Danish translations?



  • KatKat Posts: 4,930
    Thank you everyone. Here's a new one that just came in on a scan too. It says 6 out of 6 stars on it...can anyone translate? xo

    Mere end en koncert
    599 words
    28 June 2007

    Eddie Vedder i front for et sublimt Pearl Jam i Forum.

    Foto: Scanpix


    (Seks af seks stjerner)


    Små 20 minutter inde i koncerten tager Pearl Jam-forsanger Eddie Vedder første gang mikrofonen for at henvende sig til publikum.

    »Det er i dag nøjagtig 15 år siden, vi spillede i Danmark første gang,« siger han med en stor portion alvor i stemmen.

    »Men det er sidste gang, vi spillede her, vi husker mest. Det vender jeg tilbage til senere. Lige nu vil vi lade musikken tale. Syng med, vi er fælles om dette.«

    Det her er en helt speciel koncert. Det var Pearl Jam, der spillede på Roskilde Festivals Orange Scene den ulykkelige og forfærdige lørdag aften i 2000, hvor ni unge mænd meningsløst og ekstremt tragisk blev mast og trampet ihjel. Denne tirsdag aften i Forum er første koncert, et tydeligt påvirket Pearl Jam giver i Danmark siden.

    Publikum er det mest emotionelle og tændte, denne anmelder nogensinde har oplevet. Der er en helt speciel og fin stemning af alvor, musikalsk dedikation og en slags kærlighed. En stemning, som manifesterer sig fra det øjeblik Pearl Jam går på scenen, og foreløbigt peaker efter Vedders ovenstående ord og et helt Forum, der synger med på ordene »love is all you need« fra »Loveboat Captain«, og som opfordres igen og igen til at skråle »love« af fuld hals.

    Urørlig særstatus

    Musikalsk er Seattle-bandet urørlige i det komplet udsolgte Forum. De spiller formidabelt, og Eddie Vedders karakteristiske vokal har konstant nerve. Grunge-ikonernes på en gang klagende og kraftfulde energisk rockende udtryk krammer, rusker og bevæger publikum lige fra den smukke åbning med »Long Road« og samtlige minutter i de to timer og 20 minutter, koncerten varer. Vi får klassikere som »Once« og den smukke »Black« fra det mesterlige debutalbum »Ten« (1991). Uanset, hvad bandet spiller fra de efterfølgende 16 års album, er publikum 100 pct. opmærksomme. Publikum vil Pearl Jam, og Pearl Jam vil publikum.

    Da bandet spiller aftenens højdepunkt, gennembrudshittet »Alive«, når stemningen et ekstremt intenst og stærkt niveau. En blanding af eufori, højtidelighed og komplet overgivelse. Herefter går Eddie Vedder til mikrofonen igen.

    »Jeg har en tilståelse. Selvom det her ligner en vinflaske, så er det Gatorade (sportsvand, red.),« siger han med flasken i hånden.

    »Look, I’ll prove it,« siger han og giver flasken til guitaristen Mike McCready, som er tørlagt alkoholiker.

    »Jeg vil være helt klar i hovedet i dag. Det er den største ære at se så mange venner, familiemedlemmer og pårørende blandt publikum til dem, vi savner så meget,« siger Vedder.

    Vejen fortsætter

    »Nogle folk har sagt til os, at denne koncert ville være god for os og en slutning. Jeg er ikke enig. Den vej, vi er på, slutter ikke. Men vi er igennem de sidste syv år rejst af forskellige veje, og de mødes igen i aften. Efter de syv år, der er gået, er vi alle blevet bedre mennesker, og jeg kan mærke, at noget heler. Mange, mange tak.«

    Så sætter bandet i gang med »Better Man/Save It For Later«. Passende og smukt, og igen med den bedste publikumsrespons i verden. Et nummer, der også bliver aftenens sidste, inden bandet vender tilbage, alt lys tænder i salen, og bandet spiller »Rockin’ In the Free World« og slutteligt »Yellow Ledbetter«.

    En eminent præstation af Pearl Jam og ikke mindst af publikum. En uforglemmelig oplevelse, der, efter det hele er slut, synker ned i kroppen som meget, meget mere end en koncert.

    Pearl Jam, Forum, tirsdag aften.
    Falling down,...not staying down
  • KatKat Posts: 4,930
    :::sheepish plea:::: anyone? Your help is appreciated. xo

    Two More Articles
    Festivalulykke: Pearl Jam støtter sag mod festival
    Hans Drachmann
    599 words
    28 June 2007

    Forældre til fire unge mænd, der døde på Roskilde Festival i 2000, gør sidste forsøg på at få placeret ansvar i en retssag.

    Tirsdag aften gav den amerikanske rockgruppe Pearl Jam koncert i Danmark for første gang siden ulykken på Roskilde Festivalen i 2000, hvor ni unge mænd mistede livet, mens gruppen spillede.

    I går forsøgte forældrene til fire af de unge mænd og deres advokat at overbevise dommerne i Østre Landsret om, at de skal have lov til at føre en erstatningssag mod Roskilde Festival for at få placeret et ansvar for ulykken.

    Med sig til retssagen havde advokat Tyge Trier en erklæring fra de amerikanske musikere om, at de støtter forældrenes ønske om få lov til at føre retssagen.

    Han havde tirsdag aften talt med guitaristen Stone Gossard og sangeren Eddie Vedder.
    »De understregede begge, at de har et meget stærkt ønske om, at retssagen skal køre. Både Stone Gossard og Eddie Vedder er villige til at vidne i en domsforhandling«, sagde Tyge Trier.

