The show was amazing. I think Go and Animal is the best one-two punch of songs they have, and to hear that open the show was awesome. Great crowd reaction to Go. It is neat to see thousands of arms go up in front of you. First GA show for me. I was about halfway back in the Alive section on the floor and there was still some moshing going on beside me, and then quite a few people to the right of me just content listening to Pearl Jam. It was a fun crowd to be a part of. It would have been fun to be up front, but I enjoy sleep and that is what I did all day recovering from the fun on the coast the three days before.
This was my 7th show this year, and to hear 4 songs (especially in a greatest hits setlist) that I had not heard yet this year was amazing! I love this band. I was really, really excited to hear You Are again. Go/Animal - enough said. Mother is a great cover, and has a great McCready solo, but I hope they don't overplay it because it is a great song that unfortunately drags on for a while. Great to hear once in a while.
Costa Rica is such a great country and I enjoyed the 5 days I spent there. I will be back with or without Pearl Jam.
Crowd seemed like it was about half of capacity, but that's still probably 25-30k people.
Oh, and I heard Last Kiss twice this weekend. Once at the Pearl Jam show, and then a Spanish cover by a three piece band at a restaurant in Manuel Antonio. Great covers: A Whiter Shade of Pale, Last Kiss, and Imagine.
What a GREAT SHOW!!! AW-SO-ME!!!!
The sound was great and the band played beautifully. I was able to see mr. Ament laugh and happy while he played his bass guitar the same way he used to back in the 90's.
This is my first Pearl Jam show. I've been waiting for them for so long and when the time came, it all seemed so unreal. I think most of us, Costa Ricans, felt the same way. That's probably why I heard people saying the crowd was a little cold during some parts. But... we where still assimilating the fact that PEARL JAM was here - playing and having fun. I'm sure many felt the same way as I did - I didn't want it to end. They played my girl's favorite song - made her burst in tears of joy - and rocked the house with a great set-list. I'm still doing the evolution man!
We couldn't ask for more but for them to come back, have fun and play again as soon as they can. Costa Rica has been honored and we are humble and grateful for that.
I will try to explain what really happened here in CR or at least what I felt… I’m not really good expressing myself but I will give it a try.
For years and years we had numerous rumors of PJ playing in CR, and it was horrible… your heart rushes in excitement and then they announce the tour and surprise… No CR in the list… and then “A wave came crashing like a fist to the jaw” … disappointment and once again such a small country will never get to see PJ in CR… yes maybe some of us are able to fly somewhere else to catch a show but it’s never the same.
2011 will mark us All PJ fans here in CR… Again the Rumors started… PJ CR, PJ CR…. I remember saying to myself “I don’t want to get fooled again, there’s no hope for us to have them here, it is just another rumor”. And guess what… the rumor started to grow stronger and stronger. And then…. Yes it was confirmed this time it was NOT anothe rumor was the real shit.
I remember when I had the ticket in my hands for the first time… I just stared and stood there for 15 minutes… speechless… Was this really happening??
11/20/2011 and here I am… first row… and once again I found myself standing there… speechless… trying to record every second of that show in my head so I will make sure that I won’t forget any part of it… It’s real… they are here…
So maybe that’s why it was so “cold” maybe some us like myself stood there trying to convince themselves that it was really happening…
PS: Every single part of my body hurts and a I have a really sore throat. LOL
I became insane withlong intervals of horrible sanity... Edgar Allan Poe.
This concert was the best for me, a do not worry about everything else but the P.J. music, i jump, dance, sang, scream, cried, i was so happy. Some people drank and smoke, i don´t understand why, P.J., his music and his presence was good medicine for me. The best part was when Eddy spoke in Spanish it was unreal! "I don´t why we never came before to Costa Rica " he said, then i yield at him "vengan cuando quieran" everybody looked at me, i said it at loud, ja ja ja, but i mean it, P. J. is and always will be welcome in Costa Rica, we love you guys, thank´s for choose our small paradise, i hope you´ll be back soon.
I'm still glowing from this experience. I decided on a last minute whim to join my friends who had planned their trip months ago. I booked a flight on Friday, arrived on Tues.
Costa Rica is a beautiful country full of beautiful people.
