I personally like Tebow and wish him the best in Denver. His faith and the way he shows it doesn't bother me at all. I'd rather have preachy Jesus freaks in the NFL than crazy drugged up thugs getting arrested all the time.
edit: but crazy drugged up NFL thugs who get arrested all the time are funny to me. I'm looking at you Chris Cooke of the Vikings.
Good point man. I don't understand how people can dislike him. He might not be great anymore, but he works his ass off and is a good leader. I hope he improves and has a good career ahead of him in the NFL.
The amount of hype that this guy gets is insane. I just don't get it. He'll be a mediocre QB at best in the NFL. Yeah, that was a very nice comeback, but he looked like absolute shit for the first 55 mins of that game.
Quarterback criticism... from a Bears fan. That's the funniest part of this whole thread. :P
Well, Bears fans are pretty familiar with mediocre QBs.
I personally like Tebow and wish him the best in Denver. His faith and the way he shows it doesn't bother me at all. I'd rather have preachy Jesus freaks in the NFL than crazy drugged up thugs getting arrested all the time.
edit: but crazy drugged up NFL thugs who get arrested all the time are funny to me. I'm looking at you Chris Cooke of the Vikings.
Good point man. I don't understand how people can dislike him. He might not be great anymore, but he works his ass off and is a good leader. I hope he improves and has a good career ahead of him in the NFL.
This right here is why I hate him. We are fairly sure he's a sucky NFL quarterback, but because he grew up in a society that privileges jesus freak white men, he gets a pass. "Well at least he's not getting in trouble"...well no shit he grew up in a middle class white family that taught him to be god fearin', and to do nice things, it's really a shocker he turned out to be a nice white guy who sucks at quarterback :roll: . This, of course, is in contrast to "thugs" like, say, Michael Vick who's tons better but got caught fighting dogs. Shocker alert, Michael Vick grew up in a shitty area of our country that has been decimated by the system, and, oh my god, he learned how to and kept fighting dogs because that's part of his background. What if he grew up in Tebow's family? Would he have been a god fearing, awesome quarterback? Basically when we root for Tebow and against Vick (or any other thug) it often clouds the systemic reasons why they are "good guys" and "thugs", and that is why I hate Tim Tebow.
I personally like Tebow and wish him the best in Denver. His faith and the way he shows it doesn't bother me at all. I'd rather have preachy Jesus freaks in the NFL than crazy drugged up thugs getting arrested all the time.
edit: but crazy drugged up NFL thugs who get arrested all the time are funny to me. I'm looking at you Chris Cooke of the Vikings.
Good point man. I don't understand how people can dislike him. He might not be great anymore, but he works his ass off and is a good leader. I hope he improves and has a good career ahead of him in the NFL.
This right here is why I hate him. We are fairly sure he's a sucky NFL quarterback, but because he grew up in a society that privileges jesus freak white men, he gets a pass. "Well at least he's not getting in trouble"...well no shit he grew up in a middle class white family that taught him to be god fearin', and to do nice things, it's really a shocker he turned out to be a nice white guy who sucks at quarterback :roll: . This, of course, is in contrast to "thugs" like, say, Michael Vick who's tons better but got caught fighting dogs. Shocker alert, Michael Vick grew up in a shitty area of our country that has been decimated by the system, and, oh my god, he learned how to and kept fighting dogs because that's part of his background. What if he grew up in Tebow's family? Would he have been a god fearing, awesome quarterback? Basically when we root for Tebow and against Vick (or any other thug) it often clouds the systemic reasons why they are "good guys" and "thugs", and that is why I hate Tim Tebow.
Soooo..to clear things up you HATE him because he's not that good and doesnt deserve to be where he is, in your opinion.
Vick is a fucking idiot. I dont care how he grew up. He lives in a civilized society and is a millionaire. He chose to let dogs fight and kill each other. There are a lot of people worse off who dont make nearly as stupid and inhumane decisions as he did. So is it easier to hate Tebow or to hate Vick? Easy answer if you ask me.
Personally, I like to have someone to root for. Tebow is that kind of guy. I think Tebow works his ass off and deserves a shot.
