Whenever I see a suggestion about tickets to locals, I feel bad for Smokeabud in Alaska. He's been waiting for a show forever. What would his local show be?
107 total First-Summerfest, Milwaukee '95 Most recent: 2018 Stadium shows: Seattle 2, Missoula, Fenway 1 and 2; 2022: Oakland 1 and 2
sometimes you have to suck it up and deal with it. They aren't going to play Antarctica or Middle East either. My suggestion for smokeabud in Alaska is to smoke a bud
Barrie 98, Toronto 00, 03, Montreal 03, Toronto 05, Kitchener 05, Toronto 06 (x2), Berkeley (EV), Toronto (EV)
not seeing a concert isn't the end of the world, but the end of the world is not seeing a concert.
MotherEarth has hit us with hurricanes, earthquakes, tornados, massive flooding, and wildfires. Millions have died. If driving to a Pearl Jam concert allows me to hit her back, I'm damn well gonna do it as often as possible.
What kind of question is that? Yes, but not in an organized religious sense.
I see. Kinda ironic, btw the thread we're in and what you do for a living, eh?
What do you get when you combine Even Flow with Bee Girl?
Most recent: 2018 Stadium shows: Seattle 2, Missoula, Fenway 1 and 2; 2022: Oakland 1 and 2