**Montreal Fanviews Here**



  • The show was amazing The band was full of energy! It's hard to believe Eddie is 41!(Sorry Eddie) I was suprised but excited that they opened with release! I went to the show wearing my ramone tank top and was happy to see eddie wearing his as well remembering his dear friend.I think i had to be one of the few girls around me though that stood the whole time and sang every god damn song! Peeps around me were sitting I ask myself how? but I guess not everybody can be a vedhead like me lol! People saw my shirt and wanted to push me to the front but the security wasnt having it. Bummer! Overall I had goosebumps the whole night and was very impressed with the set list. I was really happy to hear In my tree and Crazy Mary, although I could never have any dissapointments with anything they do! Overall Great night and I'm still replaying it i my head! Just wish I was with the dudes who by chance got to hang out with him after the show.
    I had a false belief I thought I came here to stay. we're all just visiting, breaking like waves! - E.V.

    "Heaven is not a place you go when you die
    it's that moment you touch her and you actually feel alive."- The Spill Canvas
  • KaddikatKaddikat Posts: 1,194
    ok so earlier I posted Bee girl was not played... so now that Ive had a few hours of sleep...im more :confused: ok yeah these are not the best quality (gotta love cellphone pix) but my scanner is not up and running just yet...

    ok so this was the montreal encore set list

    HERE: http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y33/Kaddikat/Picture009.jpg

    but look whats on the back -

    http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y33/Kaddikat/Picture008.jpg eh...

    so I posted incorrect info... lol sorry :p
    **Get outa my way, just step aside, or pay the price ~ AC/DC**

    You make me feel uncalm and I think I like it - 311


    "Jeff is just a badass all the way across the board" ~aNiMaL~

    "Chill out Kaddikat"
  • I met Eddie before the Montreal gig and talked to him and I mentioned to him if he could possibly play Light Years..He said that that could work..
    So to my suprise he played it that night which fit in nicely with the Johnny Ramone theme..
    He gave me his Johnny pin he wore at the show after the show too.
    He hooked me up with 2 tickets to the quebec city show ...the seats were 3 rows from the stage..

    so if anyone knows Eddie tell Him I thank him
    "Like a bird on the wire like a drunk in a midnight choir I have tried in my way to be free"
  • thesavageguythesavageguy Seattle, WA Posts: 39
    Kaddikat wrote:
    ok so earlier I posted Bee girl was not played... so now that Ive had a few hours of sleep...im more :confused: ok yeah these are not the best quality (gotta love cellphone pix) but my scanner is not up and running just yet...

    ok so this was the montreal encore set list

    HERE: http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y33/Kaddikat/Picture009.jpg

    but look whats on the back -

    http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y33/Kaddikat/Picture008.jpg eh...

    so I posted incorrect info... lol sorry :p

    I see you also got a tamborine and pics...NICE!

    Was anyone able to get a pic of Stone? I'm trying to find a pic where you can see his shirt, trying to see what it is.

  • The montreal show rocked ! PJ was on fire !! The fans were into it, and the bootleg came out great.

    ................The only downside was the agressive security.
  • agressive??? it felt we were in "bande de gaza" with army chekpoints....
    security was "over reacting" ..me too...it's my only downside...

    I think they thought that Pearl Jam is a agressive punk band...lol
    Show ws amazing!!
    I had a quebec flag!!!!!!!!!!

  • It's been 15 days since we made the 6 hr drive up to the beautiful city of Montreal, and I've had a shitty couple of weeks since. I've just gotten a chance to sit down and really listen to my boot from the show for the first time, and my god this was an amazing show... I don't think it's gotten quite the hype as some of the other Canadian shows (and I can't speak about them, as I wasn't there for any of them) but in my opinion it was amazing and definately deserving of praise. The crowd was electric, the setlist solid as always, and the band was meshing as well if not better than I've ever seen. It was a night to remember.

    I just wanted to take a minute here to reflect on that night, as it was a highly (and longly) anticipated night for me, and the band made it incredibly special. Listening to the boot now lets me throw away all the stuff that's made for some shitty days for me of late, and I thank the band (and everyone who showed up! Wow the Bell Centre is big!) for giving me a release from the daily grind...
  • hi guys,

    I just posted some videos from the Montreal show on google. Sorry it has been so long, but man, I didn't know where to put them before. Sorry for the quality, but on my computer, the image is absolutely perfect (once it's on internet, it's pretty awful). And sorry for having moved the camera while I was filming. I was just too excited!!

