Awesome show. It was sweet that he came to Hartford, about 10 minutes from where I live. Everything was great, like others have mentioned, except for the ushures didn't allow anyone to enter and/or exit the theater to go to the bathroom or get beer during a song. I had to pee real badly and the woman stopped me from leaving. I just walked right by her and she tried to stop me. This is ridiculous. Would they rather me pee at my seat then in the bathroom? I also missed Arc because I wasn't allowed to re-enter the theater. I was stuck outside in the hallway just waiting to be let back in. That's not cool at all.
I wish my section had your ushers. It's weird, during Glen's set they didnt allow a single person back in during a song but while Eddie was playing it was free roam. I had dudes in and out of my aisle all night for beers and bathroom beaks which irritated me the most during "Immortality" and "Unthought Known".
Yeah I know mine too I was in E in the Mezz, drove me nuts
Boston 5/17/10
Tres Mts. 3/27/11
EV Solo:Providence 6/15/11 Boston 6/16/11 Hartford 6/18/11
PJ20 9/3/11-9/4/11
Concert Wishlist: I am Mine, Marker in the Sand, Parachutes, In Hiding, All Those Yesterdays, I Got Shit, Long Road, Light Years
Is anyone interested in swapping some pictures? I had the chance to meet Ed before and after the show. I have no pictures from post show but a ton from pre-show...perhaps we're in each others pictures??
Toronto - 2009
Hartford - 2010
Ed Solo - Hartford - 2011
Toronto X 2, Ottawa & Hamilton - 2011
Ed Solo - Jacksonville - 2012
London, Pittsburgh & Buffalo - 2013
No shows in 2014 :-(
Dude, the 10th pic on the profile made my day. It's me in the blue tshirt.
I can't get over that short 30sec encounter with Ed Ved. you're the famous guy that has been following him and the band. I saw you waiting outside before the show with the set list and then pulling out Merkin Ball underneath your Subway bag. Very awesome you got your autograph.
Shows: 6.27.08 Hartford, CT/5.15.10 Hartford, CT/6.18.2011 Hartford, CT (EV Solo)/10.19.13 Brooklyn/10.25.13 Hartford
"Becoming a Bruce fan is like hitting puberty as a musical fan. It's inevitable." - dcfaithful
I will undoubtedly foul this up, it was a bit loud in the mezz when he was talking, but I believe Glen said that after a death at a concert of theirs (I am assuming it was the instance where a concert goer leapt to his death during a swell season show a year or two back, but please correct me if someone knows better) Eddie reached out (called Glen, I believe) - they were not friends or really acquaintances at that point - and offered to have a "cup of tea" and just be a support. I am presuming - and please realize this is pure and perhaps unnecessary conjecture - that Ed reached out having dealt himself with the roskilde tragedy. they met up then, and another time, and out of this their friendship and professional relationship came. as was evidenced in Boston and again in Hartford, Glen is so impressed by Ed's kindness of spirit as well as "the people he keeps around him" - saying it says a lot about a man.
when Ed brought Glen out for Sleepless Nights and Society, Ed made sure to point out that Glen was one of the kindest men he'd met - just an all around good guy, so unassuming - and that when he had reached out to Glen after the tragedy, they went out, but, Ed joked, he "definitely wasn't drinking tea" himself, and "didn't want to speak for anyone else" but was pretty sure Glen wasn't either. it was a cute moment.
thanks for that, I didn't know someone died at a show of Glens, thats awful.
Stars shining bright above you, Night breezes seem to whisper I love you
Birds singing in the sycamore tree, Dream a little dream of me.
Say nighty-night and kiss me, Just hold me tight and tell me you'll miss me.
While I'm alone, blue as can be, Dream a little dream of me.
Stars fading but I linger on, dear---Still craving your kiss.
I'm longing to linger till dawn, dear, Just saying this...
Sweet dreams till sunbeams find you---Sweet dreams that leave all worries behind you.
But in your dreams, whatever they be, Dream a little dream of me.
Stars fading but I linger on, dear---Still craving your kiss.
I'm longing to linger till dawn, dear, Just saying this...
Sweet dreams till sunbeams find you---Sweet dreams that leave all worries far behind you.
But in your dreams, whatever they be, Dream a little dream of me.
