INCREDIBLE!!!!!!!!!Possibly the best show I have ever been too!!!!And not to take away from Eddie but Glen unplugging his guitar and stepping away from the mike to sing was amazing. Thanks guys!
That was awesome!!
EV Solo Boston 6/16/11
East Troy 9/3/11
East Troy 9/4/11
Amsterdam 6/26/12
Amsterdam 6/27/12
Wrigley Field 7/19-20/13
Worcester, MA 10/15/13
Worcester, MA 10/16/13
Hartford, CT 10/25/13
Seattle, WA 12/06/13
Denver, CO 10/22/14 Fenway 2016 #1
Fenway 2016 #2 Fenway 2018 #1 Fenway 2018 #2
What an AMAZING show last night. Thanks to the 10C for ridiculous seats (Orchestra left, row K).
Does anyone know what happened in the center orchestra seats, somewhere around row L or M? At one point I heard someone say something about kicking someone's ass, and then I saw ushers get involved. It was towards the end of the main set. Any idea what was going on??
Hey man. I was orchestra left-center, row K. Right at the aisle between left-center, and left. Fantastic seats!
What an AMAZING show last night. Thanks to the 10C for ridiculous seats (Orchestra left, row K).
Does anyone know what happened in the center orchestra seats, somewhere around row L or M? At one point I heard someone say something about kicking someone's ass, and then I saw ushers get involved. It was towards the end of the main set. Any idea what was going on??
Hey man. I was orchestra left-center, row K. Right at the aisle between left-center, and left. Fantastic seats!
Ah, so off the the left? Nice. We were seats 5 and 7 which were 3 and 4 in from the middle.
Bright eyed kid: "Wow Typo Man, you're the best!"
Typo Man: "Thanks kidz, but remembir, stay in skool!"
What a great show. Great seats (Orchestra Right-Center, row H). Immortality, Crazy Mary, Dead Man... the uke songs sounded better live than on the album (and I love the album). And Arc was something special to witness in person. The crowd was pretty good too.
NY 9/29/96; NJ 9/8/98; NY 9/10/98; NY 8/24/00; Mansfield 7/2/03; Mansfield 7/11/03; Boston 9/28/04 (VFC); Post-Letterman, NY 5/4/06; Boston 5/24/06; Boston 5/25/06; Mansfield 6/28/08; Mansfield 6/30/08; Boston 5/17/10; Dublin 6/22/10; Alpine Valley 9/3/11; Alpine Valley 9/4/11; Worcester 10/15/13; Worcester 10/16/13; Brooklyn 10/18/13; Philadelphia 4/29/16; Boston 8/5/16; Boston 8/7/16, Seattle 8/8/18, Seattle 8/10/18, Boston 9/2/18, Boston 9/4/18
Mike Watt featuring EV, NY 4/27/95; Three Fish w/JA, NY 7/11/96; Three Fish w/JA, NY 6/11/99; EV Solo, Boston 8/1/08, Tres Mts. w/JA & MM, Boston 3/27/11; EV Solo, Boston 6/16/11
By Dana Barbuto
The Patriot Ledger
Posted Jun 17, 2011 @ 03:03 PM
Gimmicky instruments, aside, it was all about Eddie Vedder’s voice, and there’s none other like it. His silky baritone was as smooth and cool as TD Garden ice and sounded better than ever.
Accompanied by two ukuleles, a mandolin, acoustic guitars and an electric guitar, the pure power of his voice flooded the sold-out Citi Performing Arts Center’s Wang Theatre Thursday, the second stop on Vedder’s solo tour in support of the just-released “Ukulele Songs.”
Opening with “Can’t Keep,” this performance was a stripped down Vedder, who, in between songs, was bantering with a chatty audience yelling out requests and chanting “Youk” when Vedder reached for the ukulele.
“How did you know that I named this one Kevin?” Vedder asked in jest about Red Sox third baseman Kevin Youkilis. Hoisting the instrument like a bat, Vedder took his stance, poised for a pitch as the audience collectively shifted gears to a “Boston Bruins” chant.