I've seen PJ several times, but nothing like this. It was AMAZING to be among a crowd who have never heard the golden voice. That was my first time to hear Oceans and it was awesome
Listening to the youtubes and reading all the comments, I'm still getting chills and a little teary.
It was an unforgettable Pearl Jam experience. I've never cried at a show but almost did when Black came alive. The crowd was so
I've attended a show once before w/ basically a broken foot, this one I attended w/ a sprained ankle. Well worth the swelling from jumping throughout the show!!!!! Given to Fly is one of my favs and so glad I got to hear it at this show!!!
Thank you Pearl Jam for another amazing show. Thank you Costa Rica for a beautiful country.
Pura Vida!!!!
LA - 98 (2), 2000, 2009 (4)
Bridge School - 99, 2001, 2003
San Bernadino - 2000
RAC - 2002
ATP - 2002 "speed thrash ukulele"
Astoria!!!, London - 2006
Perth, Australia - 2009
I waited for this show since 1997 when a friend from high school introduced me to PJ. By mid 1998 I had already purchased all four albums and then Yield came out. Perfect timing! So, I dreamed with this show for 14 years and was convinced that it would never happen here in CR. By 2006, after the first Festival Imperial in CR, the rumors of PJ coming for the second Festival Imperial that would take place in 2008 started. And they were just that, rumors. Then, rumors rose again by the beginning of 2010 and once again, we were fooled.
We definitely can say that the waiting drove us mad, but we stood faithful and when the show was finally confirmed I just couldn't believe it. The day tickets went on sale I woke up at 4am in the morning and drove with a friend of mine to the store where they will be selling the tickets. I was determined to get a ticket for the show that very first day. I could not even imagine what it would have been not to get a ticket for the Alive section. We were the first ones in the line and I walk out that place with a ticket that said PJ20 in my hand. I put it in my wallet and checked it like 15 times that day making sure it was still there.
Sunday night was the best night ever. I expected Release as an opener, and what a surprise it was to hear both Go and Animal. When Animal started I just realized I was jumping in circles, like a kid. Incredible mixture of emotions. And such a powerful vibe from the band, even though they are in their late 40's!
Tears running down my face during Elderly Woman. 8 songs out of Ten. Daughter turning into Why Go. I just pulled my camera once to shoot a video of Just Breathe and Oceans together (one of the few moments we had to catch some breath) and then put it back in my pocket in a hurry because DTE was beginning. They did not play my favorite song, Breath, but I don't care, the show was THE show. Something I will never forget and will for sure tell my children and grandchildren about.
What a ride. I just cannot stop thinking about anything else but the show. And I wish I could turn back time and re-live everything again, even the waiting!
I feel so happy for having the chance to be there, but I also feel so sad that it just passed. Today, I feel exactly like when I was a kid and Christmas had just passed.
Hopefully this won't be my only PJ show.
Thanks PJ!
If I knew where it was, I would take you there.
11/20/11 San Jose, Costa Rica
10/18/13 Brooklyn 1
10/19/13 Brooklyn 2
10/21/13 Philly 1
10/22/13 Philly 2 (BREATH!!)
10/25/13 Hartford
10/22/14 Denver (BREATH!!!)
Visitors from outside Costa Rica, we are very happy that you not only enjoyed the show but also have a great impression of us as a country. You are al welcome to come back with or without PJ (hopefully with PJ and soon! )
The concert for us many first timers Costa Rica fans was just amazing, and reading many of your posts (many of you have gone to many PJ concerts) makes me even more proud and happy of being part of a great show.
There are not many words to describe how I felt but it was magical and unforgetable.
I want to see PJ here again but also want to go outside the coutry to see them on their next tour.
Im a local and i have seem PJ only 1 time before yesterday... it was Mexico Dec 09, 2005.. they opened with Animal, then Last Exit and then GO... so when they opened with Go.. and they did Animal i knew what we were going to receive... a energetic and incredible show!!!
I was at first row, in front of Mike's spot and I can tell you that he was having a blast...he kept looking for faces and pointing them out, waving and smiling, jumping and running (Team Challenge GO!!!)... He was just feeding himself from our vibe and energy! was lucky enough to get 2 guitar picks (Feels like PJ40 & the "I" from M I K E) what a souvenir for me!!!!