This might be my favorite song of all time.
"FF, I've heard the droning about the Sawx being the baby dolls. Yeah, I get it, you guys invented baseball and suffered forever. I get it." -JearlPam0925
I am a 30 year old wife and mom, I have loved Pearl Jam and Eddie since I first heard them through my brother’s bedroom wall when I was only a young girl. I have seen a handful of PJ shows but this was my first Ed solo show and it was worth persevering through the disappointment of not getting tickets during the first fan club sale. :( Thankfully I got two mezzanine seats during the second chance sale. At that point, I didn’t care where I sat, just as long as I got to go to this show. My husband and I were both blown away by the energy in the room. When I felt my purse vibrating in my lap from the sound bouncing off the walls during Glen’s opening set, I knew this was gonna be an awesome show in an amazing venue. I had to reconcile the fact that not everyone who attended feels the same way about Eddie’s music as I do. Not everyone is touched on such a deep level like I am. This was especially clear during Arc, because while most of my section was in and out of their seats getting beer and taking bathroom breaks and chatting and texting, I was sitting linking arms with my husband, mesmerized with big fat tears rolling down my face---it was such a beautiful rendition of that song and he was pouring his heart into it. It’s hard to explain just how much Saturday night meant to me: the music, the atmosphere…the energy. I will never forget it. Hearing songs that have gotten me through challenging times, happy times, sad times over the past 16 years of my life was well worth putting up with the annoyances we encountered! A few times during the show I closed my eyes and just tried to soak it all up so I would never forget it!! The high points for me were definitely Immortality, Porch… and Hard Sun blew me away….although there was honestly not a song he played that I didn’t love, and didn’t take me back to another place and time! All of the ukelele stuff at the beginning was amazing as well. And Sleepless Nights with Glen was so touching. And also proved just how amazing the acoustics at the Bushnell are. This show did not disappoint! I only hope they release a bootleg of this so I can relive it with my husband over and over again. Also amazing----the big, orange moon after the show. Anyone else notice that??? Perfect ending to the night. ☺
I am a 30 year old wife and mom, I have loved Pearl Jam and Eddie since I first heard them through my brother’s bedroom wall when I was only a young girl. I have seen a handful of PJ shows but this was my first Ed solo show and it was worth persevering through the disappointment of not getting tickets during the first fan club sale. :( Thankfully I got two mezzanine seats during the second chance sale. At that point, I didn’t care where I sat, just as long as I got to go to this show. My husband and I were both blown away by the energy in the room. When I felt my purse vibrating in my lap from the sound bouncing off the walls during Glen’s opening set, I knew this was gonna be an awesome show in an amazing venue. I had to reconcile the fact that not everyone who attended feels the same way about Eddie’s music as I do. Not everyone is touched on such a deep level like I am. This was especially clear during Arc, because while most of my section was in and out of their seats getting beer and taking bathroom breaks and chatting and texting, I was sitting linking arms with my husband, mesmerized with big fat tears rolling down my face---it was such a beautiful rendition of that song and he was pouring his heart into it. It’s hard to explain just how much Saturday night meant to me: the music, the atmosphere…the energy. I will never forget it. Hearing songs that have gotten me through challenging times, happy times, sad times over the past 16 years of my life was well worth putting up with the annoyances we encountered! A few times during the show I closed my eyes and just tried to soak it all up so I would never forget it!! The high points for me were definitely Immortality, Porch… and Hard Sun blew me away….although there was honestly not a song he played that I didn’t love, and didn’t take me back to another place and time! All of the ukelele stuff at the beginning was amazing as well. And Sleepless Nights with Glen was so touching. And also proved just how amazing the acoustics at the Bushnell are. This show did not disappoint! I only hope they release a bootleg of this so I can relive it with my husband over and over again. Also amazing----the big, orange moon after the show. Anyone else notice that??? Perfect ending to the night. ☺
Great post! And i'm with you on all the beer/piss breaks i couldn't believe how many people were leaving at various points in the show.
And yeah totally noticed the moon as well!
Shows: Montreal 98, Barrie 98, Montreal 00, Montreal 03, Montreal 05, Ottawa 05, Toronto 06, Vancouver Night 1 08 (EV), Vancouver Night 2 08 (EV), MSG1 08, MSG2 08, Montreal Night 2 08 (EV), Toronto Night 1 08 (EV), Toronto 09, Hartford 11 (EV), Ottawa 11, Ottawa 16, Ottawa 22.