“I thought the season was over,” Vedder volleys back before acknowledging, “It’s an outstanding time to be in Boston ... I’m going to toast you guys later.” After Vedder wrapped “Crazy Mary” during the first encore he kept true to that promise. Popping the cork on a bottle of bubbly, he filled the cups of some lucky fans in the front row and toasted the Bruins’ Stanley Cup victory. “I’ll drink to anything, and I’ll definitely drink to that,” Vedder said, before offering his take into the psyche of Boston sports.
“Last year was a different year for your team ... This isn’t just a hockey story, it’s a life story – If they hadn’t gone through that stuff then they wouldn’t have figured out how to do what they just did,” Vedder said referencing last season’s disappointing playoff run.
Vedder opened the show with a selection of tunes from “Ukulele Songs” – “Sleeping By Myself,” “Without You, “More Than You Know,” “Goodbye,” and “Light Today.” The first Pearl Jam song on the docket was “Speed of Sound.” Vedder dedicated “Just Breathe” to all the great couples in the audience. He also played the PJ songs “I Am Mine,” “Around the Bend,” “Wishlist,” “Immortality,” and “Arc,” dedicated to the late Howard Zinn.
Playing a main set and two encores, Vedder mixed up the show with covers that included: Bruce Springsteen’s “Dead Man Walking” and “Open All Night;” the Everly Brothers’ “Sleepless Nights;” Jerry Hannan’s “Society.” He also performed three cuts with Glen Hansard, who opened the show.
An inspired “Porch” was the final Pearl Jam blast of the night. Vedder and Hansard wrapped the evening with “Hard Sun,” an Indio cover.
Throughout the nearly two-hour performance, Vedder’s energy was infectious. The ambiance intimate, with a edge, as Vedder’s jocular side came out to play. Even when he was off, he was on. “That’s a beautiful chord, it’s just not the right one,” Vedder offered when he flubbed the beginning of “Setting Forth.” Before he delivered a raucous “Rise,” Vedder switched instruments, again eliciting that “Youk” chant.
“Did you say ‘Youk?’” Vedder asked? “This is a mandolin you uncultured bastards.”
1. Waving Palms
2. Can't Keep (Pearl Jam song)
3. Sleeping By Myself
4. Without You
5. More Than You Know
6. Goodbye
7. Light Today
8. Dead Man Walking (Bruce Springsteen cover)
9. Speed of Sound (Pearl Jam song)
10. Just Breathe (Pearl Jam song)
11. Around the Bend
(Pearl Jam song)
12. I Am Mine (Pearl Jam song)
13. Setting Forth
14. No Ceiling
15. Guaranteed
16. Rise
17. Unthought Known (Pearl Jam song)
18. Immortality (Pearl Jam song)
19. Arc (Pearl Jam song) (For Howard Zinn)
20. Wishlist
(Pearl Jam song)
21. Open All Night (Bruce Springsteen cover)
22. Sleepless Nights (The Everly Brothers cover) (with Glen Hansard)
23. Society (Jerry Hannan cover) (with Glen Hansard)
24. Crazy Mary (Victoria Williams cover)
25. Porch (Pearl Jam song)
Encore 2:
26. Hard Sun (Indio cover) (with Glen Hansard)
Dana Barbuto may be reached at <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e -->.
READ MORE about this issue.
Copyright 2011 The Taunton Gazette. Some rights reserved
"This here's a REQUEST!"
EV intro to Chloe Dancer / Crown of Thorns
10/25/13 Hartford
“I know this song so well, I can smoke a cigarette, have a drink, brush my teeth, take a shit, and mow the lawn while singing it. But I'll only be doing a couple of those things during this version.”
Wow that was awesome. Nice crowd in the way back center balcony. A few of us Ten clobbers were up there. Suppose one of these years i'll get some up close action. My little baby girl got to hear Eddie sing in a great sounding venue, in utero! How cool is that. (Wife is a trooper.) If I don't make it to Wisconsin at least I caught this amazing performance. Ed totally called out the venue right away for being way too pricey! Great job singing crowd, wish the douches would shutup between songs.
