Hi my friend, news... a member contacted me and tell me that arrive to Lima the thursday 17th from Buenos Aires.
Juan, i think that you meet with he, your nickname es Bong.
He want know if anyone arrive to Lima in this hour (10:00 am) or share a cab to miraflores, he stay in hostel kokopelli - http://www.hostelkokopelli.com.
Please write a PM to "jeaubong", or to me.
one more for the group in lima
Andreas (Swisterland)
Cheo Ramirez (Perú)
Juan Godoy + girlfriend + 3 friends (Argentina)
funkymp (UK)
TuckerKatt (US)
Milan + 1 (UK)
AmyMoore (country??)
Jeaubong (country??)
Me (Perú)
Hi my friends, only have a day to start the tour and 17 for Lima ...
Until today, we are:
Andreas (Swisterland)
Cheo Ramirez (Perú)
Juan Godoy + girlfriend + 3 friends (Argentina)
funkymp (UK)
TuckerKatt (US)
Milan + 1 (UK)
AmyMoore (country??)
Jeaubong (country??)
Jorgekm + 20 aprox (Perú)
Me (Perú)
I think the point of meeting for Friday 18th to be at Kennedy Park in Miraflores front to Mc.Donalds, hour???
And for the thursday i can look in their lodgings.
For more contact, my BB pin is 2820174E, email <!-- e --><a href="mailto:mavilag@hotmail.com">mavilag@hotmail.com</a><!-- e -->, and my movil phone is 051989078721
juntarnos en el Kennedy Park me viene barbaro porque voy a estar en un hostel que esta justo enfrente..
a que hora nos encontrariamos?? tener en cuenta que tenemos qe estar temprano para poder comprar esos hermosos posters
Hola Juan, claro yo creo que puede ser maximo 10:00 am... y el jueves yo puedo pasar a verte por la noche y a ver que se puede hacer..
Buenisimo loco!! me re copo tu idea!! hacemos eso loco, yo voy a estar en un hostel.. despues te mando bien toda la info
Perfecto Juansito, el jueves entonces nos vemos, el viernes estoy quedando con Bong que esta yendo con la gira ahora me parece que esta en porto alegre pero llega el viernes por la mañana, asi que nos vemos con él y vamos juntos tambien al estadio. Me mandas los datos de tu hostel, estas en flyindog?
couple of questions - how far is the stadium from there? is it walking distance or would i need to get a taxi?
for ticket collection - i believe the nearest one according to http://www.tuentrada.com.pe/shops.asp is
Centro Civico Av. Inca Garcilazo de la Vega N° 1383 – Cercado de Lima. which looks like it's just done the road?
couple of questions - how far is the stadium from there? is it walking distance or would i need to get a taxi?
for ticket collection - i believe the nearest one according to http://www.tuentrada.com.pe/shops.asp is
Centro Civico Av. Inca Garcilazo de la Vega N° 1383 – Cercado de Lima. which looks like it's just done the road?
The stadium is quite far away, you should take a taxi (20-30 min, depending on traffic).
Centro Civico is quite close from where you are, a 10 min walk.
So what is the plan (time/location) for meeting up? I arrive Friday morning and I'm staying in Miraflores at Hostal El Faro Inn (857 Francia St).
Hi man, the meeting point is Miraflores, exactly front to Mc Donalds in Kennedy Park about 09:30 to 10:00 am. from Hostal El Faro inn to meeting point is 7 or 8 minutes to walk.
So what is the plan (time/location) for meeting up? I arrive Friday morning and I'm staying in Miraflores at Hostal El Faro Inn (857 Francia St).
Hi man, the meeting point is Miraflores, exactly front to Mc Donalds in Kennedy Park about 09:30 to 10:00 am. from Hostal El Faro inn to meeting point is 7 or 8 minutes to walk.
We wait for you?
I'll do my best to be there! Is everyone heading to the show right from there?
So what is the plan (time/location) for meeting up? I arrive Friday morning and I'm staying in Miraflores at Hostal El Faro Inn (857 Francia St).
Hi man, the meeting point is Miraflores, exactly front to Mc Donalds in Kennedy Park about 09:30 to 10:00 am. from Hostal El Faro inn to meeting point is 7 or 8 minutes to walk.
We wait for you?
I'll do my best to be there! Is everyone heading to the show right from there?
quite early isn't? what about a morning beer? haha
So what is the plan (time/location) for meeting up? I arrive Friday morning and I'm staying in Miraflores at Hostal El Faro Inn (857 Francia St).
Hi man, the meeting point is Miraflores, exactly front to Mc Donalds in Kennedy Park about 09:30 to 10:00 am. from Hostal El Faro inn to meeting point is 7 or 8 minutes to walk.
