Can't wait for the shows we're doing. Loved the 2005 Canadian tour and this one sounds like it may top it! Thanks for all the reviews. Thankfully we do have these shows to look forward to after PJ20 or I'd be in serious depression!
"I'd rather be with an animal." "Those that can be trusted can change their mind." "The in between is mine." "If I don't lose control, explore and not explode, a preternatural other plane with the power to maintain." "Yeh this is living." "Life is what you make it."
it was great to see the band enjoy us...the crowd...and each other's company so much...jeff was smiling...stone was very animated...mike was all over the stage...boon was intense with mike on crazy mary...matt was banging...eddie was relaxed and funny...
they played some "beautiful" sad songs...but that's life sometimes...
Mike's solos are just getting more sick everytime i see him play...unbelievable
they played a raw version of betterman...loves it
cool song from into the wild
LUKIN always kicks my...
I don't think they played Blitz...bop
eddie was doing lots of sing alongs "hey HEY heys AO's and stuff" like a cool native american chill out
someone described it to me as a very "intimate show" and i agree...
the band definately appreciates the we do them
i had fans from texas, florida and mass sitting around montreal...
i hope we can continue to gather and enjoy...
Every show is a gift...just don't drink the Kool Aid
it was great to see the band enjoy us...the crowd...and each other's company so much...jeff was smiling...stone was very animated...mike was all over the stage...boon was intense with mike on crazy mary...matt was banging...eddie was relaxed and funny...
they played some "beautiful" sad songs...but that's life sometimes...
Mike's solos are just getting more sick everytime i see him play...unbelievable
they played a raw version of betterman...loves it
cool song from into the wild
LUKIN always kicks my...
I don't think they played Blitz...bop
eddie was doing lots of sing alongs "hey HEY heys AO's and stuff" like a cool native american chill out
someone described it to me as a very "intimate show" and i agree...
the band definately appreciates the we do them
i had fans from texas, florida and mass sitting around montreal...
i hope we can continue to gather and enjoy...
Every show is a gift...just don't drink the Kool Aid
The "Hey Ho" chant with the crowd is considered a Bliztkrieg Bop tag... been marking it as such for years.
Amazing show. Made the drive up from Long Island to see these guys. My 4th show. The crowd was intense. The build-up during the second encore break was deafening. I've never heard a group of people get that loud. The interaction between the band and the crowd was terrific and the audience participation during Black was incredible.
I guess I haven't been to enough shows to know the difference between a good set list and a bad set list. All I know is that last night's show was phenomenal.
Also, while they weren't the greatest seats (but definitely not bad seats) sitting on the aisle of row PP did have the side benefit of being extremely entertaining whenever anyone looking for their seat asked which row it was. Screaming PP! at people was hysterical. Sorry, toilet humor still makes me laugh.
Highlights for me were Down, Black (crowd sing-along was just epic), Crazy Mary with Mike and Boom duelling, Given to Fly, 1/2 Full, Sleight of Hand. Oh and Last Exit which is always kick-ass live.
Another highlight was winning some swag at the pre-party. Thanks for putting that on!
Amazing show. Made the drive up from Long Island to see these guys. My 4th show. The crowd was intense. The build-up during the second encore break was deafening. I've never heard a group of people get that loud. The interaction between the band and the crowd was terrific and the audience participation during Black was incredible.
I guess I haven't been to enough shows to know the difference between a good set list and a bad set list. All I know is that last night's show was phenomenal.
Also, while they weren't the greatest seats (but definitely not bad seats) sitting on the aisle of row PP did have the side benefit of being extremely entertaining whenever anyone looking for their seat asked which row it was. Screaming PP! at people was hysterical. Sorry, toilet humor still makes me laugh.
Highlights for me were Down, Black (crowd sing-along was just epic), Crazy Mary with Mike and Boom duelling, Given to Fly, 1/2 Full, Sleight of Hand. Oh and Last Exit which is always kick-ass live.
Another highlight was winning some swag at the pre-party. Thanks for putting that on!
What a memorable night.
Love your attitude! Would love to hear lots of this setlist...Down, Slight of Hand, 1/2 full, but in the end it doesn't matter to's just great to be there!
"I'd rather be with an animal." "Those that can be trusted can change their mind." "The in between is mine." "If I don't lose control, explore and not explode, a preternatural other plane with the power to maintain." "Yeh this is living." "Life is what you make it."
It sounds like he was pretty impressed with the band. He wasn't too impressed with Mudhoney though.
