And as DADT ends... here are 101 GLBT servicemen and women.



  • JonnyPistachioJonnyPistachio Florida Posts: 10,219
    pandora wrote:
    pandora wrote:
    So he is intolerant due to her behavior ...
    same thing he is angry with others for, them being intolerant of his behavior.

    Oh the irony ....

    He is intolerant of his own sister and her lifestyle/choices/ behavior but still demands others
    to treat him with tolerance. The golden rule applies here.

    I see a huge difference here. If Prince-O-D has decided that he doesn't like his sister because of her actions and the way she behaves towards him, that is one thing. That is a reaction to her actions (I believe he has said that she angrily 'outed' him to his family. THAT is a terrible thing to do). On the other hand, for him to be upset that people don't like the way he lives (aka sexual preference) is completely different.

    And there are times, even with family, when a person can only take so much before it ruins their ability to live happily. It doesnt always take two. None of us know the whole story of him and his sister and it has no bearing on acceptance of anything in my opinion.
    There is really no difference because the op doesn't understand others.
    Not those who are intolerant of him, not his very own sister either.
    Yet he requests tolerance while he is intolerant of others

    To me it comes down to that very basic place.


    If you can not give it don't expect to find it in life.

    I think you missed my point. We don't even know the tip of the iceberg with his relationship with his sister.
    I'm pretty amazed that you would say the OP "doesnt understand others."...again, isnt THAT a bit judgmental?
    Maybe he gave her a hundred chances..we dont know. Bottom line is that doesnt mean he's intolerant, because he doesnt get along with his sister. Maybe she earned it. I called ONE woman a cunt before, and i'll tell you what, she earned it.

    I am amazed that the point of this thread was derailed by this. Being intolerant of sexual preference (homophic or bigoted and hateful, especially towards a whole group) is completely different than a personal relationship when a family doesnt get along. apples and oranges.
    Pick up my debut novel here on amazon: Jonny Bails Floatin (in paperback) (also available on Kindle for $2.99)
  • pandora wrote:

    Does someone really care about 'sickens'...

    cause I could say the language used by our op sickens me... anybody care... no.

    Generalizations are used here on the board more than I care to see
    covering everyone and I'm pretty sure you yourself have spouted a few.

    I would say rationalizing is much different than understanding and this is what I am doing.
    I understand all points of view. And yes it does make a big difference name calling.

    I hope you are not an example of our younger generation... pretty hateful yourself
    I would say.

    So you would be more upset to be called a name, than to be told that your love 'sickens' someone?
    No, I do not tolerate intolerance...and I generally don't generalize....;) If you can show me an example, I will recant. But I am willing to bet you cannot find one. I don't think you do understand pandora. I think you defend your friend regardless of how outrageous he sounds, and do yourself a great disservice in doing so.

    So spare us the sanctimonious tripe about understanding....if you truely understood the opposing viewpoint, you would not be arguing yours so vehemently. As JP said - POD is judging one person based on years of negative experiences. Godfather is judging an entire group of people based on his own irrational phobia. To compare the two is laughable.

    Godfather. wrote:
    you never know..this old dinosaur might piss on you grave :lol:

    A golden shower fetish too?
    I understand, Godfather. I understand.
  • un-fucking-real.
    No name calling from godfather...but to say 'it sickens me', ' it turns my stomic', then make derogatory comments about gay sexuality, generalizations about gay men, and flat out mistruths about being gay - all in one ok, and just speaking openly and honestly....because it didn't end with 'fag' or another name?

    Whats the difference? Keep rationalizing the hate you just admitted he spouts pandora. You condone it with your defense.

    This dinosaur mentality will die with your generation. Good fucking riddance.

    Be careful, when you react like this you don't allow open dialogue.
    I wasn't looking for open dialogue, I was making a point....but thanks for the heads up.
  • Godfather.Godfather. Posts: 12,504
    pandora wrote:

    Does someone really care about 'sickens'...

    cause I could say the language used by our op sickens me... anybody care... no.

    Generalizations are used here on the board more than I care to see
    covering everyone and I'm pretty sure you yourself have spouted a few.

    I would say rationalizing is much different than understanding and this is what I am doing.
    I understand all points of view. And yes it does make a big difference name calling.