    Statsadvokaten for Sjælland fastslog i en rapport i 2002, at ingen havde begået noget strafbart under festivalen, men han rettede en skarp kritik mod festivalens ledelse for mangelfuld sikkerhed. Der gik således 20 minutter, fra en gruppe mennesker var væltet foran scenen, til musikken blev stoppet. Og da var de unge mænd døde.

    Efter ulykken er dialogen mellem festivalens ledelse og forældrene til fem af de afdøde endt i et kringlet juridisk opgør.

    Forældrene stævner festivalen med krav om erstatning for at få fastlagt et juridisk ansvar. Festivalen lover at betale pengene, men kun per kulance og uden at påtage sig et ansvar.

    I sidste måned afviste Højesteret den første sag, som et forældrepar fra Varde havde anlagt med krav om 67.000 kroner. Da Roskilde Festival gerne ville betale, var der ikke noget at føre sag om, fastslog Højesteret.

    Tilbage står nu sagen om fire andre unge mænd, som blev behandlet i går.
    Roskilde Festival har samlet betalt 400.000 kroner til forældrene til dækning af udgifter til begravelse, transport, psykologhjælp med mere.

    Men forældrene kræver nu samlet cirka 150.000 kroner mere til udgifter til psykologhjælp, transport og betaling for gravsteder frem til 2060 samt en tort-erstatning på fire gange 70.000 kroner for tabet af deres sønner. Advokat Tyge Trier forbeholdt sig samtidig ret til at fremsætte nye krav og dermed øge sandsynligheden for, at der bliver en uenighed, som der kan føres sag om.

    »Jeg mener, at Roskilde Festival må have et juridisk og økonomisk ansvar«, sagde Ann-Charlotte Bondebjer fra Sverige i går. Hun mistede sin 22-årige søn under ulykken.

    Hun og hendes mand har også krævet 30.000 svenske kroner til en fond, som skal støtte unge svagtseende mennesker til at tage en uddannelse, som deres søn Henrik, der var svagtseende, gjorde.

    »Min tanke er, at Henrik skal leve videre i denne fond«, sagde Ann-Charlotte Bondebjer.
    Roskilde Festival vil gerne betale til fonden, hvis der er et sæt vedtægter, men det er der ikke. De seneste krav, som var blevet fremsat kort før retsmødet i går, vil festivalen overveje. Men den vil ikke påtage sig noget juridisk ansvar, og festivalens advokat, Pernille Backhausen, bad retten om at afvise sagen.

    »At der er et hensyn til de pårørende står klart efter forklaringen fra Ann-Charlotte Bondebjer i dag. Men der er også et hensyn til de mange frivillige på festivalen«, sagde hun.

    Landsretten afgør i slutningen af september, om sagen skal føres.

    meldelse af Pearl Jams koncert 2. sektion side 4
    ****************************** ****************************** ****************************** *********

    Stadig i live
    910 words
    28 June 2007

    Pearl Jam vendte tilbage til Danmark syv år efter ulykken på Roskilde med stor værdighed trods en musikalsk svingende koncert.

    Pearl Jam i Forum i København, tirsdag.
    Rock * Sidste gang undertegnede hørte Eddie Vedders stemme fra en koncertscene var, da han i desperation tryglede sit publikum på Roskilde Festival om at træde et skridt tilbage. For at undgå, at nogen kom til skade. Det var fredag 30.

    juni kl. 23.34. Den nat ni unge mænd mistede livet på Roskilde Festival og uden tvivl den værste koncert i Pearl Jams karriere.

    Tirsdag aften, næsten på dato syv år efter rædselsnatten, lød stemmen igen fra en dansk scene. Først i den på alle måder dækkende åbningssang 'Long Road', hvori sangeren med den altid roligt drævende stemme synger: »Still something is missing/ I cannot say/ Holding hands of daughters and sons/ In their phase they're falling down«.

    Linjer, der må have brændt på læberne inde under Eddie Vedders fuldskæg.
    Og som efterlod i hvert fald de formentlig mange blandt de 10.000 tilhørere, som var til stede dengang på Roskilde, med umanerlig tynd hud ud over de påtrængende følelser, Pearl Jams musik altid har evnet at kalde frem.

    »Everybody o.k.«, spurgte Eddie Vedder prøvende, da guitarerne klang ud i Forums mørke bug. Og ja, da var alt faktisk nogenlunde i orden igen. Uden yderligere afbrydelser fulgte 'Corduroy', 'Why Go' og Do The Evolution' på en bund af spændstige trommer og knasende tørre guitarer, der selv i Forums kogende hede kæmpebug stod gnistrende klart i lydbilledet. Efter den stille, men intense 'In Hiding' tog Eddie Vedder fat i det uundgåelige emne.

    »Tak, fordi vi måtte komme tilbage. Det er 15 år siden, vi var i Danmark første gang. Men det er vores sidste koncert her, vi husker. Den vender vi tilbage til senere. Nu vil vi bare lade vores musik tale«, sagde Vedder.

    Det gjorde bandet så. Med en ikke helt forløst udgave af gruppens sang om ulykken, 'Love Boat Captain' og en til gengæld tænderskærende udgave af The Who's 'Love Reign o'er Me'. Selv om Pearl Jam aldrig blev klodens største band, er der stadig tale om et formidabelt bekendtskab live. Med Mike McCreadys konstant angrebsivrige guitar som motor trækker bandet sig hele tiden op i de enorme bredsider, der snarere føles som en omfavnelse end et af de spark til rumpet eller kønsdele, rocken ellers flittigt uddeler.