Did you seriously email him and complain about his article? You're embarrassing us! Don't ruin the good impression he got of PJ and their fans.
I'm embarassing 'US'? Please. You are the embarassment, get over yourself - who do you think you are, besides a PJ fan? Last I checked 10c member or not I am allowed to comment on music reviews, complain if I so choose and don't need your permission to do so - free country and all. Whether I did complain or not is not really none of your business and if I did I can guarantee it will have no effect on how anyone views "YOU". I was simply voicing my OWN opinion and asking what others thought. To help you out, the article is poorly written, especially by someone who supposedly has the credientals to be a concert reviewer for a major newspaper (yes I have been an Editor so I can say this thank you). Second, he rips Mudhoney seemly because he has something against 'grunge' - to quote "The grunge pioneers (Mudhoney), who, like Pearl Jam, hail from Seattle, alternated between their three favourite tempos – vacuum cleaner, washing machine and Magic Bullet – and showed exactly why grunge’s shelf life had to be limited. While we owe the sub-genre a debt for bringing guitars back into the game, it was – and is – just too tuneless and one-dimensional." #1 PJ fan, you obviously skipped right past this and didn't at all read carefully - he is not only slamming Mudhoney but also the Seattle movement that brought great music to us, LIKE PJ - what did he expect Mudhoney to do on stage and what is wrong with them being their authentic band self? Tuneless and one dimensional?? That's ok with you? People here are complaining the lack of support from 10Cs for Mudhoney and this is exactly why ...they too don't appreciate where this all came from, they were not there or were listening to Color Me Badd too loud to notice. Bernard goes as far as to remark "The terms “grunge” or “alternative” can only be an explanatory footnote in their (Pearl Jam's) career." - what does that even mean?? I can't believe I am the only one taking offense to the fact that this critic is slamming all that was (and is) grunge and obvoiusly grouping that in with 'alternative' music - as if PJ was SOOO lucky to shed those awful labels (not that I agree that they have , want to or NEED to). I just don't understand where he is coming from (other than to need filler...) and by the sound of his review he has never seen a PJ show before - if he had he would have known that what happened last night happens at every show, that we are always at one with the band. Fine he's never seen a PJ show before, poor guy, but , even google the damn band and you will see that the crowd "sharing the choruses with such gusto that Vedder simply leaned back and basked in it a few times" is a regular occurence and something to be remarked as such - he makes it sound like this is all because of the PJ20 thiing that the band looked 'rejuvinated' - rejuvinated? When did they need rejuvination? yes he seemed to enjoy the music (I guess?) yes, he seems supportive of the band which is great, but it is such an amateur piece that either intentionally or inadvertantly slams the very essence of what PJ is about while trying to suggest that the only reason PJ lasted is because they dumped their roots and 'evolved' as he puts it - that offends me. I am allowed to be offended. Thank you.
ps. don't slam me for my typos it's too late to edit...
Post edited by arms outstretched on
21-09-1996 Toronto * 2-08-1998 Barrie * 5-10-2000 Toronto * 28-6-2003 Toronto * 6-10-2004 Ashville * 11-9-2005 Kitchener * 12-9-2005 London * 13-9-2005 Hamilton * 15-09-2005 Montreal * 19-09-2005 Toronto * 9-5-2006 Toronto * 10-5-2006 Toronto * 28-6-2008 Mansfield * 9-8-2008 Ed Montreal * 12-8-2008 Ed Toronto * 21-8-2009 Toronto * 9-7-2011 Ed Santa Barbara * 11-7-2011 Ed Oakland * 7-9-2011 Montreal * 11-9-2011 Toronto * 12-9-2011 Toronto * 14-9-2011 Ottawa * 16-07-13 London * 19-07-13 Wrigley * 11-10-13 Pittsburgh * 12-10-13 Buffalo * 21-10-13 Philly 1 * 22-10-13 Philly 2 * 04-12-13 Vancouver * 06-12-13 Seattle * ALL EUROPE 2014 (I am a lucky girl!!) * Cincy 01-10-14 * STL 03-10-14 * Detroit 16-10-14 * Moline 17-10-14 * NYC/Global Citizen 26-09-15 * Sao Paulo 14-11-15 * Brasilia 17-11-15 * Belo Horizonte 20-11-15 * Rio 22-11-14 * Fort Lauderdale 8-4-16 * Miami 9-4-16 * Quebec 5-5-16 * Ottawa 8-5-16 * Toronto 10-5-16 & 12-5-16 * Telluride 9-7-16 * headed for WRIGLEY!!!