1996: Toronto 1998: Barrie 2000: Montreal, Toronto, Auburn Hills 2003: Cleveland, Buffalo, Toronto, Montreal 2004: Boston X2, Grand Rapids 2005: Kitchener, London, Hamilton, Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto 2006: Toronto X2 2009: Toronto 2011: PJ20, Montreal, Toronto X2, Hamilton 2012: Manchester X2, Amsterdam X2, Prague, Berlin X2, Philadelphia, Missoula 2013: Pittsburg, Buffalo 2014: Milan, Trieste, Vienna, Berlin, Stockholm, Oslo, Detroit 2016: Ottawa, Toronto X2 2018: Padova, Rome, Prague, Krakow, Berlin, Barcelona
2022: Ottawa, Hamilton, Toronto 2023: Chicago X2 2024: New York X2
Thank you, Eddie, for an AMAZING night! Being able to hear and see Eddie Vedder live was an experience that cannot be matched. FANTASTIC! This was my first live show and was more than worth my solo drive from the mid-coast area of Maine to partake in what is certainly a gift from God. And, even though I'm a Yankee fan, Boston now holds a memory for me that will remain in my heart as (quite possibly) the best night of my life
Makes much more sense to live in the present tense....
Vedder-Boston 6/16/2011
Pearl Jam~Worcester, MA 10/15/2013
Pearl Jam~Fenway Park 8/07/2016
Thank you, Eddie, for an AMAZING night! Being able to hear and see Eddie Vedder live was an experience that cannot be matched. FANTASTIC! This was my first live show and was more than worth my solo drive from the mid-coast area of Maine to partake in what is certainly a gift from God. And, even though I'm a Yankee fan, Boston now holds a memory for me that will remain in my heart as (quite possibly) the best night of my life
the all uke opening songs i found to be a little slow in terms of building the energy, but still lovely of course. Loved Open All Night and wished we could all rock out to it more. Immortality was precious to me, as was Speed of Sound, which i'd sorta forgotten about, esp in the acoustic sense. Lovely. Glen Hansard was great too. Just love it, love how the magic is there every friggin time and the chills and goosebumps show up just when you're not quite sure they will again.
Here are pictures of the license plate shirt for those interested:
They were giving away the black Pearl Jam tote bag that is for sale in the goods section for free with merchandise purchases.
I didn't have great seats but it didn't matter at all. It was a wonderful night! It's hard to single out favorite songs in his set because the whole show was great but I really loved Sleeping by Myself, Crazy Mary, Immortality, and Unthought Known. I can't wait for tomorrow's show.
What an AMAZING show last night. Thanks to the 10C for ridiculous seats (Orchestra left, row K).
Does anyone know what happened in the center orchestra seats, somewhere around row L or M? At one point I heard someone say something about kicking someone's ass, and then I saw ushers get involved. It was towards the end of the main set. Any idea what was going on??
That all went down two rows in front of me. There was a group of 4-8 guys who were kinda annoying throughout the show; yelling a lot of dumb stuff between songs and occasionally during the songs, including Arc. Apparently this dude got fed up and screamed what you heard right in the face of one of the guys wearing a Lucic shirt right before Society. So of course we had to listen to them yell at each other from their seats for most of the song. Then somebody from that dude's area (possibly him or someone he was with) got an usher to talk the guys. It really could've been handled a lot better.
So thanks annoying guys for being annoying and screamy dude for solving nothing and ruining most of Society for those around this minor fiasco.
Hello all! I admit, I had a hand in this. Those 4 guys that were bothering people, I was the guy that confronted them. I'll admit that I 1) should have let it go or let the ushers handle it and 2) not been as aggressive towards them as I was, I was just so pissed that they were ruining the show for me, my girlfriend, and those around me.
Again, I'm sorry. I should have been more of an adult about the whole situation, and instead I acted out and said things that I'll guarantee got my message across in a very rough manor. All I can say in my defense is that after that they did shut up and I was thanked by 5-6 couples for doing something when I was walking out because these guys were THAT bad.
Again... I'm so sorry if my actions made this concert a bad experience for anyone. Believe me, this wasn't my fav either - and it was a great show!