    I also got some very good pictures, perhaps one day I'll decide to put them on the net.

    http://video.google.com/videosearch?q=% ... treal+2005"+playable:true
  • AngusAngus Posts: 376
    thank you very much for that
    it's very nice to see little pieces of the concert back!!
    00: 7/2 (cancelled...)
    05: 9/11,9/12,9/13,9/15,9/16,9/19
    06: 8/23,8/30, 9/9, 9/11
    07: 6/26, 6/29
  • Ten Club came thru for me again with a pair of front row center seats for Montreal & Ottawa! Meet some super cool PJ Fans in Montreal, Ottawa, Pittsburgh & Philly!! Hope to see ya next Summer!!!


    The show was dedicated to Johnny.. one year goes by pretty fast. That fact put songs like Light Years in a whole new perspective. Good show all-around, glad I went. Thanks to the guy who sold me the shitty seat for $40, and thanks to security for not noticing me gradually working my way lower.
    Pearl Jam Shows: 11/05/91, 11/08/91, 11/16/91, 4/08/92, 5/09/92, 8/04/92, 8/07/92, 9/08/92, 8/18/93, 11/06/93, 11/07/93, 4/07/94, 4/10/94, 9/28/96, 9/13/98, 8/27/00, 4/29/03, 5/02/03, 6/29/03, 7/02/03, 7/03/03, 7/06/03, 7/11/03, 7/14/03, 9/28/04, 9/29/04, 10/01/04, 10/02/04, 9/15/05, 9/16/05, 9/28/05, 10/03/05, 5/12/06, 5/13/06, 5/20/06, 5/27/06, 5/28/06, 6/03/06, 8/05/07, 6/20/08, 6/22/08, 6/24/08, 6/25/08, 6/27/08, 6/28/08, 6/30/08, 10/27/09, 10/28/09, 10/30/09, 10/31/09, 5/10/10, 5/21/10, 9/07/11, 9/12/11, 9/14/11 & 9/15/11.
    Side Projects/Solo Shows: Brad 10/27/02, Eddie Vedder: 8/2/08, 6/8 & 6/9/09, 6/16/11 & 6/18/11.
  • Ten Club came thru for me again with a pair of front row center seats for Montreal & Ottawa! As luck would have it I was wearing my Ramones t-shirt and Eddie took a (Johnny) Ramones pin off of his jacket and handed it to me during the show! And later a hand written note with the lyrics to the Ramones "I Wanna Be Your Boyfriend" which was tagged onto "Betterman"!


    The show was dedicated to Johnny.. one year goes by pretty fast. That fact put songs like Light Years in a whole new perspective. Good show all-around, glad I went. Thanks to the guy who sold me the shitty seat for $40, and thanks to security for not noticing me gradually working my way lower.
    Pearl Jam Shows: 11/05/91, 11/08/91, 11/16/91, 4/08/92, 5/09/92, 8/04/92, 8/07/92, 9/08/92, 8/18/93, 11/06/93, 11/07/93, 4/07/94, 4/10/94, 9/28/96, 9/13/98, 8/27/00, 4/29/03, 5/02/03, 6/29/03, 7/02/03, 7/03/03, 7/06/03, 7/11/03, 7/14/03, 9/28/04, 9/29/04, 10/01/04, 10/02/04, 9/15/05, 9/16/05, 9/28/05, 10/03/05, 5/12/06, 5/13/06, 5/20/06, 5/27/06, 5/28/06, 6/03/06, 8/05/07, 6/20/08, 6/22/08, 6/24/08, 6/25/08, 6/27/08, 6/28/08, 6/30/08, 10/27/09, 10/28/09, 10/30/09, 10/31/09, 5/10/10, 5/21/10, 9/07/11, 9/12/11, 9/14/11 & 9/15/11.
    Side Projects/Solo Shows: Brad 10/27/02, Eddie Vedder: 8/2/08, 6/8 & 6/9/09, 6/16/11 & 6/18/11.
  • Did anyone else get stopped at the border?
    Both myself and a second group of Pearl Jam fans (not related) were stopped at the border on the way to Montreal for a Q&A and car search.
    First time in many trips that it happened. What gives?


    agressive??? it felt we were in "bande de gaza" with army chekpoints....
    security was "over reacting" ..me too...it's my only downside...

    I think they thought that Pearl Jam is a agressive punk band...lol
    Show ws amazing!!
    I had a quebec flag!!!!!!!!!!

