I started that thread almost a year ago just to see how many people would have wanted to see Eddie come to Connecticut. When I saw the tour announcement back in March, I couldn't believe there was a Connecticut date (Thank you Ten Club mods, if you were the one's that told him about the thread). After not being able to get tickets during the sales, Binaural Jam gave me his pair. Thank you BJ.
Yesterday was probably one of the best days/nights I've ever had. I went with tcaporale and as we drove past the Bushnell Theater a little after 3:30, we saw people waiting outside where Eddie's bus was and realized he was probably coming out soon. We looked for a parking spot but ended up parking at the Bushnell Park. As we started walking up towards the Bushnell, cbrunelle came up to me and told me she just met Eddie about 5 minutes. We ran up, hoping he would still be there. We waited about a half hour to 45 minutes and realized he probably wasn't coming back out. We got the car and parked at a parking lot near the Bushnell.
We decided we would go to Black Bear for 10C pre-party. We got lost going there and I had to find the Civic Center to know the way. We got there and this stranger comes up to me, asking if I was Chris. It was Fenway. Then this woman comes up to me, it was unlost. I met the rest of the people from the EVCT thread (youngster, twisted, and Katyz).
After the party, we went to the Bushnell, bought a couple things of merch and headed up all the way to Balcony. Glen Hansard came on and I really enjoyed his set. He finished and then we waited around 40 minutes for the legend to come on.
As soon as the curtains came up, people started taking pictures and the ushers came out in full force, shouting "NO PICTURES!!" When Eddie started, I thought he was playing the full album in order, until he played "Light Today". At one point after playing one of the Uke songs, Eddie went on for, I think, five minutes, talking about weed and the types there are and how there should be a rating system on them. "Hydroponic Afghani AK47 type...PG13, does that mean kids smoke it with their parents?...they should have some rated XX...One of the times I smoked it, thinking I didn't smoke that much, I looked at an art book and started going places, while I was sitting down..." and some other stuff he said about weed. He talked about the Bushnell opening in 1937(?) and said "More Than You Know" came out the same year, so he thought he would play it to coincide with the years.
Then came out the guitars. He said there was a request for "Trouble" and he said he would send out love. "Sometimes" was good to hear. I think before "Just Breathe", he was talking about having friends with cool names and mentioned The Boss and Tom Tomorrow. After a really good version of "I Am Mine" (which I was excited to hear), he talked about Clarence Clemons, mentioning the performance of "Better Man" he did with the E Street Band and that's when one of Eddie's backstage people came out and whispered something in his ear (which must have been about Clarence) and Eddie put his head to his hands and did an amazing version of "Better Man", adding lyrics about Clarence and like people have said before, sang "I loved him" instead of "She loved him". Beautiful. Ed's emotion carried on for the rest of the show.
Then he talked about having never played "Long Nights" before and it would be the first time he would play it and brought out Glen Hansard to play bass. He didn't mess up at all and it was great to be the first city that he broke that song out. Congrats Fatal on getting "Long Nights". Then he played a few more from Into the Wild and then did a phenomenal version of "Immortality", which blew me away. "Unthought Known" was amazing. After "The End", the lights went off on the stage and "Arc" came on, which had a lot more emotion because of Clarence and we applauded him and he was blown away from out applause.
The first encore starts with "Wishlist" and he changed the lyric to "with 17 billion hands up raised..." and the lights went up on the crowd and everyone in the theater had their hands raised. It was a beautiful sight. I think the crowd tore the roof off the Bushnell with EWBTCIAST, singing every line of the song, with the lights going on again on the audience with "I just want to scream HELLO!"
Eddie brought out Glen again for "Sleepless Nights" and said he wanted the help of the room for that one. Before they played that, Eddie said he heard Glen tell the story of how they met after a tragedy at one of Glen's shows and Eddie said something like, "I don't think it was tea, maybe more like beertea". They played "Society" and it was cool to see Eddie do a guitar solo. He said he'd play one more slow one and played "Speed of Sound" and then after said, "One more slow one" and then ripped "Lukin", with the crowd singing a long to the chorus. Then I finally got the hear the acoustic version of "Porch" and the crowd also got to sing a long to that also. He left the stage again.
Before the second encore started, the crowd was chanting "EDDIE VEDDER". He comes out for the second encore with the smoke and Glen is on stage to play acoustic guitar on "Hard Sun". Terrific version of that song and after the song was over, everyone thought it was the last song. WRONG! One of the backstage guys came out to hand Eddie a Uke and he ended the night with "Dream a Little Dream".
The crowd at times were annoying like some people have said, but that didn't take anything away from the show for me. One thing I hated was people constantly getting up in the Balcony and going out for a beer or to go the bathroom. There were the one's who would shout out songs, like one guy in front of me shouting "Tremor Christ". Then like some people have said before, an asshole wanted to start a fight.