That all went down two rows in front of me. There was a group of 4-8 guys who were kinda annoying throughout the show; yelling a lot of dumb stuff between songs and occasionally during the songs, including Arc. Apparently this dude got fed up and screamed what you heard right in the face of one of the guys wearing a Lucic shirt right before Society. So of course we had to listen to them yell at each other from their seats for most of the song. Then somebody from that dude's area (possibly him or someone he was with) got an usher to talk the guys. It really could've been handled a lot better.
So thanks annoying guys for being annoying and screamy dude for solving nothing and ruining most of Society for those around this minor fiasco.
Hello all! I admit, I had a hand in this. Those 4 guys that were bothering people, I was the guy that confronted them. I'll admit that I 1) should have let it go or let the ushers handle it and 2) not been as aggressive towards them as I was, I was just so pissed that they were ruining the show for me, my girlfriend, and those around me.
Again, I'm sorry. I should have been more of an adult about the whole situation, and instead I acted out and said things that I'll guarantee got my message across in a very rough manor. All I can say in my defense is that after that they did shut up and I was thanked by 5-6 couples for doing something when I was walking out because these guys were THAT bad.
Again... I'm so sorry if my actions made this concert a bad experience for anyone. Believe me, this wasn't my fav either - and it was a great show!
No sweat, man...those guys were definitely annoying. Probably would've been best to ask them nicely once, then get an usher if the problem persisted, but it's certainly trickier when you're in the moment. Safe to assume you didn't have any problems after the show?
10 Club seats were not too good. 18th row. Had some guy with an enormous head sitting in front of me.
But the show itself was wonderful. My favorites were Immortality, Unthought Known, Can't Keep, Crazy Mary, Arc & Sleepless Nights.
Ed got lots of standing ovations! He told us that Pearl Jam would play Boston next year. *fingers crossed that it actually happens*
Going to Hartford last show of this tour...have a 3rd row pit seat!
This was my third time seeing him in Boston and it was a great show. The highlight for me was Immortality and Eddie's Youklis batting stance. Ten Club seats were good also right orch row T. My ten club number is not that great so I was happy.
10 Club seats were not too good. 18th row. Had some guy with an enormous head sitting in front of me.
But the show itself was wonderful. My favorites were Immortality, Unthought Known, Can't Keep, Crazy Mary, Arc & Sleepless Nights.
Ed got lots of standing ovations! He told us that Pearl Jam would play Boston next year. *fingers crossed that it actually happens*
Going to Hartford last show of this tour...have a 3rd row pit seat!
That really stinks about the Boston seats - I'm hoping the 10C tickets for the Beacon shows are better then that.
-See the waves on distant shores, awaiting your arrival...
Stanhope, New Jersey 08-12-1992
Randall's Island, New York 09-28-1996
E. Rutherford, New Jersey 09-08-1998
Wantagh, New York 08-24-2000
New York, New York 07-09-2003
E. Rutherford, New Jersey 06-03-2006
New York, New York 05-21-2010
Brooklyn, New York 10-19-2013
New York, New York 05-01-2016 New York, New York 09-11-2022
10 Club seats were not too good. 18th row. Had some guy with an enormous head sitting in front of me.
But the show itself was wonderful. My favorites were Immortality, Unthought Known, Can't Keep, Crazy Mary, Arc & Sleepless Nights.
Ed got lots of standing ovations! He told us that Pearl Jam would play Boston next year. *fingers crossed that it actually happens*
Going to Hartford last show of this tour...have a 3rd row pit seat!
That really stinks about the Boston seats - I'm hoping the 10C tickets for the Beacon shows are better then that.
I don't really see anything about 18th row seats that is worth complaining about. Big heads aside...
Bright eyed kid: "Wow Typo Man, you're the best!"
Typo Man: "Thanks kidz, but remembir, stay in skool!"
That all went down two rows in front of me. There was a group of 4-8 guys who were kinda annoying throughout the show; yelling a lot of dumb stuff between songs and occasionally during the songs, including Arc. Apparently this dude got fed up and screamed what you heard right in the face of one of the guys wearing a Lucic shirt right before Society. So of course we had to listen to them yell at each other from their seats for most of the song. Then somebody from that dude's area (possibly him or someone he was with) got an usher to talk the guys. It really could've been handled a lot better.
