*** EV Tour - Seattle 1 Fanviews Here 07/15/11 ***



  • SOLAT319SOLAT319 Posts: 4,596
    You could hear a pin drop. I didn't hear one person cough or sneeze - the whole crowd was transfixed. It was so good. Have they been doing that all tour?

    they did it in Oakland 1 and Eddie said we will try "something" - I think that was the first time and I'm pretty sure it depends on the place acustics

    Oakland wasn't the first time for that but it certainly was beautiful...
    I have no patience for bad music and stupid people...

    The whole world will be different soon the whole world will be RELIEVED

    #resistgezi #resistturkey #resisttaksim #direnturkiye #direngezi
    #standingman #duranadam
  • EddieredderEddieredder Posts: 751
    Typical Portland. Always trying to prove they are not Seattle little brother. Joking aside. I hear the Portland show was great.......but you cannot beat Benaroya.

    Got shut out on a poster because a drunk guy wanted to buy out the stand. "Can I see a medium hoodie? OK can I see a small now? Can I see the large? Can I see the small t shirt? Can I see the medium? Can I see the Large? Do you have Zippos? Are there any other styles? Can I see that other shirt over there? Can I see the medium? Can I see the large now? Can I see the medium again?" (repeat for every item followed by. Can I get 4 posters). He got the last 4. The poster was sick. Really wanted one. If you have an extra please PM me.

    Falling Slowly was epic. Completely unplugged they didnt have to ask the crowd to "quiet down". Repeat the "pin drop" sentiment. Unreal.
  • acutejamacutejam Posts: 1,433
    Got this voice message: "... Got into it with the usher for standin' up. I mean, the crowd just can't stand up during the encore. ... i got some old hag minding the seats "you gotta sit down here", ... weakest crowd ever,weakest... tonight, you can't even stand up. "oh you gotta sit down" ...I couldn't even stand up. but when i did stand up, usher came over and they were like trying to kick me out for standing up."

    So, uh, he couldn't stand up I gather? At a symphony hall....

    I'm calling poster envy, period. Yes, the crowd ... sat. And then simply exploded after each and every song. For Eddie AND Glen! Porch and hard sun were both full house on their feet while he was standing in the lobby, house lights fully on and the crowd blowing the roof off! I was second tier in a back corner box, full view of the entire venue, and the balcony and floor were erupting each and every song. Deafening!

    Pissed off at missing one hella' iconic poster, or mayhaps too much of that awesome Seatlle coffee?
    [sic] happens
  • thefixer9thefixer9 Posts: 9,376
    I CAN'T WAIT FOR TONIGHT! :mrgreen:
    Tres Mts- 3/16/2011
    Eddie Vedder- 7/16/11
    Brad- 4/21/12 (RSD Performance), 4/27/12, 8/10/12
    Flight To Mars- 5/23/12
    RNDM- 11/27/12

    PEARL JAM- 12/6/13 I have finally seen Pearl Jam live!
  • EddieredderEddieredder Posts: 751
    Got this voice message from my friend at the show last night. his review is transcribed below. ;)

    "Hey what's up. In the show, thought i'd give you a little personal update. Ironicly the worst show of the tour. Got into it with the usher for standin' up. I mean, the crowd just can't stand up during the encore. The crowd in Portland, the whole crowd was up during the entire encore. Now i got some old hag minding the seats "you gotta sit down here", all this bullshit, weakest crowd ever,weakest, I mean it's unbelievable. I kinda walked out on the show and then i came back in just to see how maybe there will be something ...play something cool, but oh dude, you didn't miss anything tonight. Portland, ALLTIME. great energy crowd dude like i said last night, from encore till end and before...entire venue out of their seats. tonight, you can't even stand up. "oh you gotta sit down" I was like dude, what the fuck are you talking about, it's retarted. they're trying to whislte and cheer. didn't miss anything. the setlist, nothing to write home about. hopefully tomorrow will be a magical night but tonight, unless pearl jam comes out and plays some shit, um, it was over hyped. wish you were in Portland, tonight, like i said, i am in the lobby, second encore going on right now, but it, it's lackluster dude. I couldn't even stand up. but when i did stand up, usher came over and they were like trying to kick me out for standing up. I was like "dude, what the fuck are you talking about, it's the fucking encore?" It was retarted. and um, that wasn't even disrespectful, im not even fucked up and shit. It was, unfortunatley you know, um, Seattle didn't represent. hotter chicks in Seattle than Portland, but, the Portland crowd was fucking awesome and so was the setlist and this is like honestly, worse than San Diego, than the hangover show.
    Still good, but it was getting really good, but the ushers and the crowd completely didnt go there. i didn't get it. ANyways, just giving you the update. I didn't get you a poster, as excited as Seattle was they sold out posters before i even walked in. and then they're like, this lame, it's unbelievable. I mean, Seatles TYT, I'm not baggin' it, but i'm like dude, you really didn't bring it. it's like, it's the weakest crowd"