The night only got better when me and tcaporale waited with a bunch of fans outside to see/meet Eddie. It was around a two hour wait. One of the guards said he wouldn't sign or pose for pictures but he would come out and shake everyone's hand. So we all lined up (like they do in prison to ID someone) and I GOT TO MEET EDDIE AND SHAKE HIS HAND!! I shook his hand and said, "Thank you for all the music you've given us and for a great show tonight." He was happy to meet everyone and he had a big smile on him.
Like I said before, Hartford raised the bar extremely high for the rest of the tour.
Thank you again to whomever made this show possible in the management of the Ten Club (Tim? Kat? Santos?) and to the EVCT thread people.
Shows: 6.27.08 Hartford, CT/5.15.10 Hartford, CT/6.18.2011 Hartford, CT (EV Solo)/10.19.13 Brooklyn/10.25.13 Hartford
"Becoming a Bruce fan is like hitting puberty as a musical fan. It's inevitable." - dcfaithful
Went to both Providence and Hartford. Personally, I was more excited for Providence since it's my hometown and the Bruins game energy but Hartford was amazing. I had not been to Hartford in probably 20 years (and that was for a Whaler's game). Not much else to add to the great views above. There were some wicked tool bags at this show (imo way worse than PVD which was not bad at all). I was in the balcony second row so I too witnessed some of the idiotic things mentioned in this thread. And I wish people would put their damn cell phones away...the glow is so distracting.
But I sat next to a nice couple and had a funny quest to find the smoking balcony (guilty social smoker). LOVED Long Nights with Glen!!!!! Moment for Clarence was incredibly touching. I left wishing I had tickets to another show.
Last night was my 5th time seeing Eddie solo and I thought he was spot on. The ukulele songs were nice to start but I really loved hearing the Backspacer songs live. For me the stand outs were Unthought Known and Speed of Sound; which I don't care for as an entire band song, but with Ed alone it was beautiful. The Sleepless Nights duet was another standout with Eddie and Glen just using their voices to fill the room...heartwarming. After the show I waited with about 75-100 people for Ed to come out to the bus. He continues to show what a humble and gracious human being he is by shaking every single persons hand and chit-chatting for a bit. It is nights like this that give me faith in people. Thanks!
"You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today."- Abraham Lincoln
Chris, your pictures were fantastic-loved seeing them. Thanks so much for sharing!
Thank you and you're welcome. I tried to get as many as I can because my camera isn't the best. Glad you enjoyed them.
Shows: 6.27.08 Hartford, CT/5.15.10 Hartford, CT/6.18.2011 Hartford, CT (EV Solo)/10.19.13 Brooklyn/10.25.13 Hartford
"Becoming a Bruce fan is like hitting puberty as a musical fan. It's inevitable." - dcfaithful
Love the pics of the meet&greet! I especially love that he's wearing the same shirt he was wearing at Hartford last year (see profile pic )
Thanks. It was definitely cool that he was wearing the same shirt.
Shows: 6.27.08 Hartford, CT/5.15.10 Hartford, CT/6.18.2011 Hartford, CT (EV Solo)/10.19.13 Brooklyn/10.25.13 Hartford
"Becoming a Bruce fan is like hitting puberty as a musical fan. It's inevitable." - dcfaithful
What a fantasic show.I brought my 10 year old son to the show making this his 2nd concert. His first was in Newark NJ where the 10c really came through and we sat 2nd row .During the night he and Ed made a connection and when the band played "Alive" Ed tossed him a tamborine. This will be a momment we will treasure for a lifetime. Well tihs night was we also shared a special moment.
We checked into the Holidayin Express in Hartford at 3:00 pm along with my friend Josh (Thanks for bringing Dylan up with you, you are about the only person I could trust to do this) We decided to walked through Bushnell Park and find our way to the theater I guess it was about 4:15 when we sat at the table and chairs set up outside the box office. I watch many very happy fans shouting for joy as they scored great seats from the 10c.
I decided to go inside the box office with Dylan and check the seating chart for our seats. I needed to take a piss and wondered into the venue to look for a bathroom when I heard the sounds of the ukulele coming from down this hallway. All the doors were open and there were no signs barring entry we contunued down the hallway until we were backstage along with to sound techs listening to Eddie going through sound check. We stayed a queit as could be and could see Ed through a crack in the curtains.
I realized we left Josh sitting outside so we walked back outside to grab him and walked right back in and listened for about 15 minutes.(Until security finally showed up and asked us to leave.)It was very cool hearing him play to a completly empty theater and the quiet after each song ended. They were all ukulele songs from the new record. What a great way to start the night.
The show was amazing. There were no crowd problems at all in our section. (Orch section E row Z) I was impressed with the energy in the room and how much more this crowd sang along, much more so then in Boston on Thursday night. Maybe they were drained from their Stanley cup victory the night before. Although I do believe that the Hartford crowd is made up of diehards from all over the area who know the music very well.
