, Rapture, Mote, TBoy, Jams Run Free, Pink Steam, Or
Pearl Jam Set List: Oceans, Severed Hand, Corduroy, Brain of J, World Wide Suicide, Love Boat Captain, Gone, Even Flow, Unemployable, Wasted Reprise, Betterman / (Save it for Later), Satan Bed, Not For You / (Modern Girl), You Are, Inside Job, Life Wasted, Rearviewmirror
1st Encore: Long Road, Come back, Elderly Woman Behind The Counter In A Small Town, Crazy Mary, Crown OF Thorns, Alive
2nd Encore: Last Kiss, Comatose, Leash, Big Wave, Rockin In The Free World (with Kelly Slater), Yellow Ledbetter / (Star Spangled Banner)
This thread is reserved for the lucky fans that were there.
Please post your Fanview if you were in attendance.
Early Set List Source: Message Pit's “Gen5”
Set List Source: theskyiscrape.com, sonicyouth.com, tenclub.net and you.
Ed Pre-Set: Soon Forget
Sonic Youth Set List: Incinerate, Reena, What A Waste, Rapture, Mote, TBoy, Jams Run Free, Pink Steam, Or
Pearl Jam Set List: Oceans, Severed Hand, Corduroy, Brain of J, World Wide Suicide, Love Boat Captain, Gone, Even Flow, Unemployable, Wasted Reprise, Betterman / (Save it for Later), Satan Bed, Not For You / (Modern Girl), You Are, Inside Job, Life Wasted, Rearviewmirror
1st Encore: Long Road, Come back, Elderly Woman Behind The Counter In A Small Town, Crazy Mary, Crown OF Thorns, Alive
2nd Encore: Last Kiss, Comatose, Leash, Big Wave, Rockin In The Free World (with Kelly Slater), Yellow Ledbetter / (Star Spangled Banner)
This thread is reserved for the lucky fans that were there.
Please post your Fanview if you were in attendance.
Early Set List Source: Message Pit's “Gen5”
Set List Source: theskyiscrape.com, sonicyouth.com, tenclub.net and you.
Three Fish
July 1996 San Francisco
June 1999 Chicago
Post edited by Unknown User on
Secondly, this was my 11th time seeing this band. Of the 30 or so songs played tonight (including the preset), SIX were songs I had never heard live. SIX! And only one of those was from the new album. Four of the rest were songs I'd heard only once. To put this in perspective, seeing the Petty/PJ shows in St. Paul, in two nights of hearing Petty, I only heard three songs on the second night that I didn't hear on the first night. Yet another reason why this band is fan-fucking-tastic.
And I- just right now- realized they played 10 songs from the new record. It certainly didn't feel like they played 10 songs from Avocado- everything meshed incredibly well.
Oceans was great to hear for the first time. I had hoped that being at this show would yield me some interesting set choices, and hearing this right off the bat got me stoked instantly. I had said from the moment I bought my tickets that this show was going to be something special- I just felt it. And hearing Oceans as the opener gave me hope...
Severed Hand is in a tght battle with Inside Job as my favorite track on Pearl Jam, so I was more than excited to hear this next. There was no pre-recorded intro, either.
I hadn't seen Brain of J since my very first show back in 1998 and I was dying to hear it again. Thank you PJ for making that happen tonight.
LBC featured the 'Let the show begin' lyric, and Boom got a deservedly nice ovation.
If there was a "low" point to this show for me, it was the Gone/EFlow/Unemployable trilogy. The drum solo in EFlow was longer than I'd yet heard and Matt was going crazy. Good stuff, there.
Wasted Reprise into Betterman was a nice segue. The crowd singalong here was the first sign for me that this crowd was something unique. Save It For Later was great.
Satan's Bed! I had been telling my neighbor that in the next three shows I needed to hear this and Rats. He turned to me and gave me a high five at the start. It's always great at shows to share these kind of moments with complete strangers, bonded by appreciation for this band.
After that we were right into an awesome Not For You. The Modern Girl tag was really appreciated by my companion, who is a big S-K fan.
I had figured we were going to get You Are after hearing the guitar tech test the pedals during the break between SY and PJ. And I loved it- one of my favorite songs on Riot Act.
I wouldn't put the improv after Life Wasted- it was more an intro to RVM than a conclusion to LW, Ed repeating "I'll never go back again" over the first notes of RVM before going into the riff. Ed also sang during the first part of the mid-section jam, but I couldn't make out anything he was sayng from where I was. Speaking of, that jam was sick. Just plain sick.