    Hos Pearl Jam sparker man ikke nogen væk. Tværtimod vil gruppen og dens loyale, lydhøre og i Forum stærkt syngende fanskare stadig helst i nærkontakt. Derfor er det Pearl Jam med melankolien fossende ud af det flossede rockskrog, der stadig sejler, mens alle de andre skibe i Seattles grunge-armada er gået ned eller stødt på grund. Pearl Jam står tilbage som overleverne, der lever med og i kraft af publikum.

    Et publikum, der forlanger, at bandet konstant overrasker og ikke gør det indlysende.
    Derfor lød fanskaren stadig tilfreds, da hele koncertens midterparti gik i stå i den tomgang, der desværre også er en del af Pearl Jam. Det er, som om bandet gumler løs på sit udtryk for at se, om det ændrer sig. DERFOR Blev det en lidt for svingende koncert, som først i ekstranumrene fandt sin punch igen.

    Her lod Pearl Jam en af årstidens heftige tordenskyller piske ned over Forum i form af en stakåndet version af 'World Wide Suicide' med 'Once' på slæb. De banede vejen for fuldkommen guddommeligt knejsende versioner af 'Black' og 'Alive'. Sidstnævnte fik vist sin fulde berettigelse på hylden over rockens vigtigste hymner, og ordet var atter uden indvendinger Pearl Jams.

    Eddie Vedder benyttede chancen til at tale direkte til de pårørende til ofrene for ulykken, som åbenbart var til stede i salen:

    »Jeg ved, at vi alle sammen: bandet, vores familier, jer og jeres familier og venner gik igennem noget meget svært. Derfor skal I vide, at det er den største glæde for os, at I er her i aften, og en ære for os at være hos jer. Der var én, der sagde til mig, at det ville bringe en slags afslutning på ulykken, når vi kom tilbage og spillede i Danmark. Men nej, der er ingen afslutning på den her vej. Vi har gået ad hver vores stier, indtil vi nu mødes på samme vej igen. Den fortsætter, men undervejs har vi lært en masse og er kommet tættere på hinanden. Vi er blevet bedre mennesker, mere ydmyge mennesker, vi er blevet mere forstående over for tab. Så mange, mange tak, fordi vi måtte komme«.

    Det langstrakte bifald sagde alt om de følelser, der løb gennem Forum. Utroligt nok fik vi derpå en stærk afslutning med 'Better Man/Save it for Later, 'Rockin' In The Free World' og 'Yellow Ledbetter'. Et gensyn med Pearl Jam, der var mere rørende og værdigt, end det musikalske genhør var formidabelt, var slut. Pearl Jam og følelsen omkring bandet er i den grad stadig i live, og det er (også) i denne sammenhæng langt vigtigere end musikalske petitesser.

    Læs også 1. sektion side 5
    Det mener de andre om live musik: Forum: Pearl Jam
    En værdig optræden af et band med hjertet på rette sted, og selv om aftenen egentlig var en større triumf for rockens helende kraft end Pearl Jams musik, så var det ikke desto mindre en livsbekræftende og opløftende oplevelse.

    Thomas Treo, Ekstra Bladet, 4 ud af 6 stjerner
    Falling down,...not staying down
  • roubalroubal Posts: 82
    Kat wrote:
    Copenhagen show in Polish article...anyone translate Polish? :)
    http://www.nuta.pl/news.html?nid=18315 STILL NEED

    This one came from a translating software, so it can contain some major errors, but i think you will get the image of this praising review (as every PJ show review this year):

    Precisely 15 years from one's first performance in Denmark and of almost 7 years from the last concert in this country, during which 9 fans of the group lost its life, Pearl of Hollows again appeared in Copenhagen. Everything showed the exceptional concert to the fact that it would be. And was. Without the pathos and cheap emotions. Musicians started to speak to fans with music. And achieved catharsis.

    Probably all fans which arrived to Copenhagen from entire world (one could see the flag of Ireland, Portugal, Sweden but also the United States or Australia) expected the exceptional concert. Certainly therefore tickets for the only Pearl concert of Hollows in Denmark went separate ways in a flash already a few months ago and on auction portals they achieved the price sometimes 600 dollars behind steam. On for "stock exchange of works beginning the concert" in a queue for tickets for members fanclubu "Love Boat Captain" has most often been exchanged written so to speak in homage for victims from Roskilde. It was supposed to be symbolic new opening. The ones which expected it - made a mistake. In the room of the Forum nobody probably expected what had followed.

    Right before the performance of the support act - The Futureheads when the surface was filled up scarcely half, but sit places on the balcony directly opposite the stage they were practically deserted, on the stage Eddie Vedder turned up and in one's customary manner he thanked with the one which came to a concert earliest performing the piece solo on the guitar "my Throw Your Arms Around". He announced Englishmen and he left the stage.

    They introduced themselves to The Futureheads as very energetycznie playing team. Something between The Beatles and Franz Ferdinand, well next British team from species of the ones which it is hard already to distinguish from itself. Even though tried very hard didn't manage to kidnap the crowd. His favour was booked exclusively for Pearl of Hollows. And it is hard to wonder at it.

    Pearl of Hollows started than "Long Road" and "Corduroy". Right away then Eddie Vedder checked whether the audience was playing safely, he asked for the carefulness and together with friends they played "Why of it", first of around four works around "the one". The energy musicians came up to the virtuoso performance with which in Copenhagen had to do the impression. From very beginning apparently it was that for very musicians the performance in Denmark was exceptional. They wanted to take it to understanding and they need to give back they managed superbly. Mike McCready ran after the scene already in the time second of work. In it he performed his solo keeping the guitar behind the head! It won't be possible easily to express in words what very Eddie Vedder sent. Are sufficing it to say that I would never think that it is possible to hang loosely on the stand of the microphone this way!

