I don't understand the people who get offended by multiple show attenders to solo Ed.

It's like that term has become an insult. "MULTIPLE-SHOW ATTENDER!" I don't understand it really. If people want to pay the money to do it, that is their own business and their own money. It appears that people feel that the only reason to attend multple shows would be to hear different songs, when frankly, a lot of people don't feel that way. Not everyone is there to hear 60 different songs in 3 nights, and it seems like the people who want to see only one show can't understand this. I can definitely understand both sides for the people who want to see one and those that want to see multiple, however it seems like these Eddie shows in particular have brought out that rift to the surface. Some don't want to hear the same songs over and over. That's cool. That's probably why they are fans of the live Pearl Jam experience in the first place. But they seem to get one people's cases when they see people who aren't there to see that. We should never tell other fans what to look for in a show. Music is completely personal and we each have personal interests of why we are there.
And then there is the "save some for people who won't get any" argument. While that sounds nice, it is way too idealistic to be placed into practice and it would never work unless there was an official 10c policy that limited the amounts of shows that one saw. There's no guarantee that the ticket that you don't buy will go to this type of fan as opposed to another person seeing multiple shows, so it really just comes down to the individual decision and situation of how many shows they can and want to see.
And then there is the "save some for people who won't get any" argument. While that sounds nice, it is way too idealistic to be placed into practice and it would never work unless there was an official 10c policy that limited the amounts of shows that one saw. There's no guarantee that the ticket that you don't buy will go to this type of fan as opposed to another person seeing multiple shows, so it really just comes down to the individual decision and situation of how many shows they can and want to see.
Post edited by Unknown User on
it just seems more fair to limit the amount of 10c tickets to these small shows, to let more people have the chance to see him. thats all.
i dont blame people at all for getting tickets to EVERY show if they can.
but if 10c had put a limit on how many tickets one memeber could get to the whole tour, i would have afforded more people the oppurtunity to se Ed in a very cool way.
"To question your government is not unpatriotic --
to not question your government is unpatriotic."
-- Sen. Chuck Hagel
The main reason to be in the 10C is basically the good tickets to EVERY show. If I had the money and time off from work to go to every single Pearl Jam/ Eddie show I WOULD!!!! I don't like people getting mad at me for seeing TOO MANY Ed shows. Sorry if you didn't get tickets but this conversation wouldn't be happening if you had tickets to more shows.
"This is the greatest band in the world"---Ben Harper
I don't know. Why do I have four smoking hot girlfriends, when you have none? Life's not fair.
Or start your own...
"Have an extra or Need an extra" thread???
People on this board crack me up.
5 minutes into the 10c ticket sale they are looking on stubhub and getting angry that stub hub has tix....Or they are here posting on this board....
When they need to be clicking away.
If anyone wants tickets they need to be proactive and get them!!!!!
Stop whining and do something about it.
Post on the trader thread...what you are looking for!
Start your own thread!
If you really want them you'll get them.
if you are seeing 4 or more ed shows you either:
are a fucking fanboy/girl with no mind of your own
have too much time on your hands
got too big of a tax rebate and don't know what to do with it
i can totally understand seeing pearl jam 20 times on a tour(i just did 9 on the last one and would still love a few more)....but ed solo more than 3 times is a little insane in my humble opinion.
or maybe they just like Pearl Jam?
Or maybe their interests are different from yours?
Or maybe they make more money than you and can afford multiple extracurricular activities?
What's the motherfucking difference?
It's a damn concert.
Whether you see Eddie Vedder 47 times, or Bon Jovi 47 times, what fucking difference does it make?
I'll tell you...
It's the same damn thing.
yea, it would def have to be a crazy fanboy!!!
im not saying that. more power to you for getting as many shows as you want. cool.
im just saying if 10c limited the number of tickets one memeber could get to these small shows, more people would have been able to get in.
i only tried for one show. i got shut out. no biggie. ill try TM, and if i get shut out there, i will scalp two tickets.
the OP asked a question, i answered. simple as that. you would have way more happy people , and far fewer unhappy people if they had done it this way. while you may not be able to see him multiple times, at least you would get to see him at least once, and many other poeple would at least get to see him once. there would be a lot less un happy people, far fewer bitching threads too.
its all good though. i will get tickets to the one show that i can attend do to my schedule. all will be good in my world.
"To question your government is not unpatriotic --
to not question your government is unpatriotic."
