
Instant Thoughts (add yours too if you like)



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    mikalinamikalina Posts: 7,206
    un altro anno sta per finire e che anno è stato di esso. I miei due figli un crescendo di essere meraviglioso, intelligente ed entrambi mi fanno così fiera .... Sono pieno di gioia. Mia figlia che ha appena compiuto quindici anni è proprio la giovane donna e mio figlio si trasformerà presto undici. Un uomo di casa sempre alla ricerca di me.

    Ho grandi cambiamenti in corso pure. Un nuovo anno davanti a me e non vedo l'ora di un nuovo inizio. Sono eccitato e spaventato allo stesso tempo .... Sono forte e sono ansioso di sfide che saranno presentate a me ...

    l'amore per tutti coloro che sono stati con me ...

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    chadwick wrote:
    i'd like to find out where i've been
    where exactly i stand
    where sitting myself down has lost me

    i would exactly understand myself
    my journey
    if i were present more often when i have been

    it seems unattended lanterns have been burning years
    full on
    yet blank eyed my reflection even when decorated
    or when a knock comes to the backdoor

    somehow sleep has taken my shadow
    somehow dreaming has not dreamed me up
    this explains why pillows dry my ears
    dry my curls
    and pull me to the raw earth beneath my bedtime

    all i ever wanted was to look at her
    smile and trade in this fashion
    this would be foundation

    we'd build from these simple smiles

    but again
    lost and in nowhere land
    speaking lost magic
    holding tree bark in my hands
    crying to skyward flocks
    holding my own face
    the end of the line
    and this realm's bright box of going and ending
    start or never been
    so it is taken as it is comes
    birthed of hazardous
    birthed of time
    birthed of ending
    birthed of nothing
    birthed from nothing
    in nothing
    i am nothing from nothing
    but always her or her or her or her
    she or she or she or she

    all sailing me
    sometimes im sunk
    sometimes i'm flashing with a sky so bizarre
    the days unheard of and still captured
    caged inside of my chest
    she or she or she or she
    placed the week under my chest
    i have kept several years at a time filled
    wrapped up tight inside my ribcage
    still i am without
    still i am unknown to self
    still i am always early when delayed
    i am late when her or her or her or her alarm clock buses me to the next stop

    but when you all can actually sit or stand next to her or her or her or her
    and i
    you will see the next century unfold right up against your pupils
    you will be beat down
    covered in sweat
    your whiskey flask will overflow without a moon's chance of being drank
    as you say good-bye

    yet her or her or her or her golden child
    will child his and her very own
    and as this generation builds castles
    stone and brick and mortar will run low
    as she or she or she or her or her
    and even my actions have hesitated
    we all have funerals where all of us have depleted natural resources

    water has been drank
    water has been poisoned
    my own self used as sails
    i have dumped my own fuels and waste into her or her or her
    she has accepted what of my foulness
    i drank
    i ate of her flesh
    her bone
    her meaty thighs
    her grossness has been eyeballs
    she saw my perfection before i ever stood among other men

    i have wasted years puking up men
    mushrooms have grown at my simple feet
    all of them tired
    and hesitative to their own celebration of life
    this is not untrue

    we all have tried to be true
    she or she or she or she have tangled with tigers
    tangled with my own screams of horror
    we have all tangled with ourselves
    i have eaten souls
    she or she or she or she have taken my bones
    taken my toes
    ran with my broken down self
    somehow they were quickened by my remains
    somehow they outlasted the sheriff & her deputies
    somehow the blast was my dignity
    somehow her or her or her or her fashion is mine

    she'll or she'll or she'll or she'll wear my friend
    my skins
    my cushioned
    my flannel
    my pretty my pretty my pretty my pretty
    all to us strangers in red caps
    they delivered us all to idling a train
    the thick diesel smoke
    the thick air
    this pollution next to the lake where i am
    where her or her or her or her or her
    or she or she or she or she
    have faced west
    eastward southbound
    the sunrise confusioned ours
    the sunfell blinded ours
    moons ago could not recall living
    moons ago could not recall living as our door
    moons ago could not recall living ours as many
    moons ago recall living doors as our and as many
    this the backs of our skulls
    and with a bright uneducated observation
    one should assume orgasm after delivered orgasm after and during thrusting lean moonlight slivers of silver
    balance themselves on her back or her back or her breasts or her breasts or her hair or hair eyelashes or her or she will have arms around my neck
    she will have entangled with me
    all the while i
    all the while i
    all the while i
    the lopsided gentleman and listener of earth
    has caved into one final solid empty pile
    and given it away

    Hymn or Hymn or Hymn
    That she or she or she or her or her or her
    Feels the same way as he or he or he or him or him or him too
    Thanks for sharing and taking turns with the word
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    mikalinamikalina Posts: 7,206
    Me ci, possiamo davvero essere un Tu sei così lontano,
    ci sei me qui mai così tanti cambiamenti miei cuscini di seta
    che pendono sulla voglia di lasciarsi andare....