    The energy and the pace not even weakened for a moment during next works: "to The Evolution" and "In Hiding", but right after them was formed a little bit more calmly.

    - We thank you for it that you are here today with us - turned to Vedder fans. - it very much much for us means. Mogłibyśmy long to talk about what we smell but we decided on so that for us a music starts to speak.

    What they played all over recalled earlier "Love Boat Captain". Without unnecessary speeches, without cheap emotions. Wonderful gesture. Similarly as the one right after it: first-night performance live coveru The Who "Love Reign O'er my". Fantastic as a matter of fact.

    About this concert it is possible in order in principle to write the book and best it would be to spend it on the DVD so that everyone can pluck at least a bit of this atmosphere for himself. Of these real rarities as even "Light Years", "Breath" whether "Hard is Imagine". Or of fantastic version finishing "Porch" fundamental part of the concert.

    As an encore Vedder then again came out alone with the guitar. He announced the inspired work with history of the American soldier which came back from Iraq paralysed from the waist down, and now is a pacifist activist, and played: "yeah More". When the rest attached musicians already to it a time for the next shot came in the form "World Wide Suicide" and next collector's item, b-side "Down".

    Vedder also in the end came back with memory for the tragic virtuoso performance in Roskilde of the around 2000 yr - I want you to know how very much for us in order here to come back was difficult - started. - some told us that we should do it in order to close certain stage in our life. But it won't be possible to close it. It is too difficult. I have always answered, that everyone we are following different footpaths at different targets. Today however I know for these 7 years both you and we just made their way to this place and for this virtuoso performance in order then again to be together - pulled farther wreathing ręcę in the distinctive gesture. - are with us today families of victims of this tragic concert and we would like in this place once again to thank them for the fact that they decided oneself to be with us - long clapped toward the group of standing persons on the balcony - similarly how we would like to thank you for the fact that you are with us for this many years.

    Could somebody not be emotional hearing these words?

    Meanwhile right after them Pearl played Hollows one's famous "trilogy" around "the one": "Once", "Black" and "Alive" - played by lights turned on and sung together by the entire room. Fantastic view!

    But also on it not an end. Everyone gathered in the forum knew that the next encore was only a matter of time. Still happened. "Better Man", which Vedder turned friends changing guitars back, after in order oneself to begin "Rockin' In The Free World ". For finishing still one change in setliście and practically 3 encore: "Yellow Ledbetter", which Eddie Vedder invited the girl standing right beneath the stage to the scene during. Through the majority of the work she sat on the listening and she cried. She was so excited, that when frontman Pearl of Hollows asked her to introduce herself to the rest audiences only nervously laughed. After the concert she thanked the audience standing amongst musicians. Very pleasing stress for finishing almost 2,5 hours of the concert.

    Once again Pearl of Hollows has demonstrated the class, joy from playing and the respect for its fans what little teams has in world. They turned the concert which could turn into the wake into own catharsis. To the benefit of oneself and for us.
  • edvedder913edvedder913 Posts: 1,810
    Pearl of Hollows i the best band in the world...
  • Bartek_-_Bartek_-_ Posts: 73
    roubal wrote:
    This one came from a translating software, so it can contain some major errors, but i think you will get the image of this praising review (as every PJ show review this year):

    Once again Pearl of Hollows has demonstrated the class, joy from playing and the respect for its fans what little teams has in world. They turned the concert which could turn into the wake into own catharsis. To the benefit of oneself and for us.

    Damn, I translated it by myself already.

    Here it is (probably not much better than automatic translation ;)):

    Koncert Pearl Jam, Forum, Kopenhaga, 26 czerwca 2007 r.

    Exactly 15 years after their first show in Denmark and almost 7 years after the last show in that country, when 9 fans of the band lost their lives, Pearl Jam played in Copenhagen again. Everything had been indicating that this is going to be an exceptional concert. And it was. Without pathos and cheap affections. Musicians spoke to their fans with a music. And they have achieved catharsis.

    Probably all the fans, who came to Copenhagen from all over the world (flags of Irland, Portugal, Sweden, but also of US or even Australia were visible) expected an exceptional concert. For sure because of that the tickets for the only show in Denmark were sold out in a minutes a few months ago, and on a auction portals prices of a pair sometimes were reaching 600 euro. On a "opening song market" in a fanclub tickets line "Love Boat Captain" was mentioned most often - the song in some way written as a tribute to Roskilde victims. That supposed to be a new beginning. Those who expected this - made a mistake. What happened in Forum was expected by no one probably.

    Right before the support band's show - The Futureheads, where the standing area was only half full and the seatings were almost empty Eddie Vedder appeared on the stage and, as he always do, thanked those who came to the show most early by playing solo on a guitar a song called "Throw Your Arms Around Me". He introduced the English band and left the stage.

    The Futureheads presented themselfes as a very energetic band. Something between The Beatles and Franz Ferdinand, another British band from the genre of these who you can't distinguish from others. Although they're were trying hard they didn't manage to impress the crowd. It's favour was reserved exclusively for Pearl Jam. And that's nothing strange.