    Up here in Seattle we dont go to shows to watch the crowd. Your friend was wasted. Put a bird on it.
  • lksammktlksammkt Posts: 127
    It was rad and he put a show on for the hometown folks. I miss this and it was so special. Also, ran into a lot of friends and fans over from over the years. Thank you Eddie!
    I just keep moving on....
  • tremorstremors Posts: 8,051
    Typical Portland. Always trying to prove they are not Seattle little brother. Joking aside. I hear the Portland show was great.......but you cannot beat Benaroya.

    Got shut out on a poster because a drunk guy wanted to buy out the stand. "Can I see a medium hoodie? OK can I see a small now? Can I see the large? Can I see the small t shirt? Can I see the medium? Can I see the Large? Do you have Zippos? Are there any other styles? Can I see that other shirt over there? Can I see the medium? Can I see the large now? Can I see the medium again?" (repeat for every item followed by. Can I get 4 posters). He got the last 4. The poster was sick. Really wanted one. If you have an extra please PM me.

    Falling Slowly was epic. Completely unplugged they didnt have to ask the crowd to "quiet down". Repeat the "pin drop" sentiment. Unreal.

    I think I was behind that same guy in the line - infuriating! He was looking at different shirts for literally ten minutes before he made up his mind. I was lucky enough to get a poster out in the lobby - is going to hang on my wall as a great reminder of this year's Seattle trip. It's a bloody great poster!

    I loved the fact that the crowd were so attentive during every bit of the music, and then went crazy during the interludes. That's how a concert should be. I really got carried into the music, I didn't miss a thing, and got completely caught up in it. It's a rare treat to be part of such a great crowd atmosphere, yet be able to get so intensely into the live music in a way that can only do at home by putting on your best headphones and shutting your eyes. It felt a rare treat for a music lover like me - Eddie made quite a few appreciative comments about the crowd and the reception.

    I thought the Backspacer songs came off really well - Unthought Known with a more punchy, different rhythm to the voice was great - I've not heard it like that before. The Uke seemed to have more edge to it too, and the guitar sound for Dead Man was soooo ominous. Lots of highlights. There could have been some songs on the set that would have really taken me into some deeper places - Brain Damage, Off He Goes - and I had hoped we would get some surprise cover or something special, but overall the uninterrupted intensity of the sound was what affected me most about this show.
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  • comatose_253comatose_253 Posts: 271
    Got this voice message from my friend at the show last night. his review is transcribed below. ;)

    "Hey what's up. In the show, thought i'd give you a little personal update. Ironicly the worst show of the tour. Got into it with the usher for standin' up. I mean, the crowd just can't stand up during the encore. The crowd in Portland, the whole crowd was up during the entire encore. Now i got some old hag minding the seats "you gotta sit down here", all this bullshit, weakest crowd ever,weakest, I mean it's unbelievable. I kinda walked out on the show and then i came back in just to see how maybe there will be something ...play something cool, but oh dude, you didn't miss anything tonight. Portland, ALLTIME. great energy crowd dude like i said last night, from encore till end and before...entire venue out of their seats. tonight, you can't even stand up. "oh you gotta sit down" I was like dude, what the fuck are you talking about, it's retarted. they're trying to whislte and cheer. didn't miss anything. the setlist, nothing to write home about. hopefully tomorrow will be a magical night but tonight, unless pearl jam comes out and plays some shit, um, it was over hyped. wish you were in Portland, tonight, like i said, i am in the lobby, second encore going on right now, but it, it's lackluster dude. I couldn't even stand up. but when i did stand up, usher came over and they were like trying to kick me out for standing up. I was like "dude, what the fuck are you talking about, it's the fucking encore?" It was retarted. and um, that wasn't even disrespectful, im not even fucked up and shit. It was, unfortunatley you know, um, Seattle didn't represent. hotter chicks in Seattle than Portland, but, the Portland crowd was fucking awesome and so was the setlist and this is like honestly, worse than San Diego, than the hangover show.
    Still good, but it was getting really good, but the ushers and the crowd completely didnt go there. i didn't get it. ANyways, just giving you the update. I didn't get you a poster, as excited as Seattle was they sold out posters before i even walked in. and then they're like, this lame, it's unbelievable. I mean, Seatles TYT, I'm not baggin' it, but i'm like dude, you really didn't bring it. it's like, it's the weakest crowd"

    LMAO!!! Your friend sounds like an idiot! Preoccupied by everything except the music. Ed and Glen sounded amazing in this room.
  • csblake111csblake111 Posts: 147
    This was our last show of the tour. We were lucky enough to see SB and both Oakland shows. Benaroya Hall was as amazing as I had heard it would be. Each show was special and different. I think what struck me last night was how spectacular Arc sounded in that venue. Just amazing. The whole show was great, Eddie was so appreciative of the crowd and seemed really happy to be home.