The band was tight. Great Expo shirt. Where do PJ or their artists take the time to go over such detail as to come up with a shirt like that to make a city happy. Shit, I'm from Toronto and thought that shirt was very, very, cool. Kudos to whoever does their research. The Canadian brew shirt was nice too. Did I say the band was rockin'?! Thanks to the dad and daughter who sat beside me as my buddy had to have a nap for the first part of the concert. You two know who you are. Thank you PJ for bringing tears to my eyes playing Comeback. Yeah it happened in Toronto when I first heard it and it will probably happen every time you play that live with me in attendance. Glorified G was super. And Ed deciding that not singing the wrong lyrics and letting the band get him out of a jam was a good thing. At least you finished the song on a high Mr. Vedder. Was it just me or did Stone look like he just got out of bed. Nice look! A ton of fun was had all day in Montreal and all night by the band. Can't wait for two more nights in Toronto. On a side note. This is the first time I've purchased a poster as that was the first time any band worth while to see has played on my birthday. Nice touch and worth the drive.
Edit and one more thing. "Save the baby, kill the doctor". Thank you Mudhoney!!!!!!
The poison from the poison stream caught up to you ELEVEN years ago and you floated out of here. Sept. 14, 08
Boston I '04 Boston I, II, Milwaukee II '06 Hartford, Mansfield I, II '08 Hartford , Boston '10 EV Boston, PJ Montreal '11 Worcester I, II, Hartford '13 Fenway I '16 ToTD - MSG '16 Wrigley II '18 Fenway I, II '18 Quebec City, Ottawa, MSG '22
What a great city! Had a blast. All i have to say is the woman of Montreal have benifited HIGHLY from all those hills they walk. I thought I was in Brazil.
And the show was really good as well
Leaving tomorrow morning for the toronto, ottawa and hamilton shows.
For the past 18 months I've been nearly incapacitated from a car crash that broke both my legs and shattered a forearm bone as well as nerve damage to my right hand. It's been a hell of an 18 months, learning to walk again (still have a limp), and trying to make a non-functional hand functional again. I was SOOOO looking forward to this show, as well as my husband, also injured in the crash.
Got the tickets and they said Nord Row A. Not knowing exactly where that was, and my husband convinced we were up on the side, I convinced my self after thinking they were great seats, that they weren't. After Mudhoney ended so I could see where I could walk, we walk in and were led up to the front row. Because I can't jump (still have a fracture in my bad leg), I start hitting my husband, telling him I knew it!! And we were in front of Stone!
The setlist was incredible; seeing these songs listed just doesn't portray the energy at all that's released at these live shows, so I find it strange that people can just judge an entire show from reading a list. The crowd was the best and loudest crowd I've been in, in many years. I had to *sit down* every so often because my legs are not that great yet. I didn't want to do it, but some times you don't have a choice.
I didn't go but karma was def on your side glad you got to enjoy this show and you are making progress with recovery! :P
Elderly Woman was a great opener. Given to Fly always makes everything a whole lot better, as well as Glorified G and Slight of Hand, even with that small setback with forgotten lyrics, and Black was a standout, with full extended audience participation. It was a huge emotional release to have this night of rejoice after such a rough time for me. Thanks 10C, and thanks Pearl Jam!!
Oh, yeah... The Rob interviewed us after the show. That should be pretty funny to hear, I'm sure! I had no voice left by that point.
Awesome show; fanclub seats were Row R (16), middle section seat 25/26 which were a great view. Interviewed by The Rob afterwards, not sure I want to hear it again as I was in not the best shape for a radio interview. Ahahah
10 clubbers...beware the lowlife piece of crap that cries that that he is a huge P J fan but cant afford to buy the ticket to get in.
Going to the pre-party at Mckibbins and having an extra ticket, I wrote my name and cell # on the legal pad letting anyone know.
Great party and vibe at the pub. Got a call from "Bill" saying he was interested in the ticket.
I thought ,great, drove in from the hudson valley and will get face value back for my ticket.
After a 1/2 an hour or so...this guy was cryin the blues about having no money. I thought that if it were me in his
position that someone would at least try and help me with the price.
I ended up giving him the ticket after I had a few beers. He headed out about 7 to the show and we agreed all he needed to do was buy the first round when I got there to our seats. I left Mckibbins,(great pub!!!) and was walking with other fans to the arena and was feeling pretty good about myself. I got to my seat and the seat next to me was empty. Didnt really think anything of it...10 minutes before Eddie started some other guy sat next to me that I didnt rocognize. Thought maybe he had wrong seat. Well...come to find out that this guy just bought the ticket 5 min before and "only" paid $120.00 for it. Made me a little crazy!! I have 1 extra for 3 more shows. I will go to the pre-party and probably wont be as giving as I did on wed night!!!
