*** EV Tour - Oakland 2 Fanviews Here 07/12/11 ***



  • EvenstevenEvensteven Posts: 869
    From a musical perspective both shows were awesome.

    Crowd was better on night 2. If being quiet and respectful means fans don't know what's going on, I think people are off base. Night 2 was quiet at all the right times. I didn't have some guy next to me yelling a request for "drop the leash" every time there was a quiet moment.

    "If you want to sing out..." was quite special. Three of the most memorable things I've seen at PJ/EV shows happened both nights: ARC, Falling Slowing, and Sleepless Nights. I'm extremely happy and blessed to have seen these both nights.

    I think night 1 and 2 complemented each other as well as completed each other... continued stories and music (waiting on a friend).

    I was there both nights with friends old and new. I'm glad I was there. My brother-law and I drove in from Kansas City, he drove all the way from Virginia (he's moving to CA).

    I got a night 2 poster for my son and he's totally excited.

    Thanks for everything.
    "Mark it 20, Dude."
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