You had to wait 2 hours to get into a pj museum??? Way to go, organizers!.. hahaha. Should've been an outdoors and somewhat of a free-for-all.
The only way I would've gone is if I lived w/in a hundred miles or so.
Put it this way: The PJ shows looked like Santa Barb in '03. I know it's cool to make a vacay out of it (to Wisconsin, haha), but you could've seen PJ and ALL of the other "smaller" bands (for 20 bux or less) when their resepective tours came to your hometown in a club. They were great acts though.
Sorry for my opinion, but I just don't get it (any festival show - Coachella, Lollapallooza, etc.).
Dude you don't get it & never will. You just had to be there.
Seriously. This was an event like no other that came before it and no other that will follow it (unless we make it to PJ40). It's like telling your best friend of 20 years, "Sorry dude. I can't go to your wedding, but let's go to lunch next time you're in town, eh? That'll be the same thing."
As if the two events are analagous.
So, how was it different? Did you get all choked up and emotional with butterflies because it was 20 yrs?
Seems to me that A TON of people regretted not watching the other bands. What were people doing? Probably standing in the museum line bitchin about their 10c seat locations for 2 hours is my guess. I saw a Finn clip and it looked like there were 100 people watching (guesstimate obviously). All those bands, minus the Strokes, are great. BTW, how many people watched John Doe?.. his solo stuff is incredible.
I am sure it was fun, but I think the Doc, Sdtrack and Book are the cool, fun things. Spending a A TON of dough to travel from all over (to the Midwest, haha) to just see PJ cuz they have been playing for 20 yrs is just odd. I do understand die-hard Led Zep fans traveling to see their "reunion show," but even that's borderline OCD.
Don't mean to hurt delicate senses but it is extreme. I saw a very similar PJ show in Santa Barb in 2003, it was their 13th, 14th, whatevers, year anniversary!! TOTD Reunion!! Wooooow! Guess, I just don't put much stock into the the anniv. obsession for a regular old concert with a museum. I wonder if PJ will ever play again??? Hahahaa... If they do, and I have to go to Wisconsin to see them, I guess I will have to sack-up and do it..
Dude, did you even hear what was in the museum? I certainly wouldn't have waited 2 hrs on Sunday because I waited 90 mins on Saturday to see it. I'm tryin' real hard not to extend this argument.
Why does anyone give a fuck if someone is glad they didn't go and trashes the event? Probably just making themself feel better. I went and had a great fucking weekend. That's all there is to it.
#1 I live in Wisconsin, I like it here and obviously others do as well, including the band. Have you been here or is this a closed minded opinion? I would love to understand your hehe comment about the Midwest and my great state. Please enlighten us all.
#2 if you were not at the shows why do you feel the need to comment on a thread targeting only people who attended. Are you upset we all had the time of our life? Do you like to pull others down so you can feel better?
#3 Thank you for fucking up a perfectly cool thread with your negative opinion. Let me give you some advice, if you have to put "sorry my opinion" in your comments, just keep them to yourself.
Milwaukee, 7/8/95 Milwaukee, 6/30/06 East Troy, 9/3/11 East Troy, 9/4/11 San Jose, Costa Rica 11/20/11 Manchester, England 6/20/12 London, Canada 7/16/13 Chicago, 7/19/13 Charlottesville, 10/29/13 *** Favorite Show**** Milwaukee, 10/20/14 Chicago, 8/20/18 Boston, 9/4/18 St. Louis, 9/18/22 St Paul, 8/31/23 St Pau,l 9/2/23 Austin, 9/18/23 Austin, 9/19/23 Chicago, 8/29/24 Chicago, 8/31/24
I didn't really meet anybody from here that I wanted to meet. My wife and I struck up conversations with plenty of cool people but somehow never crossed paths with people I wanted to cross paths with. It actually bummed me out some.
* Cincinnati, OH 8.20.2000 *
* Cincinnati, OH 6.24.2006 *
* Columbus, OH 5.6.2010 * Noblesville, IN 5.7.2010 *
* East Troy, MI 9.4.2011 * East Troy, MI 9.5.2011 *
* Pittsburgh, PA 10.11.2013 *
Not buying a PJ20 shirt for the friend in Seattle who couldn't make it. I totally procrastinated to the point that there wasn't really much left when I hit a merch stand on Sunday night.
Instead, I bought two PJ onesies for his two-month-old twins. The least I can do is provide a constant reminder of what he missed...every time he looks at his absolutely adorable children and reason-for-living.
