Any reason why you don't plan on seeing them again?
a few. i don't feel like driving as far as i have to whenever they play out this way. it's normally just a few hours, but i just don't want to do it anymore. i'm not digging the new stuff as much. i don't mean that i don't like it, it just doesn't do it for me like it used to. seems they slipped a bit on everything since yield. also, the last show i went to seemed like the setlist was written specifically for me. every song i wanted to hear was played, except for one. why not end it with a fantastic show, you know? basically, i don't hate the band, i still dig 'em. i've just had my fill of live shows. unless, of course, they decide to play my hometown. that's the only way i'd see them live again.
I know this won't happen, but kind of like an AIC thing, or Blind Melon. If it was still Mike,Jeff,Matt, and Stone.. but a new singer would take his place. Id have to say no, you can't replace Ed.
Why the fuck would you even suggest that? PJ is the sum of all of the parts (5 against 1 (plus Boom)).
"If you're not living on the edge you're taking up too much room."
Gambling=a taxation on stupidity.
Remember, you can walk anywhere, as long as you have the time.
And "Bayleaf"is an awesome album, but I can't compare because I still haven't gotten around to listen to "Into the Wild" I keep forgetting that I have the MP3's in my computer. ooooooooooo I'm a bad Eddie Vedder fan, aren't I?
Shit,are you kidding me, please please play itw, it will seriously blow your ffucking mind
pearljam would be no more without ev
1:Black 2:Corduroy 3:All Those Yesterdays 4:I Got ID 5:Smile
They can buy but cant put on my clothes
Throw down my ace in the hole~~~~~~
Let's go for three in a row, no sorry i can't think of anything thats not funny. - Paul Merton
I think you have a lot of false assumptions laden throughout what you just said.
Individually, none of them are as good as they are as a band. Not even Ed. I would much rather see a Pearl Jam show over an Eddie Vedder show, or a Brad show, or a Flight To Mars show, or a Green River show. Pearl Jam as a whole hits on something that none of them had ever hit on before without the dynamic that is Pearl Jam today.
I'm not picking a fight, but what false assumptions are laden through my post? Your post seems to agree with much of what I said. Outside of my opinions that you echoed, my other points were:
1)Most people outside of the hardcore fans consider Eddie to "be" Pearl Jam.
2)Alot of people, hardcore fans included, consider Ed to be the "main ingredient" of Pearl Jams' success.
3)Most people don't understand how much of the PJ songs are co-authored within the group.
4)My OPINION is that "Bayleaf" is superior to "Into the Wild", but that is simply my interpretation of two pieces of art.
5)Stone and Jeff had success in 2 bands prior to Eddie joining PJ.
6)Most people DON'T listen to the actual instrumentation while listening to music. They hear vocals, melody, and a beat. Don't believe me? Look at your average putz driving down the highway listening to tunes, and tell me if they could point out the rythm guitar or bass playing. Most couldn't, and you KNOW this.
I'm just confused as to what I said that was so incorrect. I'm honestly interested in your opinion, not being an ass about it.
I wouldn't see them without Ed, I also wouldn't see them without Jeff, Stone, or Mike
"If my thoughts, dreams, could be seen, they'd probably put my head, in a guillotine, but it's alright ma, it's life and life only."
everybody knows this is nowhere Posts: 7,645
What makes Pearl Jam unique is that when those five guys play together they only sound like Pearl Jam.
Green River, Mother Love Bone, Bad Radio, Three Fish, Brad, The Rockfords, 'Bayleaf', 'Into The Wild'... they all sound very different from each other. There is no way that any of these bands could record any of the others' music.
If any of the guys left the band, it would be the end of Pearl Jam. They could all go and do separate things (Stone and Jeff would probably stick together though) but they couldn't, and wouldn't, sound like Pearl Jam.
The question should, therefore, be:
"If Pearl Jam split up, would you go to see any of the guys in their new bands?"
Personally, I would, although I pray the day will never come. I support all of the guys in the band and I have all of the side project stuff so it would be interesting to see how it worked out for them. It would tear me up that I couldn't see Pearl Jam again but surely the individuals are the next best thing?
“Do not postpone happiness”
(Jeff Tweedy, Sydney 2007)
a few. i don't feel like driving as far as i have to whenever they play out this way. it's normally just a few hours, but i just don't want to do it anymore. i'm not digging the new stuff as much. i don't mean that i don't like it, it just doesn't do it for me like it used to. seems they slipped a bit on everything since yield. also, the last show i went to seemed like the setlist was written specifically for me. every song i wanted to hear was played, except for one. why not end it with a fantastic show, you know? basically, i don't hate the band, i still dig 'em. i've just had my fill of live shows. unless, of course, they decide to play my hometown. that's the only way i'd see them live again.
Fair enough. I'm guessing you live somewhere in the South or Midwest? As far as the music and the direction it's taken...I think the edition of Matt as a songwriter himself...has changed the direction/complection of their writing stlye...especially the music itself.
