I posted this below, but maybe I thought I'd move it to the official thread:
What can I say...WOW, that was an incredible show!!! The guys came out tonight and put on a remarkable show. They opened with unbelievable energy w/ MFC and carried all the way through to the end with Ledbetter. In between was some serious wine and beer drinking by Ed (this was the third time they played the Adams Center but Ed said it was the first then remembered one other time when he also had too much red wine). Ed was engaging, funny and he sounded great. Other than missing the intro on Greivance, he did wonderful tonight. He apologized for "the alignment being off on the first night and he profusely thanked everyone for coming out for the opener. He said that the older they get the more they appreciate their fans. They sure treated the fans to an awsome opener in Missoula!
Nothing off the new album, but an incredible set list regardless. We heard some Lost Dogs - Sad, Bee Girl(!) and Black, Red, Yellow(!). BRY was a tribute to six guys who work together to achieve a common goal, and one of them was in attendance tonight. For a second I thought maybe Dennis Rodman was in attendance but it turned out to be Phil Jackson. Killer Lukin, but Ed missed the lyrics on Grievance so they let it die, huddled together and then went into Whipping instead. Alive had an sweet, slower intro that I've only heard on one other boot (sorry, can't place it right now) - Daughter tagged out with Another Brick in the Wall with all new lyrics about not needing any more FOX News and "Press, leave Cindy Sheehan alone."
All in all another awesome show for Missoula! I can't begin to tell you how fortunate we are to have PJ visit us regularly. Thanks Jeff and thank PJ!!!! Now I need to rest up so I'm ready for the Gorge on the 1st. If tonight was any indication, the boys are ready to kick some serious ass this time around (again)!
I'm now praying for an unofficial boot. That was way too sweet not to share with everyone and add to the permanent collection! I'm pooped out from rockin' my ass off - 'night all! Sweet dreams tonight!!!!
(I'm up again. My throat is sore from screaming out my lungs last night. If I had the cash and time I'd cover all of Canada following these guys. I think it's going to be so damn fun watching them pull out random Lost Dogs and even a few newbies from the upcoming album. I've got one more show at the Gorge and then I leave it to you all. Enjoy! I know I sure did!)
AND MR MCCREADY IS CRAZY SKINNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
With awesome red hair, but no, he lost a ton of wait, LOOKIN GOOD!
Get it now, get enough, before its gone, let's everybody carry on, carry on....
join the street team http://wishlistfoundation.fancorps.com
"headphones are highly recommended...." Jeff Ament
Here's some random thoughts from the show. Last night was amazing. All the guys look great. Ed has his 95 hair back, Mike is looking in super shape. I had some of the best seats I have had for a show, right on 1st row side stage. The crowd was kind of wierd. Not really a typical PJ show crowd. You had a lot of political donors who had no idea who PJ was. One guy asked me "is that Pearl Jam playing" when the opening band was on. Uh, no dude. The other part of the crowd seemed like college kids who just wanted to see a show, and got really excited when the crowd favorites like Even Flow or Alive came on. Still there was a great energy in the night. There were technical difficulties, guitars cutting out, etc that happens on the first show of a tour, but it didn't detract from the show. Highlights for me were Sad, Bee Girl, Given to Fly. It was the first time I heard Ed talk about his daughter, and how it's changed him so much. He talked about people need to leave Cindy Sheehan alone then ripped into a very angry Lukin. During Porch he proceeded to rip all the strings off his guitar! One thing that suprised me was no Corduroy! Yes I have heard it a million times, but I still missed it. Boom was there, but didn't have any solos at all, just kind of contributed to the overall sound. He must have had a pretty low mix level though, because even though I saw him playiing I couldn't hear anything from him. Matt was a fucking machine. Mike was on fire running around like he was possessed. Stone spent a good portion of the show facing his amp, and playing around with his pedals. Jeff was on as usual. All in all a great night with some rarities and good energy. 2 days till the Gorge.
Glad you had a great time and thanks for the review!!
c'mon, down_ski, more pics.
ok ok no pressure....
Im at work :( !! My lunch break is in........about 2 hours
...I will have 1 more than I promise.
(Its hard for me to find a good picture, it was hard when i have a weak little digicam and everyones moving, so they might be a little blurry, but i did my best!
If someone doesn't post some information on the supposed performance of Bee Girl I'm going to freak out. Considering it was nothing but jeff and ed fooling around on lost dogs, what did it sound like this time? Was it just the two of them or did the whole band join in? was it a goofy improv around the same basic idea or did they actually learn their improvisation note for note off of lost dogs? please somebody who was at the show post some information about music instead of how the band looked.
Hell yeah no covers on the 06 tour when i hopefully see them too!
Did they say anything before bee girl? Like this is the second time we've ever played it or it is dedicated to ....? Anything like that?