A 30 song set and an encore after “Hard Sun” “ Dream a Little Dream” ( Say nighty night and kiss me, tell me you will always miss me “). Being able to get to 6th row center during “Porch” and “Hard Sun” and watching my son belting out and singing along to almost every song to the point when I had to ask him to keep it down I didn’t want him annoying anyone around us. Just a great night. I could have done without the 10 minute weed story from Ed when I am doing my best to set a good example but it was extremely funny !!
Will I go to the Beacon in NYC on the 22nd or will it be a night in Montreal in September that brings me back to the greatest band in the world. Thanks 10 c and all Pearl Jam related people for making great experiences possible.
96 NY II ,CT, / 98 NJ, MSG I & II , DC, MD
00 NY I, II, III , NJ I & II / 03 LI , NJ I , MSG I & II , NJ
04 MA I, FL , PA / 05-NJ I & II
06 NJ I & II, NY , CT / 08 NJ , MSG I & II, CT
09- PA III & IV / 10 CT, NJ, MSG II
11 Montreal / 13 MA 1 & 2 , Brooklyn 1 & 2, Hartford
I will undoubtedly foul this up, it was a bit loud in the mezz when he was talking, but I believe Glen said that after a death at a concert of theirs (I am assuming it was the instance where a concert goer leapt to his death during a swell season show a year or two back, but please correct me if someone knows better) Eddie reached out (called Glen, I believe) - they were not friends or really acquaintances at that point - and offered to have a "cup of tea" and just be a support. I am presuming - and please realize this is pure and perhaps unnecessary conjecture - that Ed reached out having dealt himself with the roskilde tragedy. they met up then, and another time, and out of this their friendship and professional relationship came. as was evidenced in Boston and again in Hartford, Glen is so impressed by Ed's kindness of spirit as well as "the people he keeps around him" - saying it says a lot about a man.
when Ed brought Glen out for Sleepless Nights and Society, Ed made sure to point out that Glen was one of the kindest men he'd met - just an all around good guy, so unassuming - and that when he had reached out to Glen after the tragedy, they went out, but, Ed joked, he "definitely wasn't drinking tea" himself, and "didn't want to speak for anyone else" but was pretty sure Glen wasn't either. it was a cute moment.
Awesome pictures Chris, and read your great review- sounds and looks like such an amazing experience!
"Sometimes you find yourself having to put all your faith in no faith."
~not a dude~
2010: MSGx2
2012: Made In America
2013: Pittsburgh, Brooklynx2, Hartford, Baltimore
2014: Leeds, Milton Keynes, Detroit
2015: Global Citizen Festival
2016: Phillyx2, MSGx2, Fenwayx2 2018: Barcelona, Wrigleyx2
I will undoubtedly foul this up, it was a bit loud in the mezz when he was talking, but I believe Glen said that after a death at a concert of theirs (I am assuming it was the instance where a concert goer leapt to his death during a swell season show a year or two back, but please correct me if someone knows better) Eddie reached out (called Glen, I believe) - they were not friends or really acquaintances at that point - and offered to have a "cup of tea" and just be a support. I am presuming - and please realize this is pure and perhaps unnecessary conjecture - that Ed reached out having dealt himself with the roskilde tragedy. they met up then, and another time, and out of this their friendship and professional relationship came. as was evidenced in Boston and again in Hartford, Glen is so impressed by Ed's kindness of spirit as well as "the people he keeps around him" - saying it says a lot about a man.
when Ed brought Glen out for Sleepless Nights and Society, Ed made sure to point out that Glen was one of the kindest men he'd met - just an all around good guy, so unassuming - and that when he had reached out to Glen after the tragedy, they went out, but, Ed joked, he "definitely wasn't drinking tea" himself, and "didn't want to speak for anyone else" but was pretty sure Glen wasn't either. it was a cute moment.
I believe Eddie said "welcome to the club in which no one wants to belong"
Boston 5/17/10
Tres Mts. 3/27/11
EV Solo:Providence 6/15/11 Boston 6/16/11 Hartford 6/18/11
PJ20 9/3/11-9/4/11
Concert Wishlist: I am Mine, Marker in the Sand, Parachutes, In Hiding, All Those Yesterdays, I Got Shit, Long Road, Light Years
Out of Providence, Boston & Hartford...Hartford was by far my favorite show...First off in the afternoon I was lucky enough to meet Ed when he got off his bus to go into the venue. :shock: My friend and I got tons of really good close up pictures of him. He had a big smile on his face and shook all the fans hands that were waiting.
I had a second row pit ticket that I got in the second chance pre-sale! I've never sat so close in my life. It was unbelievable. The crowd was rowdy down front and the floor was shaking. People kept trying to sneak up to the front of the stage throughout the show and security had to keep pushing people back. Some guy who kept sneaking up actually lit up a joint right in front of the stage during Sleepless Nights. Security was all over him and thankfully he was thrown out.
The show was AWESOME!!! So many highlights...Long Nights being played live for the first time, Immortality, Unthought Known, Porch, Arc...I loved the entire show!