So, how was it different? Did you get all choked up and emotional with butterflies because it was 20 yrs?
Seems to me that A TON of people regretted not watching the other bands. What were people doing? Probably standing in the museum line bitchin about their 10c seat locations for 2 hours is my guess. I saw a Finn clip and it looked like there were 100 people watching (guesstimate obviously). All those bands, minus the Strokes, are great. BTW, how many people watched John Doe?.. his solo stuff is incredible.
I am sure it was fun, but I think the Doc, Sdtrack and Book are the cool, fun things. Spending a A TON of dough to travel from all over (to the Midwest, haha) to just see PJ cuz they have been playing for 20 yrs is just odd. I do understand die-hard Led Zep fans traveling to see their "reunion show," but even that's borderline OCD.
Don't mean to hurt delicate senses but it is extreme. I saw a very similar PJ show in Santa Barb in 2003, it was their 13th, 14th, whatevers, year anniversary!! TOTD Reunion!! Wooooow! Guess, I just don't put much stock into the the anniv. obsession for a regular old concert with a museum. I wonder if PJ will ever play again??? Hahahaa... If they do, and I have to go to Wisconsin to see them, I guess I will have to sack-up and do it..
I don't really care how you rationalize not going. It was an incredible weekend with 2 out of the world shows with many more twists and turns than any normal PJ show (let alone 2 back to back - "Let's do this again tomorrow night!").
Here's how it was different from any other show - A guy from near Naperville Illinois that has a smoking baby as his avatar gave me (from Long Island) and another guy from Atlanta tickets to see Wrigley for the first time Friday. Then I met some extremely cool folks from Oklahoma on the shuttle to the pre-party. We met again on Saturday without planning it and hung out again. We did not sit near each other for the show, but by the time I met up with them (unplanned, yet again) on Sunday, they commented that everyone at the place knew me (obvious hyperbole as many here can attest, but the point being I had met enough folks wandering around the venue for 2 days that by Sunday afternoon I couldn't walk more than 100 yards without someone knowing me/saying hi). Then, after the show on Sunday, I got to meet up with them again and party until 5 AM talking like we've known each other our whole lives. Again - unplanned. And that's 1 couple out of so many I'm still trying to remember all the nice folks that took a few moments out of their weekend to chat and/or party with a total stranger. That doesn’t even go into their friends that I also met on Friday night that I kept bumping into that “serenaded” the Resort with Habit while the party raged on or the med student from the Bronx that I never met before that I traded tickets with and sat next to for both shows and his friends and on and on….
Anyway – that’s just my story. I’m sure there are 29,000 of those. A “regular” PJ (or any for that matter) show does not do that. Maybe, you “tour” with a few friends that you’ve met over the years. Maybe, you meet a bunch of cool people hanging out before and/or after. Awesome, but not the same. Sorry.
The one thing you are right about is folks that missed the side stages did themselves a disservice. I actually “missed out” on the tailgating (which I love to do, and I’m sure it was great), but seeing Liam infect Ed with his hyperactivity and preview Habit (for example) was well worth going in early. I made sure to see every act at least once over the weekend, and still get to see the museum and get whatever stuff I wanted.
I will end with my one regret – not meeting up again with Eric after he was so nice giving me the ticket to see Wrigley on Friday.
Sorry. The world doesn't work the way you tell it to.
I posted before I had no regrets, but I actually do. I regret not spending more time meeting more people that love PJ as much as I do. I turned around during the show once or twice to ask where people around me where they were from and a few high fives but not much more. Not becuase I was being rude or didn't want ..I was just sooo into the show. I haven't flown in years, am scared to death of flying...but I did for PJ. People at work asked why I was going to WI much less flying and I said PJ...the majority just don't get it. When walking in and I was asked to remove the water bottle cap and I told the security guy "trust me....NONE of these people are going to hurt anyone on that stage"
I regret missing QOTSA both nights because I was in line for the museum; I really wanted to see them. :( At least I got to hear them from where I was standing.
I regret not tailgating and meeting more people from the board.
I regret not getting up closer for Liam Finn and Glen Hansard's sets on Day 2.
Other than that, no regrets.