Glen Hansard was awesome?! He was really a talented musician and completely funny - what a gift to have him as our opener. Glen was far superior to Liam Finn in 2009 or Band of Horses in 2010 - my friends and I are already on the hunt for his music. For those that didn't come in for his set you really missed out.
yoiu can listen to his bands work's truly great stuff..listen to 'Setlist' first to get a real grasp on what he does..
Will there be a bootleg release of any of the EV shows?
Nobody can answer this for you.
From what I read on another thread, EV didn't want to release these concerts as he doubted the sound quality. That may or may not change at some point, but as it stands, no, there are no plans to release these concerts as bootlegs. (from what I've heard. Again, I have no firsthand knowledge of this, only what I've read on this site)
Shows: 6.27.08 Hartford, CT/5.15.10 Hartford, CT/6.18.2011 Hartford, CT (EV Solo)/10.19.13 Brooklyn/10.25.13 Hartford
"Becoming a Bruce fan is like hitting puberty as a musical fan. It's inevitable." - dcfaithful
Will there be a bootleg release of any of the EV shows?
Boy, that would be great...
however, the memories will live on.
Shows: 6.27.08 Hartford, CT/5.15.10 Hartford, CT/6.18.2011 Hartford, CT (EV Solo)/10.19.13 Brooklyn/10.25.13 Hartford
"Becoming a Bruce fan is like hitting puberty as a musical fan. It's inevitable." - dcfaithful
If Glen plays Astral Weeks in St. Louis, I'm going to need smelling salts. That is my favorite album of all time. My dream would be for Ed to sing anything off that album, but if I could hear it live at an Ed show by someone else, I would be thrilled.
If Glen plays Astral Weeks in St. Louis, I'm going to need smelling salts. That is my favorite album of all time. My dream would be for Ed to sing anything off that album, but if I could hear it live at an Ed show by someone else, I would be thrilled. is fully endorsed by the frames and Glen and they not only allow but are happy that people share audio and video content. see below
After reading through this thread I'm surprised by how many comments there are about people yelling things out. When the show was over I thought to myself that this was one of the better shows, as far as annoying people were concerned, of the 5x I've seen him solo. Maybe my section was better than most(orch E 8 or 10 rows back) or maybe I'm getting better at tuning them out. For those of use that do need to get up and use the bathroom or get a drink it was pretty cool that they piped the music throughout the venue so you don't miss anything. I think this is the only venue I've been to that does that.
Having never seen Ed solo (and it being 3yrs since seeing Pearl Jam) my husband and I decided it was time and thought we'd try for club tickets in Hartford, thinking the timing would work to be able to drive the 2500km in the weekend and get back in time for work Monday. Well it worked out and our road trip was set.
And what an amazing show we lucked into!
It was my first time hearing Glen and I was definitely a fan right away but when he played Astral Weeks all I could do was say "Jesus!" over and over. He was incredible!
Then it was Eddie's turn, and he just blew us away.
Loved it all, I really did. Such power from a tiny instrument. And then he set the uke aside for a bit for Trouble, Better Man, Long Nights, Unthought Known, Hard Sun...ok this is silly, I could just go on and on. I was just completely in awe. Dream A Little Dream was the perfect end if it had to end.
Also, I know it was all random and luck of the draw but I still want to thank 10C for great seats...we were in the mezzanine hanging over the side. It's no "met a random dude from the crew and ended up front row" story that I only dream of, but still, they were great seats. Plus there either weren't any annoying/rude people around us or I managed to block them out.
You were worth the trek hurry back to EASTERN Canada and let us remind you why you love us too.
Gratitude. Lots of it. Thank you get_right for hooking me up-unforgettable!!! Amazing on many levels for me... Getting the ticket hook up, His voice, crowd vibe, song choices (esp. Immortality) & since I do not live on either coast or in Chicago seeing him had to be tied in with a trip to see fam. Again, gratitude. I am feeling it big time. Thanks for hitting Hartford, Ed!! It. Was. Amazing.
Just saw this.
It was my pleasure and meeting a new PJ peep is just another part of what makes these shows special.