    Pearl Jam began with "Long Road" and "Corduroy". Right after that Eddie Vedder checked if the audience is having fan safety, asked for a caution and with his mates played "Why Go", first of four songs of "Ten". Energy, that the band took with them to play the concert in Copenhagen had to make an impression. From the very beginning it was visible that for the musicans the show in Denmark is something special. They wanted everyone to notice this and, it has to be admitted, they managed to do so. Mike McCready was running trough the stage yet during the second song. He played his solo keeping the guitar behind his head! What Eddie Vedder was doing can't be described by a words. Enough to say that I never would even think that you can hang on the mike tripod in this way!

    Energy and the pace didn't attenuate for a moment during next songs: "Do The Evolution" and "In Hiding", but soon after these it calmed down.

    - Thank you for being here tonight with us - Vedder said to fans - It means a lot to us. We could speak a lot how we feel, but we decided that the music will speak for us.

    Then they played aformentioned "Love Boat Captain". Without unnecessary speeches, cheap emotions. A great gesture. Similar to the next one: premiere rendition of "Love Reign O'er Me". Which, by the way, was fantastic.

    A book can be written about this concert, and it would be the best if it would be released on a DVD, so anyone could feel a little something of this atmosphere. These real rarities like "Light Years", "Breath" or "Hard To Imagine". Or fantastic version of "Porch", which ended the main part of the show.

    For the encore Vedder came back again only with his guitar. He introduced a song inspired by a story of American soldier, who came back from Iraq paralized and now is a pacifist, and played: "No More". When the rest of musicans joined him the time has come for another shot in a form of "World Wide Suicide" and another rarity: b-side "Down".

    Vedder also recalled the tragic concert in Roskilde in year 2000.

    - I would like you to know that it was very hard for us to come back here - he beging - Some said we should do that to close a phase of our life. But it can't be closed. It's too hard. I always answered that we all go along different paths to achieve different goals. However today I know that for these 7 years both you and we were going right to this place and to this show, to be together again - continues with his arm platted in a characteristic gesture. - Tonight we got familes of the victims of that tragic show with us and we would like to thank them again for deciding to be here with us - long clapping in a direction of a group of people on a balcony - The same as we would like to thank you for being with us for so many years.

    Is there anyone who would not be moved by these words?

    Meanwhile, soon after these words Pearl Jam played their famous trilogy of "Ten": "Once", "Black" and "Alive" - played with the lights turned on already and sung by the whole hall. Fantastic view!

    But it was not an end. Everyone who was in Forum knew that another encore is only a question of time. And so it was. "Better Man", after whom Vedder hassled his mates, who were switching gear, so he could start "Rockin' In The Free World" by himself. And for the finish one more change in the setlist and practically a 3rd encore: "Yellow Ledbetter". During it Eddie Vedder invited a girl, who was staning near the stage, to get on the stage. During most of the song she was sitting on the monitor and was crying. She was so thrilled that when Pearl Jam's frontman asked her to intrudece herself to the audience she only laughed nervously. Very nice accent for an end of almost 2,5 hour show.

    Once again Pearl Jam showed their class, a happiness of playing and a respect for their fans that not many bands on the world has. The concert which could be a funeral banquet was changed by them into their catharsis. With a benefit for them and for us.

    P.S. Do you still need a translations of other shows reviews?
  • CharliePCharlieP Copenhagen, Denmark Posts: 1,035
    Eddie Vedder in front of sublime Pearl Jam at the Forum

    Rated: 6/6

    When PJ had played for almost 20 minutes, lead-singer Eddie Vedder stepped up to the mic and approached the audience for the first time.
    “Today is precisely 15 years ago we first played in Denmark”, Vedder spoke with a serious voice. “But it is the last time we played here we will be rembering the most”. “I will return to that point later. “Now we´ll just let the music speak for itself”. “Sing along, we are all in this together”. This is a really special show. It was Pearl Jam who played at the orange stage at the Roskilde festival that terrible and miserable night in 2000 where nine young men, tragically and meaninglessly were crushed to death. This Tuesday night at the forum is the first show, a noticeably affected Pearl Jam has given ever since.
    This is the most emotional and upbeat crowd that this reviewer has ever witnessed. There is a certain and special sense of seriousness, musical dedication and a kind of love.
    A sense which settles from the moment Pearl Jam takes the stage, and which peaks when Vedder speaks the forementioned words, and as the crowd sings along with the haunting line “Love is all you need” from the song “Love boat captain”. The audience are again and again told to sing along with the word “love”.

    Untouchable status.

    Musically, the Seattle-based band is untouchable at the completely sold out forum. They are playing great, and the characteristical voice of Vedder, constantly has nerve. The grunge-icons´music, at once complaining and powerful musical rock expression, punches and moves the crowd fromn the beginning of the beatiful “Long road” opener, and through the 2 hs and 20 min this show lasts. There were classics like “Once” and the beautiful “Black” from the awesome debut album “Ten” from 1991. No matter what songs the band plays from the last 16 years, the audience are constantly paying attention.The crowd wants Pearl Jam, and Pearl Jam wants the crowd.

    As the band plays the highlight of the night, “Alive”, the mood in the arena reaches an extremely intense and strong level. A mixture of euphoria, solemnity, and total surrender. Thereafter Vedder once again steps up to the mike.
    “I got a confession to make. Even though this looks like a bottle of wine, it is gatorade”, he says, with the bottle in his hand.
    “Look, I´ll prove it” he says, and gives the bottle to Mike Mccready who is a former alcoholic.
    “I want to be totally sober today. It´s a great honor to see so many friends, family members and relatives in the crowd of the people, who we miss so much”.
    The road continues.
    “Some people have told us that this show would be good for us and some sort of conclusion. I don´t agree. The road we´re on doesn´t end. But during the last 7 years we have travelled different paths, however, today these paths do meet again. After these seven years that have passed, we have all become better humans, and I can feel that something is healing. Thanks very much”.
    Then the band takes on “Betterman”. Beautiful and fitting, and once again the best audience respond you won´t see anywhere else. A song that also proves to be the last one, before the band returns to play “Ritfw” and finally “Yellw ledbetter”.