Also, Ed shook my hand after Arc! Two handshakes from Ed in one day!
Awesome pictures Chris, and read your great review- sounds and looks like such an amazing experience!
Thanks Sam! It's something I will never forget.
Shows: 6.27.08 Hartford, CT/5.15.10 Hartford, CT/6.18.2011 Hartford, CT (EV Solo)/10.19.13 Brooklyn/10.25.13 Hartford
"Becoming a Bruce fan is like hitting puberty as a musical fan. It's inevitable." - dcfaithful
I always knew Ed had an amazing voice, but tonight...my first time hearing him live...I was blown away. I actually had no idea how much better he is live and he is my favorite singer already!!!! Tonight was beyond words. He dedicated Just Breathe to his friends and their significant others and I silently dedicated it to Sammy, my son....so it was the most emotional song for me. Long Nights made my night because I didn't think it was going to be played, and ...well, I need to stop as I could go on all night and so much has been said already.
One last thing though, When Ed heard the sad news about Clarence, he was a true professional and kept the night special for the crowd...that really impressed me as he must have been very upset.
So...until tomorrow when I rant on some more...I thank MR. Vedder for the best concert I have ever been to!
Great to meet you and glad you enjoyed your first show!!!
It was fantastic. Glad to meet you both, too. Hope you had a safe trip home today.
I do not know one thing about Glen Hansard. I saw his setlist and was shocked to see that he covered "Astral Weeks". One of my all-time favorite songs. I am hoping he plays this at the Beacon 2. I just youtubed a prior performance, and I am impressed. It is totally different than a Van Morrison performance and now I have to see it live!
Did anyone else enjoy it? Were you allowed to video Glen?
Wow! Those pictures are amazing. I am so glad you got to see him after all your campaigning
Thank you! I thought I might as well try to meet him after everything we did to get him here.
Shows: 6.27.08 Hartford, CT/5.15.10 Hartford, CT/6.18.2011 Hartford, CT (EV Solo)/10.19.13 Brooklyn/10.25.13 Hartford
"Becoming a Bruce fan is like hitting puberty as a musical fan. It's inevitable." - dcfaithful
I do not know one thing about Glen Hansard. I saw his setlist and was shocked to see that he covered "Astral Weeks". One of my all-time favorite songs. I am hoping he plays this at the Beacon 2. I just youtubed a prior performance, and I am impressed. It is totally different than a Van Morrison performance and now I have to see it live!
Did anyone else enjoy it? Were you allowed to video Glen?
Glen was really good.
Shows: 6.27.08 Hartford, CT/5.15.10 Hartford, CT/6.18.2011 Hartford, CT (EV Solo)/10.19.13 Brooklyn/10.25.13 Hartford
"Becoming a Bruce fan is like hitting puberty as a musical fan. It's inevitable." - dcfaithful
Shows: 6.27.08 Hartford, CT/5.15.10 Hartford, CT/6.18.2011 Hartford, CT (EV Solo)/10.19.13 Brooklyn/10.25.13 Hartford
"Becoming a Bruce fan is like hitting puberty as a musical fan. It's inevitable." - dcfaithful
I loved the show. It is my 6th EV solo show. Saying it is better implies the shows from the other tours (08, 09) weren't good, which is certainly NOT the case - I enjoyed myself at every single one in Montreal, Toronto, and Albany. But this was like EV solo 2.0 Just even better in every way I can think of - he sounded so strong, and confident in comparison to the earlier tour. His playing was so good - not one mistake in any song, his voice was the best I've ever heard, and I even felt like he had better control of the crowd - there were some people randomly yelling as usual, but not as many, and it just seemed like he had control of it all better than before. Everyone DID quiet down for un-mic Sleepless Nights, which was beautiful btw.
Arc was a religious experience. Was wonderful to hear Unthought Known, as was the surprise of Sometimes. Last thing I expected to hear! I was in the 1st balcony with evidently quite a few other 10clubbers, and I didn't really make the connection after Ed got the message about Clarence. Probably because being a little further away and there being a little more distraction by various goings on in the balcony, and probably because my brain didn't want to accommodate the idea of Clarence being gone.
The weed story was hilarious. One of the highlights of the solo shows are Ed's stories because he can be so funny. My daughter was snickering next to me about the pg13 and xxx weed comments.
I was only planning to go to one show on the tour, but it is like an addiction. Get one taste back, and then you get reminded of what its like, and want more. If I can manage, I may try for Philly if any seats become available. Its a bear of a drive but I'll do it.
R.i.p. Rigoberto Alpizar.
R.i.p. My Dad - May 28, 2007
R.i.p. Black Tail (cat) - Sept. 20, 2008
Fantastic show by Eddie, the Bushnell place is great... Special mention to the very polite staff from that place !
Unfortunetly, annoying crowd... I was in Orchestra row "S" and I was pissed by some "dumb asses" conduct like that girl yelled at security guy and giving shit during songs, drunken people, another one who scream "REAAALEASSSSSSSEEE" all night long ! (sorry dude, Eddie never have a guitar on that one when he performs with PJ so that mean that one will not be played as solo !).
