It's about damn time! ... r_embedded
We need to start teaching our kids about Jesus Christ, and not about this ridiculous science crap that the LEFTIST COMMIES want our kids believin'.
Kids need to know that God loves them and knows them better than anyone! He knew every single detail about them and their entire lives eons before they were ever conceived. They need to know that He has a plan for them, and that He will love them eternally, unless they grow up to be gays or Democrats. :shock:
We need to start teaching our kids about Jesus Christ, and not about this ridiculous science crap that the LEFTIST COMMIES want our kids believin'.
Kids need to know that God loves them and knows them better than anyone! He knew every single detail about them and their entire lives eons before they were ever conceived. They need to know that He has a plan for them, and that He will love them eternally, unless they grow up to be gays or Democrats. :shock:
I knew it all along, see?
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God watches everyone all of the time...
God watches you jacking off... think about it next time you do.
Hail, Hail!!!
Awesome! And I think the evolution theory should be BANNED TOO!!!! I read the best proof of creationism the other day, the final evidence that the universe is young: "If the Universe was old, why would Saturn's ring look all shinny and new?!" They won! Hands down!
If you hate something, don't you do it too...~
Alpine Valley Resort is etched in my brain!!!
excellent point!
"How I choose to feel is how I am." ~ EV/MMc
"Some people hear their own inner voices with great clearness and they live by what they hear. Such people become crazy, or they become legends." ~ One Stab ~
If the ACLU supports the rights of other groups to hold meetings on school property... why not Christian groups? It is not forced upon all students... they are invited to attend and have the right to choose not to participate.
The flip side being... the Christians need to understand that their right to assemble means that they need to show tolerance towards other religious groups, such as Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhists and Atheists to hold similar meetings.
And that the line is drawn... no teachings of religion should be taught in the public classrooms... unless ALL religious teachings are allowed and given equal time in the classrooms. Which may be a good thing... maybe Christians should learn about Islam from Muslims, not FOX News and that Muslim students should learn about Christianity from Christians, not Al Qaeda.
We are NOT a Christian Nation... we ARE a Free Nation.
Hail, Hail!!!
:problem: Wait. does this mean God loves porn?
I knew it.
That means its OK if I love porn too! :P
Like I said. I love you Johnny America! Not in a homo way. Johnny America 2012!
I don't understand the atheists either, though. It seems unlikely to me that life on Earth was just a huge coincidence...all these molecules formed under just the right conditions, temperature, etc...until voila! Human life! I personally believe that God put all those wheels in motion. Intelligent design, I think they call it.
Of course, I'm not an expert on science or religion...I just don't see why both sides are so damn hard-headed about all this. But I guess it's that way with most "issues," really.
Therefore... it MUST be an invisible man in the sky who loves us all!
East Troy 9/3/11
East Troy 9/4/11
Amsterdam 6/26/12
Amsterdam 6/27/12
Wrigley Field 7/19-20/13
Worcester, MA 10/15/13
Worcester, MA 10/16/13
Hartford, CT 10/25/13
Seattle, WA 12/06/13
Denver, CO 10/22/14
Fenway 2016 #1
Fenway 2016 #2
Fenway 2018 #1
Fenway 2018 #2
That's fine if you don't believe that. But you proved my point by attacking only half of what I was saying, that being the half that you don't personally believe. I think it's obvious that there are some things that science will never be able to prove. I think a great example came from the movie "Contact" (which I generally thought was a pretty terrible movie, but there was one exchange I really liked). Matthew McConaughey, playing a Christian minister, is discussing the existence or non-existence of God with Jodie Foster's character, an atheist scientist. When Foster says that there's simply no proof of the existence of God, Matthew McConaughey asks her: "Did you love your father?" Foster responds: "Of course!" McConaughey responds with "prove it." Just food for has yet to prove the existence of love, and I doubt they ever will...but most of us know it exists.
Actually, this was a school function. An assembly, during school hours. Do not believe it was optional.
We need to let our kids know that Jesus is the way, or else they'll vote Democrat.
If you cannot decipher the difference, I suggest you take a cursory look at the field of epistemology.
And if we want to teach religion in public schools, it should be an elective and it should be about the history of all religions... and not proselytization of a gaseous vertebrate of astronomic heft.