EV seems so happy to be playing here, he was full of energy too.. jumping Jeff, breaking tambourines (he got cutted with 2 of them, his hand was bleeding but he just wanted to give more tambourines to the crowd...
Just Breath was introduced by a speech from eddie about a couple he saw holding hands on their way to the venue and that he's been 3 weeks away from the woman he loves and that he realize the power of holding hands... his voice was so strong , like it was 1994-1995
Jeff was smiling and joking with Mike, doing his jumps.. Matt beating the s**t out of his drum set the entire night, Stone and Boom were pretty strong... it was an amazing show and and amazing night for us... by far THE CONCERT in C.R.!!!
They gave us their greatest hits but they also played some really nice unexpected ones... but having them in our country was enough for us!!!
I just really hope they can come again and give us a second chance to do the evolution and to thank them for it and for they have done for us with their music!!!
Peace and Mucho Amor from the 10C in Costa Rica !!!
12-09-05 Mexico City
11-20-11 San Jose, Costa Rica
I'm glad for the ticos. I was there in early October and regardless of the fact it never stopped raining, I had an amazing time. Really nice people all over.
3 days later I still feeling so happy, so excited, so thanksful that I can almost cry of joy and actually I'm sitting in front of my PC, remembering, writing all of these smiling and with tears on my eyes
This was my first PJ concert ever and I had the joy of being in the front row.. I could see them so close to me that It was a dream withing a dream, something that I've never expected. They were full of energy. I could see them smiling and running by the whole stage. I felt like I was in the 90s, Vedder was running and jumping, he looked so young.... woooooooo I cannot explain everything I just can smile and fell so fucking happy hahaha.
We had a great set list. I know it was the first time in my lovely Costa Rica but common I wasn't ready for this powerful set list.
I know our crowd was a little bit tired. some of my folks spent more than 24 hours on a line fighting against weather and hunger.. but I know we tried to give the best of us to such a great people like PJ are, I hope they could feel us and I can say that did because they gave us so much joy and energy on their performance that we could feel how happy they were.
:P I just wanted to share some words and hope that all of you folks from the whole world that had the opportunity to be with us in CR had enjoyed as much as we did. \m/ cheers!!!
I predict a completion of the studio album they are working on then they will begin a US Tour in the summer of 2012. I'll be at the Seattle show if they have one, take the quick trip down from Nanaimo, Vancouver Island, three hours later, in Seattle ready to go!
Just got back to Philly after a week in Costa Rica. Seeing Pearl Jam in another country was a cool experience for sure. You guys have a beautiful country. Coming back to cold and dry Pennsylvania was kind of a bummer.
As for the crowd, the pushing and shoving on Mike's side in the Alive section, although fun for a minute or two, quickly become a nuissance. It was probably a mistake to think my 5 ft wife could handle the beatings, but lesson learned. I think we just had some bad luck and ended up in one of the sections that was over the top. We also felt very unwanted as we walked through the streets of San Jose and around the venue. Lots of dirty looks and stares. Not complaining, just thought it was kind of strange.
I actually didnt mind seeing the greatest hits set list as it was actually fun watching the reaction of the crowd. First time seeing Oceans, so that was nice as well.
Moshing or not, the "Go" opening was intense and something I'll never forget.
Just got back to Philly after a week in Costa Rica. Seeing Pearl Jam in another country was a cool experience for sure. You guys have a beautiful country. Coming back to cold and dry Pennsylvania was kind of a bummer.
As for the crowd, the pushing and shoving on Mike's side in the Alive section, although fun for a minute or two, quickly become a nuissance. It was probably a mistake to think my 5 ft wife could handle the beatings, but lesson learned. I think we just had some bad luck and ended up in one of the sections that was over the top. We also felt very unwanted as we walked through the streets of San Jose and around the venue. Lots of dirty looks and stares. Not complaining, just thought it was kind of strange.
I actually didnt mind seeing the greatest hits set list as it was actually fun watching the reaction of the crowd. First time seeing Oceans, so that was nice as well.