    Pearl Jam Shows: 11/05/91, 11/08/91, 11/16/91, 4/08/92, 5/09/92, 8/04/92, 8/07/92, 9/08/92, 8/18/93, 11/06/93, 11/07/93, 4/07/94, 4/10/94, 9/28/96, 9/13/98, 8/27/00, 4/29/03, 5/02/03, 6/29/03, 7/02/03, 7/03/03, 7/06/03, 7/11/03, 7/14/03, 9/28/04, 9/29/04, 10/01/04, 10/02/04, 9/15/05, 9/16/05, 9/28/05, 10/03/05, 5/12/06, 5/13/06, 5/20/06, 5/27/06, 5/28/06, 6/03/06, 8/05/07, 6/20/08, 6/22/08, 6/24/08, 6/25/08, 6/27/08, 6/28/08, 6/30/08, 10/27/09, 10/28/09, 10/30/09, 10/31/09, 5/10/10, 5/21/10, 9/07/11, 9/12/11, 9/14/11 & 9/15/11.
    Side Projects/Solo Shows: Brad 10/27/02, Eddie Vedder: 8/2/08, 6/8 & 6/9/09, 6/16/11 & 6/18/11.
  • I got a handwritten set of Ramones lyrics from Eddie for "I Wanna Be Your Boyfriend" tag on "Betterman" during the Montreal Show. Super Cool!


    This was a great show no doubt but, my friend got the setlist and there were a couple of great songs that they didnt play. If they would have played these, if would have been the best concert this tour;

    I got shit
    and yes they didnt play Bee Girl

    Once I saw that they didnt play these, I was amazed. Tonight I am going to the Ottawa Concert and hopefully these song are still on there mind and they will play them.
    Pearl Jam Shows: 11/05/91, 11/08/91, 11/16/91, 4/08/92, 5/09/92, 8/04/92, 8/07/92, 9/08/92, 8/18/93, 11/06/93, 11/07/93, 4/07/94, 4/10/94, 9/28/96, 9/13/98, 8/27/00, 4/29/03, 5/02/03, 6/29/03, 7/02/03, 7/03/03, 7/06/03, 7/11/03, 7/14/03, 9/28/04, 9/29/04, 10/01/04, 10/02/04, 9/15/05, 9/16/05, 9/28/05, 10/03/05, 5/12/06, 5/13/06, 5/20/06, 5/27/06, 5/28/06, 6/03/06, 8/05/07, 6/20/08, 6/22/08, 6/24/08, 6/25/08, 6/27/08, 6/28/08, 6/30/08, 10/27/09, 10/28/09, 10/30/09, 10/31/09, 5/10/10, 5/21/10, 9/07/11, 9/12/11, 9/14/11 & 9/15/11.
    Side Projects/Solo Shows: Brad 10/27/02, Eddie Vedder: 8/2/08, 6/8 & 6/9/09, 6/16/11 & 6/18/11.
  • I'm drunk!.....so I don't have much to say but that I was THERE and I loved it !!!.was at the Ottawa show as well !
    PJ rocks
    Master of Zen
  • Exactly 3 months ago Montreal rocked! Finally, after 5+ years of my last show, I went to see the boys again. And it was amazing. Thanks for the wonderful night. Great energy, awesome songs, heard Sad, Down and others, loved I believe in Miracles and Trouble. Just amazing. Even though I was SO tired and still a bit drunk LOL, I had a blast there.

    I had fun at Grumpy's before the show, met some cool jammers, wow, some of you were REALLY loud, :D
    met a COOL Canadian from the board who had a 10c ticket for me, had some beers (hehe), sang some songs, anyways, nice worm up... And finally, the show. I loved every minute of it. It was like in a dream... :) Couldn't believe I was there... Finally, after all those years...

    I'll stop now... :D

    Anyways, remember that night, cause it rocked! :)

    Thanks, Pearl Jam!
    "I surfaced and all of my being was enlightened"
  • Wow, three months already? It felt like it took SO long for this show to finally happen, then bam, it's three months later!

    I think this was one of the more underrated shows of the NA tour. I absolutely loved it! The band sounded great that night... think I shall give the boot a listen now... :)
  • Everytime I go see the Habs plays at the Bell center
    I always think about the show!!! So much!!!!!
    I miss you already!!!!