Hope to see ya around.
The immortality was great. Funny thing, I came away from the show with speed of sound in my head. That performance was stellar.
As I posted earlier in my sleepy state of post-concert bliss....this night was fantastic! Yes, there were a few people who had slightly too much to drink. The two guys in front of me were exceedingly was asleep and the other was the 'stand up, sway a lot, threaten to fall, and then shout a lot' type...but to be honest, i just got on with it as I was a concert that had me out of my seat singing at the top of my lungs with pure adrenaline rush many times!
I was worried it would be an all sit down affair...I can't when music really gets me going...Lukin stood no chance of me sitting, nor did Unthought Known or Porch.
Some songs needed a seat...Better Man especially...boy was that emotional. Eddie basically made the announcement with his emotion, slight tremble in the voice and the change of the words at the end. This version of the song will forever be in honor of the big man! "I love him....I loved him...I don't want him to have left this way...I want him to come back again...."
can you tell me when EV came on and for how long he played? Will be at tonight's show and would like to give our babysitter an estimate. I understand Glen comes on at 730. Thank you!
can you tell me when EV came on and for how long he played? Will be at tonight's show and would like to give our babysitter an estimate. I understand Glen comes on at 730. Thank you!
He came on about 8:50 and ended around 10:50.
Shows: 6.27.08 Hartford, CT/5.15.10 Hartford, CT/6.18.2011 Hartford, CT (EV Solo)/10.19.13 Brooklyn/10.25.13 Hartford
"Becoming a Bruce fan is like hitting puberty as a musical fan. It's inevitable." - dcfaithful
can you tell me when EV came on and for how long he played? Will be at tonight's show and would like to give our babysitter an estimate. I understand Glen comes on at 730. Thank you!
He did come out at about 8:35 in Providence last Wednesday tho...So I would try to be in the building by at least 8:30...I think he started later in Hartford cuz it was a Saturday.
Late for me to get to the fanview thread. Not much else I can say that hasnt been said already. Trouble, Immortality and Long Nights were highlights for me. Fucking Long Nights!!! Still cant believe it!!!
I just wanted to add tho, that when Ed's roadie came out to give him the news, it reminded me of G.W.Bush on 9/11, sitting in his chair, reading the book to the kids, one of his aids comes out and gives him the news, and he carries on without much change in pace. In Providence, Ed's roadies came out randomly from time to time, and a few times spoke to him during the show (most likely giving him updates on the Bruins game that night) it wasnt too out of the ordinary to see one of Ed's roadies come out to tell him something...but you could tell, this was a different kind of announcement that was being given to Ed. I looked over to my boyfriend and said...."Clarence musta died". Then Ed carried on, without really saying anything. Just made me think of that moment on 9/11.
Faberge egg speech was classic ( the new avatar ) and was ever so appropriate, considering there was a Legalize Marijuana rally at The Bushnell Park, right across the street from the venue, during the afternoon, before the show. I have a feeling Mr. Vedder probably could have been spotted there if anyone had made it there early enough
Mansfield, MA - Jul 02, 2003; Mansfield, MA - Jul 03, 2003; Mansfield, MA - Jul 11, 2003; Boston, MA - Sep 29, 2004; Reading, PA - Oct 01, 2004; Hartford, CT - May 13, 2006; Boston, MA - May 24, 2006; Boston, MA - May 25, 2006; Hartford, CT - Jun 27, 2008; Mansfield, MA - Jun 28, 2008; Mansfield, MA - June 30, 2008; Hartford, CT - May 15, 2010; Boston, MA - May 17, 2010; [EV - Providence, RI - June 15, 2011; EV - Hartford, CT - June 18, 2011]; Worcester, MA - Oct. 15, 2013; Worcester, MA - Oct. 16, 2013; Hartford, CT - Oct. 25, 2013; Boston, MA - August 5, 2016; Boston, MA - August 7, 2016...
Faberge egg speech was classic ( the new avatar ) and was ever so appropriate, considering there was a Legalize Marijuana rally at The Bushnell Park, right across the street from the venue, during the afternoon, before the show. I have a feeling Mr. Vedder probably could have been spotted there if anyone had made it there early enough
That's probably why he went on for five minutes about weed.