No dedication, but Ed did say that they wanted to try something that they had never played live before. I was just getting ready for something new and then he said it was actually something that they had never played live IN MISSOULA, a little song called Bee Girl.
Just got home after a wild 24 hours, and I HAVE to write a quick review.
I've seen PJ 3 times now.
1 - Missoula '98 - had seats as far away as you could get, and it was kind of like listening to the radio w/ a bunch of people. Not great.
2 - Vegas '03 - Amazing show! The crowd had awesome energy, Ed was really wine drunk, and the set list was very cool.
3 - Missoula '05. Hands down the best Pearl Jam show I've seen, and easily the best concert I've ever been to. I was worried all day yesterday that the show would be mostly a politcal rally w/ a short set and a bunch of Vedder politics. I couldn't have been more wrong! From the moment the show started it was obvious they weren't there to pull a quick fund raiser and leave - this was a real show! When I bought my seats I thought they were going to really suck. They were all the way at the back left side of the floor, about 5 rows up. I was totally wrong there, too. My fan club seats in Vegas were further away. I was a basketball courts distance from the band, and pretty much everyone in attendence had a great view of the show - which was cool, and contributed to the energy of the crowd. Speaking of the crowd, it was mentioned in another review of the show that this obviously wasn't a crowd you'd find at a normal PJ show. The crowd was decent, but at times got pretty mellow. The section right behind me (about 4 rows worth) sat for the entire show. (Don't worry I got drunk and encouraged them to stand -- to no avail). Most everyone in the arena, though, stood for the whole show, which I thought showed a lot of respect for the band.
I guess I could mention the music, too, eh? Before the show, I had picked 3 songs I wanted to hear last night -- Lukin, DTE, and Porch. And my buddy I was with had also picked 3, and odd ones at that -- Faithfull, I got Id, and In My Tree. Out of 6 songs we wanted, we got 5. That's pretty damn cool! Of course everyone has a different of a perfect set list, but in my opinion last nights was about as good as it gets. I'll just mention bits of it... MFC was a cool opener. 1/2 full is a great pick off of Riot Act, Given to Fly was awesome live (and the more Yield the better!). Sad was super cool. Lukin into Grievance was sweet, even though the latter faded away. Nothing as it Seems isn't really the greatest live song, but it was nice to have a bit of a break for a few minutes - and RVM was, as always, a great live song.
As for the encores - Small Town plays great in MT, slight of hand was a weird pick, but sounded great, given my name, you'd have to assume I went nuts when Glorified G came on, and Black and Alive were nothing new or exciting, but still really solid. The next encore is where the show went from being a great PJ show to a spectacular PJ show. After Alive the band left the stage and the crowd went insane. Stomping, pounding, and yelling. Very cool! Then Ed and Jeff came out and performed Bee Girl. For the people who knew to appreciate the song for it's rarity, it was very special. Jeff sat and played acoustic, and Ed sang and did motions along w/ the song. They really looked like they had fun performing it, and I'll bet they'll do it again on this tour. Then they followed it w/ another awesome rare song. I've loved BRY for years, and was stoked to hear them do it live. As w/ Sad, I don't know if they've played it live before, but it was cool. Betterman was cool, but pretty standard, but they they played Porch. It started off almost unrecognizable, as Eddie sang really slow and 'pretty'. My mind gets a little fuzzy toward the end of night, but somewhere in there they started rocking it out and it was fan-tas-tic. Had that been the last song of the night, I would have left a happy man. But no, there was one more. The band left the stage, the crowd went wild again, and they came back out. The flipped the house lights on and played Ledbetter under full lights. By this point, the lame people in the crowd had left to 'beat the rush', so everyone still there was on their feet yelling at the top of their lungs. As always, a great closing song.
Okay, I guess this didn't end up being short, but I'm still so excited I had to share it w/ everybody. I totally forgot at the end of the show to go buy an Ames poster, as I never did see where they were selling them, so I'm REALLY hoping they'll have leftovers to sell later. The excitement of the show was so overwhelming I completely spaced out getting souvenirs.
Anyways, if you can't tell, I thought this show was AMAZING! I would do anything for an official boot of the show, but sometimes life's not fair, right? Hopefully someone at least made a decent recording so I can have that for my collection instead.
Headed to Calgary next weekend. Will probably write another rambling half-awake review of that one, too!
p.s. did kerensa or anyone snap any nice pics?
06/29/03 09/22/05 09/24/05 09/25/05 05/09/06 05/10/06
Antwerp -Belgium- Europe
(lame post to get email notification for this thread)
Tell Kerensa to get up and develop the pictures!!
hurry up!
EDIT: Thanks for the review, mtjammer!!
EV: It's your band.
