Chris Cornell stole the show this weekend.

In my opinion.
Without the TotD mini sets, the main sets would not be as memorable. Solid sets for sure, but not exceptional.
And as great as the TotD sets were, and as awesome as Chris sounded with the band, it was kind of weird that he got so much stage time this weekend.
What are your thoughts.
Without the TotD mini sets, the main sets would not be as memorable. Solid sets for sure, but not exceptional.
And as great as the TotD sets were, and as awesome as Chris sounded with the band, it was kind of weird that he got so much stage time this weekend.
What are your thoughts.
Post edited by Unknown User on
don't get me wrong..very solid shows...but i was expectting abit more
What exactly was everyone expecting??? :?
Memphis - Aug 15, 2000
Chicago - May 16, 2006
Chicago - Aug 23-24, 2009
Columbus - May 6, 2010
Noblesville - May 7, 2010
Manchester - June 20-21, 2012
Amsterdam - June 26-27, 2012
Berlin - July 4-5, 2012
def. a small accoustic set earlirer in the day or sometime
i'm not sure..but it wasn't what i thought it would be..overall
I think 3 songs last night (MLB+2 ToTD) and 3 tonight (maybe repeat hunger strike and two differnet ToTD songs) would've been better. When they announced Reach Down again tonight I wanted Chris to get off the stage (and I LOVE Chris!).
I guess when you have limited time to play, you want to make the most of it... I can only imagine what got left on the setlist (and not played) in order to repeat Reach Down tonight.
Tonight was great and combine both nights for a really good weekend.
I just can't understand no LEASH,GO,RATS,W.M.A. WTF?
Can't call a festival a festival without LEASH!
Can you see me now
I am myself
Like you somehow
I'll ride the wave
Where it takes me
I'll hold the pain
Release me
Sammi: Wanna just break up?
That's my biggest complaint - at least repeating Hunger Strike is a HUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE crowd fav... repeating Reach Down is like repeating a very, very, very long obscure b-side two nights in a row. :x
For instance, if Pearl Jam started showcasing their roots (the Andy ties, TotD, Dave A., Jack, etc.) then I think people would have had their wildest expections met for the most part. When huge important chunks of PJ history were omitted from PJ20 while other parts like Chris Cornell got such a large portion of time that was also partitioned out to many others who were not really related to PJ history, I can understand some of the letdown.
I still had fun seeing what I did of the concert and thought there were some pretty fine performances. I would have loved to have personally been there for TotD, and I would have loved it even more to see PJ bury the hatchet on their 20th with Dave, etc. Oh well, it was what it was, and that is still pretty amazing.
Also, I would have loved to see some guest drummers. I knew going in that that would be a long shot, but their absence was disappointing nonetheless.
Oh well, I'm looking at these two shows as a warm up for the Canadian tour. I have a really good vibe about the Canadian tour for some reason.
Sammi: Wanna just break up?
Kurt Cobain to come back from the dead and sing a duet with Tupac, apparently. :roll:
for the least they could possibly do
Yeah, screw that.
In part because I've seen Leash like 3,000 times now. In part because Reach Down is by far a superior song to either of them.
for the least they could possibly do
I don't mean this to be mean, but I feel sorry for Canadians and South Americans. Your shows are going to suck by comparison. There's nowhere to go but down.
No matter how long I live, what happened this weekend in Wisconsin with 37,000 of my closest friends will be an experience I'll never forget. No other show(s) I've been to can compare.
for the least they could possibly do
You must not have been at Philly III and IV. Because those were better shows. By far.
You making my trades now?
I said I would can have Reach Down but I want Leash, Footsteps, Rival, Fatal, Go and Rats now...and I'll throw Say Hello to Heaven back too.
I haven't seen LEASH live since 1994 in 20+ shows...weird curse I got I guess?
Can you see me now
I am myself
Like you somehow
I'll ride the wave
Where it takes me
I'll hold the pain
Release me
You got me. I haven't been to every single fucking show these guys have played. :roll:
for the least they could possibly do
I went so long wanting to hear Leash. Then from 2006-2009 they started playing it at like every single show. I had one buddy start touring with me in '06, and he thought Leash was a staple, like Evenflow. It was actually kind of funny.
I'm kind of over Leash now. I still like it, but there are better songs for me.
for the least they could possibly do
Some of the other collaborations were really cool, others were just wrong (Julian didnt fit on either song he joined PJ for), but the TOTD stuff was amazing! Never thought I'd see it. Chris' voice is in top shape. Unfortunately, it magnified a lot of the PJ blunders. Their play was sloppy for sure, but expected when they haven't played together in so long and open a tour with such a big event.
the other highlight for me (besides seeing longtime friends, TOTD and Wash) was the PJ museum. they really did an amazing job with it. I took a lot of pictures with the description cards so people who couldn't make it get to see it. if you're a PJ nerd from day one it was a real treat. my only complaint would be the long line, but I dont see any way around it with such limited space, so it's not really a complaint.
thank you to the band for such an amazing weekend. lots of pictures and some videos to follow...
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Respectfully disagree. I was happy they had a TotD set, but wish Chris also did a Pearl Jam song too and got into the fun the way the rest of the guests did. I didn't like that the focus was on him for that long (yeah, I know TotD was Chris' thing) but relegating Ed as a backup singer during PJ20 was the strangest part of the weekend for me, by far. Chris' energy is so different from the rest of the band, he always seems slightly uncomfortable and self-conscious, while everyone else is just so excited they can barely contain themselves. I thought he was warmer today than yesterday, but still very different from the band. Don't get me wrong, love Chris Cornell, he just has a totally different vibe.
To me, what was memorable was that I was there to celebrate a huge milestone with the band that I love most along with others who felt the same way. I am so proud of the band for sticking together for so long and sensing their love for each other. I'm always so struck by how real they are when I see them.
But in the true spirit of this weekend, it was supposed to be collaborative (the "last waltz" vibe they mentioned), so having some hit-or-miss experiments/plans were to be expected. Cornell just happened to take valuable Vedder time from me, but I'd lie if I said I could do completely without the TOTD stuff.
as you have said, you havent been to every show... ergo its impossible for you to say that the only way is down and that you feel sorry for Canadians and South Americans as the show you have just seen can't be beaten in your mind
What about just saying its the best show you've seen and that you hope they carry that enthusiasm through to the next tours as then they would be epic... instead of suggesting that somehow the Canadian and South American tours will 'suck'
In a weekend full of douchey comments, this one might take the cake. How dare you tell Canadians and South Americans that their shows are going to suck in comparison? A lot of people couldn't afford to make it this weekend, or yet, chose to hit up a couple other shows in their home town/country. Yet, you're telling them that theirs shows will suck and they should have went to PJ20.
It seems like you've spent a lot of energy this weekend chasing down haters and getting on them for expressing their feelings. Granted, I don't necessarily agree with them, but I wasn't there. (setlists and videos look amazing to me) But you can't rag on somebody's upcoming good time just because they couldn't make it this weekend.
Imagine if they held a celebration concert in each continent... the euro one would be the greatest event ever to take place on earth!
temple of the yawn indeed.
cornells a vastly overrated poser.