Moshing or not, the "Go" opening was intense and something I'll never forget.
We were on Stone's side and had the same thing...including people streaming over the banisters on the sides and running/jumping over me up to the front. I'm 5'4" and I honestly got pretty scared and made the trek to the back...where I could see, hear and move around.
I'm pale and blonde so I totally understand the stares but, we had the best luck around the stadium before the show, in-line and after the show, folks were quiet but after our initiation people were super friendly.
Best Night Ever... I did not felt so good that day but I new this was something that I could not miss. X came out they were pretty good, I never heard them before. But then, they said they would have surprised and they wanted to bring their good friend to the stage.
Eddie appeared and it was crazy, everyone tried to come to the front of the stage and the space reduced to like half! Then The band came out, started with Go ...and then I dont remember anything else.. I cried myself to tears when they played elderly woman, then given to fly, Black and Yellow Ledbetter...
It was amazing hearing the stadium singing oe oe oe oe Pearl Jam Pearl Jam...and see Eddie jumping around the stage...
Something that I would never forget, I hope you guys that came from outside the country liked it, sure a thing that we will never forget.
I was there with my wife too so I bought tickets in the stands. The view was not very good (could only see half the stage from where I was). However it was quite nice to see all that energy on the floor with people moving back and forth as the crowd reacted to the set's energy.
Couldn't say I noticed any dirty looks. I was more surprised to learn that prostitution was legal in Costa Rica (it became quite obvious walking on a few San Jose streets...).
Just got back to Philly after a week in Costa Rica. Seeing Pearl Jam in another country was a cool experience for sure. You guys have a beautiful country. Coming back to cold and dry Pennsylvania was kind of a bummer.
As for the crowd, the pushing and shoving on Mike's side in the Alive section, although fun for a minute or two, quickly become a nuissance. It was probably a mistake to think my 5 ft wife could handle the beatings, but lesson learned. I think we just had some bad luck and ended up in one of the sections that was over the top. We also felt very unwanted as we walked through the streets of San Jose and around the venue. Lots of dirty looks and stares. Not complaining, just thought it was kind of strange.
I actually didnt mind seeing the greatest hits set list as it was actually fun watching the reaction of the crowd. First time seeing Oceans, so that was nice as well.
Moshing or not, the "Go" opening was intense and something I'll never forget.
We were on Stone's side and had the same thing...including people streaming over the banisters on the sides and running/jumping over me up to the front. I'm 5'4" and I honestly got pretty scared and made the trek to the back...where I could see, hear and move around.
I'm pale and blonde so I totally understand the stares but, we had the best luck around the stadium before the show, in-line and after the show, folks were quiet but after our initiation people were super friendly.
Montreal 98, 00, 03, 05, 11
Toronto 03, 06, 11
Ottawa 05, 11
Quebec 05; Saratoga 00; Boston 04; Toledo 04
Albany 06; Honolulu 06; Hartford 08
Costa Rica 11
London (Ont.), Hartford 13
Quebec, Fenway 1 + 2 16; London 18
EV Montreal (2), Berkeley II, Albany, Boston, London (UK)
I was there with my wife too so I bought tickets in the stands. The view was not very good (could only see half the stage from where I was). However it was quite nice to see all that energy on the floor with people moving back and forth as the crowd reacted to the set's energy.
Couldn't say I noticed any dirty looks. I was more surprised to learn that prostitution was legal in Costa Rica (it became quite obvious walking on a few San Jose streets...).
Just got back to Philly after a week in Costa Rica. Seeing Pearl Jam in another country was a cool experience for sure. You guys have a beautiful country. Coming back to cold and dry Pennsylvania was kind of a bummer.
As for the crowd, the pushing and shoving on Mike's side in the Alive section, although fun for a minute or two, quickly become a nuissance. It was probably a mistake to think my 5 ft wife could handle the beatings, but lesson learned. I think we just had some bad luck and ended up in one of the sections that was over the top. We also felt very unwanted as we walked through the streets of San Jose and around the venue. Lots of dirty looks and stares. Not complaining, just thought it was kind of strange.
I actually didnt mind seeing the greatest hits set list as it was actually fun watching the reaction of the crowd. First time seeing Oceans, so that was nice as well.