Now, I cannot possibly put into words how moving the introduction to Long Road was. By the time they were starting the song I was choked up. When they came back out for the first encore, they all sat down and Ed said that he'd like to tell us a story. He asked for a show of hands of how many people have had a teacher who has had a large influence on their life. He then said that he too had one and that this was the story he wanted to share. The band and Neil were working on Mirrorball when Ed got the call that this teacher had passed away. He said that even though the band and Neil were in the room, he had to go in another room and sort out his thoughts. He said he needed to have a conversation though, and he was having it through his guitar. He started strumming the first note, stating that hey, it sunds like a school bell. He just kept doing that over and over... At this point Matt quietly started the drum part to the song. Ed continued and said that after a while, eventually the band and Neil came in to check on him, and without any of them saying a word, they all sat down, picked up their instruments, and in that moment....
"We all walk the long road..."
Absolutely. Fucking. Amazing. This was a moment. It wasn't manufactured. It was real. Real emotion. Real love. Simply beautiful.
Come Back was a fitting follow up, and I think they're finding the right groove with it.
Crazy Mary was, well, crazy. Boom got more time to solo and the band stayed around him for the majority of his spotlight moment. Mike's solo wasn't the greatest I've heard from him on this song, but the band built the song up to a magnificent crescendo during it.
Crown of Thorns! What can you say... you know it's a special show when you hear this song. I've been lucky enough to hear it twice now this year- in Chicago and tonight.
Speaking of Chicago- those of you who think the Alive from Chicago II was fantastic- you NEED to hear this one. That's all I'll say. Stage antics saw Ed atop one speaker stack stage left, with Stone soloing right below him, and Mike opposite stage atop his own speaker stack. Visually incredible.
Last Kiss featured Ed climbing a rope ladder at the back of the stage, getting a good 15-10 feet above the ground while singing to the club in the back. Jeff, ever the mother hen, sent a stagehand over to hold the ladder to keep it sturdy.
It was great to hear Leash after all the hype. Ed finished the song on his nees, arms outstretched, flipping everyone off with a big smile on his face.
Speaking of, all of the folks I went to the show with agreed that this is the most fun any of us have ever seen Ed have at a show. He was smiling all night, jumping all around, genuinely seeming to enjoy himself. Even Stone and Jeff were more animated tonight that I've ever seen them.
Up next was the moment I'd been waiting for- you knew it had to happen, and Ed specifically said they were saving it for the west coast- Big Wave! And it was glorious.
After all this, RITFW and YL were almost an afterthought. I say almost because the jamming in RITFW was intense (even with Kelly Slater, whom I think Ed oversold to the crowd), and Mike's Star Spangled Banner tag was inspired, but you knew this was the end. Ed noted what everyone else in the arena had to be thnking by altering the "I don't want to stay" line in YL to "I don't want to leave..."
This WAS a special show. I'll be at the next LA shows, and if they even come anywhere near to this show, those will be considered great shows. This show was twenty kinds of awesomeness, plain and simple. I really think this might be the best Pearl Jam show I've ever seen. When the aftershow hype dies down, I'll reassess, but in the very least, it's top 3, no doubt.
Amazing. A simply amazing evening with an amazing band with amazing fans.
God I love this band.
I'm glad I read it in your review. Feel like I was there with you friend. If only...
Enjoy LA! I'll be looking for your review.
Auburn Hills '06 - Toronto 1 '06 - London '05 - Kitchener '05 - Clarkston '03 - Auburn Hills '00 - Auburn Hills '98 - East Lansing '98
If you DID NOT attend this concert please do not post in this thread.
This thread is for personal concert Fanviews exclusively.
Now let’s get this sucker filled with Fanviews! Come on people tell us about it. We gotta know and NOW!
Thanks, edwho
Three Fish
July 1996 San Francisco
June 1999 Chicago
put on a slow, dumb show for you
and crack you up
so you can put a blue ribbon on my brain
god I'm very, very frightening
and I'll overdo it'
Thx...made me really feel the show.
Nice job!!
put on a slow, dumb show for you
and crack you up
so you can put a blue ribbon on my brain
god I'm very, very frightening
and I'll overdo it'
oceans was such a cooler opener and really special to me since they opened the second san diego show in '95 with it, and i still remember that moment vividly, very transcendent...