We wait for you?
Is it possible to kill some time around the stadium?
Very excited about Friday! Would love to meet up, but not sure wether I can make the 10 o'clock appointment as I'm not sure where I am staying and where the McDonalds is Will be coming from Cuzco on the 17th, at least that is the plan. On Facebook it was mentioned that the docu PJ20 will be shown that night in the National Library. Does anybody know more? Who is going? As I've been travelling for over two months I haven't seen it yet and would love to go...
Adriana, Holanda!
Pinkpop 92 - Amsterdam 96 - Arnhem 2006 - Nijmegen 2007 - Rotterdam 2009- Nijmegen 2010 - Lima 2011 - Amsterdam I 2012 - Amsterdam II 2012
Trying to get a bed at Loki Hostel in Lima, Calle Jose Galves in Miraflores. Would be perfect for meet up ;-) Where would the closest Tu Entrada-office be?
Pinkpop 92 - Amsterdam 96 - Arnhem 2006 - Nijmegen 2007 - Rotterdam 2009- Nijmegen 2010 - Lima 2011 - Amsterdam I 2012 - Amsterdam II 2012
Trying to get a bed at Loki Hostel in Lima, Calle Jose Galves in Miraflores. Would be perfect for meet up ;-) Where would the closest Tu Entrada-office be?
Hi adriana, on Thursday afternoon I meet with members coming from Argentina to try to see the band at their hotel. Maybe later we could go with you to the biblioteca nacional for see PJ documental. The Argentina boys hostel is also in Miraflores near you. The meeting point is too and “tu entrada” point too. To walk between this places no more that TEN minutes.
Ok. Late to posting here but I will be arriving Thursday morning and staying with family in Brena. I don't know if I can do the early stadium time either but I would be interested in seeing the band at their hotel. Does anyone know which hotel they are staying at? What are the details for the hotel visit? I would be happy to meet all of you, just maybe not possible at 10am. Also, I have seat tickets in the section closest to Stone's side. Riot Act maybe. I forget now.
Not sure what the plans are at 10? Will you go straight to the stadium? I'd rather have lunch somewhere and take my time to get to the line... But I thought: I just show up at TEN so I at least know what you all look like :-)
Pinkpop 92 - Amsterdam 96 - Arnhem 2006 - Nijmegen 2007 - Rotterdam 2009- Nijmegen 2010 - Lima 2011 - Amsterdam I 2012 - Amsterdam II 2012
Not sure what the plans are at 10? Will you go straight to the stadium? I'd rather have lunch somewhere and take my time to get to the line... But I thought: I just show up at TEN so I at least know what you all look like :-)
My thoughts exactly -- meet everyone at 10a but head over later. Sounds like we have a coalition of at least 2
The band comes on Thursday afternoon to Lima and will stay at the Marriot hotel, I was coordinating with Juan (Argentina) go to the hotel to see the band. Maybe those who want to go with us we can meet on Thursday.
It is a good choice meet Friday 10:00 am to know more and depending on assistance from people at the stadium we decided hour to go.
Not sure what the plans are at 10? Will you go straight to the stadium? I'd rather have lunch somewhere and take my time to get to the line... But I thought: I just show up at TEN so I at least know what you all look like :-)
Same here. What about having lunch together guys? We can try some cebiche and grab a beer on the way to the stadium. We can meet up at 10 as Martin suggests.
Martin, what time are u going to the Marriot Hotel? I'm sure Eddie will surf in Miraflores on Friday. We sound like stalkers!
I was thinking the Marriott in Miraflores would be the place. How about some sort of meetup on Thursday also? I am not sure if I can make it. Depends on what my family is up to. But I would love to try and see the band and maybe get a picture with Mike. What time are people stalking, I mean hanging out at the Marriott? And I also may try to swing by Miraflores at 10am like someone else said, just to meet other crazy people.
Not sure what the plans are at 10? Will you go straight to the stadium? I'd rather have lunch somewhere and take my time to get to the line... But I thought: I just show up at TEN so I at least know what you all look like :-)
Same here. What about having lunch together guys? We can try some cebiche and grab a beer on the way to the stadium. We can meet up at 10 as Martin suggests.
Martin, what time are u going to the Marriot Hotel? I'm sure Eddie will surf in Miraflores on Friday. We sound like stalkers!
Perfect, so the friday meet 10:00 am for know the people crazy (as say Laddie)... We think go to Marriot the thursday for afternoon anda maybe friday also.
Juan, i think that you meet with he, your nickname es Bong.
He want know if anyone arrive to Lima in this hour (10:00 am) or share a cab to miraflores, he stay in hostel kokopelli - http://www.hostelkokopelli.com.
