A lot of great points, cate. To address the mining example -- isn't it a bit unfair to judge an economic system based on a government's violations of said system? To me it seems that the government should be criticized here, not the economic system. It's but a small extrapolation from there to posit that if gov't can't be trusted to administer simple property rights, do we really want them administering an entire economy, as in "pure" socialism?
if it werent for the pursuit of the almighty dollar such actions wouldnt happen. governments seem to have a hard on for corporations when it comes to this kind of thing. in fact govts seem to have a hard on for corporations at the expense of a lot of things. but yes the govt is at fault.. however i see that govt as working within the economic system or at least as some sort of symbiosis.
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
the problem with capitalism right now is that sustainability is not factored into the equation ... growth is the only indicator that matters ...
thats because we live in a society where immediate gratification is a driving force. we dont want to wait.. we want it now and we want lots of it. we dont tend to plan for the future.. a future we(personally) wont even be a part of so who cares*, you know?
* generally speaking of course.
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
the problem with capitalism right now is that sustainability is not factored into the equation ... growth is the only indicator that matters ...
thats because we live in a society where immediate gratification is a driving force. we dont want to wait.. we want it now and we want lots of it. we dont tend to plan for the future.. a future we(personally) wont even be a part of so who cares*, you know?
* generally speaking of course.
See I tend to agree with this, but I'm not convinced capitalism is the source of the problem. Bad parenting (e.g., kids never hearing "no", not being taught about failure, not being taught the difference between need and want), perhaps. But then what caused the change in our collective approach to parenting?
Unfortunately I'm not sure and have a meeting to go to anyhow. So for now I'm just going to blame Canada. Haaaaaiiii Polaris!!! :P
if it werent for the pursuit of the almighty dollar such actions wouldnt happen. governments seem to have a hard on for corporations when it comes to this kind of thing. in fact govts seem to have a hard on for corporations at the expense of a lot of things. but yes the govt is at fault.. however i see that govt as working within the economic system or at least as some sort of symbiosis.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
thats because we live in a society where immediate gratification is a driving force. we dont want to wait.. we want it now and we want lots of it. we dont tend to plan for the future.. a future we(personally) wont even be a part of so who cares*, you know?
* generally speaking of course.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Unfortunately I'm not sure and have a meeting to go to anyhow. So for now I'm just going to blame Canada. Haaaaaiiii Polaris!!! :P