Labels aren't they great!

After watching the board over the last couple days I just wanted to thank everyone for confirming my beliefs. I don't follow the label game of society it's part of the problem with this country. Conservative,liberal,democrat,republican,
religious,atheist,and all the other labels society says we have to wear around our neck. As long as everyone plays the label game they will keep fighting amongst themselves. Instead of actually trying to do some good for their community and country. But pay me no attention I'm just an American construction worker with a deadbeat job and no future(as referee to in another thread). But I don't depend on gov. for healthcare,retirement,cell phone,Internet, or any other privileges life has to offer. I work for it just like generations past. And I work hard for it. And you know what it makes me feel good when I get home at night. I'm all for helping people out. But at some point people have to help themselves. It's not the federal gov. job to take care of the individual its up to the individual and the community.
religious,atheist,and all the other labels society says we have to wear around our neck. As long as everyone plays the label game they will keep fighting amongst themselves. Instead of actually trying to do some good for their community and country. But pay me no attention I'm just an American construction worker with a deadbeat job and no future(as referee to in another thread). But I don't depend on gov. for healthcare,retirement,cell phone,Internet, or any other privileges life has to offer. I work for it just like generations past. And I work hard for it. And you know what it makes me feel good when I get home at night. I'm all for helping people out. But at some point people have to help themselves. It's not the federal gov. job to take care of the individual its up to the individual and the community.
Post edited by Unknown User on
So I guess you're labeling the current generation as dependent on the government and lacking a work ethic?
I'm tired of this label crap myself ...left..right..racest..homophobe etc. :crazy:
Racest? is that like Nascar?
Homophobe is less a label, and more of a description or identifier.
YES. Just look at the people on this board. The only good government is bigger government.
If you speak of limiting gov't, they whine about policemen and teachers and "infrastructure", as if our country would fall apart if some roadcrew got its budget trimmed.
i find that insulting.
Gay is not a "label." Nor are "straight, black, white, Hispanic, Poor or Rich."
Sure you do. Healthcare standards in America are regulated. That's how you know that your doctor is actually a trained medical practitioner and not just some guy who bought a thermometer. Your cell phone uses technology that's regulated to make sure that you're not getting ripped off... And you work as a construction worker so those buildings must meet safety standards so they don't fall on you while you work.
isn't that regulations and not financial assistance? i think you missed the point, or did i.
You are equating a Med student passing their boards, w/ gov't controlling 1/6 of our economy.
$20/year for this kind of entertainment is cheap man....
Smoking baby: offensive.
No, I'm pointing out that everyone relies on some form of government-run assistance protections of infrastructure. Just like the crazy old man saying things like "get your government hands off my medicare" or Craig T Nelson ranting out how "I was on Welfare and food stamps and did anyone help ME?!?! NO!!"
Some people are so self-cenetered they can't even see past their own front yards.
Yeah... that Craig T. Nelson, boy, if we could just get rid of him we'd be fine....
What the hell are we talking about again?
next thread....
Did you just pat yourself on the back for derailing a thread so you don't have to actually... address issues?
Wow. Ballsy.
I wasn't derailing the thread, sorry if you thought so. I was confused as to why you were posting things like " government-run assistance protections of infrastructure" and Craig T Nelson rants in a forum about not labeling people. Then you finished by calling "some" people "self-centered", and honestly, I just forgot what the hell this was about....
Back on topic- Labels are bad.
The OP contains the line "It's not the federal gov. job to take care of the individual its up to the individual and the community."
And I disagree.
description or identifier ?.....kinda like a label right ?
I see a label as more of how someone else sees you. I think a description is more "exactly what you are".
And I disagree.[/quote]
And do you care to elaborate? And also explain how logistically can they take care of every individual? And also can you name one thing the federal gov. has done right in the last 100 yrs.? I'm sorry but I like to be self sustaining and take care of my family and help others out as much ad possible. I don't need big brother to tell me what's right & what's wrong. I don't rely on the federal gov. because what they give you they can also take away at any point in time with no warning.
I've elaborated many times. Countless.
Can't save them all so... screw every last one of them? Nice philosophy. you learn that at church?
Well let's see... They did build those cross-country highways that allowed for national commerce and building of a solid middle class that reigned supreme through most of the 20th century. There's one. I also kinda like that American Morale-Boosting Moon landing thing.