10 clubbers...beware the lowlife piece of crap that cries that that he is a huge P J fan but cant afford to buy the ticket to get in.
Going to the pre-party at Mckibbins and having an extra ticket, I wrote my name and cell # on the legal pad letting anyone know.
Great party and vibe at the pub. Got a call from "Bill" saying he was interested in the ticket.
I thought ,great, drove in from the hudson valley and will get face value back for my ticket.
After a 1/2 an hour or so...this guy was cryin the blues about having no money. I thought that if it were me in his
position that someone would at least try and help me with the price.
I ended up giving him the ticket after I had a few beers. He headed out about 7 to the show and we agreed all he needed to do was buy the first round when I got there to our seats. I left Mckibbins,(great pub!!!) and was walking with other fans to the arena and was feeling pretty good about myself. I got to my seat and the seat next to me was empty. Didnt really think anything of it...10 minutes before Eddie started some other guy sat next to me that I didnt rocognize. Thought maybe he had wrong seat. Well...come to find out that this guy just bought the ticket 5 min before and "only" paid $120.00 for it. Made me a little crazy!! I have 1 extra for 3 more shows. I will go to the pre-party and probably wont be as giving as I did on wed night!!!
ahhh damn it I'm sorry for you!!!
people can be so pain in the ass sometimes!! :evil:
"Pearl Jam are not just a band, they are a choice, and if you make that choice, you become one of the few lucky people on this planet to have your life enriched by the greatest gift that music ever gave" -- substitute
To 10c; "Your PJ tshirt should be tight enough to show you're a woman and loose enough to show you're a lady." - bionicamy
Pearl Jam is the Boxer. We're just happy to be the bag -- Aaron Cunningham,Fanviews '98
Great show. We drove up from Boston the day before and made a week out of it. Went to the pre-party at McKibbons, which was a great way to start off the night (even though it was pretty packed by 5).
Highlight of the show for me was Corduroy. Even though it's a staple, I really wanted to hear it, and when those first few notes came I was so happy. I loved Sleight of Hand, which I one of my favorites from Binaural. Come Back, Down and Lukin were also nice surprises. Best of all was that my wife (2nd show and a growing fan) got to hear Black and Yellow Led, which she was hoping for the most (along with Given to Fly). They kept the same set from PJ20, which was a big upgrade from the Backspacer tour.
Overall I absolutely loved the show, as usual. The band was really loose and played exceptionally well. I read a lot of people predicting that the band would seem that way after getting PJ20 out of the way, almost as if a weight was lifted. I defintely got that wibe. Also, big congrats to the Montreal crowd. Easily the loudest singing I've heard (beat out all the Boston shows). Never thought I'd applaud a Bell Center crowd.
Thanks to the band and the city. We had a great time and look forward to next time. Those going to the rest of the Canadian tour should be pretty pumped.
10 clubbers...beware the lowlife piece of crap that cries that that he is a huge P J fan but cant afford to buy the ticket to get in.
Going to the pre-party at Mckibbins and having an extra ticket, I wrote my name and cell # on the legal pad letting anyone know.
Great party and vibe at the pub. Got a call from "Bill" saying he was interested in the ticket.
I thought ,great, drove in from the hudson valley and will get face value back for my ticket.
After a 1/2 an hour or so...this guy was cryin the blues about having no money. I thought that if it were me in his
position that someone would at least try and help me with the price.
I ended up giving him the ticket after I had a few beers. He headed out about 7 to the show and we agreed all he needed to do was buy the first round when I got there to our seats. I left Mckibbins,(great pub!!!) and was walking with other fans to the arena and was feeling pretty good about myself. I got to my seat and the seat next to me was empty. Didnt really think anything of it...10 minutes before Eddie started some other guy sat next to me that I didnt rocognize. Thought maybe he had wrong seat. Well...come to find out that this guy just bought the ticket 5 min before and "only" paid $120.00 for it. Made me a little crazy!! I have 1 extra for 3 more shows. I will go to the pre-party and probably wont be as giving as I did on wed night!!!
Some people just suck. You do something good and that happens. Wow. I hope some good karma comes your way
I wish you all the best for your recovery and hope this "spirit lifting" experience will speed up your healing progress.
I wish I was as fortunate, as fortunate as me.
