Unsung - I have an indirect question regarding this comment. We all pay taxes in our society, yet the services we receive aren't necessary up to par, or atleast the capacity they could be. Now there's plenty of corruption and bureaucracy within our system, but with that said, and regardless of that part, don't you feel like with the amount of money our government collects, the citizens of our nation should be receiving more? We pay close to 33-50% to the government in taxes, yet what do we really receive for it? This seems to be the forgotten question about our tax system and government spending. Most people when talking about this topic, it's more about the corruption or invisible leeches sucking the rest of us dry, but let's talk about the other end of this discussion. I'm curious to hear your thoughts.
General Welfare does not mean cradle-to-the-grave welfare.
Well, not everyone pays taxes first of all.
Are the services up to par? Not in Illinois. It really seems like every year the roads are being rebuilt, it's just miles and miles of traffic cones and work zone speed limits on the highways, but finding people actually working is another. There might be 10 miles of zone but only work being done on one bridge. They create these zones to jack up the fines for speeding tickets.
They just stuck it to us with a 67% income tax hike, not they are trying to pass a 90% tollway tax hike. The original intent on having toll fees was to pay for the roads, the rods were paid for years ago but the fees continue to go up. Oh if you have the urge to pay cash at the tolls the fee is DOUBLED. They'd rather have you get one of those tracking devices in your car.
How much money does Il spend each year providing services to illegal aliens? Billions.
State unemployment is above the National average, and due to the tax hike many company are moving to Indiana.
Let's not forget nationally the huge tax breaks companies get, then move the jobs overseas.
I'm not trying to insult you or anyone else. People group, label and categorize ideas now cause it's a lazy way to associate or disassociate with the belief set. I don't think anyone generically thinks such a large and looming idea towards government or not (as you describe). It's a very simplistic way to not discuss each particular issue or area while grouping people together. Our society faces tons of real issues, most of which have complex pieces that offer no simple answers. Saying things are black and white, good or bad is nativity which is what we see in our culture. Everything is grey and elastic, not black and white and set in stone, which goes against how our society thinks and acts (and wants things to be). That's all I'm conveying. People who walk around saying they're a "liberal" or "conservative" have no real place in our society because we have lost focus on what they actually mean in practice in comparison to what we do in the world (home and abroad).
No worries, it sounded to me like a touch of I am smarter you aren't getting it...but if i am wrong about that I apologize to you.
Like I was saying, I don't use it that way. I use it to better understand the motivations of the person I am talking with...compromise comes from understanding the basis for someone's belief. I would agree that some may miss use a label, or get mad when someone espouses a liberal or conservative idea...but falling short of having a candidate discuss ever single issue, knowing their motivating belief structure should and often does paint an accurate picture of how they will fall on an issue...So you are right that people will use those labels in a negative way, but that doesn't mean they shouldn't exist for those that use the shorthand to extrapolate how a candidate should vote on an issue...holding him to those principles is where people lose their way.
Now the labels shouldn't be a hard fast rule, but rather a starting point for discussion. Hope that makes sense
that’s right! Can’t we all just get together and focus on our real enemies: monogamous gays and stem cells… - Ned Flanders
It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
- Joe Rogan
Well, not everyone pays taxes first of all.
Are the services up to par? Not in Illinois. It really seems like every year the roads are being rebuilt, it's just miles and miles of traffic cones and work zone speed limits on the highways, but finding people actually working is another. There might be 10 miles of zone but only work being done on one bridge. They create these zones to jack up the fines for speeding tickets.
They just stuck it to us with a 67% income tax hike, not they are trying to pass a 90% tollway tax hike. The original intent on having toll fees was to pay for the roads, the rods were paid for years ago but the fees continue to go up. Oh if you have the urge to pay cash at the tolls the fee is DOUBLED. They'd rather have you get one of those tracking devices in your car.
How much money does Il spend each year providing services to illegal aliens? Billions.
State unemployment is above the National average, and due to the tax hike many company are moving to Indiana.
Let's not forget nationally the huge tax breaks companies get, then move the jobs overseas.
I've seriously had it.
Like I was saying, I don't use it that way. I use it to better understand the motivations of the person I am talking with...compromise comes from understanding the basis for someone's belief. I would agree that some may miss use a label, or get mad when someone espouses a liberal or conservative idea...but falling short of having a candidate discuss ever single issue, knowing their motivating belief structure should and often does paint an accurate picture of how they will fall on an issue...So you are right that people will use those labels in a negative way, but that doesn't mean they shouldn't exist for those that use the shorthand to extrapolate how a candidate should vote on an issue...holding him to those principles is where people lose their way.
Now the labels shouldn't be a hard fast rule, but rather a starting point for discussion. Hope that makes sense
It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
- Joe Rogan