    After seeing Glen multiple times over the last week, I am in love with his music. Can't wait for an opportunity to see him again soon. The duets that he and Eddie did were highlights every night.

    It's been a great week of shows and I'm going to miss having to go back to real life tomorrow. For those of you lucky enough to go to the last show tonight, enjoy!!!! It should be EPIC. :)
  • mookeywrenchmookeywrench Posts: 5,965
    Great show, great crowd, great artists.

    Eddie was in a great mood to be back home and it was nice to see him at the end of a tour versus the beginning. Very relaxed vibe from him and by now he knows what's working with the setlist and what isn't. And Glen's voice at Benaroya Hall is beyond words so I won't even try. Also, a lot of people say that Morgan Freeman has the voice of God, but after tonight I'm pretty sure the voice of God is in Chris Worswick's cello.

    The audience was very respectful, loud applauses and ovations when they were due and the kept quiet when it was time to keep quiet. If anyone tried to yell out random crap they were quick to get shooshed by everyone else. I haven't heard a room so silent in between lyrics of Sleepless Nights since Sigur Ros. Very few attention whores except for the big bearded guy in the third tier. If listening to the artist while being considerate to those around you and giving the artist their due welcome is being uptight, then Seattle is biggest bunch of uptight assholes I've ever come across.

    Part of me wants to come across a spare ticket and go again tonight, another part of me wants to call it good and not run the chance of being let down when comparing it to last night.
  • tremorstremors Posts: 8,051
    thefixer9 wrote:
    I CAN'T WAIT FOR TONIGHT! :mrgreen:

    Enjoy the show Rico! Looking forward to reading your review
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  • thefixer9thefixer9 Posts: 9,376
    tremors wrote:
    thefixer9 wrote:
    I CAN'T WAIT FOR TONIGHT! :mrgreen:

    Enjoy the show Rico! Looking forward to reading your review

    Thanks!!! :mrgreen:
    Tres Mts- 3/16/2011
    Eddie Vedder- 7/16/11
    Brad- 4/21/12 (RSD Performance), 4/27/12, 8/10/12
    Flight To Mars- 5/23/12
    RNDM- 11/27/12

    PEARL JAM- 12/6/13 I have finally seen Pearl Jam live!
  • Did he really mention "X" selected as the opening band for the Central and Southamerican Tour?.
    Nissan Pavilion Stone Ridge, Bristow Virginia, 7-1-2003; Alpine Valley Music Theatre, East Troy, Wisconsin, 3-9-2011 & 4-9-2011; Estadio Nacional, San José, Costa Rica, 11-20-2011; 02 Arena, Prague, Czech Republic, 7-2-2012; 02 World, Berlin, Germany, 7-4-2012; Ericsson Globe, Stockholm, Sweden, 7-7-2012; Oslo Spektrum, Norway, 7-9-2012; Forum, Copenhagen, Denmark, 7-10-2012; 1st Mariner Arena, Baltimore, Maryland, 10-27-2013; Global Citizen Festival, NYC, 9-26-2015; Foro Sol, México D.F., 11-28-2015; Madison Square Garden, NYC, 05-01-2016; Madison Square Garden, NYC, 05-02-2016; Safeco Field, Seattle, Washington, 8-8-2018; Safeco Field, Seattle, Washington 8-10-2018.

  • mookeywrenchmookeywrench Posts: 5,965
    Did he really mention "X" selected as the opening band for the Central and Southamerican Tour?.

  • Did he really mention "X" selected as the opening band for the Central and Southamerican Tour?.


    I'm so happy! :)
    Nissan Pavilion Stone Ridge, Bristow Virginia, 7-1-2003; Alpine Valley Music Theatre, East Troy, Wisconsin, 3-9-2011 & 4-9-2011; Estadio Nacional, San José, Costa Rica, 11-20-2011; 02 Arena, Prague, Czech Republic, 7-2-2012; 02 World, Berlin, Germany, 7-4-2012; Ericsson Globe, Stockholm, Sweden, 7-7-2012; Oslo Spektrum, Norway, 7-9-2012; Forum, Copenhagen, Denmark, 7-10-2012; 1st Mariner Arena, Baltimore, Maryland, 10-27-2013; Global Citizen Festival, NYC, 9-26-2015; Foro Sol, México D.F., 11-28-2015; Madison Square Garden, NYC, 05-01-2016; Madison Square Garden, NYC, 05-02-2016; Safeco Field, Seattle, Washington, 8-8-2018; Safeco Field, Seattle, Washington 8-10-2018.

