the funny thing is......people were able to raise their kids for centuries without fucking leashes!!! imagine that?!
i think it's degrading and bad parenting. if you can't keep an eye on your kid or control him when you are out and about without a fucking leash then YOU SHOULDN'T OF HAD KIDS!!!!!!!
it's not a fucking DOG! it's a human being! or are we just happy to be rearing our kids with a slave mentality that most adults seem to be embracing,a result of social engineering.
now if the kid has mental health issues then that would be another story (a good chance it was from the thimerosal in the vaccines)
I can't believe that we agree on this. J/K. You rock Crazy Breed!
Chicago 6/29/98 - Nashville 8/17/00 - Cleveland 4/25/03- Chicago 6/18/03
Chicago 5/16/06 - Milwaukee 6/30/06 - Bonnaroo 6/14/08 - Milwaukee (EV)8/19/08
Chicago 8/23/09 - St. Louis 5/4/10 - East Troy 9/3/11 - East Troy 9/4/11
Minor League Park 7/19/13 - Milwaukee 10-20-14 - Bonnaroo 6/11/16
Minor League Park 8/20/16 - Minor League Park 8/22/16 Minor League Park 8/18/18 - Minor League Park 8/20/18 - Los Angeles 4/16/20
Brigadoon, foodie capital Posts: 4,007
First on the way and I promise you that I will not be so f'n lazy that I would leash my children. Just watch your kids.
Wow, are you in for the shock of your life. You won't believe it now, so there is no point in explaining how/why, but you are in for one heck of a shock.
All those who seek to destroy the liberties of a democratic nation ought to know that war is the surest and shortest means to accomplish it.
Wow, are you in for the shock of your life. You won't believe it now, so there is no point in explaining how/why, but you are in for one heck of a shock.
well i just happen to have a 15yrs old daughter i raised without her biological mother so what are you going to say to me?
Brigadoon, foodie capital Posts: 4,007
well i just happen to have a 15yrs old daughter i raised without her biological mother so what are you going to say to me?
Perhaps that it is unwise to criticize other people's parenting when you have not walked in their shoes.
Re: your earlier post, no, leashes were not used in the past. Does that really mean that conditions were better, that children were treated "better"? I don't know. I never used leashes, but I have a special-needs child who would have been institutionalized - and worse - just a few decades ago. It is a challenge today to convince many people that he is not "contagious;" do I really want to go back to the good old days when he would have been thought possessed by demons?
I am convinced that the vast majority of parents are doing the best they can by their children, even if they are not doing things my way. Being a parent is a tough job -- something YOU should know. Why make it harder by picking at every decision someone makes?
All those who seek to destroy the liberties of a democratic nation ought to know that war is the surest and shortest means to accomplish it.
He is a kid, not a dog. Do you cage him? Do you rub his nose in his piss if he wets the bed? I laugh at people who leash their kids.
jesus christ! if it's not your kid, it's not your business how someone chooses to raise them.
I HATED the "leash" idea until I saw how much it encouraged exploration and learning, while still keeping the child close to the parents.. Take a kid to a crowded zoo, and watch her as she moves to the front of the window and can see's not nearly as bad as you're making it out to be.
I laugh at people who don't pay attention to their kids and let them watch TV 24 hours a day, or take their PSPs to dinner with them. They're the ones you should be taking shots at.
First on the way and I promise you that I will not be so f'n lazy that I would leash my children. Just watch your kids.
It's not about laziness. good luck when your baby is 3 and wants to run around more than you can handle. And you should know by now that the world isn't as safe as it was when we were's not as simple as "just watching" them anymore...
Perhaps that it is unwise to criticize other people's parenting when you have not walked in their shoes.
Re: your earlier post, no, leashes were not used in the past. Does that really mean that conditions were better, that children were treated "better"? I don't know. I never used leashes, but I have a special-needs child who would have been institutionalized - and worse - just a few decades ago. It is a challenge today to convince many people that he is not "contagious;" do I really want to go back to the good old days when he would have been thought possessed by demons?
I am convinced that the vast majority of parents are doing the best they can by their children, even if they are not doing things my way. Being a parent is a tough job -- something YOU should know. Why make it harder by picking at every decision someone makes?
i am not telling anyone how to raise their children,it is my opinion that those leashes are inhumane and i would of never put my child in one of those things!! i also said having a special needs child is totally different! fuck it was hard enough raising a healthy "normal" kid,i can imagine having a special needs child is much,much more difficult.
but i also believe a lot of things in this modern society are just bullshit and we all kid each other that they are OK(when the reality is that they are not)
i mean how many people use the vcr/dvd/Tv as a babysitter? a lot!! but that doesn't make it any more right!
so i am not picking at every decision someone makes.I was strictly referring to the use of leashes.
