i would of just turned around and left the venue if i got 10c tickets that were in the balcony. What a disappointment, especialy when i got seventh row tickets 5 hours before the show. What a rip of. It must of stung for ten c members. Thank god i missed out on 10 c tickets
what pisses me off is that if you go to a certain website and check Detroit, someone has 10 seats together in the Pit for sale! I mean, these venues must have this EV tour by the stones if they're allowed to hold onto these prime seats. I have faith that 10C tried to get us the best seats, but the venues and promoters seem to be dictating this tour. a shame.
Posters for Sale: http://community.pearljam.com/discussion/117469/posters-for-sale
T-Shirts for Sale: http://community.pearljam.com/discussion/149289/pj-t-shirt-trade-or-sale