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    mikalinamikalina Posts: 7,206
    amarti ....

    Mi piace vederti sorridere e sapere che mi ha causato il tuo sorriso ...
    Mi piace vederti felice, sapendo che io sono parte della tua felicità ...
    Mi piace guardarti negli occhi e vedere il tuo amore per me ....
    Amo la musica che ascoltate e ascolto a voi come si canta...
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    rollingsrollings unknown Posts: 7,124
    what is worth knowing
    is worth seeking
    what is worth having
    is worth knowing
    what is worth love
    and more
    what is worth creating, artistry, and life
    human life, creation, and love
    what it means
    where it comes from
    the lack of tears in the eyes of animals yet the face of total innocence upon them
    that this is what you know, what you crave
    this is one part of
    what you to me represent
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    DinghyDogDinghyDog Posts: 587
    edited February 2013
    Post edited by DinghyDog on
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    justamjustam Posts: 21,402
    I'm just feeling happy because you surprised me (in a good way!) again. 8-)
    What a relief! :D
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    The only calmness felt
    is within the sea of
    the words spoken
    from your blue eyes
    "In the age of darkness
    want to be enlightened"
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    mikalinamikalina Posts: 7,206
    DinghyDog wrote:
    mikalina wrote:
    amarti ....

    Mi piace vederti sorridere e sapere che mi ha causato il tuo sorriso ...
    Mi piace vederti felice, sapendo che io sono parte della tua felicità ...
    Mi piace guardarti negli occhi e vedere il tuo amore per me ....
    Amo la musica che ascoltate e ascolto a voi come si canta...

    I don't know how it sounds, because I can't read it, but, thanks to Google Translate, I can appreciate the meaning. Beautiful.

    Thank you - btw it does sound beautiful...
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    maybe it was
    your presence
    I could feel
    but didn't see
    "In the age of darkness
    want to be enlightened"
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    justamjustam Posts: 21,402
    There's a question bubbling up.
    Or, rather, an idea that's coming forward to my attention!
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    chadwickchadwick up my ass Posts: 21,157
    maybe there was a snowflake
    could have been
    maybe a bright one for me
    could have been

    maybe there was a woman
    could have been
    maybe a nice one for me
    could have been

    perhaps she was into angel making in the snow
    could have been
    but not anymore
    she moved to hawaii with some dude full of gold & diamonds

    maybe they'll get divorced
    she'll come back home
    one snowy day
    she'll have a tan
    he'll be far away as always

    maybe a snowflake
    maybe a storm
    then she'll remind me how shitty this poem is
    for poetry through the ceiling. ISBN: 1 4241 8840 7

    "Hear me, my chiefs!
    I am tired; my heart is
    sick and sad. From where
    the sun stands I will fight
    no more forever."

    Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
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    STAYSEASTAYSEA Posts: 3,814
    Chadwick.. I read it all.
    My instant thought is that you should not spend anymore time on "her".
    My Ex still pays my phone bill. We haven't spoken in 3 months. I want to take over the contract, but I don't want to talk to him. And, why not let him pay? He was seeing his new girl for 6 years before he became honest. If you can't be happy with her, then call it what it is.. NOTHING.
    We all deserve happiness. I still haven't found that my self :oops:
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    chadwickchadwick up my ass Posts: 21,157
    STAYSEA wrote:
    Chadwick.. I read it all.
    My instant thought is that you should not spend anymore time on "her".
    My Ex still pays my phone bill. We haven't spoken in 3 months. I want to take over the contract, but I don't want to talk to him. And, why not let him pay? He was seeing his new girl for 6 years before he became honest. If you can't be happy with her, then call it what it is.. NOTHING.
    We all deserve happiness. I still haven't found that my self :oops:
    i am sorry for your bunk ass dude's crap. this crap bullshit poem of mine is just that... bullshit & means absolutely nothing. it was written to just try and get writing out. hadn't written in like 5 or 6 days give or take. sometimes i just sit down and write the stupidest bullshit that means zero. this is not even directed at anyone at all.
    for poetry through the ceiling. ISBN: 1 4241 8840 7

    "Hear me, my chiefs!
    I am tired; my heart is
    sick and sad. From where
    the sun stands I will fight
    no more forever."

    Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
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    I wouldn't be surprised if the wind brought you back
    But I'm not one for predicting the weather.
    "I'm not present, I'm a drug that makes you dream"
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    chadwickchadwick up my ass Posts: 21,157
    eat a brown & purple alien
    have her toes
    direct prayers at sunlight
    for you shall be forgiven
    for poetry through the ceiling. ISBN: 1 4241 8840 7

    "Hear me, my chiefs!
    I am tired; my heart is
    sick and sad. From where
    the sun stands I will fight
    no more forever."

    Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
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    rollingsrollings unknown Posts: 7,124
    what do you got, another cup of some more ordinary
    no thank you I already have I said no thank you
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    catefrancescatefrances Posts: 29,003
    hear my name
    take a good look
    this could be the day
    hold my hand
    lie beside me
    i just need to say
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    rollingsrollings unknown Posts: 7,124
    this is that
    by which you can
    without really saying
    convey things felt without really
    things without really

    when you're in that space where
    there's only that thing you feel
    you can't say
    and they are one

    the beauty is if
    you are not understood
    but someone understands
    that is the same mesh

    the same thing
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    justamjustam Posts: 21,402
    I had this feeling last night
    sitting with people who projected
    that one can almost see the vortex
    the swirling thoughts that surround them
    made me feel as if
    if I got too close, they'd try to pull me under
    drag me down
    into their swirling unhappiness

    I could almost see the water circling the drain!
    there was something in the air!
    bad stuff!
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    Open up and say what you feel...
    The year is coming to an end
    The new one will wash away your sins.
    "I'm not present, I'm a drug that makes you dream"
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    donnaruhldonnaruhl Posts: 2,157
    You painted me a picture,
    You told me a story
    You wrote me a song.

    Me and my kerchief,
    You and your suitcase.
    I took a walk with you,
    down memory road.

    Sing me back home,
    Sing me away for awhile,
    Sing to me, a song from your suitcase,
    So that I may walk with you once again,
    Down Memory Road.
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    rollingsrollings unknown Posts: 7,124
    donnaruhl wrote:
    You painted me a picture,
    You told me a story
    You wrote me a song.

    Me and my kerchief,
    You and your suitcase.
    I took a walk with you,
    down memory road.

    Sing me back home,
    Sing me away for awhile,
    Sing to me, a song from your suitcase,
    So that I may walk with you once again,
    Down Memory Road.

    that was nice
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    rollingsrollings unknown Posts: 7,124
    the nights
    are asleep, hated, or loved
    can't remember when they were
    anything else
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    chadwickchadwick up my ass Posts: 21,157
    what of her nighty
    her beautiful body in lace
    black satin wrapped in fire like velvet
    musta been her eyes that burned a hole through my manliness
    she's a devil that one
    lightly her hair fine like air playing against my neck & her own
    all tangled up showing me where i been

    we been down this road before
    lotsa times since
    and the jar of honey warm & rubbed
    touched across her

    the body of an angel
    sin of a woman
    her kiss like flame
    my groin on fire shooting jolts of electric not static but pure magic
    my eyes imploded long ago
    her scent took me over
    her flesh ate my own
    she is like yesterday's sun
    tomorrow's moon
    somehow i been lost in her smiles
    one after another her continuance feeling me out grabbing me
    pulling squeezing me in
    i have been turned around
    thrown to the raw earth a sweaty mess
    a broken down man
    a god damn happy son of a bitch

    her witchy eyes
    tiny looking crystal balls in her skull
    hundreds of years beautiful something like all melting colors
    at sunset & sunrise
    ending & beginning
    her voice of music going its own direction from her mystcal throat
    against one wall back again
    sunk into my spine
    like a rusty anchor of a giant ship out in her murky bog
    for poetry through the ceiling. ISBN: 1 4241 8840 7

    "Hear me, my chiefs!
    I am tired; my heart is
    sick and sad. From where
    the sun stands I will fight
    no more forever."

    Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
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    donnaruhldonnaruhl Posts: 2,157
    Sonoma night's,In the vintage light.
    We'd howel at the harvest moon.
    Arnold Drive claiming many of lives,
    It's a wonder how we made it to,
    Jack London Saloon.

    So many time's,
    Just a couple of fool's.
    Drinking our wine,
    And singing the blue's,
    Singing the blue's.

    By winter time,
    We made a turn around.
    A baby is on it's way.
    You and I started growing up,
    We knew it had to be that way.

    Goodbye to the moon,
    And old Murphy's Saloon.
    Just a couple of fool's,
    Most of the time,
    Just singing the blue's,
    Singing the blue's.

    Maybe you'll never understand,
    You said as we left the Bar.
    Horris sighed,as he shook his head.
    You know he's gonna break your heart,
    No goodbye's for you.

    While I was driving you home,
    Just a couple of fool's.
    Radio on and playing the blue's,
    Playing the blue's.

    Wishing you luck as you drove away,
    I Love You,
    Love You Too!
    Tomorrow's Easter, Have a happy day.
    I forgot to say goodbye to you.

    I loved you dearly, You were my best friend.
    You touched my heart,
    And now my lonley heart.
    Can only touch a part of your memory,
    Of your memory.
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    USARAYUSARAY Posts: 517
    today's sadness is tomorrow's joy
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    justamjustam Posts: 21,402
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    donnaruhldonnaruhl Posts: 2,157
    I wouldn't be surprised if the wind brought you back
    But I'm not one for predicting the weather.

    LMAO That's Great! :lol:
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    the wolfthe wolf Posts: 7,027
    they were like two stars,
    passing in the midnight sky of delight.
    Peace, Love.

    "To question your government is not unpatriotic --
    to not question your government is unpatriotic."
    -- Sen. Chuck Hagel
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