  • About to head down for tonight and pick up my 10c tix (last night was a lucky Ticketmaster one off seat hanging right over the stage 1st row balcony).

    Anyone have a sense for where I might wind up with member number 112XXX based on last night's location?
    |11.6.00Seattle|6.6.03Vegas|6.7.03PHX|5.25.06Boston|7.22.06Gorge|7.23.06Gorge|9.21.09Seattle|9.22.09Seattle |10.6.09LA|11.19.13PHX|11.29.13Portland|12.6.13Seattle |10.22.14Denver| 8.8.18 Seattle | 8.10.18 Seattle

    EV Solo |7.15.11 Benaroya|7.16.11 Benaroya|4.13.12PHX|10.30.14Redmond|
    TOTD 11.11.16 San Fran
  • mookeywrenchmookeywrench Posts: 5,965
    About to head down for tonight and pick up my 10c tix (last night was a lucky Ticketmaster one off seat hanging right over the stage 1st row balcony).

    Anyone have a sense for where I might wind up with member number 112XXX based on last night's location?

    Seats are all random...no idea where you'll be.
  • thefin190thefin190 Posts: 918
    So a couple more comments.

    Sleepless Nights was amazing of course, it was a very intimate experience. For me personally, when watching them on stage, I pictured Eddie and Glen standing on the corner of Pike's market with a Uke case open asking change while playing the song. It just made the show feel that much more real. Did anyone else feel that way?

    Also, how exactly does Arc work? Does he record himself, and then dub it over every time?

    Also, maybe Mr. Voicemail was either that guy on the 3rd Tier, or part of that couple who was dancing in the front. I'm usually not a person to care what other people do, but it was kind of distracting when I was trying to focus on Eddie's performance.
    Member Number: 437xxx

    Pearl Jam:
    Key Arena - Seattle, WA - Sep 21, 2009
    Pacific Coliseum - Vancouver, BC - Sep 25, 2011
    Key Arena - Seattle, WA - Dec 6, 2013

    Eddie Vedder Solo:
    Benaroya Hall - Seattle, WA - Jul 15, 2011
  • 3days3days Posts: 1,188
    thefin190 wrote:
    Also, how exactly does Arc work? Does he record himself, and then dub it over every time?

    Yeah, EV keeps recording and layering his voice over and over. Always great to hear live. Glad you liked the show.
  • thefin190thefin190 Posts: 918
    3days wrote:
    thefin190 wrote:
    Also, how exactly does Arc work? Does he record himself, and then dub it over every time?

    Yeah, EV keeps recording and layering his voice over and over. Always great to hear live. Glad you liked the show.

    I did very much. I'm clinging the memories of the show in my head. I really hope that Eddie will release bootlegs of the shows.
    Member Number: 437xxx

    Pearl Jam:
    Key Arena - Seattle, WA - Sep 21, 2009
    Pacific Coliseum - Vancouver, BC - Sep 25, 2011
    Key Arena - Seattle, WA - Dec 6, 2013

    Eddie Vedder Solo:
    Benaroya Hall - Seattle, WA - Jul 15, 2011
  • absolutely amazing and beautiful. i cried as i heard the opening of unthought unknown, didn't even dream that i would hear that last night, it is one of the most beautiful songs i have ever heard. the audience also had a truly great vibe, i felt like everyone was aware of the magic they were witnessing.

    the other highlight for me: the unplugged duet with glen of sleepless nights. gave me chills.
  • usamamasan1usamamasan1 Posts: 4,695
    Mr. Voicemail will be relaying tonight.
  • fisttothejawfisttothejaw Posts: 234
    Mr. Voicemail will be relaying tonight.

    Ha. My favorite part of the voicemail: "im not even fucked up and shit."
    San Diego 10/25/00
    Irvine 6/03/03
    Los Angeles 7/9/06
    Los Angeles 7/10/06
    Los Angeles 7/12/08 (VH1 Rock Honors the Who)
    Los Angeles 10/01/09
    Los Angeles 4/12/08 (EV solo)
    Los Angeles 10/06/09
    MSG 5/20/10
    San Diego 7/5/11 (EV solo)
    Los Angeles 11/23/13
    Los Angeles 11/24/13
    Sao Paulo, Brazil 11/14/15
    Ohana Encore 10/01/21
    San Diego 5/03/22
    Los Angeles 5/21/24
    Los Angeles 5/22/24
  • acutejamacutejam Posts: 1,433
    I question usamama's intentions at this point and sorry I took the bait... If voicemailman wants to post I'll take it up then, but really I just feel stupid giving a second thought to a crappy audience review -- the crowd sucked because we respected the venue -- from the grapevine. Har har you got us all riled up. Woot for you!

