12 year old and STD's



    How does a 12 year old girl get one of these vaccines to begin with? Are these offered for free in Middle School?
  • __ Posts: 6,651
    How does a 12 year old girl get one of these vaccines to begin with? Are these offered for free in Middle School?

    It will practically never happen. Nobody's going around offering HPV vaccines to kids like candy. At this point, they would more than likely have to nagivate the healthcare system, seek out the vaccine, find transportation to the clinic, etc. If they qualify financially (and I'm not sure how they'll prove they do without a parent), they can get it for free through the Vaccines for Children program. I think Title X and Medicaid cover it as well.
  • I just hope this makes more teenage girls wanna get pregnant. Having a baby is a beautiful miracle and, wait, what's this you say? You don't have any money?

    Worry not! The government is here to fund you as you pop out as many babies as you want! It's free money!
    I knew it all along, see?
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