Highligts for me : The famous standing ovation during immortality and Unthought known, FIRST EVER PLAYED long nights, far behind, without you, light today, the end, speed of sound, the crowd was also very into it during Porch.
Cant wait for September !
2000 : Montréal.
2003 : Toronto & Montréal.
2005 : Montréal & Québec City.
2006 : Albany.
2008 : Hartford, Mansfield I & II.
2009 : Toronto.
2011 : Montréal, Toronto I & II, Ottawa.
2013 : Worcester I.
2014 : Detroit.
2016 : Québec City, Ottawa, Toronto I & II, Boston I & II. 2018 : Boston I & II. 2022 : Quebec City & Ottawa.
I guess the crowd behavior depended on where you were sitting. I was Row C, orchestra, down front. No problems around me, other than nobody wanted to sit down. -- Not really an issue since I like being up too. But then Ed asked us to sit and we did, for a while.
Whole show was incredible. Uke songs sound so good in person! Immortality . . . best version I've heard live, and I had tears running down my face. I wanted the show to go on forever!
A tip of the hat to you, Haaaatfid. That was a hell of a show.
Loved Providence, enjoyed Boston, but Hartford blew me away. I will never miss a show there again.
Agree with all above, especially those who noted the intensity and focus apparent in Ed after the tech whispered to him before "Betterman." Such awful news _ The Big Man was one of a kind, for sure.
The weed story and the Faberge egg _ oh my God, I'm still laughing about that.
"Immortality," "Long Nights," "Betterman," but what got me again _ third time in four days _ was "Unthought Known." This time it was almost fierce and I was SO glad to see everyone on their feet at the crescendo. It was amazing.
It sounds like some of you were sitting where I sat for the RI and MA shows. I guess we all have to take our turns with the assholes, right? But I lucked out in CT _ Mezzanine, Section D, really nice group. The only zombies up there were a couple seated in front of the very nice 10C couple beside me. Everyone else appeared well-behaved and enjoying themselves. I didn't see anyone being a tool, which was a nice relief. Also, I didn't notice any cell phones or taping around me.
Great preparty,it's always fun to hoist a few with Fenway, Youngster, Twisted Sister and Twisted Sister's Bodyguard _ but then I FINALLY got to meet Newch, Steve Dunne and Katyz, too _ that was great! Katyz looks just like her avatar. (Just as I look like my avatar.) So we knew each other right away...
Whole new respect for the city between me and NYC. You guys made it a great, great night.
Although, we could have used just a single round of "Let's Go, Whalers!" clap-clap-clapclapclap.
I do not know one thing about Glen Hansard. I saw his setlist and was shocked to see that he covered "Astral Weeks". One of my all-time favorite songs. I am hoping he plays this at the Beacon 2. I just youtubed a prior performance, and I am impressed. It is totally different than a Van Morrison performance and now I have to see it live!
Did anyone else enjoy it? Were you allowed to video Glen?
As a caveat let me first say that I have a fairly significant objectivity problem when it comes to Glen (it is a slightly smaller objectivity problem than I have in respect to Ed!) because I think he is simply one of the most talented performers I have ever seen.
Glen's 'holy trinity' is Van Morrison, Leonard Cohen and Bob Dylan. He has covered VM often and Astral Weeks is one that he pulls out at solo shows. His performance of this last night in Hartford was magnificent and really evoked a terrific response from the crowd.
No video allowed for either Glen or Eddie but Glen is changing up his setlists each night so you might be lucky to get it at one of the Beacon shows.
I implore anyone going to the upcoming Ed solo shows to get there early to catch Glen's set - he is a great songwriter and an amazing performer. They are also selling some Glen merch at the shows for anyone interested - two cds by his band The Frames (For the Birds and Setlist), a cd from his other band The Swell Season (Strict Joy) and also the Once DVD - you will not be disappointed with any of these and may just find yourself your new favourite performer
I think from the stories told last night and the collaboration between them that it's pretty clear that Glen and Ed are kindred spirits and I am stoked beyond words to be able to see both of them perform on the same stage.
Look closely at picture #5 in the photo gallery. In the back middle of the pic you can see youngster and I looking for our seats. I spotted youngster's green whalers shirt. It's definitely us.
I had a GREAT time last night.
"FF, I've heard the droning about the Sawx being the baby dolls. Yeah, I get it, you guys invented baseball and suffered forever. I get it." -JearlPam0925
A tip of the hat to you, Haaaatfid. That was a hell of a show.
Loved Providence, enjoyed Boston, but Hartford blew me away. I will never miss a show there again.
Agree with all above, especially those who noted the intensity and focus apparent in Ed after the tech whispered to him before "Betterman." Such awful news _ The Big Man was one of a kind, for sure.
The weed story and the Faberge egg _ oh my God, I'm still laughing about that.