Moshing or not, the "Go" opening was intense and something I'll never forget.
We were on Stone's side and had the same thing...including people streaming over the banisters on the sides and running/jumping over me up to the front. I'm 5'4" and I honestly got pretty scared and made the trek to the back...where I could see, hear and move around.
I'm pale and blonde so I totally understand the stares but, we had the best luck around the stadium before the show, in-line and after the show, folks were quiet but after our initiation people were super friendly.
Prostitution is NOT Legal in my country :oops:
It is just not persecuted as from you come from but that does not make it legal, you can smoke pot almost anywhere but that does not make it legal either. Let's say that is part of our freedom.
This was my 7th show this year, and to hear 4 songs (especially in a greatest hits setlist) that I had not heard yet this year was amazing! I love this band. I was really, really excited to hear You Are again. Go/Animal - enough said. Mother is a great cover, and has a great McCready solo, but I hope they don't overplay it because it is a great song that unfortunately drags on for a while. Great to hear once in a while.
Costa Rica is such a great country and I enjoyed the 5 days I spent there. I will be back with or without Pearl Jam.
Crowd seemed like it was about half of capacity, but that's still probably 25-30k people.
Nothing as it seems
Tremor christ
Why go
Off he goes
No way
The sound was great and the band played beautifully. I was able to see mr. Ament laugh and happy while he played his bass guitar the same way he used to back in the 90's.
This is my first Pearl Jam show. I've been waiting for them for so long and when the time came, it all seemed so unreal. I think most of us, Costa Ricans, felt the same way. That's probably why I heard people saying the crowd was a little cold during some parts. But... we where still assimilating the fact that PEARL JAM was here - playing and having fun. I'm sure many felt the same way as I did - I didn't want it to end. They played my girl's favorite song - made her burst in tears of joy - and rocked the house with a great set-list. I'm still doing the evolution man!
We couldn't ask for more but for them to come back, have fun and play again as soon as they can. Costa Rica has been honored and we are humble and grateful for that.
Milwaukee, 6/30/06
East Troy, 9/3/11
East Troy, 9/4/11
San Jose, Costa Rica 11/20/11
Manchester, England 6/20/12
London, Canada 7/16/13
Chicago, 7/19/13
Charlottesville, 10/29/13 *** Favorite Show****
Milwaukee, 10/20/14
Chicago, 8/20/18
Boston, 9/4/18
St. Louis, 9/18/22
St Paul, 8/31/23
St Pau,l 9/2/23
Austin, 9/18/23
Austin, 9/19/23
Chicago, 8/29/24
Chicago, 8/31/24
I will try to explain what really happened here in CR or at least what I felt… I’m not really good expressing myself but I will give it a try.
For years and years we had numerous rumors of PJ playing in CR, and it was horrible… your heart rushes in excitement and then they announce the tour and surprise… No CR in the list… and then “A wave came crashing like a fist to the jaw” … disappointment and once again such a small country will never get to see PJ in CR… yes maybe some of us are able to fly somewhere else to catch a show but it’s never the same.
2011 will mark us All PJ fans here in CR… Again the Rumors started… PJ CR, PJ CR…. I remember saying to myself “I don’t want to get fooled again, there’s no hope for us to have them here, it is just another rumor”. And guess what… the rumor started to grow stronger and stronger. And then…. Yes it was confirmed this time it was NOT anothe rumor was the real shit.
I remember when I had the ticket in my hands for the first time… I just stared and stood there for 15 minutes… speechless… Was this really happening??
11/20/2011 and here I am… first row… and once again I found myself standing there… speechless… trying to record every second of that show in my head so I will make sure that I won’t forget any part of it… It’s real… they are here…
So maybe that’s why it was so “cold” maybe some us like myself stood there trying to convince themselves that it was really happening…
PS: Every single part of my body hurts and a I have a really sore throat. LOL
Costa Rica is a beautiful country full of beautiful people.
I've seen PJ several times, but nothing like this. It was AMAZING to be among a crowd who have never heard the golden voice. That was my first time to hear Oceans and it was awesome
Listening to the youtubes and reading all the comments, I'm still getting chills and a little teary.