'brain of j' rocked, mike on top of his game, Ed showing that his vocals were going to be fine despite whatever ailed him in vegas... this song also showed up early the only other time they played this venue in '98, and i'm sure he's aware of the irony of singing 'who's got the brain of JFK and what's it mean to us now?' in the exact location that JFK himself gave a commencement speech in 1963 (aztec bowl then, cox arena now)...
betterman was amazing, the crowd singing the opening lines on pitch at full-throat, ed genuinely moved by the moment of his early Bad Radio song being sung back to him in the city he wrote it in... he stopped before the second verse, almost stunned, and said 'that is fucking beautiful'...
so many other moments, a couple of lulls in the new material but few and far between, and the new rockers absolutely killed. it's incredible how they've managed to breathe new life into the 'human jukebox' songs like evenflow and alive, especially alive, it was awesome, nothing like the past couple of times i've seen them when ed seemed to be going thru the motions a little on those...
Ed talked about the Vegas show the night before being a 'tough gig', and how the LA crowds 'had their work cut out for them'... later joking about it, saying how he bad-mouthed last night's crowd and was talking sh!t on the next show's crowd before it has even happened yet! : ) and that he'll never say anything bad about us... very sweet and genuine...
discussion about Clayton E. Liggett (not postive on last name), a teacher Ed had growing up here, and that the band has a role in getting a theater in Encintas named after, very touching and a great lead-in to Long Road, absolutely mindblowing...
the lead-in to Crown of Thorns was a mention of his hometowns of Chicago, San Diego and Seattle, and 'maybe some of you will know this one'... ah, Singles soundtrack, somewhere Andrew Wood was smiling... so cool for me especially since i'm from seattle and san diego is my adopted hometown...
Mike was also pretty on-fire this show, Ed mentioning that 'it's science, i just lit my cigarette off Mike's hand" after a particularly firey solo...
i thought i heard a tag of chicago's '25 or 6 to 4'... can't remember if it was in the 'not for you' tag or in another song? it wasn't a full tag w/vocals, just mike strumming the opening riff...
incredible that they can get away with not playing their 'stairway' (black), no one felt cheated at all, and even though i sorely missed hearing it and Porch, Lukin, I Got Shit, etc., i obviously didn't feel cheated in the slightest. what a blast. if there was any doubt that PJ is the reigning 'World's Greatest Rock n' Roll Band', tonight reconfirmed it.
good luck with the rest of the tour everyone! Gorge is going to be unreal, and don't overlook Santa Barbara, i think that might be a really good one too.
Ringing the bell....ringing the bell. Sometimes I forget how graceful a rock and roll show can be.
~Satan's Bed....the one line in there that's just too much fun to sing really loud! I bounce, I pogo. This is rock and roll with a crazy bend.
~You Are....that nasty organ of Boom's makes this such a groovy song. As usual, my hips have a habit of moving Shakira-style when I hear this tune....I think the guy next to me got a little turned on.
~Last Kiss....always a nice song but I love how Eddie's voice is perfectly suited for it. The "big rock and roll show" is happening up front, but now it's time for a "little club show" for the folks in the back. So all of the boys turn themselves and their instruments around and Eddie croons to and for them. Does anyone respect the rear-seated fans like Pearl Jam does? I don't think so.
But wait. What's he doing? Can he do that? Is gym class in session? If not, then why is Eddie climbing up that friggin' hanging ladder without missing a note of Last Kiss?
~Alive....by now Eddie's on at least his second bottle of wine and thrashing around the stage like...well, like a drunk Eddie Vedder. But Alive brings it all back into focus. He sings....we sing; remember, we've changed that song for him and lifted the curse. How lifted is he? He and McCready have jockey positions atop the speakers at opposite ends of the stage. McCready is alive through that guitar. Eddie is alive through us. The hands are up and the fists are pumping. And when it's all over, see Ed belly flop to the floor exhausted from the love, but not too tired to take another swig while face down.
And it was good.
...signed...the token black Pearl Jam fan.
Yup I agree, that was one awesome review and I will be buying the bootleg for sure!!! Sounds like an amazing show and Im dying to hear Big Wave..
I'm hoping they play it at The Gorge night 1.
"Can't you see
The oceans size?
Defining time
And time
Arms laid upon me
Being so kind
To let me ride"
"Can't you see
The oceans size?
Defining time
And time
Arms laid upon me
Being so kind
To let me ride"
Someone might need to help me with this one as I don't remember it word for word, but after finishing off a good amount of wine Ed went to the microphone and said something along the lines of "You would think that after this (drinking so much) that it's the wine talking, but it's us (talking)..it's you (talking)..." He then proceeded to put the wine bottle up to the microphone for a few seconds to prove that it wasn't the wine talking. A hilarious fucking moment for sure...