Chicago 2000 : Chicago 2003 : Chicago 2006 : Summerfest 2006 : Lollapalooza 2007 : Chicago 2009 : Noblesville (Indy) 2010 : PJ20 (East Troy) 2011 : Wrigley Field 2013 : Milwaukee (Yield) 2014 : Wrigley Field 2016
Not seeing the side acts (my excuse: stayed out too late Friday, too zoned out on Saturday to remember to go to the PJ museum then spent Sunday in line for the museum. Should have spent time in the museum on Saturday to free up Sunday)
Not bringing a bunch of empty tubes on Sunday. I knew too that they were allowing them because the day before I was told I could bring in my poster tube that I had just purchased, but not the poster I spent way too much on posters from Klausen, Ames and Jermaine and then had to jam them into the tiny UPS tubes. Arrived yesterday so I will be checking them out today. Hope they survived ok.
Spending too much time snapping on my camera. Band looked so happy I kept wanting to capture on film that I wasn't always focused on the show itself. Hope I got some good pics! Haven't gone through them all yet.
But the good times far outweighed any regrets. Responded since you asked..
I wish I made it to see the museum, the line was soooo long though, I stuck out two hours in the rain for a t-shirt, whats two more for the museum. I also regret just hangin out in the tenclub section Saturday night, I could of gotten so much closer. All in all, it was the most amazing Pearl Jam experience I have every had.
we can dream, and we can make dreams come true for others
I regret missing Queens of the Stone Age on night 2. I saw there entire set on night 1, but didn't know they moved back all the start times for night 2 and got in there just as they were starting their last song.
No jacket on night two! We were on the lawn and freeeeeezing.
I thought wisconsin was really nice! We'd like to go back for a vacation again - Pearl Jam related or otherwise!
Vancouver 1998 - Calgary, Edmonton 2005 - San Francisco I & II 2006 - Vancouver I & II 2008 (EV) - Calgary, Vancouver, San Diego 2009 - Dublin 2010 - Seattle 2011 (EV) - Alpine Valley, Saskatoon, Calgary, Edmonton, 2011 - Stockholm, Copenhagen 2012 - Phoenix, LA1, Spokane, Calgary, Vancouver 2013 - Mountain View 2014 - Quebec City, Ottawa, Toronto 2016 - NYC 2017, London, Seattle, Missoula 2018
I had a great time on the 4th and 5th in Michigan ! I wanted to see both qotsa sets, made it and they were both amazing PJ was overwhelming and beautiful! Both my ticket buddies were people I only knew virtually before and we had a fantastic time on both nights.
I met lots of people from the boards, made it to the museum and got all the merch I wanted.
My only regrets are that I was so tired on Friday after my 20-hour-trip to "Michigan" that I left the preparty earlier than I wanted and that I didn't participate in the tailgating.
Please, Pearl Jam, consider a Benaroya Hall vinyl reissue!
I took the trip with my brother, I got us there and he got into the show.
He got it right. Night 1 Sec 203 row EE. We were dry! Night 2 Lawn.
My only regrets are my own fault.
-Waiting till 9pm Friday to buy tickets and staying up all night so we did not miss the 6am flight.
-Parking next to the dude BLASTING Lamb of God in the Green Lot at the end of night 1... Why would you think WE(all of us stuck in the muddy mess trying to leave) want to listen to that after what we just saw???
-Sleeping till 12 on Sunday.
-Not getting a poster, well not even seeing a poster.
-Getting a 9am flight out of town. Too early.
-Coming back to reality Tuesday at work when I walked in the door.
As far as the show goes...
2010 - Boston
2011 - Alpine 1 & 2 --- EV - Providence & Boston - Tres Mts - Boston
2012 - Missoula
2013 - Wrigley, Pittsburgh, Buffalo, Worcester 1 & 2, Philly 1 & 2, Hartford
2014 - Detroit, Moline, St. Paul, Milwaukee
2016 - Greenville, Hampton, Columbia, New York City 1, Fenway 1 & 2, Wrigley 1
Not seeing the side acts (my excuse: stayed out too late Friday, too zoned out on Saturday to remember to go to the PJ museum then spent Sunday in line for the museum. Should have spent time in the museum on Saturday to free up Sunday)
Not bringing a bunch of empty tubes on Sunday. I knew too that they were allowing them because the day before I was told I could bring in my poster tube that I had just purchased, but not the poster I spent way too much on posters from Klausen, Ames and Jermaine and then had to jam them into the tiny UPS tubes. Arrived yesterday so I will be checking them out today. Hope they survived ok.
Spending too much time snapping on my camera. Band looked so happy I kept wanting to capture on film that I wasn't always focused on the show itself. Hope I got some good pics! Haven't gone through them all yet.