    A phenomenal performance by Pearl Jam and by the audience. An unforgettable experience that, after the show is over, sinks to deep into the body as being much much more than just a concert

    Roskilde 2000, Berlin 2006, Athens 2006, Dusseldorf 2007, Copenhagen 2007, New York NY 1 + 2 2008, Berlin 2009, London 2009, London 2010, Berlin 2010, Manchester 2 2012, Berlin 1 2012, Stockholm 2012, Oslo 2012, Copenhagen 2012, Amsterdam 1 + 2 (EV solo) 2012, Amsterdam 1 + 2 2014, Stockholm 2014, Oslo 2014, Leeds 2014, Milton Keynes 2014, Heartland Festival DK (EV solo) 2017, Berlin 2018, Barcelona 2018, Copenhagen 2022, Prague 2022 (Cancelled)

  • CharliePCharlieP Copenhagen, Denmark Posts: 1,035
    “Still alive”
    by Erik Jensen
    Rated: 4/6

    Pearl Jam returned to Denmark seven years after the tragic Roskilde accident with dignity, even though it musically was an “up and down” show.
    The last time this concert reviewer heard the voice of Eddie Vedder, was when he was desperately begging an audience to take three steps back. To prevent anyone from getting hurt. This was the 30’th of june 2000, 11:34 pm. The night where nine young men lost their lives and the night that is without a doubt the worst in the entire career of Pearl Jam. Tuesday night, on almost the same exact date as the accident, the voice was once again heard from a danish stage. At first in the, more than fitting, opening song “Long road” where the singer as always, with a calm and haunting voice sings “Still something is missing/I cannot say/Holding hands of daughters and sons/In their phase they´re falling down”. Lines, that this night must have burned the lips inside the beard of Eddie Vedder.
    And which must have left the skin of the people among the audience who were present seven years ago completely thin, besides the emotional feelings that Pearl jams music have always succeeded to bring to the surface. “Everybody ok?”, vedder testingly asked, as the guitars faded out through the dark corners of the forum. And yes, everything was kind of ok again. Without further interruptions “Corduroy”, “Why go” and “Do the evolution” followed with a section of thunderous drums and cutting guitars which, even with the miserable Forum acoustics in mind, stood out surprisingly clear. After the quiet but intense “In hiding”, Eddie Vedder brought up the inevitable theme.

    “Thanks for letting us come back. It´s been 15 years since last time here. However, it´s the concert 7 years again that we remember the most. We will return to that later. Now we just like to let the music speak for itself”, Vedder said.
    And so the band did, playing a not quite delivered rendition of “Love boat captain” , and a much better version of “Love reign o´er me” by The Who. Even though Pearl Jam never became the main act of this world, they are still outstanding live. The constantly attacking guitar sound from Mike Mccready as the band´s motor, the band always manages to pull themselves up in the heights, and that feels more like an embrace, than the kick in the face that rock music delivers to most bands today.
    With Pearl Jam, no one gets kicked away. As a matter of fact the group and their loyal, attentive, and singing fan following still prefers to be in close contact. Therefore it is Pearl Jam with their melancholia leaking out of the stranded rockship, who still have wind in their sails while all the other ships in the grunge-armada of Seattle either have gone down or kicked aground. Pearl Jam stand as the survivors, and they´re living in and because of the dedication from the audience. An audicence which demands that the band constantly surprises, and never does something too obvious. Therefore the crowd still sounded lively, as the show (mid-set) went into that staggering nothingness, that sadly is also a part of Pearl Jam.
    It feels like the band are still exploring their musical expression, to see if it´s still changing. That´s the main reason it became a slightly “up and down” affair, that once again peaked during the encores. Here, Pearl Jam let one of the thunderous rainstorms of this season hit hard on the Forum audience, in the form of “Worldwide suicide” intensively followed by “Once”. They cleared the way for divine renditions of “Black” and “Alive”. Especially “Alive”showed its major right to live among rhe most important rock-hymns of all time, and the word once again belonged to Pearl Jam.
    Eddie Vedder used this word to return to the theme of the night once again, and spoke to the friends and relatives of the victims, who aparrently were present in the venue.

    “I know that we in the band, our families, you and your families went through something very difficult. Therefore you should know that we are extremely grateful that you are here tonight, and it´s an honor for us to be with you. Someone once told me that this would be some kind of conclusion, when we came back to play in Denmark, But no, it feels like there´s no conclusion on this path we´re all travelling. We have travelled on different paths until we met here again. It still continues, but we have now learned a lot about each other and are closer to each other than ever before. We have become better men, more humble men, and we have shown more understanding about the losses. So thank you very very much for letting us come back”. The endless applause that echoed through the Forum was an important indicator of the feelings that were present at the Forum that night. Incredibly enough, we then got beautiful renditions of “Betterman” , “Ritfw” and “Yellow ledbetter. A reunion with Pearl Jam, which was more touching and worthy, than musically convincing, was now over. Pearl Jam and the vibe about the band is still very much alive, and that is, in this context, far more important than musical trifles.


