14 signs that the collapse of our modern world has begun

catefrancescatefrances Posts: 29,003
edited October 2011 in A Moving Train
http://www.naturalnews.com/032258_econo ... _2012.html

14 signs that the collapse of our modern world has already begun

Monday, May 02, 2011
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
Editor of NaturalNews.com (See all articles...)

(NaturalNews) A lot of people believe the world as we know it is going to end on December 23, 2012. Nonsense, I say. The far more honest answer is that the end of the world as we know it has already begun. And it doesn't mean the end of the world; it means the closing of one era and the birth of a new one. It is a transition between the ages. This particular transition, however, promises to be the most tumultuous and costly transition humankind has ever seen.

But don't wait around for December 2012 to look for the signs. Here are 14 signs that the world as we know it is unraveling right now. We are living through the end of one era and the birth of a new one. In the future, they'll look back and call this all one moment in history, but when you're living through it, it seems to move forward at almost a snail's pace. But make no mistake: We are living through the opening chapters of the end of the world as we know it, and on the other side of all this will emerge a new world that's very different from the one we know today.

#1 - Tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes and tsunamis - At first it seemed like a fluke; but now it's a pattern. The weather is becoming increasingly extreme. Over 120 tornadoes recently struck the U.S. Midwest. Texas is on fire and suffering through an extreme drought. And where there aren't fires and droughts, there are floods. This is only the beginning... watch for more freak weather over the next 18 months.

#2 - The silence of the bees - Colony Collapse Disorder continues to accelerate across North America. We already know it's being caused in part by chemical pesticides (and possibly worsened by GMOs), but the chemical industry is engaged in a full-on cover-up to deny this truth while the pollinators of our world suffer a devastating population collapse. (http://www.naturalnews.com/028218_p...)

#3 - The failure of nuclear science - The Fukushima catastrophe proves one thing: Scientists are dangerously arrogant in their planning of large-scale projects, and they fail to account for the awesome power of Mother Nature. Nuclear science promised us clean, green energy -- but now it has delivered a silent, invisible poison that's infecting our planet.

#4 - The vicious pursuit of Wikileaks - In an age of such rampant deceit, there is no room for the truth. So those who tell the truth (Wikileaks) are viciously pursued as if they were criminals.

#5 - The rise of the medical police state - The armed SWAT raids on Maryanne Godboldo in Detroit are only the beginning (http://www.naturalnews.com/032091_M...). The truth is that the medical system uses guns to force its vaccines and chemotherapy onto children and teens across America. The medical system has become so utterly useless, corrupt and dangerous that it must actually invoke guns in peoples' faces just to "convince" people to take its medicine. This is a gunpoint-enforced medical monopoly that exists as a threat to our health and our freedoms.

#6 - The increasing frequency of food shortages and crop failures - Notice the spike in food prices? That's just the beginning: Food prices will continue to skyrocket in the years ahead due to extreme weather, the loss of pollinators and the global contamination of crops by GMOs. Real food is becoming increasingly scarce in our world. You might want to think about starting a home garden...

#7 - The runaway destruction of the world by energy companies - The radioactive fallout from Fukushima isn't the only way in which energy companies are destroying our world: Don't forget about the Deepwater Horizon and the massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico -- a spill that isn't over, by the way. They're still spraying Corexit in the Gulf one year later!

#8 - The continued GMO contamination of our planet - This may be the worst chapter in the coming collapse: The widespread genetic pollution of our planet through GMOs. This is a crime against nature and against humanity. It is a "gene spill" that may never be contained as it spreads its deadly DNA across the world's food crops, leading to crop failures and starvation (http://www.naturalnews.com/032167_g...). The use of GMOs is the closest thing to "Satanic" that you'll find in modern agriculture. The agenda behind this is pure evil.

#9 - The tyranny and criminal crackdowns targeting real food (raw milk) - When you can't even sell honest farm food to your neighbors without being targeted and arrested by the cops, something is terribly wrong with the world. But this is happening today, all across America. Now the feds are even targeting the Amish! (http://www.naturalnews.com/029322_r...)

#10 - The escalation of the counterfeiting of the money supply - In a failed economic system approaching collapse, the moronic leaders can only think of "solutions" that actually accelerate their own downfall. The runaway counterfeiting of money by the Federal Reserve (with its "quantitative easing" and other counterfeit methods) is a classic sign that the end of our current system is fast approaching. The economic insanities are obvious to anyone who can still do math.

#11 - The plummeting intelligence of the masses - One of the most disturbing signs that we're already in the collapse is the great dumbing-down of the masses. The drooling, CNN-watching television zombies who dominate our landscape offer absolutely nothing of value to the world. They are the "mindless consumers" who get vaccinated, watch television and eat processed, pasteurized junk food. They're on psychiatric meds and believe everything the government tells them. Most of these people, of course, won't make it through the collapse.