It was an unforgettable Pearl Jam experience. I've never cried at a show but almost did when Black came alive. The crowd was so
I've attended a show once before w/ basically a broken foot, this one I attended w/ a sprained ankle. Well worth the swelling from jumping throughout the show!!!!! Given to Fly is one of my favs and so glad I got to hear it at this show!!!
Thank you Pearl Jam for another amazing show. Thank you Costa Rica for a beautiful country.
Pura Vida!!!!
Bridge School - 99, 2001, 2003
San Bernadino - 2000
RAC - 2002
ATP - 2002 "speed thrash ukulele"
Astoria!!!, London - 2006
Perth, Australia - 2009
We definitely can say that the waiting drove us mad, but we stood faithful and when the show was finally confirmed I just couldn't believe it. The day tickets went on sale I woke up at 4am in the morning and drove with a friend of mine to the store where they will be selling the tickets. I was determined to get a ticket for the show that very first day. I could not even imagine what it would have been not to get a ticket for the Alive section. We were the first ones in the line and I walk out that place with a ticket that said PJ20 in my hand. I put it in my wallet and checked it like 15 times that day making sure it was still there.
Sunday night was the best night ever. I expected Release as an opener, and what a surprise it was to hear both Go and Animal. When Animal started I just realized I was jumping in circles, like a kid. Incredible mixture of emotions. And such a powerful vibe from the band, even though they are in their late 40's!
Tears running down my face during Elderly Woman. 8 songs out of Ten. Daughter turning into Why Go. I just pulled my camera once to shoot a video of Just Breathe and Oceans together (one of the few moments we had to catch some breath) and then put it back in my pocket in a hurry because DTE was beginning. They did not play my favorite song, Breath, but I don't care, the show was THE show. Something I will never forget and will for sure tell my children and grandchildren about.
What a ride. I just cannot stop thinking about anything else but the show. And I wish I could turn back time and re-live everything again, even the waiting!
I feel so happy for having the chance to be there, but I also feel so sad that it just passed. Today, I feel exactly like when I was a kid and Christmas had just passed.
Hopefully this won't be my only PJ show.
Thanks PJ!
11/20/11 San Jose, Costa Rica
10/18/13 Brooklyn 1
10/19/13 Brooklyn 2
10/21/13 Philly 1
10/22/13 Philly 2 (BREATH!!)
10/25/13 Hartford
10/22/14 Denver (BREATH!!!)
The concert for us many first timers Costa Rica fans was just amazing, and reading many of your posts (many of you have gone to many PJ concerts) makes me even more proud and happy of being part of a great show.
There are not many words to describe how I felt but it was magical and unforgetable.
I want to see PJ here again but also want to go outside the coutry to see them on their next tour.
I was at first row, in front of Mike's spot and I can tell you that he was having a blast...he kept looking for faces and pointing them out, waving and smiling, jumping and running (Team Challenge GO!!!)... He was just feeding himself from our vibe and energy! was lucky enough to get 2 guitar picks (Feels like PJ40 & the "I" from M I K E) what a souvenir for me!!!!
EV seems so happy to be playing here, he was full of energy too.. jumping Jeff, breaking tambourines (he got cutted with 2 of them, his hand was bleeding but he just wanted to give more tambourines to the crowd...
Just Breath was introduced by a speech from eddie about a couple he saw holding hands on their way to the venue and that he's been 3 weeks away from the woman he loves and that he realize the power of holding hands... his voice was so strong , like it was 1994-1995
Jeff was smiling and joking with Mike, doing his jumps.. Matt beating the s**t out of his drum set the entire night, Stone and Boom were pretty strong... it was an amazing show and and amazing night for us... by far THE CONCERT in C.R.!!!
They gave us their greatest hits but they also played some really nice unexpected ones... but having them in our country was enough for us!!!
I just really hope they can come again and give us a second chance to do the evolution and to thank them for it and for they have done for us with their music!!!
Peace and Mucho Amor from the 10C in Costa Rica !!!
11-20-11 San Jose, Costa Rica
For example!!!
11-20-11 San Jose, Costa Rica
Well done! For me, it's now two days to PJ!