    I hope you are not an example of our younger generation... pretty hateful yourself
    I would say.

    So you would be more upset to be called a name, than to be told that your love 'sickens' someone?
    No, I do not tolerate intolerance...and I generally don't generalize....;) If you can show me an example, I will recant. But I am willing to bet you cannot find one. I don't think you do understand pandora. I think you defend your friend regardless of how outrageous he sounds, and do yourself a great disservice in doing so.

    So spare us the sanctimonious tripe about understanding....if you truely understood the opposing viewpoint, you would not be arguing yours so vehemently. As JP said - POD is judging one person based on years of negative experiences. Godfather is judging an entire group of people based on his own irrational phobia. To compare the two is laughable.

    Godfather. wrote:
    you never know..this old dinosaur might piss on you grave :lol:

    A golden shower fetish too?
    I understand, Godfather. I understand.

    no, I don't think you do.

  • pandorapandora Posts: 21,855
    Pandora, Godfather, you know i love ya, but i think your both wrong on this one. Family doesn't get a pass just because they are family, My sister was Queen B of the universe when i was growing up, She may not have outed me for being gay, but if i was she would have, hell that would have been christmas and her birthday rolled into one, ANYTHING to cause me pain. 18 years of torture, pyshical when i was younger and then mental when i got big enough to defend myself, She HATED me from the day i was bought home from the hospital (tried to kill me that night, not kidding ), it didn't take two to tangle, it was JUST her, a bully. So i think i know where the Op is coming from. There is only so much you can take before you call a spade a spade.
    Hey and you know I love you BJ
    sounds like you hopefully have made peace with this.

    I don't think Godfather spoke on this though that was my private battle ;)
    showing intolerance for others.

    One of my posts speaks to forgiving not for others but for ourselves.

    I was filled with hate until I learned it was hurting me and who I wanted to be.
    We don't have to forget just forgive to allow healing.... we do this for ourselves.
    One could hope to have more than that... most especially me...I always hope for more love.
    And think it worth a try to repair as much as one can.

    Forgiving abuse is the hardest, this I know, but there really is no choice in the matter,
    if the heart remains bitter it will never reach its true capacity for love.

    I hope and it sounds like you understand your sister...
    it is the first child syndrome perhaps? Insecurity at its finest?

    Who knows, but understanding others, imo
    is the name of the game and never the wrong choice.
    It is the only way we can ever hope to have a better world.
  • Godfather. wrote:
    it sickens me ! especially the males, to see a act like a woman turns my stomic and honestly I have never met a gay man that I would befriend most of you guys shoot off your mouth about gay rights and then you say it's not a choice...let me tell you something man every time you bend over or open your mouth you made that choice to do that's how I fell about it have a nice day.


    OK... although to be honest, I don't have any gay male friends who "act like a woman."

    Yes, I "shoot my mouth off" about wanting legal equality for my family... we didn't' choose to be gay but we DID choose to live our lives together and that should be our right. I don't care if you "agree with it" or not.

    Yes, I do choose to have sex with my husband. And it should be my right to choose to have sex with my husband. After 20 years of "for better or for worse, in sickness and in health," I think it's a right we've earned, don't you?
  • pandorapandora Posts: 21,855

    I think you missed my point. We don't even know the tip of the iceberg with his relationship with his sister.
    I'm pretty amazed that you would say the OP "doesnt understand others."...again, isnt THAT a bit judgmental?
    Maybe he gave her a hundred chances..we dont know. Bottom line is that doesnt mean he's intolerant, because he doesnt get along with his sister. Maybe she earned it. I called ONE woman a cunt before, and i'll tell you what, she earned it.

    I am amazed that the point of this thread was derailed by this. Being intolerant of sexual preference (homophic or bigoted and hateful, especially towards a whole group) is completely different than a personal relationship when a family doesnt get along. apples and oranges.
    for me jonny it is not.. it is human to human.
    And yes it shows intolerance.

    And no I see no understanding on the op's part perhaps you will point out some
    I may have missed

    and do I also see someone who rather enjoys the combat.... yes no?

    One poster does not even begin a battle and is jumped on
    while intolerance for him is always non existent.
    Wouldn't you think by this time one would ignore instead of rile?