I hate him because he's not that good, doesn't deserve to be where he is, AND people love him because "he's a good guy" (read: god fearing and white). It's just stupid to me that people chant his name even though he's the 3rd best QB on his own team. Conversely, while I don't like what Vick did it was part of his upbringing, that was informed, in large part, by a society that has systematically created the context for poor (mostly black) people in his town to fight dogs. Of course the argument always reverts to "his personal choice" to fight dogs or not to, but how many people making that argument actually ever grew up in a situation where dogfighting was even thought of as possible? What the hell do we know about that culture, and trying to get out (if he ever did want to get out)? So to finally clear things up I hate how Tebow and Vick are loved/hated because people mostly evaluate the end product without ever thinking about how and/or why they got to be the way they are.
I hate him because he's not that good, doesn't deserve to be where he is, AND people love him because "he's a good guy" (read: god fearing and white). It's just stupid to me that people chant his name even though he's the 3rd best QB on his own team. Conversely, while I don't like what Vick did it was part of his upbringing, that was informed, in large part, by a society that has systematically created the context for poor (mostly black) people in his town to fight dogs. Of course the argument always reverts to "his personal choice" to fight dogs or not to, but how many people making that argument actually ever grew up in a situation where dogfighting was even thought of as possible? What the hell do we know about that culture, and trying to get out (if he ever did want to get out)? So to finally clear things up I hate how Tebow and Vick are loved/hated because people mostly evaluate the end product without ever thinking about how and/or why they got to be the way they are.
I see what you're saying.
I just dont understand the people who hate him because people like him.
I think more people support Tebow because of his attitude and passion rather than that he's a good guy, aka "god fearing and white."
You're probably right, not enough people consider how they got to be who they are or how they act, but should that even really matter? No, I've never known anybody that grew up in a crappy situation and suddenly had access to million of dollars, so I dont know that mentality. I assume some "thugs" feel they're to big/important/rich to be brought down by the law. Thats even scarier and more idiotic to me. You can grow up in shitty situations and still know right from wrong.
Lastly, I dont think anybody has given Tebow enough of a chance yet. I honestly dont think he'll ever be great, but like I said, i find it easy to root for someone who works his ass off and does good things in society.
I personally like Tebow and wish him the best in Denver. His faith and the way he shows it doesn't bother me at all. I'd rather have preachy Jesus freaks in the NFL than crazy drugged up thugs getting arrested all the time.
edit: but crazy drugged up NFL thugs who get arrested all the time are funny to me. I'm looking at you Chris Cooke of the Vikings.
Good point man. I don't understand how people can dislike him. He might not be great anymore, but he works his ass off and is a good leader. I hope he improves and has a good career ahead of him in the NFL.
This right here is why I hate him. We are fairly sure he's a sucky NFL quarterback, but because he grew up in a society that privileges jesus freak white men, he gets a pass. "Well at least he's not getting in trouble"...well no shit he grew up in a middle class white family that taught him to be god fearin', and to do nice things, it's really a shocker he turned out to be a nice white guy who sucks at quarterback :roll: . This, of course, is in contrast to "thugs" like, say, Michael Vick who's tons better but got caught fighting dogs. Shocker alert, Michael Vick grew up in a shitty area of our country that has been decimated by the system, and, oh my god, he learned how to and kept fighting dogs because that's part of his background. What if he grew up in Tebow's family? Would he have been a god fearing, awesome quarterback? Basically when we root for Tebow and against Vick (or any other thug) it often clouds the systemic reasons why they are "good guys" and "thugs", and that is why I hate Tim Tebow.
so basically you hate him because he is white and privileged. that is pure reverse racism. i dig your passion for the plight of the underclass and the culture of athletics within that but hating on Tebow for being white and privileged doesn't help your argument the other way. and not sure how you are 'sure' he is a sucky quarterback. he has started exactly 1 NFL game.
and michael vick is a bad dude and not just because of his dog fighting. the dude's a punk regardless of his upbringing or background. he has a very smug fu attitude. i don't like the guy and i see him on tv every night here in philly.
I'm not a fan but it's not really his fault. The media has been going overboard on him for years and it's gotten to a point where he's hard to watch.
He's the third best QB on his team and one of the worst in the league and he's still the top story every day on ESPN. He's a good guy but there a lot of good guys in the league.
As soon as he's playing against teams that aren't 0-6 he'll be exposed and then maybe the media will quit jerking off to him.
This show, another show, a show here and a show there.
