The thing I like most about time is that it's not real. It's all in the head. Sure, it's a useful trick to use if you want to meet someone at a specific place in the universe and have tea or coffee- but that's all it is- a trick. There is no such thing as the past. It exists only in the memory. There is no such thing as the future. It exists only in our imagination. If our watches were truly accurate, the only thing they would ever say is "Now". That's what time it is. It's "Now". - Damien Echols
I am SO holding you to that! That looks unreal good.
The thing I like most about time is that it's not real. It's all in the head. Sure, it's a useful trick to use if you want to meet someone at a specific place in the universe and have tea or coffee- but that's all it is- a trick. There is no such thing as the past. It exists only in the memory. There is no such thing as the future. It exists only in our imagination. If our watches were truly accurate, the only thing they would ever say is "Now". That's what time it is. It's "Now". - Damien Echols
The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences, and hence there is no greater joy than to have an endlessly changing horizon, for each day to have a new and different sun.
I am SO holding you to that! That looks unreal good.
btw, Pamela. i've never actually had an omelette there. that is a pic of a breakfast sandwich called Loretta- named after Sarki's wife with cheesy has browns on the side.
the sanwich is your choice of bacon, ham or sausage, with cheese, green peppers, onions and tomatoes, a little mayo and seasoned salt all wrapped in a fresh, italian roll. (you can delete ingredients if you want but i get everything on it)
it tastes phenominal plus, it's a great cure for a hangover.
I am SO holding you to that! That looks unreal good.
btw, Pamela. i've never actually had an omelette there. that is a pic of a breakfast sandwich called Loretta- named after Sarki's wife with cheesy has browns on the side.
the sanwich is your choice of bacon, ham or sausage, with cheese, green peppers, onions and tomatoes, a little mayo and seasoned salt all wrapped in a fresh, italian roll. (you can delete ingredients if you want but i get everything on it)
it tastes phenominal plus, it's a great cure for a hangover.
OMG you're killing me... I'm so hungry right now! Good chance I'll have two of those.
The thing I like most about time is that it's not real. It's all in the head. Sure, it's a useful trick to use if you want to meet someone at a specific place in the universe and have tea or coffee- but that's all it is- a trick. There is no such thing as the past. It exists only in the memory. There is no such thing as the future. It exists only in our imagination. If our watches were truly accurate, the only thing they would ever say is "Now". That's what time it is. It's "Now". - Damien Echols
I am SO holding you to that! That looks unreal good.
btw, Pamela. i've never actually had an omelette there. that is a pic of a breakfast sandwich called Loretta- named after Sarki's wife with cheesy has browns on the side.
the sanwich is your choice of bacon, ham or sausage, with cheese, green peppers, onions and tomatoes, a little mayo and seasoned salt all wrapped in a fresh, italian roll. (you can delete ingredients if you want but i get everything on it)
it tastes phenominal plus, it's a great cure for a hangover.
That's what I could have gone for Sunday morning then.
No no, you're thinking of Gene & Jude's! Superdawg doesn't put ketchup on their dogs, but they do have it if you ask for it. Gene & Jude's, on the other hand, will kick you the fuck out for asking for it!
WI '98, WI '99 (EV), WI '00, Chgo '00, MO '00, Champaign '03, Chgo '03, WI '03, IN '03, MI '04, Chgo '06:N1 & 2, WI '06, Chgo '07, Chgo '08 (EV:N1), Chgo '09:N1 & 2, Chgo '11 (EV:N1), WI '11:N1 & 2, Philly '12, Wrigley '13, Pitt '13, Buff '13, Detroit '14, MKE '14, Wrigley '16: N1 & N2, Seattle '18 N2, Wrigley '18: N1 & N2, Fenway '18 N1, STL '22, St Paul '23 N2, Chgo '23: N1 & N2, Wrigley '24 N1 & 2
The thing I like most about time is that it's not real. It's all in the head. Sure, it's a useful trick to use if you want to meet someone at a specific place in the universe and have tea or coffee- but that's all it is- a trick. There is no such thing as the past. It exists only in the memory. There is no such thing as the future. It exists only in our imagination. If our watches were truly accurate, the only thing they would ever say is "Now". That's what time it is. It's "Now". - Damien Echols
No no, you're thinking of Gene & Jude's! Superdawg doesn't put ketchup on their dogs, but they do have it if you ask for it. Gene & Jude's, on the other hand, will kick you the fuck out for asking for it!
***mental note-keep ketchup in pocket if I ever visit the east coast/mid-west***
The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences, and hence there is no greater joy than to have an endlessly changing horizon, for each day to have a new and different sun.
No no, you're thinking of Gene & Jude's! Superdawg doesn't put ketchup on their dogs, but they do have it if you ask for it. Gene & Jude's, on the other hand, will kick you the fuck out for asking for it!
***mental note-keep ketchup in pocket if I ever visit the east coast/mid-west***
You know, even though I was born and raised in Chicago, I honestly don't have a problem with ketchup on a hotdog! Now, Chicago-style definitely doesn't need it. But a plain one with a little ketchup? Not sure what the big fuss is all about!
WI '98, WI '99 (EV), WI '00, Chgo '00, MO '00, Champaign '03, Chgo '03, WI '03, IN '03, MI '04, Chgo '06:N1 & 2, WI '06, Chgo '07, Chgo '08 (EV:N1), Chgo '09:N1 & 2, Chgo '11 (EV:N1), WI '11:N1 & 2, Philly '12, Wrigley '13, Pitt '13, Buff '13, Detroit '14, MKE '14, Wrigley '16: N1 & N2, Seattle '18 N2, Wrigley '18: N1 & N2, Fenway '18 N1, STL '22, St Paul '23 N2, Chgo '23: N1 & N2, Wrigley '24 N1 & 2
when you come to chi, i'll have you direct you to this place. it's in the burbs but you'll never have a better breakfast in your life.
They won't serve me ketchup there! :x
- Christopher McCandless
btw, Pamela. i've never actually had an omelette there. that is a pic of a breakfast sandwich called Loretta- named after Sarki's wife with cheesy has browns on the side.
the sanwich is your choice of bacon, ham or sausage, with cheese, green peppers, onions and tomatoes, a little mayo and seasoned salt all wrapped in a fresh, italian roll. (you can delete ingredients if you want but i get everything on it)
it tastes phenominal plus, it's a great cure for a hangover.
OMG you're killing me... I'm so hungry right now!
That's what I could have gone for Sunday morning then.
No no, you're thinking of Gene & Jude's! Superdawg doesn't put ketchup on their dogs, but they do have it if you ask for it. Gene & Jude's, on the other hand, will kick you the fuck out for asking for it!
Please take pics of your meal as well!
This the one in the Evanston/Wilmette area?
damn you!!!
***mental note-keep ketchup in pocket if I ever visit the east coast/mid-west***
- Christopher McCandless
Got it. If I ever go to Gene & Judes B.Y.O.K.
Yep, it's down the street from my in-laws. For that reason alone I despise the place
For real tho the food is good, but it's a major hangout for teenagers, and I'm old and crotchety and they irritate the crap out of me!