The band doesn't seem hyper any more

When ever I see them live on you tube or for real, they're always laid back, and when you compare it to the 1991-1994 live videos they ust to jump around, stage dive, go crazy. Now they just stand and play.
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They can buy but cant put on my clothes
Throw down my ace in the hole~~~~~~
Let's go for three in a row, no sorry i can't think of anything thats not funny. - Paul Merton
Happy? Skip to 1:50 if your lazy.
8/7/08, 6/9/09
I know I dont move like I did 15 years ago.
Plus, Mick Jagger is the son of a fitness expert. He's an exceptional human being, even if he does have a neck like a dead snake. And Keef has been in undead pickled suspension since 1973. So they don't count. PJ are middle-aged fellas. They need to take it easier, these days.
Jumped out of an airplane
Jumped off of bridges as high as 60 feet (EDIT: Into Water)
Jumped off of cliffs on ski's with the highest jump being about 30 feet
Climbed everything in site, including to the Base Camp of Mt. Everest (EDIT: Did this in 2001)
Played Soccer, Wrestled, and other sports
Now at age 34, much younger than the members of Pearl Jam, I:
Can't do any of those things now.
Damn this getting older shit. PJ Brings it much harder than I could, but the days of Eddie climbing the rafters, and jumping into the crowd are pretty much over.
I fathered and raised two kids and did lots of those same exact things!
OK that was a lie, but the two kids are real!
holy crap! you were busy!
34? wait 'til you hit 45!
LOL. give me a break.
Shit I know for sure I dont move like I did 15 years ago and if I did my husband probably wouldnt let me leave the house - LOL
EDIT: I still have pretty good moves though (just not like I did when I was 16
i thought they were on fire this tour...saw them in Tampa...Va Beach...DC...
Yup, got married and had two kids. lol.
My lifestyle has just changed. I need constant exercise to be in shape, and with the job and wife and kids, I don't have any time for that.
Sure it is somewhat of an excuse, but I don't have the desire either.
AND when I'm 45 I'll probably be half in the grave.
I jest a bit, and with work I could be in great shape, but I'm never jumping off anything ever again.
I do have plans to hike to the top of Kilimanjaro. Even had the wife sign off on my trip in 2007, but my daughter was born in Dec 2006 and those plans were scrapped.
Hopefully will still happen.
2010 - Newark 5/18 MSG 5/21
2011 - PJ20 9/3-9/4
2012 - MIA Festival 9/2
2013 - Wrigley Field 7/19 Brooklyn 10/18-10/19 Philly 10/22
2015 - Colbert show - 9/23 Global Citizens Festival 9/26
2016 - Philly 4/28-4/29 MSG 5/1-5/2
seriously though,the boys still put out MAD ENERGY!!!
the energizer bunny don't have shit on Mr.McCready!
I didn't know Bill Brasky was on the PJ message board. :-D
-Christopher Walken
you're=you are
your=showing ownership
The truth has a well known liberal bias.
-Stephen Colbert
bahhahaha... "Bill Brasky's a Sonofabitch!"
Hyper....have you seen Mike lately? He acts like a 10 year old on speed!
I've definitely noticed it - it's certainly their sloppiest tour ever.
Too bad it was just a short tour, the tour was over as soon as they were starting to sound a little better.
I didn't think much of the first US leg in 2006 either but they improved greatly by the West Coast shows, it's hard to know if it would've been the same this time around though.
The root of the problem is that nobody seems to notice if they completely screw up or not and they know it, so what's their motivation to rehearse?
It blows me away that anyone can listen to this year's boots and say they're playing at the same level as even 2003 or 2006, there's no explanation other than blind ignorance. 2008 should've been called The Emperor's New Clothes Tour...
and also have you seen IIC?
sure if you analyse them like a tit might, you might find the odd mistake, but for the most part it seems to me like they were bang on form. In fact they almost sound really into it but in a relaxed comfortable way, like they are really enjoying it....
sloppyness? whatever
What’s self destruction and how can we last?
"I cannot stop the thought of running in the dark.
Coming up a which way sign. All good truants must decide."
McCain, America's scariest grandpa!
1) We have people who still consider the old "Soldiers' Field" boot to be a classic. Once everyone lets go of THAT, then I'll reconsider the quality of the 2008 tour.
2) I saw three shows on this tour, and 2 out of three are up there with my favorites.
3) '03 and '06, with a few exceptions weren't really any better than '08. Shit, Mansfield III form '03 is regarded as the "be alll - end all" by MANY people, and it's sloppy as hell! Great setlist, great concept, but sloppy.
4) For a short tour, the band was as tight as it was going to get. The band seemed to really enjoy themselves, as did the fans.