I guess I should further clarify ... I don't hate Tebow the person (I actually think he's probably a better person than Vick), I hate Tebow the celebrity (the guy that we are fed by the media). Both Vick's and Tebow's celebrity are used to normalize how god fearing white guys are "good", and dog fighting black guys are "bad" without ever actually encouraging us to think a little deeper about why they are the way they are (you are right maybe Vick's just a dick, but do we "know" him or Tebow outside of the camera lens?). Additionally, I think Tebow sucks at being a quarterback, but because he had his celebrity shaped for us in the way it has given him a chance that he doesn't deserve. That's my opinion though so it could be wrong, but completing 49% of your passes against the Dolphins doesn't bode well - especially if Suh gets ahold of him next week.
Needing a ride to Forest Hills and a ounce of weed. Please inquire within. Thanks. Or not. Posts: 58,276
and not sure how you are 'sure' he is a sucky quarterback. he has started exactly 1 NFL game.
He actually started 3 games at the end of last season.
I wish I was as fortunate, as fortunate as me.
Shameless beer-related plugs:
Instagram/Twitter/Untappd: FtMyersBeerGuy
I guess I should further clarify ... I don't hate Tebow the person (I actually think he's probably a better person than Vick), I hate Tebow the celebrity (the guy that we are fed by the media). Both Vick's and Tebow's celebrity are used to normalize how god fearing white guys are "good", and dog fighting black guys are "bad" without ever actually encouraging us to think a little deeper about why they are the way they are (you are right maybe Vick's just a dick, but do we "know" him or Tebow outside of the camera lens?). Additionally, I think Tebow sucks at being a quarterback, but because he had his celebrity shaped for us in the way it has given him a chance that he doesn't deserve. That's my opinion though so it could be wrong, but completing 49% of your passes against the Dolphins doesn't bode well - especially if Suh gets ahold of him next week.
ah ok. thanks for clarifying. i do understand your dislike for Tebow better now. and I doubt very highly an NFL coach starts a QB because the guy is a celebrity. i mean can he really be much worse than Kyle Orton? Give the guy a chance to play and see what he can do before we cast him off as a shitty NFL QB.
edit: granted i don't think his ceiling is very high but i think he can be average or slightly better. lord knows the NFL is littered with that type of QB
I guess I should further clarify ... I don't hate Tebow the person (I actually think he's probably a better person than Vick), I hate Tebow the celebrity (the guy that we are fed by the media). Both Vick's and Tebow's celebrity are used to normalize how god fearing white guys are "good", and dog fighting black guys are "bad" without ever actually encouraging us to think a little deeper about why they are the way they are (you are right maybe Vick's just a dick, but do we "know" him or Tebow outside of the camera lens?). Additionally, I think Tebow sucks at being a quarterback, but because he had his celebrity shaped for us in the way it has given him a chance that he doesn't deserve. That's my opinion though so it could be wrong, but completing 49% of your passes against the Dolphins doesn't bode well - especially if Suh gets ahold of him next week.
You're right, the celebrity thing sucks. I agree that I hate what the media has done to him...But CometoTex said it well:
I'm not a fan but it's not really his fault. The media has been going overboard on him for years and it's gotten to a point where he's hard to watch.
I feel bad for Tebow and the celebrity status that has surrounded him. But then again, he was the best college player I ever saw, so I know I was excited to see if his transition to the NFL could work.
I'm not sure I agree that his celebrity status has given him the chance he doesnt deserve. Again, I feel like he probably works harder than anyone out there. Would the Denver coaches really say, "Geesh Timmy was on ESPN alot, lets give him a start."
and not sure how you are 'sure' he is a sucky quarterback. he has started exactly 1 NFL game.
He actually started 3 games at the end of
last season.
I was going to make that correction....I do admire and appreciate TT work ethic. I was rooting for the guy last Sunday mainly because it brought misery to my household. I don't see TT as an elite NFL qb but he has some drawing charisma that gets the job done barely against a subpar team so far. I wish him well let's see what he could do against the patriots and steelers of the league.