Shows: 6.27.08 Hartford, CT/5.15.10 Hartford, CT/6.18.2011 Hartford, CT (EV Solo)/10.19.13 Brooklyn/10.25.13 Hartford
"Becoming a Bruce fan is like hitting puberty as a musical fan. It's inevitable." - dcfaithful
can you tell me when EV came on and for how long he played? Will be at tonight's show and would like to give our babysitter an estimate. I understand Glen comes on at 730. Thank you!
can you tell me when EV came on and for how long he played? Will be at tonight's show and would like to give our babysitter an estimate. I understand Glen comes on at 730. Thank you!
He came on about 8:50 and ended around 10:50.
great, thank you again!
No problem, but try to be there earlier than that so you don't miss anything, especially Glen.
Shows: 6.27.08 Hartford, CT/5.15.10 Hartford, CT/6.18.2011 Hartford, CT (EV Solo)/10.19.13 Brooklyn/10.25.13 Hartford
"Becoming a Bruce fan is like hitting puberty as a musical fan. It's inevitable." - dcfaithful
I want to hear those opening cords to Immortality again...that one was right up there as the top highlights for me...along with Long Nights of course.
Shows: Montreal 98, Barrie 98, Montreal 00, Montreal 03, Montreal 05, Ottawa 05, Toronto 06, Vancouver Night 1 08 (EV), Vancouver Night 2 08 (EV), MSG1 08, MSG2 08, Montreal Night 2 08 (EV), Toronto Night 1 08 (EV), Toronto 09, Hartford 11 (EV), Ottawa 11, Ottawa 16, Ottawa 22.
If Glen plays Astral Weeks in St. Louis, I'm going to need smelling salts. That is my favorite album of all time. My dream would be for Ed to sing anything off that album, but if I could hear it live at an Ed show by someone else, I would be thrilled.
anyone else notice Glen dropping 'I miss you already' from Smile in during Astral Weeks??
Yeah I know mine too I was in E in the Mezz, drove me nuts
Tres Mts. 3/27/11
EV Solo:Providence 6/15/11 Boston 6/16/11 Hartford 6/18/11
PJ20 9/3/11-9/4/11
Concert Wishlist: I am Mine, Marker in the Sand, Parachutes, In Hiding, All Those Yesterdays, I Got Shit, Long Road, Light Years
Hartford - 2010
Ed Solo - Hartford - 2011
Toronto X 2, Ottawa & Hamilton - 2011
Ed Solo - Jacksonville - 2012
London, Pittsburgh & Buffalo - 2013
No shows in 2014 :-(
"Becoming a Bruce fan is like hitting puberty as a musical fan. It's inevitable." - dcfaithful
thanks for that, I didn't know someone died at a show of Glens, thats awful.
Stars shining bright above you, Night breezes seem to whisper I love you
Birds singing in the sycamore tree, Dream a little dream of me.
Say nighty-night and kiss me, Just hold me tight and tell me you'll miss me.
While I'm alone, blue as can be, Dream a little dream of me.
Stars fading but I linger on, dear---Still craving your kiss.
I'm longing to linger till dawn, dear, Just saying this...
Sweet dreams till sunbeams find you---Sweet dreams that leave all worries behind you.
But in your dreams, whatever they be, Dream a little dream of me.
Stars fading but I linger on, dear---Still craving your kiss.
I'm longing to linger till dawn, dear, Just saying this...
Sweet dreams till sunbeams find you---Sweet dreams that leave all worries far behind you.
But in your dreams, whatever they be, Dream a little dream of me.
This might be my favorite song of all time.
Great post! And i'm with you on all the beer/piss breaks i couldn't believe how many people were leaving at various points in the show.
And yeah totally noticed the moon as well!
yoiu can listen to his bands work's truly great stuff..listen to 'Setlist' first to get a real grasp on what he does..
also, might be a good idea for you to keep an eye here!/Glen_Hansard
Nobody can answer this for you.
8/15/92, 9/28/96, 8/28/98, 8/29/98, 9/18/98, 8/3/00, 8/9/00, 8/10/00, 8/23/00, 8/25/00, 9/1/00, 9/2/00, 4/28/03, 6/18/03, 7/5/03, 7/6/03, 10/1/04, 10/3/05, 6/19/08, 10/27/09, 10/31/09, 5/21/10, 9/3/11, 9/4/11, 10/21/13
More to Come....