Are you saying that non-white majority religions should be able to teach our kids lies?
Allah is fake! Jesus is real! It's proven by Jesus, who said it.
Does time exist?
What was God doing 900 Trillion Years before man was created?
How old is God?
Was there nothing before God? Where did God come from.
What is his/her/its motivation or agenda
Wouldn't a decision to CREATE a bunch of fools such as ourselves (and the habitat to sustain our existence) be just as random as "all these molecules formed under just the right conditions, temperature, etc."
why should God care if someone believes or not?
If there is a God, and if I don't believe there is a God, wouldn't that be God's doing?
If there is a God, I don't believe that any of us would be able to comprehend him in a way that would lend itself to meaningful conversation.
But hey, maybe I'm wrong.
East Troy 9/3/11
East Troy 9/4/11
Amsterdam 6/26/12
Amsterdam 6/27/12
Wrigley Field 7/19-20/13
Worcester, MA 10/15/13
Worcester, MA 10/16/13
Hartford, CT 10/25/13
Seattle, WA 12/06/13
Denver, CO 10/22/14
Fenway 2016 #1
Fenway 2016 #2
Fenway 2018 #1
Fenway 2018 #2
East Troy 9/3/11
East Troy 9/4/11
Amsterdam 6/26/12
Amsterdam 6/27/12
Wrigley Field 7/19-20/13
Worcester, MA 10/15/13
Worcester, MA 10/16/13
Hartford, CT 10/25/13
Seattle, WA 12/06/13
Denver, CO 10/22/14
Fenway 2016 #1
Fenway 2016 #2
Fenway 2018 #1
Fenway 2018 #2
Double negative! Jesus wins again!
Go Jesus Go!!! America loves you...
That's essentially what I got from your heathen ramblings. Roughly translated into the most logical language of all: the language of God's love.
It's become obvious to me that you want America to be run by pot-smoking, rock-and-roll loving, unscrupulous hoodlums who do not tuck in their shirts and often spit on the sidewalk!
I'll be praying for you.
He was the greatest American.
Where did God come from?
This was a terrible movie and that exchange being your highlight is the perfect example why. It thought it was more clever than it really was.
It's very easy to prove your love. She could say - I cried when he died. I worried about him when he was sick. I hugged him every morning before I went to school. OR, whatever she defines as love. Love is a very real thing that we each define in our own ways. Sure, it's not a tangible item, but that doesn't mean it's up for debate that it exists.
Love is 100% "provable," if you will. God is not. Food for thought.
I'm more of an agnostic myself. There's no way God looks down on our daily lives. And I 100% know evolution occurred. But, which came first, matter or god? Could initial matter have occured by big bang (or the like) - yes. But, what created the big bang? As someone else said, I don't think the 2 are mutually exclusive. Just the way some folks interpret it is.
Some very good points here, but I disagree with your assertion that love is 100% provable. Has science ever been able to prove the existence of love? Absolutely not. I agree with you that love is whatever you define it as. I also believe the same about God. So, assuming what you say is true, and that love is 100% provable, I shall now provide you with 100% proof of God's existence. Ready? Here goes:
God is love.
And for the record, my opinion on this is preaching religion in this form has no place in public school. Religion and faith are very personal decisions, not decisions to be forced upon children by the school.
I'm almost speechless...
You have me pegged!
East Troy 9/3/11
East Troy 9/4/11
Amsterdam 6/26/12
Amsterdam 6/27/12
Wrigley Field 7/19-20/13
Worcester, MA 10/15/13
Worcester, MA 10/16/13
Hartford, CT 10/25/13
Seattle, WA 12/06/13
Denver, CO 10/22/14
Fenway 2016 #1
Fenway 2016 #2
Fenway 2018 #1
Fenway 2018 #2
So you don't think children should be taught the TRUTH?!
Here's the difference: evolution claims to be a theory, Creation does not, because it's the word of God.
You wanna teach kids that monkeys are magically turning into humans, even though that magically seems to have stopped happening once cameras were invented? There's nothing like that in Christianity.
Shit, you want kids to learn about evolution, well, why not teach them other theories and myths? Greek mythology? Where's the evidence for that? Again, the ancient Greeks called it Greek mythology because they knew it was a myth, and that Jesus was the light!