    Did everyone see Krist Novoselic sitting in the row in front of the soundboards? He was digging the encores and kinda serenaded his lady friend along with Eddie on dream a little dream.... Whole row was empty cept fer him, boards kinda crowded it so I bet they didn't sell tickets for that row....

    The whole nice to be home anecdote and "I'm looking forward to doing laundry..." was funny. "gotta clarify that, my wife is shaking her head, 'you don't do laundry.' it's a metaphor!" and then he tied it back in later with the missing member story and garbage disposals, and the best line after all that was, "I dont know why I'm talking about this guy. Maybe I should do a benefit. Oh wait, I know how it ties in ... This song is named 'Rise.'"
    [sic] happens
  • pjfan28pjfan28 Posts: 15
    I woke up so bummed that I didn't have tickets. By 7:30 am I had won tickets from the radio! What an amazing night! I got a poster to remember this day forever. Thanks, Eddie! See you in Vancouver!
  • KipVKipV Posts: 25
    Did anyone happen to record "Falling Slowly" on 7/15? I have been looking for it on YouTube but haven't found it yet. I really want to hear that duet again.
  • nucmed24nucmed24 Posts: 144
    KipV wrote:
    Did anyone happen to record "Falling Slowly" on 7/15? I have been looking for it on YouTube but haven't found it yet. I really want to hear that duet again.

    I'm Eric.

    Gorge 9/1/05
    Gorge 7/22/06
    Seattle 9/22/09
    Portland 7/14/11 (Ed Solo)
    Seattle 7/15/11 (Ed Solo)
    Bridge School 10/23/11 (Ed Solo)
    Las Vegas 10/31/12 (Ed Solo)
    Las Vegas 11/1/12 (Ed Solo)
  • Vital_73Vital_73 Posts: 81
    What a show! Had a very busy weekend so a little late on posting my review. I should start by saying that a member of the Seattle Symphony posted a comment after the article about Friday's show on the Seattle Times web site - I think he misunderstood the "Stodgy Bastards" comment.. Anyway I put my 2 cents in.

    Glen Hansard was ridiculously brilliant. I have heard him before and like his stuff, uh..., nothing compares to seeing him live. When he comes back I will be in the audience for sure, highly recommend you all see him if you can. Truly moving and powerful voice that hits you in the chops and does not apologize, really impressive.

    As far as Eddie goes, what can you say, fucking stellar. My wife was interested in going but would say she is a casual fan, knows a lot of Pearl Jam stuff, not much EV stuff, certainly none of the Uke songs, but she was absolutely enthralled with the performance on Friday. She couldn't stop telling everyone over the weekend how she could just listen to him for hours. Ed was in great form, very jovial, I was stoked he said something right out of the gates about not liking when he opens his eyes to look out at the room and seeing these bright flashes, he politely asked "can you not do that, please"..then went on to let everyone take some shots while he posed and he had fun with it flipping the bird a few times..then of course a few people just had to keep going, after a couple of minutes of laggers continuing to shoot flash pics he could be heard saying something like "I will fucking..." in an angry but sarcastic voice. But then it pretty much stopped. Of course there were the shouters who had to chime in throughout the night, including the clown who thought it important to let everyone know who we were watching by shouting his name, that's it, nothing else, just "EDDIE VEDDER" at the top of his lungs. To which he received a shaking of the head from Eddie as he tuned his guitar for the next song which he launched directly into.

    Got extremely lucky to sit in the first box above the stage on Eddie's Left. Very cool seats, it's the first time I've been off the floor since the nineties and was cool to see the show from above. Thank you to the 10C for really good seats. We met a nice couple who were from around Seattle too, sorry I didn't get your name but it was great to sit next to true fans. Had to miss out on Saturday's show as I have exceeded my PJ budget by about 400% already this year, however Friday was brilliant. So happy to hear Millworker, Walking the Cow, and the one I really wanted to experience "Arc". That was simply gorgeous and so amazing in that room. Now it's the long wait to PJ20.
  • Jokertt14Jokertt14 Posts: 2,566
    the crowed noise and all that love was felt !! ;)

    Ed was glad to be home to do laundry

    Setlist . he sure did bring it home strong !
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