Montreal 20/06/03, Montreal 15/09/05, Ottawa 16/09/05. Montreal 1 (EV) 09/08/08; Albany 2 (EV) 09/06/09.
Toronto 21/08/09; Cleveland 9/05/10; Buffalo 10/05/10. Montreal 7/09/11; Toronto 11/9/11; Toronto 12/9/11; Ottawa 14/9/11.
London 16/07/13; Pittsburg 11/10/13; Buffalo 12/10/13. Moline (No Code) 17/10/14, St Paul 19/10/14, Milwaukee (Yield) 20/10/14.
Quebec City 5/5/2016, Ottawa 8/5/2016; Toronto (Binaural) 10/5/2016, Toronto 12/5/2016 (Completed Ten, finally got Oceans). London 18/7/2018, London 19/7/2018 :(, Boston 2/9/2018. Quebec City 1/9/2022; Ottawa 3/9/2022; Hamilton 6/9/2022, Toronto 8/9/2022.
10 clubbers...beware the lowlife piece of crap that cries that that he is a huge P J fan but cant afford to buy the ticket to get in.
Going to the pre-party at Mckibbins and having an extra ticket, I wrote my name and cell # on the legal pad letting anyone know.
Great party and vibe at the pub. Got a call from "Bill" saying he was interested in the ticket.
I thought ,great, drove in from the hudson valley and will get face value back for my ticket.
After a 1/2 an hour or so...this guy was cryin the blues about having no money. I thought that if it were me in his
position that someone would at least try and help me with the price.
I ended up giving him the ticket after I had a few beers. He headed out about 7 to the show and we agreed all he needed to do was buy the first round when I got there to our seats. I left Mckibbins,(great pub!!!) and was walking with other fans to the arena and was feeling pretty good about myself. I got to my seat and the seat next to me was empty. Didnt really think anything of it...10 minutes before Eddie started some other guy sat next to me that I didnt rocognize. Thought maybe he had wrong seat. Well...come to find out that this guy just bought the ticket 5 min before and "only" paid $120.00 for it. Made me a little crazy!! I have 1 extra for 3 more shows. I will go to the pre-party and probably wont be as giving as I did on wed night!!!
Flew from Australia to see this show..... after the 10c stuff up with tics got average seats halfway to the roof halfway back on mikes side............. wish i wpuld have known then cause i would have been more than happy to pay full ticket price :(
Amazing energy, I had great seats (thanks 10C). All around amazing show. Highlights: Last Exit and Insignificance.
And that flag that was thrown up on stage was awesome, too! Anyone know where I can get one of the same?
2006 Toronto II
2008 Toronto II (EV)
2009 Toronto
2010 Cleveland, Buffalo,
2011 Detroit (EV), East Troy I and II, Montreal, Toronto I and II, Hamilton
2012 Philadelphia
Great energy in that room, and a time to always remember with my 17 year old son. 2nd PJ show for me, (both opened with Elderly Woman Behind the Counter in a Small Town, nice) AND first concert EVER for my kid. Absolutely awesome.
Pearl Jam
Air Canada Centre
Toronto ON. CA
Show 2
Sept. 12, 2011
01. Go
02. Animal
03. Olé
04. Hail Hail
05. In My Tree
06. Sad
07. Dissident
08. Setting Forth
09. Corduroy
10. God's Dice
11. Deep
12. Garden
13. Wishlist [dedicated to Doug Gilmour]
14. Evenflow
15. Present Tense
16. Rats
17. State Of Love And Trust
18. The Fixer {Ed talks about The West Memphis 3 and thanks the Canadians that helped support them and their cause}
19. Porch
20. Last Kiss-(Cochran) {played to audience behind the stage}
21. Just Breathe
22. I Got Shit/Cinnamon Girl-(Young) {Ed sings chorus of "Cinnamon Girl"}
23. Light Years
24. Jeremy
25. Why Go
{When the band returns to the stage Stone says "Let's hear it for Eddie Vedder"}
26. Do The Evolution
27. Alive
28. Kick Out The Jams w/ Mark Arm & Steve Turner of Mudhoney-(Davis, Kramer, Smith, Thompson, Tyner)
29. Baba O'Riley-(Townshend)
30. Yellow Ledbetter
Don't get me wrong, I loved the Montreal show. I don't regret for one second, driving up from Boston for PJ last week, but I was hoping for something more like this than what we got. I've seen other people killed on this thread for complaining about the 'mediocrity' of their setlist, but I'm right there with them. It's okay to want to hear other stuff than what's 'usually' played at a PJ show. (yes, there were some rarities played on Wednesday, but that set was dominated by their concert mainstays)
Toronto 2 got Deep, Garden, Rats, Present Tense, Baba O'Reilley,In My Tree, Light Years?!?! Go & Animal to start the show? Awesome. Friggin' awesome.