"Immortality," "Long Nights," "Betterman," but what got me again _ third time in four days _ was "Unthought Known." This time it was almost fierce and I was SO glad to see everyone on their feet at the crescendo. It was amazing.
It sounds like some of you were sitting where I sat for the RI and MA shows. I guess we all have to take our turns with the assholes, right? But I lucked out in CT _ Mezzanine, Section D, really nice group. The only zombies up there were a couple seated in front of the very nice 10C couple beside me. Everyone else appeared well-behaved and enjoying themselves. I didn't see anyone being a tool, which was a nice relief. Also, I didn't notice any cell phones or taping around me.
Great preparty,it's always fun to hoist a few with Fenway, Youngster, Twisted Sister and Twisted Sister's Bodyguard _ but then I FINALLY got to meet Newch, Steve Dunne and Katyz, too _ that was great! Katyz looks just like her avatar. (Just as I look like my avatar.) So we knew each other right away...
Whole new respect for the city between me and NYC. You guys made it a great, great night.
Although, we could have used just a single round of "Let's Go, Whalers!" clap-clap-clapclapclap.
I keep hearing about this Faberge Egg. I probably didn't hear it because of where I was sitting. Was it during the weed story?
Shows: 6.27.08 Hartford, CT/5.15.10 Hartford, CT/6.18.2011 Hartford, CT (EV Solo)/10.19.13 Brooklyn/10.25.13 Hartford
"Becoming a Bruce fan is like hitting puberty as a musical fan. It's inevitable." - dcfaithful
Look closely at picture #5 in the photo gallery. In the back middle of the pic you can see youngster and I looking for our seats. I spotted youngster's green whalers shirt. It's definitely us.
I had a GREAT time last night.
Just looked at the picture again and it's definitely the two of you.
Shows: 6.27.08 Hartford, CT/5.15.10 Hartford, CT/6.18.2011 Hartford, CT (EV Solo)/10.19.13 Brooklyn/10.25.13 Hartford
"Becoming a Bruce fan is like hitting puberty as a musical fan. It's inevitable." - dcfaithful
Brigadoon, foodie capital Posts: 4,009
As a caveat let me first say that I have a fairly significant objectivity problem when it comes to Glen (it is a slightly smaller objectivity problem than I have in respect to Ed!) because I think he is simply one of the most talented performers I have ever seen.
Prior to the show, my husband had no idea who Glen Hansard is; after the show, he said Glen Hansard is by far the best opening act we have seen for PJ or Ed. He was great, the Van Morrison cover was amazing.
All those who seek to destroy the liberties of a democratic nation ought to know that war is the surest and shortest means to accomplish it.
Cool review - and sounds like you had an amazing experience Chris - getting to meet people of the board and Mr Vedder himself. Congrats!
Send my credentials to the house of detention
http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set= ... 1087650091
"Becoming a Bruce fan is like hitting puberty as a musical fan. It's inevitable." - dcfaithful
Love the pics of the meet&greet! I especially love that he's wearing the same shirt he was wearing at Hartford last year (see profile pic
But I sat next to a nice couple and had a funny quest to find the smoking balcony (guilty social smoker). LOVED Long Nights with Glen!!!!! Moment for Clarence was incredibly touching. I left wishing I had tickets to another show.
What was the story about how Eddie & Glen met?
"Becoming a Bruce fan is like hitting puberty as a musical fan. It's inevitable." - dcfaithful
"Becoming a Bruce fan is like hitting puberty as a musical fan. It's inevitable." - dcfaithful
We checked into the Holidayin Express in Hartford at 3:00 pm along with my friend Josh (Thanks for bringing Dylan up with you, you are about the only person I could trust to do this) We decided to walked through Bushnell Park and find our way to the theater I guess it was about 4:15 when we sat at the table and chairs set up outside the box office. I watch many very happy fans shouting for joy as they scored great seats from the 10c.
I decided to go inside the box office with Dylan and check the seating chart for our seats. I needed to take a piss and wondered into the venue to look for a bathroom when I heard the sounds of the ukulele coming from down this hallway. All the doors were open and there were no signs barring entry we contunued down the hallway until we were backstage along with to sound techs listening to Eddie going through sound check. We stayed a queit as could be and could see Ed through a crack in the curtains.
I realized we left Josh sitting outside so we walked back outside to grab him and walked right back in and listened for about 15 minutes.(Until security finally showed up and asked us to leave.)It was very cool hearing him play to a completly empty theater and the quiet after each song ended. They were all ukulele songs from the new record. What a great way to start the night.
The show was amazing. There were no crowd problems at all in our section. (Orch section E row Z) I was impressed with the energy in the room and how much more this crowd sang along, much more so then in Boston on Thursday night. Maybe they were drained from their Stanley cup victory the night before. Although I do believe that the Hartford crowd is made up of diehards from all over the area who know the music very well.