    I live in Laval, I'm looking for some musicians to make a band. Drum, bass and guitar are needed. More songs with voices can be sent on demand.
  • Wow, can't believe it's been 5 MONTHS since the show... :D
    "I surfaced and all of my being was enlightened"
  • Wow, can't believe it's been 5 MONTHS since the show... :D

    Dobar Dan..!

    I was at this show too. Met Ed, Stone and Jeff earlier in the day. One of the most memorable days of my life. I know your country well. I served as a peacekeeper in Bosnia several years ago.

    y drugi put..


    Montreal 98
    WPB I & II 00
    Montreal,Toronto 00
    Montreal 03
    Montreal 05
    Toronto 06

    "Enjoy the water" - EV 2005-09-15, as we shook hands.
  • Dobar Dan..!

    I was at this show too. Met Ed, Stone and Jeff earlier in the day. One of the most memorable days of my life. I know your country well. I served as a peacekeeper in Bosnia several years ago.

    y drugi put..


    Wow, you're lucky, meeting Ed, Stone and Jeff :eek: I wish I had the opportunity, but I was running around Montreal all day trying to find a place to stay and after that, Grumpy's. :D

    Drago mi je! :) You've been to my country, im impressed.
    It's a small world. ;)

    Cujemo se... :)
    "I surfaced and all of my being was enlightened"
  • Wow, you're lucky, meeting Ed, Stone and Jeff :eek: I wish I had the opportunity, but I was running around Montreal all day trying to find a place to stay and after that, Grumpy's. :D

    Drago mi je! :) You've been to my country, im impressed.
    It's a small world. ;)

    Cujemo se... :)

    Nice to meet you too! It was an amazing time...I met them just outside where they were staying during my lunch hour from work actually, and they were all very pleasant to talk to.

    I didn't go to Grumpy's before or after the show, and now I'm regretting it. Might have met a nice Croatian girl! lol..I know the place well, spent alot of time there during my Uni. days. I'm impressed that you came all the way over to Canada to see PJ. Is this the only reason you came? I've been to Split, Zagreb and Ploce. I would have liked to have seen Dubrovnik, but we didn't get to go.

    Montreal 98
    WPB I & II 00
    Montreal,Toronto 00
    Montreal 03
    Montreal 05
    Toronto 06

    "Enjoy the water" - EV 2005-09-15, as we shook hands.
  • tellerteller Posts: 16
    'wish i was there,

    but i was washing 'something,

    'hey when can i get a chance,

    just to see you in concert,

    'how much for a tic?,

    '165 a crap?!

    i don't have that on me,

    'but i hope some little 'gals or guys',

    "get the experience"!!
  • tellerteller Posts: 16
    " have you 'ever' just thought of 'plastic surgery'?"

    'to look like a 'tree leaf' delicately-

    'blowing' through the wind'

    'getting' at your 'hair',

    'breakin' your "Lazarus-Crypt"-

    "N" the 'delicate 'petals' break apart,

    'to 'reveal' a infertile seed,

    "hey- the power of flower power-

    "it's in the "eyes"


    "AT CLEOPATRA'S EYES!"@#$%^&amp;*@#$%^&amp;*@#$%^&amp;*@#$%^&amp;*@#$%^&amp;*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!>?
  • evzarevzar Posts: 45
    I know im VERY late but heres a video I took of Sleater Kinney joining Eddie for "Harvest Moon" Enjoy :)

  • cropdustresscropdustress Posts: 4,339
    evzar wrote:
    I know im VERY late but heres a video I took of Sleater Kinney joining Eddie for "Harvest Moon" Enjoy :)

    I was there. it was amazing. :)
    "I surfaced and all of my being was enlightened"
  • elevation622elevation622 Posts: 926
    Just listened to the boot again, what a great underrated show! Black, Release etc... were unbeliveable!
  • jimbojones1138jimbojones1138 Posts: 3,640
    Just listened to the boot again, what a great underrated show! Black, Release etc... were unbeliveable!

    amazing show... trouble really stands out for me at this show...oh and betterman tagged with "i wanna be your boyfriend" :thumbup:

    also during given to fly...after the lyrics:

    Arms wide open with the sea as his floor
    Oh, power, oh
    He's.. flying.....whole

    ... eddie kinda reached both hands up in the air to grab onto this imaginary globe of energy or light with his hands, and walked away with it backwards...the way that it looked, it was giving off such power as his hands were rotating around it...

    i will never forget that image for as long as i live... :clap::clap::clap: effin' amazing!!!
    it's largely due to eddie that i liked to jump off of things as a child...
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