*We CAN bomb the World to pieces, but we CAN'T bomb it into PEACE*...Michael Franti
*MUSIC IS the expression of EMOTION.....and that POLITICS IS merely the DECOY of PERCEPTION*
.....song_Music & Politics....Michael Franti
*The scientists of today think deeply instead of clearly. One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite INSANE*....Nikola Tesla(a man who shaped our world of electricity with his futuristic inventions)
it's not that he is on ESPN a lot, it's that he got drafted in the first round which means a fairly big cash outlay, and pretty much a guaranteed chance at this - he got drafted in the first round even though he shouldn't have gone there. to be honest i though Orton was really good for about 10 games last year then he physically fell apart...not sure what he was doing this year though. If you honestly think Teebs was the best CFB player you've ever seen then you must be too young to remember Barry Sanders http://sportsratings.typepad.com/colleg ... ers-1.html, and Tommie Frazier was about his equal when it came to on-field success http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tommie_Frazier.
it's not that he is on ESPN a lot, it's that he got drafted in the first round which means a fairly big cash outlay, and pretty much a guaranteed chance at this - he got drafted in the first round even though he shouldn't have gone there. to be honest i though Orton was really good for about 10 games last year then he physically fell apart...not sure what he was doing this year though. If you honestly think Teebs was the best CFB player you've ever seen then you must be too young to remember Barry Sanders http://sportsratings.typepad.com/colleg ... ers-1.html, and Tommie Frazier was about his equal when it came to on-field success http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tommie_Frazier.
probably a topic for another thread but the best i've seen in college football off the top of my head:
offense: reggie bush, bo jackson, herschal walker, tim brown
defense: derrick thomas, deion sanders, charles woodson
best I ever saw? Did I say that?
oh yeah, I guess I did.
Let me refrain that. He was one of the best I ever saw. I guess when I say that, I somewhat mean that he brought something to the table that I never saw before and led his team to championship and did some remarkable stuff. His leadership and work ethic in college was awesome.
No question the players you guys named are better and many have gone on to awesome success in the NFL, but Tebow was something different. I have been to many Gator games..mostly in the mid to late 90's.. but Tebow doing his thing brought that whole stadium to the brink of insanity. Just the excitement of what he would do next was fun.
g under p
Surfing The far side of THE Sombrero Galaxy Posts: 18,209
I wish TT well he has a long long way to go I'm rooting for the guy along with Michael Vick until he plays the Patriots.
*We CAN bomb the World to pieces, but we CAN'T bomb it into PEACE*...Michael Franti
*MUSIC IS the expression of EMOTION.....and that POLITICS IS merely the DECOY of PERCEPTION*
.....song_Music & Politics....Michael Franti
*The scientists of today think deeply instead of clearly. One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite INSANE*....Nikola Tesla(a man who shaped our world of electricity with his futuristic inventions)
"However, there‘s no doubt Tebow’s leash will not be long. He has played poorly in two starts with little, if any improvement shown. The 2-5 Broncos will likely pull the plug on Tebow early if he doesn’t show marked improvements soon. Denver coach John Fox said Tebow must improve as a pocket passer to keep his job. Tebow has struggled mightily in that area."
Good point man. I don't understand how people can dislike him. He might not be great anymore, but he works his ass off and is a good leader. I hope he improves and has a good career ahead of him in the NFL.
Well, Bears fans are pretty familiar with mediocre QBs.
Soooo..to clear things up you HATE him because he's not that good and doesnt deserve to be where he is, in your opinion.
Vick is a fucking idiot. I dont care how he grew up. He lives in a civilized society and is a millionaire. He chose to let dogs fight and kill each other. There are a lot of people worse off who dont make nearly as stupid and inhumane decisions as he did. So is it easier to hate Tebow or to hate Vick? Easy answer if you ask me.
Personally, I like to have someone to root for. Tebow is that kind of guy. I think Tebow works his ass off and deserves a shot.
I see what you're saying.
I just dont understand the people who hate him because people like him.
I think more people support Tebow because of his attitude and passion rather than that he's a good guy, aka "god fearing and white."
You're probably right, not enough people consider how they got to be who they are or how they act, but should that even really matter? No, I've never known anybody that grew up in a crappy situation and suddenly had access to million of dollars, so I dont know that mentality. I assume some "thugs" feel they're to big/important/rich to be brought down by the law. Thats even scarier and more idiotic to me. You can grow up in shitty situations and still know right from wrong.
Lastly, I dont think anybody has given Tebow enough of a chance yet. I honestly dont think he'll ever be great, but like I said, i find it easy to root for someone who works his ass off and does good things in society.
so basically you hate him because he is white and privileged. that is pure reverse racism. i dig your passion for the plight of the underclass and the culture of athletics within that but hating on Tebow for being white and privileged doesn't help your argument the other way. and not sure how you are 'sure' he is a sucky quarterback. he has started exactly 1 NFL game.
and michael vick is a bad dude and not just because of his dog fighting. the dude's a punk regardless of his upbringing or background. he has a very smug fu attitude. i don't like the guy and i see him on tv every night here in philly.
