I agree that people feed there kids shit all the time. Kids are grown up on fast food. But you cannot take someones kid away because the food is not a fast instant death situation like let's say a passed out herion parent with herion needles laying around. Or a parent that drinks snd drives wioth their kid or beats them. You can correct the eating habits in time. Maybe have the parents get educated on general nutrition but you can't take the kids away from them.
I know this is strange to bump this thread now, but I seen this doc two nights ago. I think it brings up some valid points. There are some harsh comments in it, and even if some don't agree with them, it at least got me thinking about more of my food choices.
I know this is strange to bump this thread now, but I seen this doc two nights ago. I think it brings up some valid points. There are some harsh comments in it, and even if some don't agree with them, it at least got me thinking about more of my food choices.
I know this is strange to bump this thread now, but I seen this doc two nights ago. I think it brings up some valid points. There are some harsh comments in it, and even if some don't agree with them, it at least got me thinking about more of my food choices.
Obesity is so played out...a largely (pun intended) fake problem, with a bunch of fake solutions, helping line he coffers of many. Obesity has leveled off, and/or dropped in most countries, but we'll dismiss that in order to make people feel bad about their bodies, buy diet drugs, have a major surgery, etc. The WHO, noticed this leveling off, and actually changed the BMI level of who was "normal" and "overweight", and actually made this problem seem bigger than it is. So now we hate fat people in America, even though the consequences of having a high BMI are very unclear. There's very little causal support that "fat" means "unhealthy", rather it is a mix of genetics, nutrition, etc. We are a society that once believed that "black" (even though race isn't a genetic reality) people were naturally stupider than "white" people so I suppose this shouldn't come as a surprise.
INGREDIENTS: The local food movement takes root
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Fq61u5C ... re=related
This looks like a great film, ShimmyMommy! Can't wait to see it. Thanks for posting this!
You are welcome. We really enjoyed it.