He is a kid, not a dog. Do you cage him? Do you rub his nose in his piss if he wets the bed? I laugh at people who leash their kids.
Obviously you have never lost a child. I do see people who abuse the leash and I don't have kids, but if I did and my kid was at DISNEY FUCKING WORLD on a complete sugar buzz, I would definitely think about using the leash.
jesus christ! if it's not your kid, it's not your business how someone chooses to raise them.
Well, I guess we should get rid of DCFS.
Chicago 6/29/98 - Nashville 8/17/00 - Cleveland 4/25/03- Chicago 6/18/03
Chicago 5/16/06 - Milwaukee 6/30/06 - Bonnaroo 6/14/08 - Milwaukee (EV)8/19/08
Chicago 8/23/09 - St. Louis 5/4/10 - East Troy 9/3/11 - East Troy 9/4/11
Minor League Park 7/19/13 - Milwaukee 10-20-14 - Bonnaroo 6/11/16
Minor League Park 8/20/16 - Minor League Park 8/22/16 Minor League Park 8/18/18 - Minor League Park 8/20/18 - Los Angeles 4/16/20
It's not about laziness. good luck when your baby is 3 and wants to run around more than you can handle. And you should know by now that the world isn't as safe as it was when we were's not as simple as "just watching" them anymore...
Through service projects and my wife's work (she is a pre-k teacher) I have been responsible for watching multiple children at the zoo, Shedd Aquarium and a large pumpkin patch. These are 3-4 year olds, many of the time with bd issues. I never had any difficulties keeping an eye on the kids that I was responsible for.
PS - there were crazy people 20 years ago. You are naive if you really think the world you grew up in was safer then it is now.
Chicago 6/29/98 - Nashville 8/17/00 - Cleveland 4/25/03- Chicago 6/18/03
Chicago 5/16/06 - Milwaukee 6/30/06 - Bonnaroo 6/14/08 - Milwaukee (EV)8/19/08
Chicago 8/23/09 - St. Louis 5/4/10 - East Troy 9/3/11 - East Troy 9/4/11
Minor League Park 7/19/13 - Milwaukee 10-20-14 - Bonnaroo 6/11/16
Minor League Park 8/20/16 - Minor League Park 8/22/16 Minor League Park 8/18/18 - Minor League Park 8/20/18 - Los Angeles 4/16/20
speaking as a mother of three, i would personally be more embarrassed had she said the lyrics correctly... i mean c'mon- fluffy face is pretty freakin cute and who the hell wants their 2 year old tossin' out the "f-bomb"?!
cute story petrocs
Perhaps I have a strange sense of humour, but I would find it hillarious to hear a two year old drop the f-bomb. I can see how, as a parent, you wouldn't find the same humour in it, but at least you could tell yourself that they were just quoting a song and not telling you to fuck off
How comes this started with a cute kid saying something funny and ended up in yet another arguement??
This has just reminded me why I havent posted here for so long. I want to hear stories on my favourite band and chat to people who share my love of Pearl Jam, not listen to you guys slagging each other off and slating each others parenting skills
Underneath this smile lies everything........... all my hopes, anger, pride and shame
Through service projects and my wife's work (she is a pre-k teacher) I have been responsible for watching multiple children at the zoo, Shedd Aquarium and a large pumpkin patch. These are 3-4 year olds, many of the time with bd issues. I never had any difficulties keeping an eye on the kids that I was responsible for.
PS - there were crazy people 20 years ago. You are naive if you really think the world you grew up in was safer then it is now.
That's great...but you're not representative of all parents, and not all parents do things the same way. Each parent is entitled to raise their child in the best way that they see fit. If my brother wants to put a leash on my niece so she can check stuff out, I say go ahead--not my kid, I wouldn't do it, but that's his choice.
it only takes a second for something to happen--you can't watch them all the time...if it makes it a bit safer sometimes, then I don't think it's the worst that can happen...that's all I'm saying.
Naive? No, I believe that it was definitely safer 20 years ago than now. When I talk with my parents/g-parents about "the state of things " they ALWAYS say that they didn't have the fears that they see parents have now.