I really wanna go to Costa Rica someday....
Congratulations my friends !!! Surf and PJ forever !!!
3 days later I still feeling so happy, so excited, so thanksful that I can almost cry of joy and actually I'm sitting in front of my PC, remembering, writing all of these smiling and with tears on my eyes
This was my first PJ concert ever and I had the joy of being in the front row.. I could see them so close to me that It was a dream withing a dream, something that I've never expected. They were full of energy. I could see them smiling and running by the whole stage. I felt like I was in the 90s, Vedder was running and jumping, he looked so young.... woooooooo I cannot explain everything I just can smile and fell so fucking happy hahaha.
We had a great set list. I know it was the first time in my lovely Costa Rica but common I wasn't ready for this powerful set list.
I know our crowd was a little bit tired. some of my folks spent more than 24 hours on a line fighting against weather and hunger.. but I know we tried to give the best of us to such a great people like PJ are, I hope they could feel us and I can say that did because they gave us so much joy and energy on their performance that we could feel how happy they were.
:P I just wanted to share some words and hope that all of you folks from the whole world that had the opportunity to be with us in CR had enjoyed as much as we did.
I remember to the total joy of seeing this band for the first time and how much it meant.
Glad your dream came true
Hope there's many more magical moments with this band.
Peace :-D :-D
Hyde Park 250610
Bridge School Benefit 23/241010
Manchester MEN 210612
Amsterdam Ziggodome 270612
Berlin '02' 040712
11-20-11 San Jose, Costa Rica
I'm hopping the same... :P I alreay start saving money haha! \m/
(0:00) X - Because I do...
(2:00) X with Ed - Devil Doll
(7:45) Pearl Jam - Go
(10:20) Pearl Jam - Animal
(12:33) Pearl Jam - Corduroy
I'm there on Mike's side having the time of my life!.
Thanks, really cool
As for the crowd, the pushing and shoving on Mike's side in the Alive section, although fun for a minute or two, quickly become a nuissance. It was probably a mistake to think my 5 ft wife could handle the beatings, but lesson learned. I think we just had some bad luck and ended up in one of the sections that was over the top. We also felt very unwanted as we walked through the streets of San Jose and around the venue. Lots of dirty looks and stares. Not complaining, just thought it was kind of strange.
I actually didnt mind seeing the greatest hits set list as it was actually fun watching the reaction of the crowd. First time seeing Oceans, so that was nice as well.
Moshing or not, the "Go" opening was intense and something I'll never forget.
We were on Stone's side and had the same thing...including people streaming over the banisters on the sides and running/jumping over me up to the front. I'm 5'4" and I honestly got pretty scared and made the trek to the back...where I could see, hear and move around.
I'm pale and blonde so I totally understand the stares but, we had the best luck around the stadium before the show, in-line and after the show, folks were quiet but after our initiation people were super friendly.
Eddie appeared and it was crazy, everyone tried to come to the front of the stage and the space reduced to like half! Then The band came out, started with Go ...and then I dont remember anything else.. I cried myself to tears when they played elderly woman, then given to fly, Black and Yellow Ledbetter...
It was amazing hearing the stadium singing oe oe oe oe Pearl Jam Pearl Jam...and see Eddie jumping around the stage...
Something that I would never forget, I hope you guys that came from outside the country liked it, sure a thing that we will never forget.
Couldn't say I noticed any dirty looks. I was more surprised to learn that prostitution was legal in Costa Rica (it became quite obvious walking on a few San Jose streets...).
Montreal 98, 00, 03, 05, 11
Toronto 03, 06, 11
Ottawa 05, 11
Quebec 05; Saratoga 00; Boston 04; Toledo 04
Albany 06; Honolulu 06; Hartford 08
Costa Rica 11
London (Ont.), Hartford 13
Quebec, Fenway 1 + 2 16; London 18
EV Montreal (2), Berkeley II, Albany, Boston, London (UK)
I was really really lucky to have one of few and it has now an important place on my shelf.
Prostitution is NOT Legal in my country :oops:
It is just not persecuted as from you come from but that does not make it legal, you can smoke pot almost anywhere but that does not make it legal either. Let's say that is part of our freedom.