I'm not sure it's a bad thing...just different. If they come to your hometown on the 2009 tour I hope you have another great excperience...and I hope the new album brings you back the "old days".
"Had my eyes peeled both wide open, and I got a glimpse...of my innocense, got back my inner sence, baby got it...still got it"
It's not that I love the BAND Pearl Jam, I like the musicians. If Eddie left, I would listen to his new work (or he would go Beefheart on us and make some paintings, we all remember Iconoclast with Laird).
Out of curiosity I would listen to Pearl Jam, and depending on the singer I would be open minded to it. They would still have the best guitarist, drummer, bassist and keyboardist in their band.
It's okay, It's okay
You don't have to run and hide away
It's okay, it's okay
I love you anyway
2007: Pearl Jam concert in Düsseldorf (21. June)
2007: Chris Cornell concert in Kristiansand (2. July)
2007: The Who concert in Kristiansand (4. July)
It's not that I love the BAND Pearl Jam, I like the musicians. If Eddie left, I would listen to his new work (or he would go Beefheart on us and make some paintings, we all remember Iconoclast with Laird).
Out of curiosity I would listen to Pearl Jam, and depending on the singer I would be open minded to it. They would still have the best guitarist, drummer, bassist and keyboardist in their band.
So you would listen to another singer singing Ed's lyrics under the name Pearl Jam?
But again this is just assinine to think the guys would go on without Eddie Vedder. The guys in Pearl Jam are a classy bunch, the only reason to continue would be money related. They all would go do there own thing.
I know this won't happen, but kind of like an AIC thing, or Blind Melon. If it was still Mike,Jeff,Matt, and Stone.. but a new singer would take his place. Id have to say no, you can't replace Ed.
I'm sure we all have our individual opinions about Blind Melon - of which I personally was a fan. All I can say - without really saying anything much- is - I am a FULL BAND Pearl Jam Fan. I always have been. I really can't imagine anything beyond that.
The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated - Gandhi
"Empty pockets will Allow a greater Sense of wealth...." EV/ITW
They're not called Mother Love Bone anymore and they wouldn't be Pearl Jam either...If they did keep their name, then it would be purely for commercial reasons.
As individuals they have so much going on. I think they would go under a different name or split to do something on their own. If (by chance) they toured as Pearl Jam, I would have to support them.
Thank you fellow 10 clubber for saving my ass....again!!!
Unfortunately, I think most people wouldn't. As a fan since "Ten", I always figured if the band lasted "long enough", then people would start to see that the band is much more than just Eddie Vedder. Hasn't happened yet, and I doubt it ever will. People don't seem to realise that most of the bands' songs are a collaberative effort. Eddie is one of the greatest "front-men" in rock history, but it's sad how the other guys are so unappreciated.
Stone and Jeff had a long history of musical success without Eddie, but can the same be said in reverse? Bad Radio? Please! Eddies vocals didn't mean squat in a sub-par band. "Into the Wild" had some great moments, but nothing compared to a PJ record. I know I'm in the minority, but I think "Bayleaf" by Gossard is FAR better than "Into the Wild".
At the end of the day, most people just listen to the melody and the vocals, and have no true appreciation for creative musicianship. Would Pearl Jam be "as good" without Eddie? Probably not. Would they still be amazing? Yes.
I agree with everything you said except the first part. I still think most of *us* would go see them. Would the casual Alive/Betterman/Daughter fan? Probably not. Us hardcores? I bet most of us would. We have too much history with these guys. I guarantee most of us would still want to see Matt/Stone/Jeff/Mike/Random Guy.
Bright eyed kid: "Wow Typo Man, you're the best!"
Typo Man: "Thanks kidz, but remembir, stay in skool!"
Can we please not jinx PJ.
In my happy world they continue on until I die in 50 years or so.
I am reluctant to like any new bands since they all break up it seems.
Montreal/98, Toronto/00'03'05'06x2, Brad Toronto/02, Buffalo/03, Kitchener/05, London/05, Hamilton/05, Late Show Taping/06, Cleveland/06, Pittsburgh/06, Bridge School Benefit Concert/06, Hartford/08, Mansfield 1/08, EV Montreal/08x2, EV Toronto/08x2...
Fair enough. I'm guessing you live somewhere in the South or Midwest? As far as the music and the direction it's taken...I think the edition of Matt as a songwriter himself...has changed the direction/complection of their writing stlye...especially the music itself.
I'm not sure it's a bad thing...just different. If they come to your hometown on the 2009 tour I hope you have another great excperience...and I hope the new album brings you back the "old days".
nah, i live in the northeast. it's just that over the years i've gotten sick of driving more than 2-3 hours at a time, plus my back has been getting worse every year, so sitting in a car for extended periods of time really aggrivate it. also, i haven't left the scene, i'm still around. i just gave up on the shows, that's all. like i said, if they play my hometown, i'll be there. but that's the only way. unless i'm on vacation somewhere and they happen to be playing while i'm there.