Every live PJ show is a gift to me, and I love them all individually.
it was great to see the band enjoy us...the crowd...and each other's company so much...jeff was smiling...stone was very animated...mike was all over the stage...boon was intense with mike on crazy mary...matt was banging...eddie was relaxed and funny...
they played some "beautiful" sad songs...but that's life sometimes...
Mike's solos are just getting more sick everytime i see him play...unbelievable
they played a raw version of betterman...loves it
cool song from into the wild
LUKIN always kicks my...
I don't think they played Blitz...bop
eddie was doing lots of sing alongs "hey HEY heys AO's and stuff" like a cool native american chill out
someone described it to me as a very "intimate show" and i agree...
the band definately appreciates the we do them
i had fans from texas, florida and mass sitting around montreal...
i hope we can continue to gather and enjoy...
Every show is a gift...just don't drink the Kool Aid
The "Hey Ho" chant with the crowd is considered a Bliztkrieg Bop tag... been marking it as such for years.
I guess I haven't been to enough shows to know the difference between a good set list and a bad set list. All I know is that last night's show was phenomenal.
Also, while they weren't the greatest seats (but definitely not bad seats) sitting on the aisle of row PP did have the side benefit of being extremely entertaining whenever anyone looking for their seat asked which row it was. Screaming PP! at people was hysterical. Sorry, toilet humor still makes me laugh.
Highlights for me were Down, Black (crowd sing-along was just epic), Crazy Mary with Mike and Boom duelling, Given to Fly, 1/2 Full, Sleight of Hand. Oh and Last Exit which is always kick-ass live.
Another highlight was winning some swag at the pre-party. Thanks for putting that on!
What a memorable night.
I'm embarassing 'US'? Please. You are the embarassment, get over yourself - who do you think you are, besides a PJ fan? Last I checked 10c member or not I am allowed to comment on music reviews, complain if I so choose and don't need your permission to do so - free country and all. Whether I did complain or not is not really none of your business and if I did I can guarantee it will have no effect on how anyone views "YOU". I was simply voicing my OWN opinion and asking what others thought. To help you out, the article is poorly written, especially by someone who supposedly has the credientals to be a concert reviewer for a major newspaper (yes I have been an Editor so I can say this thank you). Second, he rips Mudhoney seemly because he has something against 'grunge' - to quote "The grunge pioneers (Mudhoney), who, like Pearl Jam, hail from Seattle, alternated between their three favourite tempos – vacuum cleaner, washing machine and Magic Bullet – and showed exactly why grunge’s shelf life had to be limited. While we owe the sub-genre a debt for bringing guitars back into the game, it was – and is – just too tuneless and one-dimensional." #1 PJ fan, you obviously skipped right past this and didn't at all read carefully - he is not only slamming Mudhoney but also the Seattle movement that brought great music to us, LIKE PJ - what did he expect Mudhoney to do on stage and what is wrong with them being their authentic band self? Tuneless and one dimensional?? That's ok with you? People here are complaining the lack of support from 10Cs for Mudhoney and this is exactly why ...they too don't appreciate where this all came from, they were not there or were listening to Color Me Badd too loud to notice. Bernard goes as far as to remark "The terms “grunge” or “alternative” can only be an explanatory footnote in their (Pearl Jam's) career." - what does that even mean?? I can't believe I am the only one taking offense to the fact that this critic is slamming all that was (and is) grunge and obvoiusly grouping that in with 'alternative' music - as if PJ was SOOO lucky to shed those awful labels (not that I agree that they have , want to or NEED to). I just don't understand where he is coming from (other than to need filler...) and by the sound of his review he has never seen a PJ show before - if he had he would have known that what happened last night happens at every show, that we are always at one with the band. Fine he's never seen a PJ show before, poor guy, but , even google the damn band and you will see that the crowd "sharing the choruses with such gusto that Vedder simply leaned back and basked in it a few times" is a regular occurence and something to be remarked as such - he makes it sound like this is all because of the PJ20 thiing that the band looked 'rejuvinated' - rejuvinated? When did they need rejuvination? yes he seemed to enjoy the music (I guess?) yes, he seems supportive of the band which is great, but it is such an amateur piece that either intentionally or inadvertantly slams the very essence of what PJ is about while trying to suggest that the only reason PJ lasted is because they dumped their roots and 'evolved' as he puts it - that offends me. I am allowed to be offended. Thank you.
ps. don't slam me for my typos it's too late to edit...