#12 - The complete and utter fabrication of the mainstream news - Much of the mainstream news is now utterly and completely fabricated these days: The reporting on Obama's long-form birth certificate; the news about the war in Libya; the coverage of the economy and the U.S. debt... it's all so utterly false and unbelievable that an intelligent person watching the news can't help but explode with laughter. It is a sign of this collapse that the information sources relied upon by the masses are unable to report the truth anymore and must resort to weaving politically expedient fictions on everything from health care and medicine to the fate of the U.S. dollar itself.

#13 - The ongoing pharmaceutical pollution of our world - Beyond the GMO contamination and the radiation contamination of our world, we are also experiencing the mass pharmaceutical contamination of our planet. It's not just the pharma factories that dump their products into the rivers (http://www.naturalnews.com/025415_w...); it's also the fact that well over half the population is now taking drugs almost daily, and those drugs pass right through their bodies and end up in the water supply where they contaminate the fish (http://www.naturalnews.com/025933.html). Even beyond that, the drugs end up in the human sewage sludge that's packaged and sold as "organic soil!" (http://www.naturalnews.com/029504_o...)

#14 - The radioactive contamination of the global food supply - Here's one that's really insidious: The global food supply is now contaminated with the radioactive fallout from Fukushima. We're told the levels are "low," but we're not told the truth of how radioactive cesium isotopes persist in the food supply for centuries. How is the human race going to survive its exposure to CT scans, radioactive food, chest X-rays, TSA body scanners and even the secret DHS mobile X-ray vans that can penetrate your body with X-rays as you're walking into a football stadium? The total radiation burden on the human race is now reaching a point of mass infertility. That may be the whole idea, actually.

It's accelerating, too

December, 2012 may be a useful date as some sort of mid-point in the crisis, or perhaps as a trigger date for some further acceleration of society's rapid unraveling. But make no mistake: We are already living in the collapse of our modern world. And you have a front-row seat! (Exciting, huh?)

Think about what's happening around you these days. These are the signs of the last, desperate clutches of a civilization built on utterly unsustainable practices that don't value life on our world. These are the End Times of the corporate oligarchy; the monopolistic for-profit corporation machine that destroyed everything in our world in exchange for a slightly higher quarterly earnings report.

In the quest for more money, humanity has sacrificed its food supply, its pollinators, it's oceans, forests and soils. Greed-driven humans have used other humans as medical experiments and cannon fodder. We have created wars to sell more bombs, and we've invented disease to sell psychiatric chemicals.

These are the practices of a failed civilization... and one whose days are numbered. Watching it all crumble is far more interesting than watching it continue its destructive ways, of course, because those of us paying attention realize a future civilization must rise up in the place of this one after the collapse.

Say goodbye to the false power of institutions

It would be nice if our future leaders remembered the importance of liberty and personal responsibility, of course. The answer to all the world's problems, it turns out, is freedom -- freedom in medicine, freedom in economics and freedom from government tyranny.

Because, let's face it: The root cause of most these problems that are bringing down our world right now is bad government. It is bad government (Big Government) that approved the GMOs. Bad government enforced the medical monopoly and allowed the pesticides to kill the honeybees. Bad government drove us into inescapable debt and costly foreign wars. Bad government outlawed health freedom and protected the monopolistic practices of the food companies, drug companies and chemical companies.

The downfall of modern human civilization is, as you probably guessed, also the downfall of the very idea that Big Government creates a better society. Because if there's one idea that needs to stay dead after the collapse, it's the idea that We the People somehow need another group of people (government workers) to live off our hard work while hounding us with their false authority, directing every little detail of our lives.

What we need in our world isn't more government, but more freedom. If we had freedom, integrity and personal responsibility, we wouldn't even be facing the global collapse that has already begun. But alas, the human race is an infant species and it must learn some lessons the hard way, it seems.

This lesson should be long remembered: If you let the corporations, the banks and the governments run your economies, your farms and your lives, they will enslave you and steal your future while you sleep; they will inject silent poisons into the very world around you until you awaken one day to find that all you created has been destroyed. They will promise you paradise but deliver only death. Beware of any entity that is not a living person -- no government, no institution, no corporation has a soul, nor a heart, nor a conscience. They are forces of organized destruction that decimate those things we hold dear while delivering to us things that will only enslave us or harm us.

Beware the corporation; the government; the non-profit institution working as a front group for private industry. Never allow yourself to be ruled over by any institution which exists only as a fictional construct organized from the projection of human greed.

And be ready for the acceleration of the collapse. Because if you are reading this, you are the future of the human race. You have a duty to stay alive, keep your genes intact, and be around to help create the Next Society after this one crumbles into history.