    This could be said for both 'fronts' perhaps or at the least remain respectful.
  • I wasn't looking for open dialogue,

    No kidding.

    When we people start to realize the the best way to discuss and move people's opinions towards your side is not with a baseball bat to the head?
    hippiemom = goodness
  • JonnyPistachioJonnyPistachio Florida Posts: 10,219
    pandora wrote:

    I think you missed my point. We don't even know the tip of the iceberg with his relationship with his sister.
    I'm pretty amazed that you would say the OP "doesnt understand others."...again, isnt THAT a bit judgmental?
    Maybe he gave her a hundred chances..we dont know. Bottom line is that doesnt mean he's intolerant, because he doesnt get along with his sister. Maybe she earned it. I called ONE woman a cunt before, and i'll tell you what, she earned it.

    I am amazed that the point of this thread was derailed by this. Being intolerant of sexual preference (homophic or bigoted and hateful, especially towards a whole group) is completely different than a personal relationship when a family doesnt get along. apples and oranges.
    for me jonny it is not.. it is human to human.
    And yes it shows intolerance.

    And no I see no understanding on the op's part perhaps you will point out some
    I may have missed

    and do I also see someone who rather enjoys the combat.... yes no?

    One poster does not even begin a battle and is jumped on
    while intolerance for him is always non existent.
    Wouldn't you think by this time one would ignore instead of rile?

    This could be said for both 'fronts' perhaps or at the least remain respectful.

    You've lost me.
    However, you said he is "intolerant of others".
    Its not possible to come to that conclusion in this msg pit.
    He might be intolerant of his sister, but my point was that maybe she earned it. You dont know. Besides, it is OK to be intolerant of others sometimes, especially if they've earned it.

    I dont tolerate bullies, racist folks, Osama bin Laden, the KKK, my ex girlfriend, my ex-roomate who became a drunk and tried to screw my g/f...sometimes you just have to draw the line somewhere for your own sanity. Does that mean i'm intolerant? No. I'm intolerant to certain situations. I'm not intolerant to the way someone lives their lives because its "icky". big difference.
    Pick up my debut novel here on amazon: Jonny Bails Floatin (in paperback) (also available on Kindle for $2.99)
  • pandorapandora Posts: 21,855
    pandora wrote:

    Does someone really care about 'sickens'...

    cause I could say the language used by our op sickens me... anybody care... no.

    Generalizations are used here on the board more than I care to see
    covering everyone and I'm pretty sure you yourself have spouted a few.

    I would say rationalizing is much different than understanding and this is what I am doing.
    I understand all points of view. And yes it does make a big difference name calling.

    I hope you are not an example of our younger generation... pretty hateful yourself
    I would say.

    So you would be more upset to be called a name, than to be told that your love 'sickens' someone?
    No, I do not tolerate intolerance...and I generally don't generalize....;) If you can show me an example, I will recant. But I am willing to bet you cannot find one. I don't think you do understand pandora. I think you defend your friend regardless of how outrageous he sounds, and do yourself a great disservice in doing so.

    So spare us the sanctimonious tripe about understanding....if you truely understood the opposing viewpoint, you would not be arguing yours so vehemently. As JP said - POD is judging one person based on years of negative experiences. Godfather is judging an entire group of people based on his own irrational phobia. To compare the two is laughable.

    Godfather. wrote:
    you never know..this old dinosaur might piss on you grave :lol:

    A golden shower fetish too?
    I understand, Godfather. I understand.
    to bad you ended your post with that ...geez :wtf:
    took away all credibility.

    what is my argument? please tell me and what is my stance on this issue?

    If you do not tolerate intolerance then you must not tolerate gays who are intolerant of those
    they are intolerant of ... because they are also....

    round and round we go

    because this is where understanding comes in ... though you say it is
    sanctimonious tripe ...very understanding of you by the way :?

    it is through understanding this is repaired

    or you guys can keep the insults going and the hate circling
    so that our world never gets any better
    sure that makes much more sense over trying to understanding each other.
  • SeaSea Posts: 3,076
    What part of "discuss the topic not, not the people discussing the topic" and "discuss disagree politely" and the rest of the Posting Guidelines, and all the admin warnings, and the locked threads, etc and so on, do some of you not understand?

    Posting Guidelines:

    Sticky post at the top of moving train:
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