-- Sen. Chuck Hagel
Opera House, Boston - 2500
United Palace Theatre, New York - 3,293
NJ Performing Arts, Newark - 2,750
Salle Wilfrid Place, Montreal - 2990
Massey Hall, Toronto - 2800
Warner Theatre, Washington - 1800
Riverside Theatre, Milwaukee - 2500
Auditorium Theatre, Chicago - 3900
SHOW COUNT: (164) 1990's=3, 2000's=53, 2010/20's=108, US=118, CAN=15, Europe=20 ,New Zealand=4, Australia=5
Mexico=1, Colombia=1
But they don't, so I don't blame anyone from attending as many as they can afford/score tickets for.
for the least they could possibly do
If this was your "humble" opinion you wouldn't be calling others fanboy/girl with no mind first of all....
I'm not seeing Ed this time around because I already did in vancouver but I would again if I was in the NE, for me 2 shows would be great but if others want to see him every single time, I don't see what the problem is.
Who gives you the right to call people mindless just because they enjoy seeing a particular act more than once?
If you dont have the money or the time to do so that sounds like a personal problem to me, not a reason to call others mindless though.... :rolleyes:
i'm only going to one, so don't be mad at me! i can't afford to go to more than one show usually. i understand your frustrations though. i have been shut out of many a PJ experience, item, but it all doesn't matter in the grand scheme when i can go home and break out one of 100 PJ cds i have and then i remember why to begin with.
When Pearl Jam is playing a 20,000 seat capacity venue, then great....go to as many shows as you can (i remember back when you could only see ONE)
With Ed's solo shows, with the venues being smaller, Maybe the TenClub SHOULD have a one show limit. It wouldn't be any different from when they used to do it with PJ.
EV- 08/09,10/2008.06/08,09/2009
to play devils advocate so to speak...
but would this conversation be happening if YOU didnt get ANY tickets either?
I'm just saying...its all fun until your on the outside looking in.....
I always travel to shows with extra tickets, A LOT of 10C members do, simply because at my age, I don't have a lot of friends who want to take off work and go see a concert, family time is much more important. And well, I have no choice I have to buy 2.
My point is, I love the music~Into The Wild, Pearl Jam, all of it, I love the music. I have money, I give a lot to charity, and a lot more to charity through Pearl Jam ie. The Beacon. I have nothing else to do, my work schedule allows me to travel whenever I want. And if you for one second you think that I came from money or don't work for every single thing I have, you are completely wrong.
That is why for me when I hear people complaining about anything 10C does, at this point I just have to laugh. You live in the United States of America, if you don't like the system, find a better one and change it. But seriously the blah blah blah I didn't get tickets, I was shut out, 10 C owes me. Seriously get a fu@king life!
At this point in my life, I just happen to choose pearl jam as my hobby and I do whatever I have to, to go see them and if he were staying in the midwest, I would have went to more shows, and laughed even harder at the haters because the people I meet and give tickets to, don't have a negative word to say about the band, Eddie or 10C and don't think they are deserved one damn thing.
That's my 2 cents.
only a noob would see ed more than 4 times
I totally agree with you.
(definitely wrong)
i'm not gonna tell anyone what to do, but more than 3 ed shows is excessive. i'm not bitter about the 10c presale (bet your ass if this happened for a pj show i would be) because i know i'll get in and all of the venues are small, and the seats will be fine regardless.
so...ya know....relax noobs
annoyed when I and others had no chance with the 10club and I see other people who are going to multiple shows, yes
whining on the message board, no
posting in threads like this where I can write my frustrations, yes
2003 ~ Toronto
2005 ~ London, Toronto
2006 ~ Toronto
2008 ~ Hartford, Mansfied I,
2009 ~ Toronto, Chicago I, Chicago II
2010 ~ Cleveland, Buffalo
2011 ~ Toronto I, Toronto II, Ottawa, Hamilton
2013 - London, Pittsburgh, Buffalo
So I know when I see him both nights in Chicago, they're going to be equally spectacular and while I feel bad for other people not getting tickets, it's sure not going to ruin my experience
maybe you just enjoy a good concert from your favorite vocalist???
i hope this is not directed towards me. like i said, cool that you got into more then one show. good for you. not mad or upset at that at all.
i dont bitch at the 10c ever. im stick up for them a lot!
but with small venues, and high demand, i think it would be better to limit the tickets to members through the club. you could still get tickets from TM.
with that being said, im not being negative to the band , eddie, or 10c.
have a good time at the shows, really. im happy for the people that got tickets, even multiple shows. but it does suck for those who are shut out, when the demand is so high, and tickests so few.
"To question your government is not unpatriotic --
to not question your government is unpatriotic."
-- Sen. Chuck Hagel
no shit what a bunch of cry babies... people need to grow the fuck up
2003-06-02 Irvine
2003-10-26 Mountain View-Bridge School
2006-07-09 Los Angeles
2006-07-10 Los Angeles
2006-10-22 Mountain View- Bridge School
2008-07-19 UCLA-Who Rock Honors
2009-10-1 Los Angeles-2
2009-10-9 San Diego