So thanks annoying guys for being annoying and screamy dude for solving nothing and ruining most of Society for those around this minor fiasco.
Hello all! I admit, I had a hand in this. Those 4 guys that were bothering people, I was the guy that confronted them. I'll admit that I 1) should have let it go or let the ushers handle it and 2) not been as aggressive towards them as I was, I was just so pissed that they were ruining the show for me, my girlfriend, and those around me.
Again, I'm sorry. I should have been more of an adult about the whole situation, and instead I acted out and said things that I'll guarantee got my message across in a very rough manor. All I can say in my defense is that after that they did shut up and I was thanked by 5-6 couples for doing something when I was walking out because these guys were THAT bad.
Again... I'm so sorry if my actions made this concert a bad experience for anyone. Believe me, this wasn't my fav either - and it was a great show!
No sweat, man...those guys were definitely annoying. Probably would've been best to ask them nicely once, then get an usher if the problem persisted, but it's certainly trickier when you're in the moment. Safe to assume you didn't have any problems after the show?
No, no issues after the show. My girlfriend was worried, but I wasn't. And yeah, next time I'll just go straight to an usher - I learned my lesson!
That was awesome!!
East Troy 9/3/11
East Troy 9/4/11
Amsterdam 6/26/12
Amsterdam 6/27/12
Wrigley Field 7/19-20/13
Worcester, MA 10/15/13
Worcester, MA 10/16/13
Hartford, CT 10/25/13
Seattle, WA 12/06/13
Denver, CO 10/22/14
Fenway 2016 #1
Fenway 2016 #2
Fenway 2018 #1
Fenway 2018 #2
Hey man. I was orchestra left-center, row K. Right at the aisle between left-center, and left. Fantastic seats!
Eddie Vedder: 6/15/09 6/16/11
Outstanding review! Thanks for such a great recap. It's like being there again... and I especially like how you captured Arc.
Ah, so off the the left? Nice. We were seats 5 and 7 which were 3 and 4 in from the middle.
Typo Man: "Thanks kidz, but remembir, stay in skool!"
NY 9/29/96; NJ 9/8/98; NY 9/10/98; NY 8/24/00; Mansfield 7/2/03; Mansfield 7/11/03; Boston 9/28/04 (VFC); Post-Letterman, NY 5/4/06; Boston 5/24/06; Boston 5/25/06; Mansfield 6/28/08; Mansfield 6/30/08; Boston 5/17/10; Dublin 6/22/10; Alpine Valley 9/3/11; Alpine Valley 9/4/11; Worcester 10/15/13; Worcester 10/16/13; Brooklyn 10/18/13; Philadelphia 4/29/16; Boston 8/5/16; Boston 8/7/16, Seattle 8/8/18, Seattle 8/10/18, Boston 9/2/18, Boston 9/4/18
Mike Watt featuring EV, NY 4/27/95; Three Fish w/JA, NY 7/11/96; Three Fish w/JA, NY 6/11/99; EV Solo, Boston 8/1/08, Tres Mts. w/JA & MM, Boston 3/27/11; EV Solo, Boston 6/16/11
The Patriot Ledger
Posted Jun 17, 2011 @ 03:03 PM
Gimmicky instruments, aside, it was all about Eddie Vedder’s voice, and there’s none other like it. His silky baritone was as smooth and cool as TD Garden ice and sounded better than ever.
Accompanied by two ukuleles, a mandolin, acoustic guitars and an electric guitar, the pure power of his voice flooded the sold-out Citi Performing Arts Center’s Wang Theatre Thursday, the second stop on Vedder’s solo tour in support of the just-released “Ukulele Songs.”
Opening with “Can’t Keep,” this performance was a stripped down Vedder, who, in between songs, was bantering with a chatty audience yelling out requests and chanting “Youk” when Vedder reached for the ukulele.
“How did you know that I named this one Kevin?” Vedder asked in jest about Red Sox third baseman Kevin Youkilis. Hoisting the instrument like a bat, Vedder took his stance, poised for a pitch as the audience collectively shifted gears to a “Boston Bruins” chant.