~Q Magazine
"Kisses for the glow...kisses for the lease." - BDRII
What can I say...WOW, that was an incredible show!!! The guys came out tonight and put on a remarkable show. They opened with unbelievable energy w/ MFC and carried all the way through to the end with Ledbetter. In between was some serious wine and beer drinking by Ed (this was the third time they played the Adams Center but Ed said it was the first then remembered one other time when he also had too much red wine). Ed was engaging, funny and he sounded great. Other than missing the intro on Greivance, he did wonderful tonight. He apologized for "the alignment being off on the first night and he profusely thanked everyone for coming out for the opener. He said that the older they get the more they appreciate their fans. They sure treated the fans to an awsome opener in Missoula!
Nothing off the new album, but an incredible set list regardless. We heard some Lost Dogs - Sad, Bee Girl(!) and Black, Red, Yellow(!). BRY was a tribute to six guys who work together to achieve a common goal, and one of them was in attendance tonight. For a second I thought maybe Dennis Rodman was in attendance but it turned out to be Phil Jackson. Killer Lukin, but Ed missed the lyrics on Grievance so they let it die, huddled together and then went into Whipping instead. Alive had an sweet, slower intro that I've only heard on one other boot (sorry, can't place it right now) - Daughter tagged out with Another Brick in the Wall with all new lyrics about not needing any more FOX News and "Press, leave Cindy Sheehan alone."
All in all another awesome show for Missoula! I can't begin to tell you how fortunate we are to have PJ visit us regularly. Thanks Jeff and thank PJ!!!! Now I need to rest up so I'm ready for the Gorge on the 1st. If tonight was any indication, the boys are ready to kick some serious ass this time around (again)!
I'm now praying for an unofficial boot. That was way too sweet not to share with everyone and add to the permanent collection! I'm pooped out from rockin' my ass off - 'night all! Sweet dreams tonight!!!!
(I'm up again. My throat is sore from screaming out my lungs last night. If I had the cash and time I'd cover all of Canada following these guys. I think it's going to be so damn fun watching them pull out random Lost Dogs and even a few newbies from the upcoming album. I've got one more show at the Gorge and then I leave it to you all. Enjoy! I know I sure did!)
2/8/95 (Missoula)
10/20/01 (Bridge School), 10/21/01 (Bridge School)
5/28/03 (Missoula)
8/29/05 (Missoula), 9/1/05 (The Gorge)
2/8/95 (Missoula)
10/20/01 (Bridge School), 10/21/01 (Bridge School)
5/28/03 (Missoula)
8/29/05 (Missoula), 9/1/05 (The Gorge)
Its not much, but its a picture
With awesome red hair, but no, he lost a ton of wait, LOOKIN GOOD!
He looks just like me, a mirror
The more you read, we've been deceived
Everyday it becomes clearer,...
What does it say behind Mike and Eddie?
Was Eddie walking to get more beer on the left side of the stage??
Which song was this pic taken during??
Got any more?
Edit: So that is where the rehersal pictures were taken??
EV: It's your band.
~Q Magazine
"Kisses for the glow...kisses for the lease." - BDRII
Two more weeks for me!!
BOS-9/28/04,9/29/04,6/28/08,6/30/08, 9/5/16, 9/7/16, 9/2/18
MTL-9/15/05, OTT-9/16/05
ATX-10/4/09, 10/12/14
Bridge School-10/23/2010,10/24/2010
i am loving the red hair
Get it now, get enough, before its gone, let's everybody carry on, carry on....
join the street team
"headphones are highly recommended...." Jeff Ament
It says "BASS" in neon spraypaint or somthing
Eddie was always wonderin around, but after his wine he started some Heinekin
I wanna say the picture was takin during Alive, but im only like 98% sure
Ya, i got a few more! so i'll post them when i got 'em
So it says "BASS" on Jeff's cabinets. Awesome!
any info on eds new gear? there were rumours about him changing his amp setup...
Glad you had a great time and thanks for the review!!
c'mon, down_ski, more pics.
ok ok no pressure....
EV: It's your band.
~Q Magazine
"Kisses for the glow...kisses for the lease." - BDRII
Im at work :( !! My lunch break is in........about 2 hours
...I will have 1 more than
(Its hard for me to find a good picture, it was hard when i have a weak little digicam and everyones moving, so they might be a little blurry, but i did my best!
This gets me so incredibly excited for Thunder Bay I can't even explain.
6-21-03 Alpine Valley
9-9-05 Thunder Bay
2/8/95 (Missoula)
10/20/01 (Bridge School), 10/21/01 (Bridge School)
5/28/03 (Missoula)
8/29/05 (Missoula), 9/1/05 (The Gorge)
That's what I noticed right away - no covers.
I hope it continues.
Pearl jam songs are AWESOME! but i would have loved to hear Rockin' in the Free World....:( maybe next time...