A 30 song set and an encore after “Hard Sun” “ Dream a Little Dream” ( Say nighty night and kiss me, tell me you will always miss me “). Being able to get to 6th row center during “Porch” and “Hard Sun” and watching my son belting out and singing along to almost every song to the point when I had to ask him to keep it down I didn’t want him annoying anyone around us. Just a great night. I could have done without the 10 minute weed story from Ed when I am doing my best to set a good example but it was extremely funny !!
Will I go to the Beacon in NYC on the 22nd or will it be a night in Montreal in September that brings me back to the greatest band in the world. Thanks 10 c and all Pearl Jam related people for making great experiences possible.
00 NY I, II, III , NJ I & II / 03 LI , NJ I , MSG I & II , NJ
04 MA I, FL , PA / 05-NJ I & II
06 NJ I & II, NY , CT / 08 NJ , MSG I & II, CT
09- PA III & IV / 10 CT, NJ, MSG II
11 Montreal / 13 MA 1 & 2 , Brooklyn 1 & 2, Hartford
I will undoubtedly foul this up, it was a bit loud in the mezz when he was talking, but I believe Glen said that after a death at a concert of theirs (I am assuming it was the instance where a concert goer leapt to his death during a swell season show a year or two back, but please correct me if someone knows better) Eddie reached out (called Glen, I believe) - they were not friends or really acquaintances at that point - and offered to have a "cup of tea" and just be a support. I am presuming - and please realize this is pure and perhaps unnecessary conjecture - that Ed reached out having dealt himself with the roskilde tragedy. they met up then, and another time, and out of this their friendship and professional relationship came. as was evidenced in Boston and again in Hartford, Glen is so impressed by Ed's kindness of spirit as well as "the people he keeps around him" - saying it says a lot about a man.
when Ed brought Glen out for Sleepless Nights and Society, Ed made sure to point out that Glen was one of the kindest men he'd met - just an all around good guy, so unassuming - and that when he had reached out to Glen after the tragedy, they went out, but, Ed joked, he "definitely wasn't drinking tea" himself, and "didn't want to speak for anyone else" but was pretty sure Glen wasn't either. it was a cute moment.
Awesome pictures Chris, and read your great review- sounds and looks like such an amazing experience!
~not a dude~
2010: MSGx2
2012: Made In America
2013: Pittsburgh, Brooklynx2, Hartford, Baltimore
2014: Leeds, Milton Keynes, Detroit
2015: Global Citizen Festival
2016: Phillyx2, MSGx2, Fenwayx2
2018: Barcelona, Wrigleyx2
I believe Eddie said "welcome to the club in which no one wants to belong"
Tres Mts. 3/27/11
EV Solo:Providence 6/15/11 Boston 6/16/11 Hartford 6/18/11
PJ20 9/3/11-9/4/11
Concert Wishlist: I am Mine, Marker in the Sand, Parachutes, In Hiding, All Those Yesterdays, I Got Shit, Long Road, Light Years
I had a second row pit ticket that I got in the second chance pre-sale! I've never sat so close in my life. It was unbelievable. The crowd was rowdy down front and the floor was shaking. People kept trying to sneak up to the front of the stage throughout the show and security had to keep pushing people back. Some guy who kept sneaking up actually lit up a joint right in front of the stage during Sleepless Nights. Security was all over him and thankfully he was thrown out.
The show was AWESOME!!! So many highlights...Long Nights being played live for the first time, Immortality, Unthought Known, Porch, Arc...I loved the entire show!
Also, Ed shook my hand after Arc! Two handshakes from Ed in one day!
"Becoming a Bruce fan is like hitting puberty as a musical fan. It's inevitable." - dcfaithful
Did anyone else enjoy it? Were you allowed to video Glen?
2013- Brooklyn2, Philly1, Philly2, NOLA
"Becoming a Bruce fan is like hitting puberty as a musical fan. It's inevitable." - dcfaithful
"Becoming a Bruce fan is like hitting puberty as a musical fan. It's inevitable." - dcfaithful
"Becoming a Bruce fan is like hitting puberty as a musical fan. It's inevitable." - dcfaithful
Arc was a religious experience. Was wonderful to hear Unthought Known, as was the surprise of Sometimes. Last thing I expected to hear! I was in the 1st balcony with evidently quite a few other 10clubbers, and I didn't really make the connection after Ed got the message about Clarence. Probably because being a little further away and there being a little more distraction by various goings on in the balcony, and probably because my brain didn't want to accommodate the idea of Clarence being gone.
The weed story was hilarious. One of the highlights of the solo shows are Ed's stories because he can be so funny. My daughter was snickering next to me about the pg13 and xxx weed comments.
I was only planning to go to one show on the tour, but it is like an addiction. Get one taste back, and then you get reminded of what its like, and want more. If I can manage, I may try for Philly if any seats become available. Its a bear of a drive but I'll do it.