    Roskilde 2000, Berlin 2006, Athens 2006, Dusseldorf 2007, Copenhagen 2007, New York NY 1 + 2 2008, Berlin 2009, London 2009, London 2010, Berlin 2010, Manchester 2 2012, Berlin 1 2012, Stockholm 2012, Oslo 2012, Copenhagen 2012, Amsterdam 1 + 2 (EV solo) 2012, Amsterdam 1 + 2 2014, Stockholm 2014, Oslo 2014, Leeds 2014, Milton Keynes 2014, Heartland Festival DK (EV solo) 2017, Berlin 2018, Barcelona 2018, Copenhagen 2022, Prague 2022 (Cancelled)

  • sorensoren Posts: 7
    "A phenomenal performance by Pearl Jam and by the audience. An unforgettable experience that, after the show is over, sinks to deep into the body as being much much more than just a concert"

    I couldn't agree more. The best review I have seen, and the one I agree the most with. It is always easy to see when a reviewer knows what he is talking about...
  • KatKat Posts: 4,930
    You're the greatest...seriously. It's been so great to be able to read these. Anyone care to try this one? I don't think we have this one yet. Not sure if I copied web page directions; just ignore that part if I did. xo

    Gruppeterapi med Pearl Jam

    Reportage - Der var lagt op til den helt store terapitime, da Pearl Jam spillede den første koncert i Danmark siden tragedien på Roskilde Festivalen for syv år siden

    »Is everybody ok?« Spørgsmålet er ofte endnu en kliché i rocksangerens arsenal af standardbemærkninger, han bruger til at fylde pausen mellem to...
    Af Pelle Ammundsen peam@avisen.dk

    »Is everybody ok?«

    Spørgsmålet er ofte endnu en kliché i rocksangerens arsenal af standardbemærkninger, han bruger til at fylde pausen mellem to numre ud.

    Men når det simple spørgsmål indleder Pearl Jams første koncert i Danmark siden ulykken på Roskilde Festivalen for syv år siden, lytter man efter.

    Dengang var alle langtfra ok. Ni mænd mistede livet, og en skygge af afmagt og frustration blev kastet over festivalen og bandet. Festivalen markerede ulykken med en mindelund, som de første år var fyldt med stearinlys og breve. Men mens træerne i mindelunden voksede, blev der færre stearinlys. Festivalen er kommet videre.

    Pearl Jam har tidligere fortalt, hvordan oplevelsen var ved at få dem til at gå fra hinanden. Men selvom de blev sammen og siden har turneret heftigt, har de indtil i tirsdags undgået Danmark.

    Vi er her sammen

    Før koncerten svømmer internettet over med gisninger om, hvordan de, efterhånden, ældre herrer fra Seatlle griber koncerten an. Svaret på det spørgsmål kommer klokken 21.30.

    »Først lader vi musikken tale, og senere vil vi komme ind på det, der skete dengang,« lover sangeren Eddie Vedder det totalt udsolgte Forum i København.

    Den næste halvanden time er der regulær rockkoncert og kun et par kommentarer om, at publikum skal give plads til hinanden, antyder, at denne aften har et andet formål end udelukkende at levere musik til masserne.

    Før anden omgang ekstranumre nærmer Eddie Vedder sig forløsningen.

    10.000 mennesker, der ellers er ude for at få rock i ørerne og humle i halsen, er med ét fuldstændig stille.

    »Jeg ved, at en masse af jer var der dengang, og jeg kan ikke understrege nok, at det er den største ære at have jer i nærheden igen,« er nogle af ordene fra sangeren.

    Publikums respons bliver givet med hænderne, og orkestret klapper tilbage. Midt i den fælles anerkendelse er der et kort øjeblik, hvor drengene på scenen mest af altligner nogle, man har haft en traumatisk oplevelse med, og sagtens kan dele en øl med efter koncerten.

    Men illusionen bliver brudt, ligeså snart Pearl Jam vender tilbage til musikken og viser, hvorfor de har udgivet otte plader og rejser verden rundt, mens publikum onsdag morgen skal stille på et 9-16 job.

    Vi skal videre

    Eddie Vedder kan synge højt fra et EU-direktiv, så man tror alle verdens krige vil slutte af den grund. Han har en rockstarevne til at prædike banaliteter, så han både husker alle på tragedien, samtidig med vi skal videre.

    »Don't give up, beautiful people. We belong together,« synger han.

    Og da selv de allerbageste rækker på balkonen kommer op og stå for at skrige:

    »I'm still alive,« er symbolikken i ordene og den intensitet, de bliver sunget med massiv.

    Mod slutningen af koncerten bliver der festet igennem på den anden side af minderne. Og hvis nogen ikke svarede ja, første gang Eddie Vedder spurgte, om de var ok, er det efter to en halv times terapi med musik og snak ikke Pearl Jams skyld, hvis ikke man er ok nu.

    Nyhedsavisen København

    Vælg avis Hele avisen (zip) Hele avisen (exe) Nyhedsavisen København (zip) Nyhedsavisen København (exe) Opløsning:

    Gruppeterapi med Pearl Jam
    ...Gruppeterapi med Pearl Jam
    »Is everybody ok?«Spørgsmålet er ofte endnu en kliché i rocksangerens arsenal af standardbemærkninger, han bruger til at fylde pausen mellem to...Pearl Jam vidner i RoskiLde- retsagen
    Pearl Jam vil gerne vide, hvem der egentlig havde ansvaret, da der blev skubbet og mast oppe foran scenen til Roskilde Festivalen i år 2000, hvor deres...Hjælpetekst

    Pearl Jam vidner i RoskiLde- retsagen
    Pearl Jam vil gerne vide, hvem der egentlig havde ansvaret, da der blev skubbet og mast oppe foran scenen til Roskilde Festivalen i år 2000, hvor deres...