Great show. Not too sure if I even want to attempt L.A. because I want to keep this memory fresh for a long, long, long time.
11/07/95 - San Diego Sports Arena
07/10/98 - Viejas Arena
10/25/00 - San Diego Sports Arena
06/03/03 - Irvine Meadows
06/05/03 - San Diego Sports Arena
07/07/06 - Viejas Arena (Greatest Show Ever)
07/09/06 - The Forum
10/09/09 - Viejas Arena
11/19/13 - Gila River Arena
Cuz I thought he was holding the bottle up and out in a vain, drunken attempt to read the label
...signed...the token black Pearl Jam fan.
over all, on of my best shows out of 10. good job san diego.
How can LA follow this show? can't wait until tomorrow!!!!!!!!!
Find shapes in the clouds.
Hear the murmur of the wind
and touch the cool water.
Walk softly,
we are intruders,
tolerated briefly
In an infinite universe.
Big Wave, Oceans, Long Road, Crown of Thorns, Brain of J....u guys were so lucky
And I thought Las Vegas was good....wow!
2006: Camden 1&2, East Ruth 1&2
2008: BONNAROO, MSG1, MSG2, Hartford
2009: Philly 1, 2, 4
2010: Hartford, MSG1, MSG2
2012: Made in America
2013: BK1, BK2, Hartford
2015: Global Citizens
2016: MSG 2 (ISO MSG1)
EV Solo: NJPAC 2008; Tower Theatre, PA 2009; Hartford 2011
--oh and by the way. my shirt that said "white drugs" it's a record label for all you people who were looking at me in such a strange manner.
wow.... I've seen them plenty of times and last night was some of the best jamming I've seen out of them..... 3 hours give or take!!
highlights were long road w/ the touching story about clayton (he told a few very good stories), brain of j, rearview, thorns, leash and even corduroy (I've heard it a billion times live) was super-tight. they were just on fire!
the best was you are, which I never really cared for live; it was fantastic. inside job, come back and comatose were very impressive, too.
ed flew down the ladder (he was way up there, too) like a freaking monkey... not missing a ring!.... hilarious. the crap we can pull off when we're drunk amazes me.
number one thing I noticed how stoked people (probably just casual fans) were when we were leaving.... and that's how you know a show was truly epic.
this show definitely topped both irvine shows in 03, maybe santa barbara, the greek in 2000 but not san bernardino in 2000. I'll probably get ripped for that santa barbara comment, but they were just so tight and the flow was perfect.
1. Songs they haven't played much or at all this tour! Oceans, Brain of J, Crown of Thorns, BIG WAVE!! The whole setlist was AMAZING!
2. The crowd was nuts...period
3. Eddie & the band seemed to be in the best mood I have ever seen. They had smiles on their faces the whole nighT!
4. Eddie was ON FIRE!! He was all over the place. I think he fell down about 20 times. He was throwing the mike stand & running all over the place.
5. Eddie climbed a mother-fucking rope ladder & sang to the back of the crowd...Coolest thing I've seen at a PJ concert since '94! It was even during my least favorite song, but I didn't care. It was great!
6. Best versions of about 10 songs that I've ever heard. Every little thing that they SOMETIMES do to songs they did to every song. Modern Girl at the end of Not For YOu, awesome Save it For Later tag, the little improv after Life Wasted...unbelievable.
7. Alive was out of control!! Eddie climbed the speakers with Stone & Mike on BOTH sides of the stage. I'm surprised the roof didn't literally fly off during that song! Fist pumps all around!
8. The story at the beginning of Long Road was great...Not to mention just the fact that they PLAYED Long Road in the middle of the set!
9. Eddie bringing out Kelly Slater & telling him this was his big wave was awesome!
10. Eddie himself said that he would NEVER say anything bad about this show and that they would remember it forever!!
I'm sure I've left a lot out. You all will hear it though I'm sure, because this will no doubt be the best selling boot this year!
My voice is gone...Here comes LA & Santa Barbara...not to mention the Gorge!! wooohooo.
Best Alive ever...Period. The smile on Eddie's face when he was up on that speaker was great!! I was directly in front of him, like 15 rows up. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Coool! My favorite song, & that was definetely the best version ever!!
P.S. Best seats Ive ever had at a PJ show, and Im glad it was last night!
BUT, American crowds are crap it made me wish i could see them in Europe, there's no standing no atmosphere no jumping around (and i dont mean moshing) you couldnt just let go, thank God it was the world's greatest performance from my favourite band and after about the fifth song none of that mattered anymore
San Diego 06.....Do I want some more? I said FUCK YEAH!!!!