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/032258_econo ... z1YRhw0FxI
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • most of those are based on (very) bad science or are otherwise scientifically explainable (and hence not proof of the collapse of the modern world); 1, 2, FIVE, 6, 8, 9, 11, 14, 15

    or, are significant issues that people need to be aware of and resolved, but have been problems for long periods of time or are localized issues and are not proof of any "collapse" of anything; 3, 7, 10, 12

    this reads like it was co-written by Alex Jones and New Age Monthly.
    Everything not forbidden is compulsory and eveything not compulsory is forbidden. You are free... free to do what the government says you can do.
  • catefrancescatefrances Posts: 29,003
    you mean to tell me my food isnt radioactive???
    hear my name
    take a good look
    this could be the day
    hold my hand
    lie beside me
    i just need to say
  • megatronmegatron Posts: 3,420
    i thought cell phone towers were a part of the bees?

    hope i don't sound retarded.

    anyways i have freeze dried lasagna so i'm good for like a week after shit hits the fan..then i eat you
  • you mean to tell me my food isnt radioactive???

    yeah, especially bananas. You know what else is radioactive? rocks... or if you live in higher elevation you're exposed to many times more radiation than if you lived at sea level... or if you work or live in a concrete building you're exposed to more radiation... and the list goes on and on. Most element isotopes are "radioactive" in that they are slowly decaying and you're exposed to small amounts of radiation all the time. For some reason bananas are the most radioactive... I think some types of nuts are relatively radioactive as well. The thing is, you'd have to eat like one million bananas for it to have any affect on you. (fyi I know all this because of the recent nuclear disaster in Japan).

    OR, are you talking about food IRRADIATION? Here is a good article about that on the ISU physics website http://www.physics.isu.edu/radinf/food.htm
    Everything not forbidden is compulsory and eveything not compulsory is forbidden. You are free... free to do what the government says you can do.
  • megatron wrote:
    i thought cell phone towers were a part of the bees?

    hope i don't sound retarded.

    anyways i have freeze dried lasagna so i'm good for like a week after shit hits the fan..then i eat you

    last thing I read was that it was a dna virus. These things happen with all types of life. The bees will be fine, I think, but I'm no expert. I also think it is silly to automatically jump to some sort of pesticide or otherwise human created problem just because at first we didn't understand what was happening.

    That is a human tendency and is what I'm trying to get across here... what we don't understand we tend to create some sort of paranormal cause, or a conspiracy theory, or somehow we're getting fucked by "something omnipotent" and/or "something fucking us over." That sometimes IS the case, but most times it is not.
    Everything not forbidden is compulsory and eveything not compulsory is forbidden. You are free... free to do what the government says you can do.
  • catefrancescatefrances Posts: 29,003
    you mean to tell me my food isnt radioactive???

    yeah, especially bananas. You know what else is radioactive? rocks... or if you live in higher elevation you're exposed to many times more radiation than if you lived at sea level... or if you work or live in a concrete building you're exposed to more radiation... and the list goes on and on. Most element isotopes are "radioactive" in that they are slowly decaying and you're exposed to small amounts of radiation all the time. For some reason bananas are the most radioactive... I think some types of nuts are relatively radioactive as well. The thing is, you'd have to eat like one million bananas for it to have any affect on you. (fyi I know all this because of the recent nuclear disaster in Japan).

    OR, are you talking about food IRRADIATION? Here is a good article about that on the ISU physics website http://www.physics.isu.edu/radinf/food.htm

    ive have eaten 1million bananas.. plus i love nuts. cant wait to start glowing. :lol:
    hear my name
    take a good look
    this could be the day
    hold my hand
    lie beside me
    i just need to say
  • megatronmegatron Posts: 3,420
    megatron wrote:
    i thought cell phone towers were a part of the bees?

    hope i don't sound retarded.

    anyways i have freeze dried lasagna so i'm good for like a week after shit hits the fan..then i eat you

    last thing I read was that it was a dna virus. These things happen with all types of life. The bees will be fine, I think, but I'm no expert. I also think it is silly to automatically jump to some sort of pesticide or otherwise human created problem just because at first we didn't understand what was happening.