And people like to dog on Al Gore when they say he claimed to invent the internet (he never said anything like that) but the truth is that without federal support, much of it from Al Gore, you and I probably wouldn't have had access to it in the way we do now.
And like it or not, if we had no military, any other invading force would be able to just walk in and take over.
So there's four. I know you only asked for one but I'm an over-acheiver.
Well when your house catches fire I hope you just handle it with a garden hose. I hope you don't use those highways to get to work, I hope if you're robbed at gunpoint you don't call on the police. Sure don't want you to not be "self-sustaining."
Who said anything about telling you what it right and what is wrong? Or... are you upset you're not allowed to murder someone because of that pesky "federal laws" thing we have?
Sadly... you do rely on the federal government, directly and indirectly.
WWI and WWII... should have been fought by neighborhood watch groups.
We were able to send a tiny metal box to the Moon, with some humans in it.. and successfully got them back again. Does that count for something? We did get Tang and Velcro out of the deal.
Something that government didn't do was step up and help New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina. But, I guess those people should have really watched out for themselves and done some disaster preparedness. Stashing their provisions in the basement or garage... bad idea. What they should have done was stored their privisions in their penthouses. So, I suppose, letting them die on their roofs would have been the sensible thing to do.
But, yeah... I don't expect much from our government, personally... but, I have no problem with my tax dollars going out to help my fellow Americans that are down on their luck... even if they live on the other side of my nation. I don't get around to Mississippi much.... what, being out here on the West Coast. So, if there is some starving guy over there, I have no problem with my government helping out my citizens.
Hail, Hail!!!
Thanks so much for that. I get so tired of people who claim American is the greatest country in the world and then cry out loud about having to pay taxes to KEEP it from turning into Somalia.
I also get confused when I hear about our military might and how great we are... and how powerful we are... and how much we love our troops. A Military that is run by the government and paid for with our taxes. Doesn't the military serve a purpose... protect us?
I know, nowadays, they are being grossly misused... but, since the whole of our society funds and supports our military... shouldn't that be dismantled because of its socialist implications? Would we be better off if we got rid of our military and all of the defense spending.
Hail, Hail!!!
The only thing about the response above... 60% taxed? You are taxed 60% of your income?
From the 2010 Tax Schedule:
Married----Marr'd Sep----HoH
99,950 to 100,000--21,702----17,356
That is taxable income.... at 21%... which means, you pay 39% in other taxes?
Of Topic... here is the 2004 Tax Table:
Married----Marr'd Sep----HoH
99,950 100,000---- 22,620--- 18,469
To the Tea Partiers out there... doesn't this mean you are taxed LESS? I understand, facts don't really mean much... but... come on....
Hail, Hail!!!
Um... actually, Welfare IS kinda the textbook definition of "taking care of the individual."
Um... what are you talking about? I'm lost.
Labels or definitions?
Being a male... who supports our military... label or definition?
I am a male... older male... likes punk rock music... old rock style music. Works for a living... computer shit... in a cubicle... in the military/industrial complex. Surfs... used to surf more, but knows the water is dirtier than my toilet... divorced... still friends with the ex... no kids... love my job... good pay, great benefits... never been on unemployment or welfare... 30+ years seniority... voted for Carter, Reagan, Reagan, H.W.Bush, Clinton, Gore, Kerry, Obama... rides a skateboard... cusses way more than I should... owns an old Schwinn Typhoon... not even close to paying 60% in taxes... own a home... have cats... believe in personal responsibility... don't mind paying my taxes because this country has been good to me... Bachelors Degree in Business Management... programs in Oracle SQL... works mainly in UNIX... 139,000 membership number... plays guitar (barely)... votes for the candidate, ignores political party affiliation... needs a haircut... listens to Mozart... loves Renoir paintings and Banksy graffitti... first car was a '67 VW... thinks that the government should not decide who gets to marry whom... that it is a woman's choice, although hopes that abortion is her last option... loves the teachings of Christ, but have grave mistrust of the Church(es)... likes the color blue... doesn't like asparagus... hates to shave... doesn't smoke pot... used to smoke pot... thinks pot should be de-criminalized... loves camping in the mountains... not a big fan of Las Vegas... most of my wardrobe is from Costco... believes in recycling, re-using, reducing what I consume...
Labels or descriptions?
Hail, Hail!!!
And I'm talking about the gov. cant do hardly anything right. Do you really want them in control of your health and your future. Do they really know you? Are they really going to do right by you and your family?
fucking AWESOME.
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
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St. Paul 2014