Obviously there are ALWAYS crazy people..perhaps it's just that we hear about the bad things more now.
That's great...but you're not representative of all parents, and not all parents do things the same way. Each parent is entitled to raise their child in the best way that they see fit. If my brother wants to put a leash on my niece so she can check stuff out, I say go ahead--not my kid, I wouldn't do it, but that's his choice.
it only takes a second for something to happen--you can't watch them all the time...if it makes it a bit safer sometimes, then I don't think it's the worst that can happen...that's all I'm saying.
Naive? No, I believe that it was definitely safer 20 years ago than now. When I talk with my parents/g-parents about "the state of things " they ALWAYS say that they didn't have the fears that they see parents have now.
Obviously there are ALWAYS crazy people..perhaps it's just that we hear about the bad things more now.
Live in fear.
Chicago 6/29/98 - Nashville 8/17/00 - Cleveland 4/25/03- Chicago 6/18/03
Chicago 5/16/06 - Milwaukee 6/30/06 - Bonnaroo 6/14/08 - Milwaukee (EV)8/19/08
Chicago 8/23/09 - St. Louis 5/4/10 - East Troy 9/3/11 - East Troy 9/4/11
Minor League Park 7/19/13 - Milwaukee 10-20-14 - Bonnaroo 6/11/16
Minor League Park 8/20/16 - Minor League Park 8/22/16 Minor League Park 8/18/18 - Minor League Park 8/20/18 - Los Angeles 4/16/20
On another note, about little kid's dropping the F-bomb, or any other bad word--it really is funny! My niece dropped a cup of milk and said
Son of a Bitch!" It took all of my willpower to not laugh out loud :-)
I can't believe that we agree on this. J/K. You rock Crazy Breed!
Chicago 5/16/06 - Milwaukee 6/30/06 - Bonnaroo 6/14/08 - Milwaukee (EV)8/19/08
Chicago 8/23/09 - St. Louis 5/4/10 - East Troy 9/3/11 - East Troy 9/4/11
Minor League Park 7/19/13 - Milwaukee 10-20-14 - Bonnaroo 6/11/16
Minor League Park 8/20/16 - Minor League Park 8/22/16
Minor League Park 8/18/18 - Minor League Park 8/20/18 - Los Angeles 4/16/20
Wow, are you in for the shock of your life. You won't believe it now, so there is no point in explaining how/why, but you are in for one heck of a shock.
well i just happen to have a 15yrs old daughter i raised without her biological mother so what are you going to say to me?
Perhaps that it is unwise to criticize other people's parenting when you have not walked in their shoes.
Re: your earlier post, no, leashes were not used in the past. Does that really mean that conditions were better, that children were treated "better"? I don't know. I never used leashes, but I have a special-needs child who would have been institutionalized - and worse - just a few decades ago. It is a challenge today to convince many people that he is not "contagious;" do I really want to go back to the good old days when he would have been thought possessed by demons?
I am convinced that the vast majority of parents are doing the best they can by their children, even if they are not doing things my way. Being a parent is a tough job -- something YOU should know. Why make it harder by picking at every decision someone makes?
jesus christ! if it's not your kid, it's not your business how someone chooses to raise them.
I HATED the "leash" idea until I saw how much it encouraged exploration and learning, while still keeping the child close to the parents.. Take a kid to a crowded zoo, and watch her as she moves to the front of the window and can see's not nearly as bad as you're making it out to be.
I laugh at people who don't pay attention to their kids and let them watch TV 24 hours a day, or take their PSPs to dinner with them. They're the ones you should be taking shots at.
Whatever you are, be a good one --Lincoln
It's not about laziness. good luck when your baby is 3 and wants to run around more than you can handle. And you should know by now that the world isn't as safe as it was when we were's not as simple as "just watching" them anymore...
Whatever you are, be a good one --Lincoln
i am not telling anyone how to raise their children,it is my opinion that those leashes are inhumane and i would of never put my child in one of those things!! i also said having a special needs child is totally different! fuck it was hard enough raising a healthy "normal" kid,i can imagine having a special needs child is much,much more difficult.
but i also believe a lot of things in this modern society are just bullshit and we all kid each other that they are OK(when the reality is that they are not)
i mean how many people use the vcr/dvd/Tv as a babysitter? a lot!! but that doesn't make it any more right!
so i am not picking at every decision someone makes.I was strictly referring to the use of leashes.