But the good times far outweighed any regrets. Responded since you asked..
And now I'm really mad at myself! Just realized the lens on my point and shoot camera had a fingerprint on it the entire weekend. Just cleaned it and pictures I've took since then have been amazing. Oh well. Now I know, will be cleaning the lens before heading to any PJ show!
only going to the sunday night show.
not meeting more people on the board in person.
So, how was it different? Did you get all choked up and emotional with butterflies because it was 20 yrs?
Seems to me that A TON of people regretted not watching the other bands. What were people doing? Probably standing in the museum line bitchin about their 10c seat locations for 2 hours is my guess. I saw a Finn clip and it looked like there were 100 people watching (guesstimate obviously). All those bands, minus the Strokes, are great. BTW, how many people watched John Doe?.. his solo stuff is incredible.
I am sure it was fun, but I think the Doc, Sdtrack and Book are the cool, fun things. Spending a A TON of dough to travel from all over (to the Midwest, haha) to just see PJ cuz they have been playing for 20 yrs is just odd. I do understand die-hard Led Zep fans traveling to see their "reunion show," but even that's borderline OCD.
Don't mean to hurt delicate senses but it is extreme. I saw a very similar PJ show in Santa Barb in 2003, it was their 13th, 14th, whatevers, year anniversary!! TOTD Reunion!! Wooooow! Guess, I just don't put much stock into the the anniv. obsession for a regular old concert with a museum. I wonder if PJ will ever play again??? Hahahaa... If they do, and I have to go to Wisconsin to see them, I guess I will have to sack-up and do it..
#1 I live in Wisconsin, I like it here and obviously others do as well, including the band. Have you been here or is this a closed minded opinion? I would love to understand your hehe comment about the Midwest and my great state. Please enlighten us all.
#2 if you were not at the shows why do you feel the need to comment on a thread targeting only people who attended. Are you upset we all had the time of our life? Do you like to pull others down so you can feel better?
#3 Thank you for fucking up a perfectly cool thread with your negative opinion. Let me give you some advice, if you have to put "sorry my opinion" in your comments, just keep them to yourself.
Milwaukee, 6/30/06
East Troy, 9/3/11
East Troy, 9/4/11
San Jose, Costa Rica 11/20/11
Manchester, England 6/20/12
London, Canada 7/16/13
Chicago, 7/19/13
Charlottesville, 10/29/13 *** Favorite Show****
Milwaukee, 10/20/14
Chicago, 8/20/18
Boston, 9/4/18
St. Louis, 9/18/22
St Paul, 8/31/23
St Pau,l 9/2/23
Austin, 9/18/23
Austin, 9/19/23
Chicago, 8/29/24
Chicago, 8/31/24
* Cincinnati, OH 6.24.2006 *
* Columbus, OH 5.6.2010 * Noblesville, IN 5.7.2010 *
* East Troy, MI 9.4.2011 * East Troy, MI 9.5.2011 *
* Pittsburgh, PA 10.11.2013 *
Woulda crossed off a few pj songs on my pj song list and seeing some buddies
Sammi: Wanna just break up?
Instead, I bought two PJ onesies for his two-month-old twins. The least I can do is provide a constant reminder of what he missed...every time he looks at his absolutely adorable children and reason-for-living.
I don't really care how you rationalize not going. It was an incredible weekend with 2 out of the world shows with many more twists and turns than any normal PJ show (let alone 2 back to back - "Let's do this again tomorrow night!").
Here's how it was different from any other show - A guy from near Naperville Illinois that has a smoking baby as his avatar gave me (from Long Island) and another guy from Atlanta tickets to see Wrigley for the first time Friday. Then I met some extremely cool folks from Oklahoma on the shuttle to the pre-party. We met again on Saturday without planning it and hung out again. We did not sit near each other for the show, but by the time I met up with them (unplanned, yet again) on Sunday, they commented that everyone at the place knew me (obvious hyperbole as many here can attest, but the point being I had met enough folks wandering around the venue for 2 days that by Sunday afternoon I couldn't walk more than 100 yards without someone knowing me/saying hi). Then, after the show on Sunday, I got to meet up with them again and party until 5 AM talking like we've known each other our whole lives. Again - unplanned. And that's 1 couple out of so many I'm still trying to remember all the nice folks that took a few moments out of their weekend to chat and/or party with a total stranger. That doesn’t even go into their friends that I also met on Friday night that I kept bumping into that “serenaded” the Resort with Habit while the party raged on or the med student from the Bronx that I never met before that I traded tickets with and sat next to for both shows and his friends and on and on….