Hell yeah no covers on the 06 tour when i hopefully see them too!
Did they say anything before bee girl? Like this is the second time we've ever played it or it is dedicated to ....? Anything like that?
Charlotte 03
Asheville 04
Atlanta 12
Greenville 16, Columbia 16
Seattle 18
Nashville 22
Ohana Festival 24 x2
No dedication, but Ed did say that they wanted to try something that they had never played live before. I was just getting ready for something new and then he said it was actually something that they had never played live IN MISSOULA, a little song called Bee Girl.
2/8/95 (Missoula)
10/20/01 (Bridge School), 10/21/01 (Bridge School)
5/28/03 (Missoula)
8/29/05 (Missoula), 9/1/05 (The Gorge)
I've seen PJ 3 times now.
1 - Missoula '98 - had seats as far away as you could get, and it was kind of like listening to the radio w/ a bunch of people. Not great.
2 - Vegas '03 - Amazing show! The crowd had awesome energy, Ed was really wine drunk, and the set list was very cool.
3 - Missoula '05. Hands down the best Pearl Jam show I've seen, and easily the best concert I've ever been to. I was worried all day yesterday that the show would be mostly a politcal rally w/ a short set and a bunch of Vedder politics. I couldn't have been more wrong! From the moment the show started it was obvious they weren't there to pull a quick fund raiser and leave - this was a real show! When I bought my seats I thought they were going to really suck. They were all the way at the back left side of the floor, about 5 rows up. I was totally wrong there, too. My fan club seats in Vegas were further away. I was a basketball courts distance from the band, and pretty much everyone in attendence had a great view of the show - which was cool, and contributed to the energy of the crowd. Speaking of the crowd, it was mentioned in another review of the show that this obviously wasn't a crowd you'd find at a normal PJ show. The crowd was decent, but at times got pretty mellow. The section right behind me (about 4 rows worth) sat for the entire show. (Don't worry I got drunk and encouraged them to stand -- to no avail). Most everyone in the arena, though, stood for the whole show, which I thought showed a lot of respect for the band.
I guess I could mention the music, too, eh? Before the show, I had picked 3 songs I wanted to hear last night -- Lukin, DTE, and Porch. And my buddy I was with had also picked 3, and odd ones at that -- Faithfull, I got Id, and In My Tree. Out of 6 songs we wanted, we got 5. That's pretty damn cool! Of course everyone has a different of a perfect set list, but in my opinion last nights was about as good as it gets. I'll just mention bits of it... MFC was a cool opener. 1/2 full is a great pick off of Riot Act, Given to Fly was awesome live (and the more Yield the better!). Sad was super cool. Lukin into Grievance was sweet, even though the latter faded away. Nothing as it Seems isn't really the greatest live song, but it was nice to have a bit of a break for a few minutes - and RVM was, as always, a great live song.
As for the encores - Small Town plays great in MT, slight of hand was a weird pick, but sounded great, given my name, you'd have to assume I went nuts when Glorified G came on, and Black and Alive were nothing new or exciting, but still really solid. The next encore is where the show went from being a great PJ show to a spectacular PJ show. After Alive the band left the stage and the crowd went insane. Stomping, pounding, and yelling. Very cool! Then Ed and Jeff came out and performed Bee Girl. For the people who knew to appreciate the song for it's rarity, it was very special. Jeff sat and played acoustic, and Ed sang and did motions along w/ the song. They really looked like they had fun performing it, and I'll bet they'll do it again on this tour. Then they followed it w/ another awesome rare song. I've loved BRY for years, and was stoked to hear them do it live. As w/ Sad, I don't know if they've played it live before, but it was cool. Betterman was cool, but pretty standard, but they they played Porch. It started off almost unrecognizable, as Eddie sang really slow and 'pretty'. My mind gets a little fuzzy toward the end of night, but somewhere in there they started rocking it out and it was fan-tas-tic. Had that been the last song of the night, I would have left a happy man. But no, there was one more. The band left the stage, the crowd went wild again, and they came back out. The flipped the house lights on and played Ledbetter under full lights. By this point, the lame people in the crowd had left to 'beat the rush', so everyone still there was on their feet yelling at the top of their lungs. As always, a great closing song.
Okay, I guess this didn't end up being short, but I'm still so excited I had to share it w/ everybody. I totally forgot at the end of the show to go buy an Ames poster, as I never did see where they were selling them, so I'm REALLY hoping they'll have leftovers to sell later. The excitement of the show was so overwhelming I completely spaced out getting souvenirs.
Anyways, if you can't tell, I thought this show was AMAZING! I would do anything for an official boot of the show, but sometimes life's not fair, right? Hopefully someone at least made a decent recording so I can have that for my collection instead.
Headed to Calgary next weekend. Will probably write another rambling half-awake review of that one, too!