“I thought the season was over,” Vedder volleys back before acknowledging, “It’s an outstanding time to be in Boston ... I’m going to toast you guys later.” After Vedder wrapped “Crazy Mary” during the first encore he kept true to that promise. Popping the cork on a bottle of bubbly, he filled the cups of some lucky fans in the front row and toasted the Bruins’ Stanley Cup victory. “I’ll drink to anything, and I’ll definitely drink to that,” Vedder said, before offering his take into the psyche of Boston sports.
“Last year was a different year for your team ... This isn’t just a hockey story, it’s a life story – If they hadn’t gone through that stuff then they wouldn’t have figured out how to do what they just did,” Vedder said referencing last season’s disappointing playoff run.
Vedder opened the show with a selection of tunes from “Ukulele Songs” – “Sleeping By Myself,” “Without You, “More Than You Know,” “Goodbye,” and “Light Today.” The first Pearl Jam song on the docket was “Speed of Sound.” Vedder dedicated “Just Breathe” to all the great couples in the audience. He also played the PJ songs “I Am Mine,” “Around the Bend,” “Wishlist,” “Immortality,” and “Arc,” dedicated to the late Howard Zinn.
Playing a main set and two encores, Vedder mixed up the show with covers that included: Bruce Springsteen’s “Dead Man Walking” and “Open All Night;” the Everly Brothers’ “Sleepless Nights;” Jerry Hannan’s “Society.” He also performed three cuts with Glen Hansard, who opened the show.
An inspired “Porch” was the final Pearl Jam blast of the night. Vedder and Hansard wrapped the evening with “Hard Sun,” an Indio cover.
Throughout the nearly two-hour performance, Vedder’s energy was infectious. The ambiance intimate, with a edge, as Vedder’s jocular side came out to play. Even when he was off, he was on. “That’s a beautiful chord, it’s just not the right one,” Vedder offered when he flubbed the beginning of “Setting Forth.” Before he delivered a raucous “Rise,” Vedder switched instruments, again eliciting that “Youk” chant.
“Did you say ‘Youk?’” Vedder asked? “This is a mandolin you uncultured bastards.”
1. Waving Palms
2. Can't Keep (Pearl Jam song)
3. Sleeping By Myself
4. Without You
5. More Than You Know
6. Goodbye
7. Light Today
8. Dead Man Walking (Bruce Springsteen cover)
9. Speed of Sound (Pearl Jam song)
10. Just Breathe (Pearl Jam song)
11. Around the Bend
(Pearl Jam song)
12. I Am Mine (Pearl Jam song)
13. Setting Forth
14. No Ceiling
15. Guaranteed
16. Rise
17. Unthought Known (Pearl Jam song)
18. Immortality (Pearl Jam song)
19. Arc (Pearl Jam song) (For Howard Zinn)
20. Wishlist
(Pearl Jam song)
21. Open All Night (Bruce Springsteen cover)
22. Sleepless Nights (The Everly Brothers cover) (with Glen Hansard)
23. Society (Jerry Hannan cover) (with Glen Hansard)
24. Crazy Mary (Victoria Williams cover)
25. Porch (Pearl Jam song)
Encore 2:
26. Hard Sun (Indio cover) (with Glen Hansard)
Dana Barbuto may be reached at <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e -->.
READ MORE about this issue.
Copyright 2011 The Taunton Gazette. Some rights reserved
EV intro to Chloe Dancer / Crown of Thorns
10/25/13 Hartford
oh, Dana :(
EV - 5
(**Letterman'02, Irving Plaza, Storytellers, Beacon, ACL, Spectrum 3&4, Bridge School '10**)
"Constant recoil,..sometimes life don't leave you alone."
Let's connect on twitter - @Jeffgorra
That's so cool!!!