    That is a human tendency and is what I'm trying to get across here... what we don't understand we tend to create some sort of paranormal cause, or a conspiracy theory, or somehow we're getting fucked by "something omnipotent" and/or "something fucking us over." That sometimes IS the case, but most times it is not.

    yea i don't want to blame anything premature but i just remember seeing a show on it...maybe 60 minutes. but i for sure don't really believe anything on tv or internet...
  • polaris_xpolaris_x Posts: 13,559
    most of those are based on (very) bad science or are otherwise scientifically explainable (and hence not proof of the collapse of the modern world); 1, 2, FIVE, 6, 8, 9, 11, 14, 15

    or, are significant issues that people need to be aware of and resolved, but have been problems for long periods of time or are localized issues and are not proof of any "collapse" of anything; 3, 7, 10, 12

    this reads like it was co-written by Alex Jones and New Age Monthly.

    i don't think the author is suggesting this collapse is orchestrated through some pre-destined fate ... the impacts of global warming have long been around us and its only going to get worse ...

    i briefly scanned the 14 pts and i'm pretty much in agreement with all of it ... especially the dumbing of the masses ...
  • last thing I read was that it was a dna virus. These things happen with all types of life. The bees will be fine, I think, but I'm no expert. I also think it is silly to automatically jump to some sort of pesticide or otherwise human created problem just because at first we didn't understand what was happening.

    That is a human tendency and is what I'm trying to get across here... what we don't understand we tend to create some sort of paranormal cause, or a conspiracy theory, or somehow we're getting fucked by "something omnipotent" and/or "something fucking us over." That sometimes IS the case, but most times it is not.

    So what do you recon is a good amount of time to come to a conclusion that these pesticides and whatnot are not harming people. Do you think the six months/one year is good? Maybe your scientific gods should actually research these things for a real persons life time and see what they really do. I am sure you are smart enough to reverse you comment about not understanding to state that until we understand what these things do we shouldn't just be telling people there is no harm.

    The poison from the poison stream caught up to you ELEVEN years ago and you floated out of here. Sept. 14, 08

  • #11 describes liberals.

    #12 correctly identifies Obama's birth certificate as a fake.

    Now I'm leaving... ...again.
  • So what do you recon is a good amount of time to come to a conclusion that these pesticides and whatnot are not harming people. Do you think the six months/one year is good? Maybe your scientific gods should actually research these things for a real persons life time and see what they really do. I am sure you are smart enough to reverse you comment about not understanding to state that until we understand what these things do we shouldn't just be telling people there is no harm.

    pesticides have been around for nearly 100 years. Certainly since the 40s, they have been used on just about every type and variety of food. Testing is done by two government agencies as well as the private company or university that develops chemcials, and those institutions are also audited by the USDA. Of course, one could just suppopse that since the government is involved that the safety testing is inherently flawed, but I don't buy that supposition (and I'm about as anti-government as it gets).

    There are regulated buffer times that farmers follow (and are instrinsic in the growing process) between pesticide application and harvest... usually at least 30 days. Food is also routinely tested after it is harvested for "acceptable" levels of pesticides in the food, which is in PPM (parts per million). Whatever is left over isn't harmful and even if you do eat a little, you're stomach isn't able to digest it and it goes right thru ya.

    I do have a problem with "preservation" chemcials like those used on tomatoes and bananas to keep them fresh... they harvest them before they are ripe, spray them which keeps the fruit from ripening too fast before it gets to the grocery store. But, that's mainly because that practice makes the fruit taste like SHIT.

    So, I think the process is VERY strict and I've yet to see anything to make me think otherwise. I have a degree in Agriculture Science and I certainly take this stuff very seriously... I'm feeding my son non organic food daily and I have no reason to not believe it is safe. In fact, organic food has kiled people in the past and non-ogranic food has not (due to pesticides, fertilizer, etc) That's because they spread tons of shit on the food in lieu of pounds/acre of fertilizer which makes you more susceptible to poop-borne bacteria illnesses.
    Everything not forbidden is compulsory and eveything not compulsory is forbidden. You are free... free to do what the government says you can do.
  • JeanwahJeanwah Posts: 6,363
    I agree with the entire article.
  • I bet the author believes in chemtrails also.
  • polaris_xpolaris_x Posts: 13,559
    pesticides have been around for nearly 100 years. Certainly since the 40s, they have been used on just about every type and variety of food. Testing is done by two government agencies as well as the private company or university that develops chemcials, and those institutions are also audited by the USDA. Of course, one could just suppopse that since the government is involved that the safety testing is inherently flawed, but I don't buy that supposition (and I'm about as anti-government as it gets).

    There are regulated buffer times that farmers follow (and are instrinsic in the growing process) between pesticide application and harvest... usually at least 30 days. Food is also routinely tested after it is harvested for "acceptable" levels of pesticides in the food, which is in PPM (parts per million). Whatever is left over isn't harmful and even if you do eat a little, you're stomach isn't able to digest it and it goes right thru ya.

    I do have a problem with "preservation" chemcials like those used on tomatoes and bananas to keep them fresh... they harvest them before they are ripe, spray them which keeps the fruit from ripening too fast before it gets to the grocery store. But, that's mainly because that practice makes the fruit taste like SHIT.