Obviously you have never lost a child. I do see people who abuse the leash and I don't have kids, but if I did and my kid was at DISNEY FUCKING WORLD on a complete sugar buzz, I would definitely think about using the leash.
Great Story!
Well, I guess we should get rid of DCFS.
Chicago 5/16/06 - Milwaukee 6/30/06 - Bonnaroo 6/14/08 - Milwaukee (EV)8/19/08
Chicago 8/23/09 - St. Louis 5/4/10 - East Troy 9/3/11 - East Troy 9/4/11
Minor League Park 7/19/13 - Milwaukee 10-20-14 - Bonnaroo 6/11/16
Minor League Park 8/20/16 - Minor League Park 8/22/16
Minor League Park 8/18/18 - Minor League Park 8/20/18 - Los Angeles 4/16/20
Lmao Xd
28/09/04 - Boston, 20/04/06 - London [\\mm//Astoria\\mm//] - 18/06/07 - Wembley Arena, 11/08/09 - London [\\mm//Shepherds Bush Empire\\mm//],18/08/09 - 02 Arena, 25/06/10 - Hyde Park, 26/06/12 - Amsterdam, 27/06/12 - Amsterdam, 08/07/14 - Leeds,11/07/14 - Milton Keynes, 13/06/18 - Amsterdam, 18/06/18 - London 02 Arena, 17/07/18 - London 02 Arena, 08/08/22 - Hyde Park, 9/08/22 - Hyde Park - 25/08/22 - Amsterdam, 29/07/24 - London {*Tottenham Stadium TBC*}
Through service projects and my wife's work (she is a pre-k teacher) I have been responsible for watching multiple children at the zoo, Shedd Aquarium and a large pumpkin patch. These are 3-4 year olds, many of the time with bd issues. I never had any difficulties keeping an eye on the kids that I was responsible for.
PS - there were crazy people 20 years ago. You are naive if you really think the world you grew up in was safer then it is now.
Chicago 5/16/06 - Milwaukee 6/30/06 - Bonnaroo 6/14/08 - Milwaukee (EV)8/19/08
Chicago 8/23/09 - St. Louis 5/4/10 - East Troy 9/3/11 - East Troy 9/4/11
Minor League Park 7/19/13 - Milwaukee 10-20-14 - Bonnaroo 6/11/16
Minor League Park 8/20/16 - Minor League Park 8/22/16
Minor League Park 8/18/18 - Minor League Park 8/20/18 - Los Angeles 4/16/20
Perhaps I have a strange sense of humour, but I would find it hillarious to hear a two year old drop the f-bomb. I can see how, as a parent, you wouldn't find the same humour in it, but at least you could tell yourself that they were just quoting a song and not telling you to fuck off
This has just reminded me why I havent posted here for so long. I want to hear stories on my favourite band and chat to people who share my love of Pearl Jam, not listen to you guys slagging each other off and slating each others parenting skills
That's great...but you're not representative of all parents, and not all parents do things the same way. Each parent is entitled to raise their child in the best way that they see fit. If my brother wants to put a leash on my niece so she can check stuff out, I say go ahead--not my kid, I wouldn't do it, but that's his choice.
it only takes a second for something to happen--you can't watch them all the time...if it makes it a bit safer sometimes, then I don't think it's the worst that can happen...that's all I'm saying.
Naive? No, I believe that it was definitely safer 20 years ago than now. When I talk with my parents/g-parents about "the state of things " they ALWAYS say that they didn't have the fears that they see parents have now.
Obviously there are ALWAYS crazy people..perhaps it's just that we hear about the bad things more now.
Whatever you are, be a good one --Lincoln
Live in fear.
Chicago 5/16/06 - Milwaukee 6/30/06 - Bonnaroo 6/14/08 - Milwaukee (EV)8/19/08
Chicago 8/23/09 - St. Louis 5/4/10 - East Troy 9/3/11 - East Troy 9/4/11
Minor League Park 7/19/13 - Milwaukee 10-20-14 - Bonnaroo 6/11/16
Minor League Park 8/20/16 - Minor League Park 8/22/16
Minor League Park 8/18/18 - Minor League Park 8/20/18 - Los Angeles 4/16/20
On another note, about little kid's dropping the F-bomb, or any other bad word--it really is funny! My niece dropped a cup of milk and said
Son of a Bitch!" It took all of my willpower to not laugh out loud :-)
Whatever you are, be a good one --Lincoln
fluff, fluff, fluffy fluff!