Please write a PM to "jeaubong", or to me.
one more for the group in lima
Andreas (Swisterland)
Cheo Ramirez (Perú)
Juan Godoy + girlfriend + 3 friends (Argentina)
funkymp (UK)
TuckerKatt (US)
Milan + 1 (UK)
AmyMoore (country??)
Jeaubong (country??)
Me (Perú)
Total: 15...
Until today, we are:
Andreas (Swisterland)
Cheo Ramirez (Perú)
Juan Godoy + girlfriend + 3 friends (Argentina)
funkymp (UK)
TuckerKatt (US)
Milan + 1 (UK)
AmyMoore (country??)
Jeaubong (country??)
Jorgekm + 20 aprox (Perú)
Me (Perú)
I think the point of meeting for Friday 18th to be at Kennedy Park in Miraflores front to Mc.Donalds, hour???
And for the thursday i can look in their lodgings.
For more contact, my BB pin is 2820174E, email <!-- e --><a href="mailto:mavilag@hotmail.com">mavilag@hotmail.com</a><!-- e -->, and my movil phone is 051989078721
Estoy yendo con unos amigos pero no sé si animen a ir tan temprano. Les confirmo.
Martín, una sugerencia. Podrías retirar el acento en "Perú"? Así los extranjeros que busquen grupo para ir pueden encontrar este post más facilmente.
Miraflores is nicer. Do you know where are u staying?
Does anyone know what time the show is supposed to start? Do the shows usually run late?
Listo my friend, buena sugerencia, ya lo retire.
show starts 9 pm, always start on time
a que hora nos encontrariamos?? tener en cuenta que tenemos qe estar temprano para poder comprar esos hermosos posters
Hola Juan, claro yo creo que puede ser maximo 10:00 am... y el jueves yo puedo pasar a verte por la noche y a ver que se puede hacer..
Buenisimo loco!! me re copo tu idea!! hacemos eso loco, yo voy a estar en un hostel.. despues te mando bien toda la info
Perfecto Juansito, el jueves entonces nos vemos, el viernes estoy quedando con Bong que esta yendo con la gira ahora me parece que esta en porto alegre pero llega el viernes por la mañana, asi que nos vemos con él y vamos juntos tambien al estadio. Me mandas los datos de tu hostel, estas en flyindog?
i´m staying at hotel kamana http://www.hotelkamana.com/ it seems and arrive the night before in lima.
couple of questions - how far is the stadium from there? is it walking distance or would i need to get a taxi?
for ticket collection - i believe the nearest one according to http://www.tuentrada.com.pe/shops.asp is
Centro Civico Av. Inca Garcilazo de la Vega N° 1383 – Cercado de Lima. which looks like it's just done the road?
The stadium is quite far away, you should take a taxi (20-30 min, depending on traffic).
Centro Civico is quite close from where you are, a 10 min walk.
I hope this helps
Hi man, the meeting point is Miraflores, exactly front to Mc Donalds in Kennedy Park about 09:30 to 10:00 am. from Hostal El Faro inn to meeting point is 7 or 8 minutes to walk.
We wait for you?
I'll do my best to be there! Is everyone heading to the show right from there?
quite early isn't? what about a morning beer? haha
Is it possible to kill some time around the stadium?
Very excited about Friday! Would love to meet up, but not sure wether I can make the 10 o'clock appointment as I'm not sure where I am staying and where the McDonalds is
Adriana, Holanda!
http://www.larepublica.pe/11-11-2011/ve ... a-nacional
Trying to get a bed at Loki Hostel in Lima, Calle Jose Galves in Miraflores. Would be perfect for meet up ;-) Where would the closest Tu Entrada-office be?
Agree -- it seems very early to me, heading over at 10a for a 9p show. Does anyone else want to head over later in the day?
My thoughts exactly -- meet everyone at 10a but head over later. Sounds like we have a coalition of at least 2
The band comes on Thursday afternoon to Lima and will stay at the Marriot hotel, I was coordinating with Juan (Argentina) go to the hotel to see the band. Maybe those who want to go with us we can meet on Thursday.
It is a good choice meet Friday 10:00 am to know more and depending on assistance from people at the stadium we decided hour to go.
What do you think?
Same here. What about having lunch together guys? We can try some cebiche and grab a beer on the way to the stadium. We can meet up at 10 as Martin suggests.
Martin, what time are u going to the Marriot Hotel? I'm sure Eddie will surf in Miraflores on Friday. We sound like stalkers!
Perfect, so the friday meet 10:00 am for know the people crazy (as say Laddie)... We think go to Marriot the thursday for afternoon anda maybe friday also.