    So, I think the process is VERY strict and I've yet to see anything to make me think otherwise. I have a degree in Agriculture Science and I certainly take this stuff very seriously... I'm feeding my son non organic food daily and I have no reason to not believe it is safe. In fact, organic food has kiled people in the past and non-ogranic food has not (due to pesticides, fertilizer, etc) That's because they spread tons of shit on the food in lieu of pounds/acre of fertilizer which makes you more susceptible to poop-borne bacteria illnesses.

    you live in a country that approved rGBH ... something that is pretty much banned in every other developing country ... i wouldn't put what is approved or not as any indication of safety ...

    cancer rates, allergies and autism have all continued to climb ... i'm not saying it is for sure all directly related but otherwise healthy individuals now have cancer and at a much earlier age ... it has to be environmental ... from the air we breathe to the food we eat ...
  • polaris_x wrote:
    you live in a country that approved rGBH ... something that is pretty much banned in every other developing country ... i wouldn't put what is approved or not as any indication of safety ...

    cancer rates, allergies and autism have all continued to climb ... i'm not saying it is for sure all directly related but otherwise healthy individuals now have cancer and at a much earlier age ... it has to be environmental ... from the air we breathe to the food we eat ...

    I know rBGH is banned in a lot of other countries and that's for animal health purposes... I'm not aware of any study that shows that it changes the composition of the milk in any way. It's also been approved by the WHO, so I wouldn't say it's "banned" everywhere else in the world. Your statements alluding to all of the problems of the medical world (cancer, autism, allergies, etc) being caused by changes in our food are laughable. What proof do you have? Where is there a scientific study proving your blanket statement? There are literally thousands of food safety specialists working independently, for universities, for the FDA/USDA/EPA/etc... are you suggesting a massive conspiracy involving thousands of people? Are they all in the pockets of Monsanto?

    What I think is important is to eat local food. If you want it to be organic that's fine... but I haven't seen one piece of (scientific) evidence that makes me think I should buy organic. It's a marketing fad. Buy local, don't eat packaged food, don't drink soda, cut the sodium, drink more water, and if you want to buy rBGH-free milk it is available everywhere. You vote with your pocket book.
    Everything not forbidden is compulsory and eveything not compulsory is forbidden. You are free... free to do what the government says you can do.
  • polaris_xpolaris_x Posts: 13,559
    I know rBGH is banned in a lot of other countries and that's for animal health purposes... I'm not aware of any study that shows that it changes the composition of the milk in any way. It's also been approved by the WHO, so I wouldn't say it's "banned" everywhere else in the world. Your statements alluding to all of the problems of the medical world (cancer, autism, allergies, etc) being caused by changes in our food are laughable. What proof do you have? Where is there a scientific study proving your blanket statement? There are literally thousands of food safety specialists working independently, for universities, for the FDA/USDA/EPA/etc... are you suggesting a massive conspiracy involving thousands of people? Are they all in the pockets of Monsanto?

    What I think is important is to eat local food. If you want it to be organic that's fine... but I haven't seen one piece of (scientific) evidence that makes me think I should buy organic. It's a marketing fad. Buy local, don't eat packaged food, don't drink soda, cut the sodium, drink more water, and if you want to buy rBGH-free milk it is available everywhere. You vote with your pocket book.


    take it for what it is ... i could copy and paste a plethora of links to support my case ... but really, if you think your gov't is concerned about your safety ... i find that laughable ... large corporations get away with murder all for the mighty buck ... why is it that when i go to the states and watch tv ... the majority of the commercials i see are related to pharmaceuticals? ... sick people = $$$ ...

    there are tons of articles on food justice and safety ... again - i'm not even sure where to start ... there are tons of articles on the industrialized food system ...
  • polaris_x wrote:
    I know rBGH is banned in a lot of other countries and that's for animal health purposes... I'm not aware of any study that shows that it changes the composition of the milk in any way. It's also been approved by the WHO, so I wouldn't say it's "banned" everywhere else in the world. Your statements alluding to all of the problems of the medical world (cancer, autism, allergies, etc) being caused by changes in our food are laughable. What proof do you have? Where is there a scientific study proving your blanket statement? There are literally thousands of food safety specialists working independently, for universities, for the FDA/USDA/EPA/etc... are you suggesting a massive conspiracy involving thousands of people? Are they all in the pockets of Monsanto?