1998: Barrie
2000: Montreal, Toronto, Auburn Hills
2003: Cleveland, Buffalo, Toronto, Montreal
2004: Boston X2, Grand Rapids
2005: Kitchener, London, Hamilton, Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto
2006: Toronto X2
2009: Toronto
2011: PJ20, Montreal, Toronto X2, Hamilton
2012: Manchester X2, Amsterdam X2, Prague, Berlin X2, Philadelphia, Missoula
2013: Pittsburg, Buffalo
2014: Milan, Trieste, Vienna, Berlin, Stockholm, Oslo, Detroit
2016: Ottawa, Toronto X2
2018: Padova, Rome, Prague, Krakow, Berlin, Barcelona
2023: Chicago X2
2024: New York X2
Vedder-Boston 6/16/2011
Pearl Jam~Worcester, MA 10/15/2013
Pearl Jam~Fenway Park 8/07/2016
Woot woot! Great first post!!!
the all uke opening songs i found to be a little slow in terms of building the energy, but still lovely of course. Loved Open All Night and wished we could all rock out to it more. Immortality was precious to me, as was Speed of Sound, which i'd sorta forgotten about, esp in the acoustic sense. Lovely. Glen Hansard was great too. Just love it, love how the magic is there every friggin time and the chills and goosebumps show up just when you're not quite sure they will again.
They were giving away the black Pearl Jam tote bag that is for sale in the goods section for free with merchandise purchases.
I didn't have great seats but it didn't matter at all. It was a wonderful night! It's hard to single out favorite songs in his set because the whole show was great but I really loved Sleeping by Myself, Crazy Mary, Immortality, and Unthought Known. I can't wait for tomorrow's show.
Hello all! I admit, I had a hand in this. Those 4 guys that were bothering people, I was the guy that confronted them. I'll admit that I 1) should have let it go or let the ushers handle it and 2) not been as aggressive towards them as I was, I was just so pissed that they were ruining the show for me, my girlfriend, and those around me.
Again, I'm sorry. I should have been more of an adult about the whole situation, and instead I acted out and said things that I'll guarantee got my message across in a very rough manor. All I can say in my defense is that after that they did shut up and I was thanked by 5-6 couples for doing something when I was walking out because these guys were THAT bad.
Again... I'm so sorry if my actions made this concert a bad experience for anyone. Believe me, this wasn't my fav either - and it was a great show!
No sweat, man...those guys were definitely annoying. Probably would've been best to ask them nicely once, then get an usher if the problem persisted, but it's certainly trickier when you're in the moment. Safe to assume you didn't have any problems after the show?
But the show itself was wonderful. My favorites were Immortality, Unthought Known, Can't Keep, Crazy Mary, Arc & Sleepless Nights.
Ed got lots of standing ovations! He told us that Pearl Jam would play Boston next year. *fingers crossed that it actually happens*
Going to Hartford last show of this tour...have a 3rd row pit seat!
Tres Mts. 3/27/11
EV Solo:Providence 6/15/11 Boston 6/16/11 Hartford 6/18/11
PJ20 9/3/11-9/4/11
Concert Wishlist: I am Mine, Marker in the Sand, Parachutes, In Hiding, All Those Yesterdays, I Got Shit, Long Road, Light Years
That really stinks about the Boston seats - I'm hoping the 10C tickets for the Beacon shows are better then that.
Stanhope, New Jersey 08-12-1992
Randall's Island, New York 09-28-1996
E. Rutherford, New Jersey 09-08-1998
Wantagh, New York 08-24-2000
New York, New York 07-09-2003
E. Rutherford, New Jersey 06-03-2006
New York, New York 05-21-2010
Brooklyn, New York 10-19-2013
New York, New York 05-01-2016
New York, New York 09-11-2022
I don't really see anything about 18th row seats that is worth complaining about. Big heads aside...
Typo Man: "Thanks kidz, but remembir, stay in skool!"
No, no issues after the show. My girlfriend was worried, but I wasn't. And yeah, next time I'll just go straight to an usher - I learned my lesson!
and probably 17% of us actually recognized that fact
since the crowd is probably non sox fans or pink hats
I loved that... and he even stuck his butt out as far as Youk. Classic.
if you watch the stage lights... the crowd is supposed to stand for the song
only unlost dogs seemed to figure out that fact
somehow i picked up on it in Providence... as the song builds the lights slowly come up on the crowd
and you're supposed to get up
i was sort of annoyed boston stayed seated... but they also didn't prompt us with the lights as much