    Pearl Jam vil gerne vide, hvem der egentlig havde ansvaret, da der blev skubbet og mast oppe foran scenen til Roskilde Festivalen i år 2000, hvor deres koncert endte med, at ni mænd døde.

    Derfor har bandet nu meldt ud, at de vil støtte en retssag.

    I går mødtes fire af familierne til de dræbte i Østre Landsret for at fortælle retten, at de ønsker, at de ansvarlige bliver fundet og påtager sig ansvaret for tragedien ved at betale erstatning. cera
    Falling down,...not staying down
  • CharliePCharlieP Copenhagen, Denmark Posts: 1,035
    Nyhedsavisen, København

    Group therapy with Pearl Jam

    Report – It was to be a magnificent lesson in therapy when Pearl Jam played their first show in Denmark since the fatal Roskilde tragedy seven years ago.
    “Is everybody ok?”, the question is often just another cliché among the standard comments from a rock singer, that he uses to fill out the space with between two songs. But when this simple question is being used to open the first danish show since the tragedy at the Roskilde festival seven years ago; one really pays attention.
    Back then, everything was far from ok. Nine young men lost their lives, and a shadow of frustration and despair was cast upon the festival and the band. The festival marked the accident by creating a memorial park which during the first few years was filled with letters and candles. But meanwhile the trees did grow, the candles withered away. The festival has moved on.

    Pearl Jam have previously explained, how the event almost made them quit the band. But even though they stayed together and toured intensively, they have, until Tuesday night, avoided Denmark.

    We are here together.

    Before the show, the internet was flooded with speculations about how the mature members of Pearl Jam would handle the show.
    The answer to that question was made at about 9.30 pm.
    “First we´ll let the music speak for itself, and then we will speak about what happened back then” the lead singer Eddie Vedder promised the sold out crowd out at the forum. The next 90 minutes were basically about rock music and only a few comments that the audience should be looking out for their neighbor, did show, that this show had one more purpose, than just delivering music to the masses.
    Before the second set of encores, Eddie Vedder got close to a redemption.
    The 10.000 people who were primarily there to get rocked and drink beer, were all of a sudden totally quiet.
    “I know that some of you were in attendance back then, and I can´t say loud enough, what a great honor it is to have you near again”, were some of the words from the singer.
    The applause from the audience were given from their hands and the band clapped back at them.
    In the middle of this common recognition there were a short moment where the boys on stage most of all looked like somebody you had experienced something bad with, and indeed could share a beer with after the show.

    But the illusion was torn apart when Pearl Jam all of a sudden returned to the music, and did show why they have released eight studio albums and travel the whole world, while others return to a nine to five job the next day.

    We have to move on.

    Eddie Vedder can sing from a EU-directive, so you suddenly believe that all wars fought in this world could end. He has this rockstar-ability to preach banalities, so that everybody are reminded of the tragedy, and that we have to move on at the same time.
    “Don´t give up, beautiful people, we belong together”, he sings.

    And when the crowd in the back of the balcony steps on its toes to sing “I´m still alive”, the symbolical words and their intensity is massive.
    Close to the end of the show, people partied on the other side of the memories. And if nobody answered “yes” the first time Eddie Vedder asked if they were ok, it´s after more than 2 hs and 30 min of therapy, speech and music, certainly not Pearl jams fault if anybody weren´t ok.

    Roskilde 2000, Berlin 2006, Athens 2006, Dusseldorf 2007, Copenhagen 2007, New York NY 1 + 2 2008, Berlin 2009, London 2009, London 2010, Berlin 2010, Manchester 2 2012, Berlin 1 2012, Stockholm 2012, Oslo 2012, Copenhagen 2012, Amsterdam 1 + 2 (EV solo) 2012, Amsterdam 1 + 2 2014, Stockholm 2014, Oslo 2014, Leeds 2014, Milton Keynes 2014, Heartland Festival DK (EV solo) 2017, Berlin 2018, Barcelona 2018, Copenhagen 2022, Prague 2022 (Cancelled)

  • danedane Posts: 1,062

    Domestic June 27th 2007 1:55 pm

    Head line: Pearl Jam to testify in favour of relatives.

    Sub:Pearl Jam are willing to appear as witnesses in favour of the relatives of the tragedy at Roskilde festival 2000, if they are permitted to sue for damages.

    After the Pearl jam concert in Forum tuesday night, the band announced that they are ready to testify in favour of the relatives of the tragedy in 2000, where 9 people lost their lives.
    This was announced today by the lawyer of 4 of the families of those killed as Østre Landsret (Supreme court) opened the case to decide if the families can sue the festival for damages.

    "Pearl Jam asked me to meet them on tuesday and this is where they told me that either Eddie Vedder or Stone Gossard will appear as witnesses in the trial" said lawyer Tyge Trier.

    According to Trier Pearl Jam are so dissatisfied in what they call "lack of chain of command" among the securitypersonel on the festival and they wish for a trial that can shine light upon the responsibility for the concert ending with the death of 9 people.
    The relatives demand that the Roskilde festival take responsibility for the tragedy and are also asking to be paid a compensation of 170.000 DKK (29.000$) in addition to 70.000 DKK (12.000$) to each of those left behind for tort and pain.
    Roskilde 30-06-00
    Berlin 23-09-06
    Copenhagen 26-06-07
    "This is not wine that I'm drinking tonight. This is Gatorade!" EV-Copenhagen 26-06-07
  • burtschipsburtschips Posts: 734
    wow - thanks to everyone who translated these...!
    Salut baloo
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