    What I think is important is to eat local food. If you want it to be organic that's fine... but I haven't seen one piece of (scientific) evidence that makes me think I should buy organic. It's a marketing fad. Buy local, don't eat packaged food, don't drink soda, cut the sodium, drink more water, and if you want to buy rBGH-free milk it is available everywhere. You vote with your pocket book.


    take it for what it is ... i could copy and paste a plethora of links to support my case ... but really, if you think your gov't is concerned about your safety ... i find that laughable ... large corporations get away with murder all for the mighty buck ... why is it that when i go to the states and watch tv ... the majority of the commercials i see are related to pharmaceuticals? ... sick people = $$$ ...

    there are tons of articles on food justice and safety ... again - i'm not even sure where to start ... there are tons of articles on the industrialized food system ...

    That link took me to a page that had other links to their information sources, which were titled "scientific paper" or something similar, but took me to a damn editorial and one took me to a paper done by a bachelor degree student! A "scientific" paper is going to have an expected result and primary research (observation) to back up what they're saying... what you posted is just opinion (rubbish).

    As far as the gov't being concerned for my safety... no, I don't think "it" is. But the thousands of people working for government, universities, private research firms probably do have a conscience and don't want to hold onto information that is harmful and even life-threatening to the population as a whole. That would require one believing in massive conspiracy theories that put 9/11 conspiracy theory to shame.

    I'm not sure where you're going with the pharmaceuticals comments... we're talking about food. I agree that pharmaceutical companies have a profit motive, like all companies, and I'm sure that many unscrupulous things have been done by those corporations because they always have trade-offs in regards to human safety/welfare/health and their own profit motives. It's an inherently flawed system.

    what exactly is food "justice." What are the alternatives to an "industrialized food system."

    I hope you understand that food science's goal is to feed 6 billion souls safely, efficiently and sustainably. There is no "boogie man" out to get you. Rather, you are being fed FEAR by the new age movement which is desperately trying to find alternative causes to the world's ills. It seems like a classic case of "the thinker and the prover." You've come to a belief (a thought) and now you're trying to prove it without any real scientific fact base.
    Everything not forbidden is compulsory and eveything not compulsory is forbidden. You are free... free to do what the government says you can do.
  • brianluxbrianlux Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 42,728
    Everything in this article reads true to me. The collapse seems unstoppable at this point but there are some things we can do to at least slow it down. I suggest becoming educated on these issues (Read, Bill McKibben, James Howard Kunstler, Richard Heinberg for starters) and take action. If we each do what we can to make the world cleaner, safer, more sane, maybe we'll get to stick around as a species for a little longer.

    The flip side to that is the theory that our civilization needs to collapse because that's what civilizations do anyway and ours in killing the planet. Derrick Jensen writes a lot about this. That thought at least deserves exploring (though I must admit I have a hard time going there.)
    "Don't give in to the lies.  Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth.  And to hope."
    -Jim Acosta

  • brianlux wrote:
    Everything in this article reads true to me. The collapse seems unstoppable at this point but there are some things we can do to at least slow it down. I suggest becoming educated on these issues (Read, Bill McKibben, James Howard Kunstler, Richard Heinberg for starters) and take action. If we each do what we can to make the world cleaner, safer, more sane, maybe we'll get to stick around as a species for a little longer.

    The flip side to that is the theory that our civilization needs to collapse because that's what civilizations do anyway and ours in killing the planet. Derrick Jensen writes a lot about this. That thought at least deserves exploring (though I must admit I have a hard time going there.)

    Yeah, I think it is sensible (and the only sane thing to do) to focus on a cleaner world and leaving this place in a better state than when we found it.

    the 2nd law of thermodynamics will make this difficult for us, since in a closed system (earth) entropy increases over time if you don't do anything to control it.

    I think that's what you're talking about with your last point. Chaos (entropy) will increase and in my layman's point of view it increases exponentially, so that eventually you have a tipping point where things are so fucked up they can't be "fixed" (controlled).

    the scary thing for me is the realization that NO ONE is in control, i.e., we are like a planet of bacteria without control of the whole of us. We think that we're smart enough to do keep reign on the 2nd law of thermodynamics but I don't think that's the case. Population is out of control. Nuclear weapons will almost assuredly be used again. We've put all our eggs into a basket (capitalism) that is like software with a built-in virus - it is inherently flawed because it relies on infinitely increasing production/consumption of finite resources.

    I guess what I'm saying is that there ARE signs that collapse of the modern world has begun, I just don't think any of the ones listed are a sign of "collapse" but a mere symptom of a chaotic world (or just bad science :D )

    BUT, who is to say that the collapse will bring a state of being or consciousness that is "better" than where we are at now? I think that the next eschaton could be something like utopia... and chaos (ANARCHY!) is the way there!