R.i.p. My Dad - May 28, 2007
R.i.p. Black Tail (cat) - Sept. 20, 2008
Unfortunetly, annoying crowd... I was in Orchestra row "S" and I was pissed by some "dumb asses" conduct like that girl yelled at security guy and giving shit during songs, drunken people, another one who scream "REAAALEASSSSSSSEEE" all night long ! (sorry dude, Eddie never have a guitar on that one when he performs with PJ so that mean that one will not be played as solo !).
Highligts for me : The famous standing ovation during immortality and Unthought known, FIRST EVER PLAYED long nights, far behind, without you, light today, the end, speed of sound, the crowd was also very into it during Porch.
Cant wait for September !
2003 : Toronto & Montréal.
2005 : Montréal & Québec City.
2006 : Albany.
2008 : Hartford, Mansfield I & II.
2009 : Toronto.
2011 : Montréal, Toronto I & II, Ottawa.
2013 : Worcester I.
2014 : Detroit.
2016 : Québec City, Ottawa, Toronto I & II, Boston I & II.
2018 : Boston I & II.
2022 : Quebec City & Ottawa.
EV : Montréal I & II in 2008. Hartford in 2011.
10-04-00, 06-28-03, 06-29-03, 09-15-05, 09-20-05, 05-12-06, 06-27-08, 06-28-08, 06-30-08, 08-09-08 (EV), 08-10-08 (EV), 08-21-09, 06-18-11 (EV), 09-07-11, 09-11-11, 09-12-11, 09-14-11, 10-15-13, 10-16-14, 05-05-16; 05-08-16; 05-10-16; 05-12-16; 08-05-16, 08-07-16, 09-02-18, 09-04-18, 09-01-22 and 09-03-22.
Whole show was incredible. Uke songs sound so good in person! Immortality . . . best version I've heard live, and I had tears running down my face. I wanted the show to go on forever!
Loved Providence, enjoyed Boston, but Hartford blew me away. I will never miss a show there again.
Agree with all above, especially those who noted the intensity and focus apparent in Ed after the tech whispered to him before "Betterman." Such awful news _ The Big Man was one of a kind, for sure.
The weed story and the Faberge egg _ oh my God, I'm still laughing about that.
"Immortality," "Long Nights," "Betterman," but what got me again _ third time in four days _ was "Unthought Known." This time it was almost fierce and I was SO glad to see everyone on their feet at the crescendo. It was amazing.
It sounds like some of you were sitting where I sat for the RI and MA shows. I guess we all have to take our turns with the assholes, right? But I lucked out in CT _ Mezzanine, Section D, really nice group. The only zombies up there were a couple seated in front of the very nice 10C couple beside me. Everyone else appeared well-behaved and enjoying themselves. I didn't see anyone being a tool, which was a nice relief. Also, I didn't notice any cell phones or taping around me.
Great preparty,it's always fun to hoist a few with Fenway, Youngster, Twisted Sister and Twisted Sister's Bodyguard _ but then I FINALLY got to meet Newch, Steve Dunne and Katyz, too _ that was great! Katyz looks just like her avatar. (Just as I look like my avatar.) So we knew each other right away...
Whole new respect for the city between me and NYC. You guys made it a great, great night.
Although, we could have used just a single round of "Let's Go, Whalers!" clap-clap-clapclapclap.
As a caveat let me first say that I have a fairly significant objectivity problem when it comes to Glen (it is a slightly smaller objectivity problem than I have in respect to Ed!) because I think he is simply one of the most talented performers I have ever seen.
Glen's 'holy trinity' is Van Morrison, Leonard Cohen and Bob Dylan. He has covered VM often and Astral Weeks is one that he pulls out at solo shows. His performance of this last night in Hartford was magnificent and really evoked a terrific response from the crowd.
No video allowed for either Glen or Eddie but Glen is changing up his setlists each night so you might be lucky to get it at one of the Beacon shows.
I implore anyone going to the upcoming Ed solo shows to get there early to catch Glen's set - he is a great songwriter and an amazing performer. They are also selling some Glen merch at the shows for anyone interested - two cds by his band The Frames (For the Birds and Setlist), a cd from his other band The Swell Season (Strict Joy) and also the Once DVD - you will not be disappointed with any of these and may just find yourself your new favourite performer
I think from the stories told last night and the collaboration between them that it's pretty clear that Glen and Ed are kindred spirits and I am stoked beyond words to be able to see both of them perform on the same stage.
Look closely at picture #5 in the photo gallery. In the back middle of the pic you can see youngster and I looking for our seats. I spotted youngster's green whalers shirt. It's definitely us.
I had a GREAT time last night.
"Becoming a Bruce fan is like hitting puberty as a musical fan. It's inevitable." - dcfaithful
"Becoming a Bruce fan is like hitting puberty as a musical fan. It's inevitable." - dcfaithful
Prior to the show, my husband had no idea who Glen Hansard is; after the show, he said Glen Hansard is by far the best opening act we have seen for PJ or Ed. He was great, the Van Morrison cover was amazing.