*** Lima Fanviews Here 11/18/11 ***



  • Aero83_Aero83_ Posts: 933
    Never heard or seen anything quite like it..

    I had the semi-unique experience of being on the streets outside the stadium when they went into Corduroy. In a queue of about a thousand people still waiting to get inside and amongst another three or four thousand just loitering to enjoy the audio overflow. During Interstellar Overdrive you could see the electricity building and starting to pulsate through the street and up to the balconies overhead. When Corduroy kicked in the streets exploded and the cops in riot gear seemed to be not such a bad idea after all. The queue started moving much faster as people were just on dead sprints towards the stadium.. so crazy and loved it.

    I guess it’s already been two weeks since that night and just getting back into my California routine. I may have to start my youtube views now to refresh my memory. Had an amazing few days in and around Lima and this concert and the Peruvian audience was definitely the pinnacle…Thanks, and can’t wait to go back
    ...10/31/09, 05/21/10, Peru, Los Angeles
  • SuziemaySuziemay Posts: 11,168
    chute wrote:
    The concert of my life!!!, it was the concert that i waited forever, it was the first time that i saw my favorite band, with the bonus that it was in my country, with my people, i never saw a peruvian crowd so wild loading people over the heads of the others, it was like a movie, so unreal but so great, i couldn't beleive that these guys felt the music in the way that i do, cus here in Peru the majority listen shit music all the time and they don't know Pearl Jam, so 25000 people it's a great great number, i went to ten izquierda with the most craziest fans, i enjoy all the show, two months ago i ask for "Inmortality" one of my favorites, a very Lima song like i fell, and they played it, then they played the song that i sing to my little boy everyday "Small Town" so i remenber my son, it was a stirring moment, a couple of songs later came the best song of the night for me "Black" with that one i cried, it never happens to me in a concert, but that night and particulary that moment was truly magical, I was singing next to my cousin in a single voice totally surrender to the band like everybody arround us, i felt my soul dancing, i remenbered my wife the love of my live, it was a delicious calm while singing the end of the song, tururu rururu like a hundred times, without voice we stopped and they have to stop, i know they don't want to cus in that song they felt all the love that the peruvian fans felt for them, it was a really beautifull moment, then they played "Go" and we destroy each other jajaja and until the end it was an amazing concert.

    Finally i want to share an anecdote of the show, in the song "Just Breathe" Eddie invited a two nearly weds of the fan club, who decided to spend their honey moon with the band following in the Latin American Tour, i'm impress cus is a great detail of the band for the fans, anyone could be them, that's a great band, that´s my band, hope see you again, Pearl jam was here and i'll never forget, thanks God to remenber Peru and for all.

  • In a minute on Pearl Jam Radio....
    Santiago I 2005
    Santiago II 2005
    West Palm Beach 2008
    Alpine Valley PJ20 I 2011
    Alpine Valley PJ 20 II 2011
    Santiago 2011
    Lima 2011
    Buenos Aires 2013
    Brooklyn I 2013
    Brooklyn II 2013
    Santiago 2015
    Bogota 2015
    Ft Lauderdale 2016
    Miami 2016
    Rio de Janeiro 2018
    Boston 2 2018
  • feeling again that memorable concert, feeling again my sweat, my shouts, the "pogo" and also all the exciement, Peal Jam , merci beaucoup. :D Olé!
  • Different spot in stadium, different point of view for my first concert ever not-in-Holland :-) (Yes, I'm a fake-fan :-P)

    When I walked into the stadium I knew it was as bad a venue as I had feared. Felt really lucky I wasn't in one of seats, far, far away, but in the Ten section...where people were already pushing-pushing-pushing, Found the perfect spot for me: Second part, right at the middle, fourth row. Always need something to hold on to at crazy concerts. And I knew it was going to be crazy as around me the testosteron was flying through the air. At least 90% guys in my section. Oops. Latin American-men that is. Totally different from Dutch guys ;)

    When Eddie came on stage during X, I could feel the temperature rise within seconds. Litterally! And the start of the concert was mental. As I was just trying to survive, people were being pulled out by the dozens. Some within 5 seconds. Felt so sorry for them. Security and the nurses (?they had white coats on, like the guys with stethoscopes around their necks) looked really scared. The whole concert they were giving water in cups, and pouring water over our heads. Like that could cool us down :)

    It took awhile for me not to be distracted by Peruvian craziness and to enjoy the concert. It sounded so much better than expected! Better than at the Dutch stadium I saw PJ in! And terrific setlist, for the crowd. Ofcourse, a lot of them only knew the hitsongs (and they got them all!), some where only there to try to push forward, but nobody talked and texting would have made you lose your phone! So all in all, a very devoted crowd where I was.

    Felt the opener with Corduroy and the line Can't buy what you want because it's free very fitting to Lima. After travelling in South America for two months I was suprised about Lima -especially Miraflores where I stay and a lot of the crowd at the stadium. They are living the 'rich' life: Going to terribly expensive concerts, eating out in fancy restaurants, living in appartments with a high fence around it, having expensive phones. But it's not all about the money....

    Why go? next was brillant, as I'm not going home for a long time and I'm so happy about that :-)

    Highlight for me were all the machos around me singing from their toes 'Can't find a betterman' followed up by Black (hooray!). Was really happy with Last Kiss, for the first time. Imagine the rest of the stadium being happy with Alive for their very first time...after 20 years of waiting. Made the song so much more powerful. Loved the Eddie 'solo'songs. And the ending was just brillant.

    All in all an experience I would not have liked to miss. Made me feel like I truly was getting to know Peru through being at the concert. Were a lot of lovely people around me taking care of me when things got wild, like Martinvedder took care of us the whole day. Thanks for that! Hope they all don't have to wait another 20 years! And hope I'll get to see PJ (or Eddie solo...) next year closer to home :-)

    For me the concert was espectacular... but wanted ANIMAL!!! also, but still that night i was very happy!!!! And the 10c friends who came to concert are out of this world!! crazy people as me!! many hugs to you!

    These words have been marked in my memory..

    "Ahora... ahora diré algo que he querido decir por mucho tiempo... HOLA LIMA PERÚ!!!!...les hemos querido conocer por mucho tiempo....les pedimos un favor...que se cuiden unos a otros, queremos su seguridad.... es lo mas importante!!, NOS ESPERA UNA LARGA NOCHE DE MUSICA, DE ACUERDO???!!!....... COOL!!!"
    Eddie Vedder 18/11/2011 (san marcos stadium, LIma Perú)

    Adriana, Mr and Mrs Milan was a pleasure stay with yours, I hope to see them again soon...

    With very love from Perú..


    Adriana, my friend not lose contact....write me..
    BS.AS. 26/11/05; LIMA 18/11/11
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