    YES, that's it! Western democracy/capitalism is just the force of negative entropy... keeping us from the singularity of the next utopia! DOWN WITH IT ALL!!! :D (disclaimer; this is just an idea and I bow to you, Big Brother)
    Everything not forbidden is compulsory and eveything not compulsory is forbidden. You are free... free to do what the government says you can do.
  • polaris_xpolaris_x Posts: 13,559
    That link took me to a page that had other links to their information sources, which were titled "scientific paper" or something similar, but took me to a damn editorial and one took me to a paper done by a bachelor degree student! A "scientific" paper is going to have an expected result and primary research (observation) to back up what they're saying... what you posted is just opinion (rubbish).

    As far as the gov't being concerned for my safety... no, I don't think "it" is. But the thousands of people working for government, universities, private research firms probably do have a conscience and don't want to hold onto information that is harmful and even life-threatening to the population as a whole. That would require one believing in massive conspiracy theories that put 9/11 conspiracy theory to shame.

    I'm not sure where you're going with the pharmaceuticals comments... we're talking about food. I agree that pharmaceutical companies have a profit motive, like all companies, and I'm sure that many unscrupulous things have been done by those corporations because they always have trade-offs in regards to human safety/welfare/health and their own profit motives. It's an inherently flawed system.

    what exactly is food "justice." What are the alternatives to an "industrialized food system."

    I hope you understand that food science's goal is to feed 6 billion souls safely, efficiently and sustainably. There is no "boogie man" out to get you. Rather, you are being fed FEAR by the new age movement which is desperately trying to find alternative causes to the world's ills. It seems like a classic case of "the thinker and the prover." You've come to a belief (a thought) and now you're trying to prove it without any real scientific fact base.

    dude ... just look at all the scientists that have been silenced ... from NASA to NOAA to the EPA ... the agenda is political and this is MONSANTO ... i honestly can't believe someone actually buys the propaganda put forth by that company ... sure, all those Indian Farmers are committing suicide because they feel like it ... ???

    the other myth is that food science is about feeding the people ... it's like bombing children in iraq is about freedom too? ... FDA agents are raiding rawmilk co-ops with guns raised ... why?? ... because these co-ops are filled with evil guys who kill people? ... no, because they are protecting the interests of the industrialized food system ... industrialized food and sustainability are oxymoronic ... that is a fact ... lemme guess - all you look at is yield per acre ... but don't factor resources, resulting pollution, global emissions, health of the soil, impacts to health, etc?
  • polaris_x wrote:
    dude ... just look at all the scientists that have been silenced ... from NASA to NOAA to the EPA ... the agenda is political and this is MONSANTO ... i honestly can't believe someone actually buys the propaganda put forth by that company ... sure, all those Indian Farmers are committing suicide because they feel like it ... ???

    Monsanto is definitely a corrupt organization... I'm in no way supportive of that company. But the Indian thing seems to be a factor of drought and debt... neither of which Monsanto can control. I'm sorry I just can't take you seriously when you reference NASA and NOAA when we're talking about food safety...
    polaris_x wrote:
    the other myth is that food science is about feeding the people ... it's like bombing children in iraq is about freedom too? ... FDA agents are raiding rawmilk co-ops with guns raised ... why?? ... because these co-ops are filled with evil guys who kill people? ... no, because they are protecting the interests of the industrialized food system ... industrialized food and sustainability are oxymoronic ... that is a fact ... lemme guess - all you look at is yield per acre ... but don't factor resources, resulting pollution, global emissions, health of the soil, impacts to health, etc?

    again, I take issue with your statement that makes my industry, education and life (I grew up on a farm) tantamount to bombing children in Iraq. Your statements have a different fact base than mine. My fact base comes from a university education and a lifetime of service in agriculture (including my current job refinancing debt for farmers). It seems like your fact base comes exclusively from "New Age weekly" . I don't think we'll be able to reconcile these differenes in fact bases so any further debate is pointless.
    Everything not forbidden is compulsory and eveything not compulsory is forbidden. You are free... free to do what the government says you can do.
  • polaris_xpolaris_x Posts: 13,559
    Monsanto is definitely a corrupt organization... I'm in no way supportive of that company. But the Indian thing seems to be a factor of drought and debt... neither of which Monsanto can control. I'm sorry I just can't take you seriously when you reference NASA and NOAA when we're talking about food safety...