From what I read on another thread, EV didn't want to release these concerts as he doubted the sound quality. That may or may not change at some point, but as it stands, no, there are no plans to release these concerts as bootlegs. (from what I've heard. Again, I have no firsthand knowledge of this, only what I've read on this site)
Boy, that would be great...
however, the memories will live on.
"Becoming a Bruce fan is like hitting puberty as a musical fan. It's inevitable." - dcfaithful
"Becoming a Bruce fan is like hitting puberty as a musical fan. It's inevitable." - dcfaithful ... ape-cinema is fully endorsed by the frames and Glen and they not only allow but are happy that people share audio and video content. see below
For all things, The Frames! A great new site.. Thank you! Your doing us a great service..
4 Mar Favorite Retweet Reply
EV: 8/09/08 8/10/08 6/08/09 6/09/09 6/18/11
Sorry i don't have ovaries i don't attend many Broadway theaters.
And if you're still using a flashbulb update your camera. I can take good pics in lowlight so i was wondering.
And what an amazing show we lucked into!
It was my first time hearing Glen and I was definitely a fan right away but when he played Astral Weeks all I could do was say "Jesus!" over and over. He was incredible!
Then it was Eddie's turn, and he just blew us away.
Loved it all, I really did. Such power from a tiny instrument. And then he set the uke aside for a bit for Trouble, Better Man, Long Nights, Unthought Known, Hard Sun...ok this is silly, I could just go on and on. I was just completely in awe. Dream A Little Dream was the perfect end if it had to end.
Also, I know it was all random and luck of the draw but I still want to thank 10C for great seats...we were in the mezzanine hanging over the side. It's no "met a random dude from the crew and ended up front row" story that I only dream of, but still, they were great seats.
You were worth the trek hurry back to EASTERN Canada and let us remind you why you love us too.
It was my pleasure and meeting a new PJ peep is just another part of what makes these shows special.
Hope to see ya around.
The immortality was great. Funny thing, I came away from the show with speed of sound in my head. That performance was stellar.
Still mad they put me in the mezz :evil: :evil:
I was worried it would be an all sit down affair...I can't when music really gets me going...Lukin stood no chance of me sitting, nor did Unthought Known or Porch.
Some songs needed a seat...Better Man especially...boy was that emotional. Eddie basically made the announcement with his emotion, slight tremble in the voice and the change of the words at the end. This version of the song will forever be in honor of the big man! "I love him....I loved him...I don't want him to have left this way...I want him to come back again...."
Long Nights was a 'gift'.
"Becoming a Bruce fan is like hitting puberty as a musical fan. It's inevitable." - dcfaithful
He did come out at about 8:35 in Providence last Wednesday tho...So I would try to be in the building by at least 8:30...I think he started later in Hartford cuz it was a Saturday.
Late for me to get to the fanview thread. Not much else I can say that hasnt been said already. Trouble, Immortality and Long Nights were highlights for me. Fucking Long Nights!!! Still cant believe it!!!
I just wanted to add tho, that when Ed's roadie came out to give him the news, it reminded me of G.W.Bush on 9/11, sitting in his chair, reading the book to the kids, one of his aids comes out and gives him the news, and he carries on without much change in pace. In Providence, Ed's roadies came out randomly from time to time, and a few times spoke to him during the show (most likely giving him updates on the Bruins game that night) it wasnt too out of the ordinary to see one of Ed's roadies come out to tell him something...but you could tell, this was a different kind of announcement that was being given to Ed. I looked over to my boyfriend and said...."Clarence musta died". Then Ed carried on, without really saying anything. Just made me think of that moment on 9/11.
Faberge egg speech was classic ( the new avatar
"Becoming a Bruce fan is like hitting puberty as a musical fan. It's inevitable." - dcfaithful
great, thank you again!
"Becoming a Bruce fan is like hitting puberty as a musical fan. It's inevitable." - dcfaithful
Was it ever!!!!
I want to hear those opening cords to Immortality again...that one was right up there as the top highlights for me...along with Long Nights of course.
anyone else notice Glen dropping 'I miss you already' from Smile in during Astral Weeks??
just heard about that now