Anyway – that’s just my story. I’m sure there are 29,000 of those. A “regular” PJ (or any for that matter) show does not do that. Maybe, you “tour” with a few friends that you’ve met over the years. Maybe, you meet a bunch of cool people hanging out before and/or after. Awesome, but not the same. Sorry.
The one thing you are right about is folks that missed the side stages did themselves a disservice. I actually “missed out” on the tailgating (which I love to do, and I’m sure it was great), but seeing Liam infect Ed with his hyperactivity and preview Habit (for example) was well worth going in early. I made sure to see every act at least once over the weekend, and still get to see the museum and get whatever stuff I wanted.
I will end with my one regret – not meeting up again with Eric after he was so nice giving me the ticket to see Wrigley on Friday.
Absolutely absurd to sell someone 20 posters at once!!
I regret not tailgating and meeting more people from the board.
I regret not getting up closer for Liam Finn and Glen Hansard's sets on Day 2.
Other than that, no regrets.
8/15/92, 9/28/96, 8/28/98, 8/29/98, 9/18/98, 8/3/00, 8/9/00, 8/10/00, 8/23/00, 8/25/00, 9/1/00, 9/2/00, 4/28/03, 6/18/03, 7/5/03, 7/6/03, 10/1/04, 10/3/05, 6/19/08, 10/27/09, 10/31/09, 5/21/10, 9/3/11, 9/4/11, 10/21/13
More to Come....
Did you know they sold sweatshirts? But only if you were in Michigan.....
Not bringing a bunch of empty tubes on Sunday. I knew too that they were allowing them because the day before I was told I could bring in my poster tube that I had just purchased, but not the poster
Spending too much time snapping on my camera. Band looked so happy I kept wanting to capture on film that I wasn't always focused on the show itself. Hope I got some good pics! Haven't gone through them all yet.
But the good times far outweighed any regrets. Responded since you asked..
If I had seats then i wouldnt have had to have been put through the worst band I've ever seen, and just strolled down at 9pm.
Which band was that?
★ 2009 - Sydney, Brisbane, Auckland, Christchurch ★
★ 2011 - EV Newcastle, Melbourne 1, Melbourne 2 ★
Those hacks that pose as a rock band called "the strokes".
Pearl Jam bootlegs:
Put off on getting a tshirt and then missed out on the one I wanted.
Should have taken more pics
Drank too early Saturday
Should have caught the whole strokes set sunday
I thought wisconsin was really nice! We'd like to go back for a vacation again - Pearl Jam related or otherwise!
They can have the stinking posters!!! I'll take my ticket stubs over silly cartoon gang bang posters every time.
Whos got a poster for trade?
AMSTERDAM 2012, BERLIN 2012 !!!
I met lots of people from the boards, made it to the museum and got all the merch I wanted.
My only regrets are that I was so tired on Friday after my 20-hour-trip to "Michigan" that I left the preparty earlier than I wanted and that I didn't participate in the tailgating.
He got it right. Night 1 Sec 203 row EE. We were dry! Night 2 Lawn.
My only regrets are my own fault.
-Waiting till 9pm Friday to buy tickets and staying up all night so we did not miss the 6am flight.
-Parking next to the dude BLASTING Lamb of God in the Green Lot at the end of night 1... Why would you think WE(all of us stuck in the muddy mess trying to leave) want to listen to that after what we just saw???
-Sleeping till 12 on Sunday.
-Not getting a poster, well not even seeing a poster.
-Getting a 9am flight out of town. Too early.
-Coming back to reality Tuesday at work when I walked in the door.
As far as the show goes...
2011 - Alpine 1 & 2 --- EV - Providence & Boston - Tres Mts - Boston
2012 - Missoula
2013 - Wrigley, Pittsburgh, Buffalo, Worcester 1 & 2, Philly 1 & 2, Hartford
2014 - Detroit, Moline, St. Paul, Milwaukee
2016 - Greenville, Hampton, Columbia, New York City 1, Fenway 1 & 2, Wrigley 1
And now I'm really mad at myself! Just realized the lens on my point and shoot camera had a fingerprint on it the entire weekend. Just cleaned it and pictures I've took since then have been amazing. Oh well. Now I know, will be cleaning the lens before heading to any PJ show!