    NASA and NOAA are in reference to the suppression of science within the gov't ... the suicides in India are related to the fucked up seed and pesticides they are making the indian farmers use ...
    again, I take issue with your statement that makes my industry, education and life (I grew up on a farm) tantamount to bombing children in Iraq. Your statements have a different fact base than mine. My fact base comes from a university education and a lifetime of service in agriculture (including my current job refinancing debt for farmers). It seems like your fact base comes exclusively from "New Age weekly" . I don't think we'll be able to reconcile these differenes in fact bases so any further debate is pointless.

    i agree to disagree ... all i can say is - i do have a great deal of respect for farmers ... i know quite a few actually as I do a lot of my shopping at farmers markets and my gf runs a CSA ... and they are fully behind the idea that food production when managed by large corporations are meant for one purpose and one purpose only ... profits ...

    lemme ask you this ... why do many farmers require refinancing and how many farmers are running up huge debts?

    edit: also ... why is rGBH banned everywhere? ... you think it's only because of its affects on the animals? ... pretty much every independent study says there needs to be more research done ... but this is Monsanto here ...
  • brianluxbrianlux Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 42,728
    It's odd to me that articles like this one are perceived as "radical" or hyperboli. I've been reading about this stuff for 45 years (starting in high school with Huxley up to most recently, McKibben's Eaarth). More importantly, I've been watching all of this unravel. Careful observation (or lately, simple observation) of the real world outside my home, computer, TV-- it's all there to see, it's all happening, it's all real. The results of all this may be radical but the information is not. It is the reality of what is happening. We would do well to be educated, learn real skills and pass along what we know. Should we also have fun and keep a sense of humor? Oh, absolutely!
    "Don't give in to the lies.  Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth.  And to hope."
    -Jim Acosta

  • For someone against CNN news, this article sure reads like a bunch of CNN news stories.. hmmm.
  • JeanwahJeanwah Posts: 6,363
    Gob wrote:
    For someone against CNN news, this article sure reads like a bunch of CNN news stories.. hmmm.

    Natural News is an independent news source, not affiliated at all with the mainstream media.
    So believe what you want, but it has nothing to do with CNN.
  • Jeanwah wrote:
    Gob wrote:
    For someone against CNN news, this article sure reads like a bunch of CNN news stories.. hmmm.

    Natural News is an independent news source, not affiliated at all with the mainstream media.
    So believe what you want, but it has nothing to do with CNN.

    I think it is important for me to note that I am absolutely in tune with you and Polaris as following; I fervently believe in the sustainability and protection of the Earth from all misuse and exploitation. I think we simply are using different sources of information to develop our opinions.
    Everything not forbidden is compulsory and eveything not compulsory is forbidden. You are free... free to do what the government says you can do.
  • JeanwahJeanwah Posts: 6,363
    Jeanwah wrote:
    Gob wrote:
    For someone against CNN news, this article sure reads like a bunch of CNN news stories.. hmmm.

    Natural News is an independent news source, not affiliated at all with the mainstream media.
    So believe what you want, but it has nothing to do with CNN.

    I think it is important for me to note that I am absolutely in tune with you and Polaris as following; I fervently believe in the sustainability and protection of the Earth from all misuse and exploitation. I think we simply are using different sources of information to develop our opinions.

    :thumbup: What sources are you using, if you don't mind me asking? Because the MSM cannot be trusted to tell the truth.
  • Jeanwah wrote:
    :thumbup: What sources are you using, if you don't mind me asking? Because the MSM cannot be trusted to tell the truth.

    I'm a science geek. Science journals are great (Scientific American, for example) and I usually have one on my coffee table. I'm careful about online research and have a pretty good understanding of "valid" source material since I have a Master's degree (it's beaten into your head). I don't give ANY time to information that is biased in either direction... even if it is biased in a direction that I agree with. I want facts based on good science and then I develop my own opinion.
    Everything not forbidden is compulsory and eveything not compulsory is forbidden. You are free... free to do what the government says you can do.
  • brianluxbrianlux Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 42,728
    Jeanwah wrote:
    :thumbup: What sources are you using, if you don't mind me asking? Because the MSM cannot be trusted to tell the truth.

    I'm a science geek. Science journals are great (Scientific American, for example) and I usually have one on my coffee table. I'm careful about online research and have a pretty good understanding of "valid" source material since I have a Master's degree (it's beaten into your head). I don't give ANY time to information that is biased in either direction... even if it is biased in a direction that I agree with. I want facts based on good science and then I develop my own opinion.
    Science is useful and I see science as validating all the points made in this article (see realclimate.org for example).

    I think sometimes we get so wrapped up in reading things (and I'm a huge advocate of education and reading) that we forget to use our own powers of observation to draw our own conclusions. My observations of life (obeservation being a very scientific thing to do ;) ) tell me that the main points in this article are correct and that we are in collapse. The evidence written, empirical, collected in data and intuitive are overwhelming- but, as Edward Abbey once suggested, if we'd just get out of our home once in a while and look around, we'd see what is happening.
    "Don't give in to the lies.  Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth.  And to hope."
    -Jim Acosta

  • shadowcastshadowcast Posts: 2,286
    megatron wrote:
    i thought cell phone towers were a part of the bees?

    hope i don't sound retarded.

    anyways i have freeze dried lasagna so i'm good for like a week after shit hits the fan..then i eat you
    Too funny. Thanks for the laugh..."then I eat you".
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