Edit and one more thing. "Save the baby, kill the doctor". Thank you Mudhoney!!!!!!
The poison from the poison stream caught up to you ELEVEN years ago and you floated out of here. Sept. 14, 08
Amen pal, best statement I've ever read on this website
Boston I, II, Milwaukee II '06
Hartford, Mansfield I, II '08
Hartford , Boston '10
EV Boston, PJ Montreal '11
Worcester I, II, Hartford '13
Fenway I '16
ToTD - MSG '16
Wrigley II '18
Fenway I, II '18
Quebec City, Ottawa, MSG '22 ... 7630720514
What a great city! Had a blast. All i have to say is the woman of Montreal have benifited HIGHLY from all those hills they walk. I thought I was in Brazil.
And the show was really good as well
Leaving tomorrow morning for the toronto, ottawa and hamilton shows.
MTL 9/15/05
HRTFD 5/13/06
BOS 5/24/06, 5/25/06
VEGAS 7/6/06
CHI 8/5/07
NJ 6/19/08
NYC 6/25/08
HRTFD 6/27/08
MANSFLD 6/28/08, 6/30/08
E.V. BOS 8/1/08
CHI 8/23/09, 8/24/09
PHILLY 10/30/09, 10/31/09
BOS 5/17/10
CHI 7/19/13
WOOSTA 10/15/13, 10/16/13
HRTFD 10/25/13
BOS 8/5/16, 8/7/16
BOS 9/2/18, 9/4/18
Awesome pics, I love Matt's kickdrum.... looks like a kindergarten class' artwork
Thanks! It feels great to walk again.
Going to the pre-party at Mckibbins and having an extra ticket, I wrote my name and cell # on the legal pad letting anyone know.
Great party and vibe at the pub. Got a call from "Bill" saying he was interested in the ticket.
I thought ,great, drove in from the hudson valley and will get face value back for my ticket.
After a 1/2 an hour or so...this guy was cryin the blues about having no money. I thought that if it were me in his
position that someone would at least try and help me with the price.
I ended up giving him the ticket after I had a few beers. He headed out about 7 to the show and we agreed all he needed to do was buy the first round when I got there to our seats. I left Mckibbins,(great pub!!!) and was walking with other fans to the arena and was feeling pretty good about myself. I got to my seat and the seat next to me was empty. Didnt really think anything of it...10 minutes before Eddie started some other guy sat next to me that I didnt rocognize. Thought maybe he had wrong seat. Well...come to find out that this guy just bought the ticket 5 min before and "only" paid $120.00 for it. Made me a little crazy!! I have 1 extra for 3 more shows. I will go to the pre-party and probably wont be as giving as I did on wed night!!!
people can be so pain in the ass sometimes!!
To 10c; "Your PJ tshirt should be tight enough to show you're a woman and loose enough to show you're a lady." - bionicamy
Pearl Jam is the Boxer. We're just happy to be the bag -- Aaron Cunningham,Fanviews '98
Highlight of the show for me was Corduroy. Even though it's a staple, I really wanted to hear it, and when those first few notes came I was so happy. I loved Sleight of Hand, which I one of my favorites from Binaural. Come Back, Down and Lukin were also nice surprises. Best of all was that my wife (2nd show and a growing fan) got to hear Black and Yellow Led, which she was hoping for the most (along with Given to Fly). They kept the same set from PJ20, which was a big upgrade from the Backspacer tour.
Overall I absolutely loved the show, as usual. The band was really loose and played exceptionally well. I read a lot of people predicting that the band would seem that way after getting PJ20 out of the way, almost as if a weight was lifted. I defintely got that wibe. Also, big congrats to the Montreal crowd. Easily the loudest singing I've heard (beat out all the Boston shows). Never thought I'd applaud a Bell Center crowd.
Thanks to the band and the city. We had a great time and look forward to next time. Those going to the rest of the Canadian tour should be pretty pumped.
AK (Boston).