He's the third best QB on his team and one of the worst in the league and he's still the top story every day on ESPN. He's a good guy but there a lot of good guys in the league.
As soon as he's playing against teams that aren't 0-6 he'll be exposed and then maybe the media will quit jerking off to him.
Shameless beer-related plugs:
Instagram/Twitter/Untappd: FtMyersBeerGuy
ah ok. thanks for clarifying. i do understand your dislike for Tebow better now. and I doubt very highly an NFL coach starts a QB because the guy is a celebrity. i mean can he really be much worse than Kyle Orton? Give the guy a chance to play and see what he can do before we cast him off as a shitty NFL QB.
edit: granted i don't think his ceiling is very high but i think he can be average or slightly better. lord knows the NFL is littered with that type of QB
You're right, the celebrity thing sucks. I agree that I hate what the media has done to him...But CometoTex said it well:
I feel bad for Tebow and the celebrity status that has surrounded him. But then again, he was the best college player I ever saw, so I know I was excited to see if his transition to the NFL could work.
I'm not sure I agree that his celebrity status has given him the chance he doesnt deserve. Again, I feel like he probably works harder than anyone out there. Would the Denver coaches really say, "Geesh Timmy was on ESPN alot, lets give him a start."
I was going to make that correction....I do admire and appreciate TT work ethic. I was rooting for the guy last Sunday mainly because it brought misery to my household. I don't see TT as an elite NFL qb but he has some drawing charisma that gets the job done barely against a subpar team so far. I wish him well let's see what he could do against the patriots and steelers of the league.
*MUSIC IS the expression of EMOTION.....and that POLITICS IS merely the DECOY of PERCEPTION*
.....song_Music & Politics....Michael Franti
*The scientists of today think deeply instead of clearly. One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite INSANE*....Nikola Tesla(a man who shaped our world of electricity with his futuristic inventions)
probably a topic for another thread but the best i've seen in college football off the top of my head:
offense: reggie bush, bo jackson, herschal walker, tim brown
defense: derrick thomas, deion sanders, charles woodson
Reggie Bush, Vince Young, Barry Sanders, Ricky Williams and on and on.
He was never the best player on his team at Florida. When he kept chunking int's against OU in the NC game his D kept bailing him out.
oh yeah, I guess I did.
Let me refrain that. He was one of the best I ever saw. I guess when I say that, I somewhat mean that he brought something to the table that I never saw before and led his team to championship and did some remarkable stuff. His leadership and work ethic in college was awesome.
No question the players you guys named are better and many have gone on to awesome success in the NFL, but Tebow was something different. I have been to many Gator games..mostly in the mid to late 90's.. but Tebow doing his thing brought that whole stadium to the brink of insanity. Just the excitement of what he would do next was fun.
*MUSIC IS the expression of EMOTION.....and that POLITICS IS merely the DECOY of PERCEPTION*
.....song_Music & Politics....Michael Franti
*The scientists of today think deeply instead of clearly. One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite INSANE*....Nikola Tesla(a man who shaped our world of electricity with his futuristic inventions)
Luck may go to Indy and then Orton definitely won't be there.
2010: Newark 5/18 MSG 5/20-21 2011: PJ20 9/3-4 2012: Made In America 9/2
2013: Brooklyn 10/18-19 Philly 10/21-22 Hartford 10/25 2014: ACL10/12
2015: NYC 9/23 2016: Tampa 4/11 Philly 4/28-29 MSG 5/1-2 Fenway 8/5+8/7
2017: RRHoF 4/7 2018: Fenway 9/2+9/4 2021: Sea Hear Now 9/18
2022: MSG 9/11 2024: MSG 9/3-4 Philly 9/7+9/9 Fenway 9/15+9/17
2025: Pittsburgh 5/16+5/18
"However, there‘s no doubt Tebow’s leash will not be long. He has played poorly in two starts with little, if any improvement shown. The 2-5 Broncos will likely pull the plug on Tebow early if he doesn’t show marked improvements soon. Denver coach John Fox said Tebow must improve as a pocket passer to keep his job. Tebow has struggled mightily in that area."
http://espn.go.com/blog/afcwest/post/_/ ... post-tebow