That may have been my husband. Black shirt? I saw one other that was gray.... so hi back
2003 - West Palm Beach FL 4/11; Uniondale NY 4/30; MSG NYC 7/8 & 7/9
2006 - Hartford CT 5/13; E. Rutherford NJ 6/3
2008 - MSG NYC 6/24, 6/25; Hartford CT 6/27
2009 - Philly PA 10/31
2010 - MSG NYC x2 5/20 & 5/21;
2011 - Hartford 6/18 (EV Solo); Montreal, Canada 9/7
2013 - Wrigley Field, Chicago, IL 7/19 ; Barclays, Brooklyn, NY 10/18 & 10/19; Hartford CT 10/25
2014 - Denver CO 10/22
2015 - NYC 9/26
2016 - NYC 5/1, 5/2; Boston 8/5, 8/7; Temple Of The Dog MSG 11/7
2018 - Seattle 8/8, 8/10
2022 - NYC 2/4 (EV Solo); Ottawa 9/3; MSG NYC 9/11; Denver 9/22
2023- Chicago 9/5
2024 - MSG NYC 9/3 & 9/4; Philly 9/7 & 9/9; Boston 9/15 &9/17
Some people just suck. You do something good and that happens. Wow. I hope some good karma comes your way
Seriously!! I thought they must put something in the water. The women here are beautiful.
Great pictures!
I wish you all the best for your recovery and hope this "spirit lifting" experience will speed up your healing progress.
Montreal 20/06/03, Montreal 15/09/05, Ottawa 16/09/05. Montreal 1 (EV) 09/08/08; Albany 2 (EV) 09/06/09.
Toronto 21/08/09; Cleveland 9/05/10; Buffalo 10/05/10. Montreal 7/09/11; Toronto 11/9/11; Toronto 12/9/11; Ottawa 14/9/11.
London 16/07/13; Pittsburg 11/10/13; Buffalo 12/10/13. Moline (No Code) 17/10/14, St Paul 19/10/14, Milwaukee (Yield) 20/10/14.
Quebec City 5/5/2016, Ottawa 8/5/2016; Toronto (Binaural) 10/5/2016, Toronto 12/5/2016 (Completed Ten, finally got Oceans).
London 18/7/2018, London 19/7/2018 :(, Boston 2/9/2018.
Quebec City 1/9/2022; Ottawa 3/9/2022; Hamilton 6/9/2022, Toronto 8/9/2022. ... 860&type=1
And that flag that was thrown up on stage was awesome, too! Anyone know where I can get one of the same?
2008 Toronto II (EV)
2009 Toronto
2010 Cleveland, Buffalo,
2011 Detroit (EV), East Troy I and II, Montreal, Toronto I and II, Hamilton
2012 Philadelphia
"The live shows? Well, that's church on Sundays"
Great energy in that room, and a time to always remember with my 17 year old son. 2nd PJ show for me, (both opened with Elderly Woman Behind the Counter in a Small Town, nice) AND first concert EVER for my kid. Absolutely awesome.
Thanks boys!
Air Canada Centre
Toronto ON. CA
Show 2
Sept. 12, 2011
01. Go
02. Animal
03. Olé
04. Hail Hail
05. In My Tree
06. Sad
07. Dissident
08. Setting Forth
09. Corduroy
10. God's Dice
11. Deep
12. Garden
13. Wishlist [dedicated to Doug Gilmour]
14. Evenflow
15. Present Tense
16. Rats
17. State Of Love And Trust
18. The Fixer {Ed talks about The West Memphis 3 and thanks the Canadians that helped support them and their cause}
19. Porch
20. Last Kiss-(Cochran) {played to audience behind the stage}
21. Just Breathe
22. I Got Shit/Cinnamon Girl-(Young) {Ed sings chorus of "Cinnamon Girl"}
23. Light Years
24. Jeremy
25. Why Go
{When the band returns to the stage Stone says "Let's hear it for Eddie Vedder"}
26. Do The Evolution
27. Alive
28. Kick Out The Jams w/ Mark Arm & Steve Turner of Mudhoney-(Davis, Kramer, Smith, Thompson, Tyner)
29. Baba O'Riley-(Townshend)
30. Yellow Ledbetter
Don't get me wrong, I loved the Montreal show. I don't regret for one second, driving up from Boston for PJ last week, but I was hoping for something more like this than what we got. I've seen other people killed on this thread for complaining about the 'mediocrity' of their setlist, but I'm right there with them. It's okay to want to hear other stuff than what's 'usually' played at a PJ show. (yes, there were some rarities played on Wednesday, but that set was dominated by their concert mainstays)
Toronto 2 got Deep, Garden, Rats, Present Tense, Baba O'Reilley,In My Tree, Light Years?!?! Go & Animal to start the show? Awesome. Friggin' awesome.
Every live PJ show is a gift to me, and I love them all individually.
But this is the kind of show I'm chasing.