I just don't understand that... if they came to your home town you wouldn't see them???//
scroll back, i've already explained it. and calm down. it's not like it's the end of the world because i don't have the urge to go to one of their shows anymore. christ, it frees up a ticket for someone that maybe never got a chance before.
Pearl Jam wouldn't be Pearl Jam w/out Eddie
and yes...BOOM
Wait, are you implying that Pearl Jam isn't Pearl Jam without Boom? I don't think losing Boom would have any impact on them being a band.
...a lover and a fighter.
"I'm at least half a bum" Rocky Balboa
Edmonton, AB. September 5th, 2005
Vancouver, BC. April 3rd, 2008
Calgary,AB. August 8th, 2009
a few. i don't feel like driving as far as i have to whenever they play out this way. it's normally just a few hours, but i just don't want to do it anymore. i'm not digging the new stuff as much. i don't mean that i don't like it, it just doesn't do it for me like it used to. seems they slipped a bit on everything since yield. also, the last show i went to seemed like the setlist was written specifically for me. every song i wanted to hear was played, except for one. why not end it with a fantastic show, you know? basically, i don't hate the band, i still dig 'em. i've just had my fill of live shows. unless, of course, they decide to play my hometown. that's the only way i'd see them live again.
Why the fuck would you even suggest that? PJ is the sum of all of the parts (5 against 1 (plus Boom)).
Gambling=a taxation on stupidity.
Remember, you can walk anywhere, as long as you have the time.
Shit,are you kidding me, please please play itw, it will seriously blow your ffucking mind
pearljam would be no more without ev
They can buy but cant put on my clothes
Throw down my ace in the hole~~~~~~
Let's go for three in a row, no sorry i can't think of anything thats not funny. - Paul Merton
I'm not picking a fight, but what false assumptions are laden through my post? Your post seems to agree with much of what I said. Outside of my opinions that you echoed, my other points were:
1)Most people outside of the hardcore fans consider Eddie to "be" Pearl Jam.
2)Alot of people, hardcore fans included, consider Ed to be the "main ingredient" of Pearl Jams' success.
3)Most people don't understand how much of the PJ songs are co-authored within the group.
4)My OPINION is that "Bayleaf" is superior to "Into the Wild", but that is simply my interpretation of two pieces of art.
5)Stone and Jeff had success in 2 bands prior to Eddie joining PJ.
6)Most people DON'T listen to the actual instrumentation while listening to music. They hear vocals, melody, and a beat. Don't believe me? Look at your average putz driving down the highway listening to tunes, and tell me if they could point out the rythm guitar or bass playing. Most couldn't, and you KNOW this.
I'm just confused as to what I said that was so incorrect. I'm honestly interested in your opinion, not being an ass about it.
Green River, Mother Love Bone, Bad Radio, Three Fish, Brad, The Rockfords, 'Bayleaf', 'Into The Wild'... they all sound very different from each other. There is no way that any of these bands could record any of the others' music.
If any of the guys left the band, it would be the end of Pearl Jam. They could all go and do separate things (Stone and Jeff would probably stick together though) but they couldn't, and wouldn't, sound like Pearl Jam.
The question should, therefore, be:
"If Pearl Jam split up, would you go to see any of the guys in their new bands?"
Personally, I would, although I pray the day will never come. I support all of the guys in the band and I have all of the side project stuff so it would be interesting to see how it worked out for them. It would tear me up that I couldn't see Pearl Jam again but surely the individuals are the next best thing?
(Jeff Tweedy, Sydney 2007)
“Put yer good money on the sunrise”
(Tim Rogers)
Then it would be called Temple of the Dog playing PJ covers.
Fair enough. I'm guessing you live somewhere in the South or Midwest? As far as the music and the direction it's taken...I think the edition of Matt as a songwriter himself...has changed the direction/complection of their writing stlye...especially the music itself.
I'm not sure it's a bad thing...just different. If they come to your hometown on the 2009 tour I hope you have another great excperience...and I hope the new album brings you back the "old days".
Out of curiosity I would listen to Pearl Jam, and depending on the singer I would be open minded to it. They would still have the best guitarist, drummer, bassist and keyboardist in their band.
You don't have to run and hide away
It's okay, it's okay
I love you anyway
2007: Pearl Jam concert in Düsseldorf (21. June)
2007: Chris Cornell concert in Kristiansand (2. July)
2007: The Who concert in Kristiansand (4. July)
So you would listen to another singer singing Ed's lyrics under the name Pearl Jam?
But again this is just assinine to think the guys would go on without Eddie Vedder. The guys in Pearl Jam are a classy bunch, the only reason to continue would be money related. They all would go do there own thing.
what? why the fuck would you say that?
I just don't understand that... if they came to your home town you wouldn't see them???//
if they weren't a follow-up, then i wouldn't go.
I'm sure we all have our individual opinions about Blind Melon - of which I personally was a fan. All I can say - without really saying anything much- is - I am a FULL BAND Pearl Jam Fan. I always have been. I really can't imagine anything beyond that.
"Empty pockets will Allow a greater Sense of wealth...." EV/ITW
Mihi cura futuri.
The elements they speak to me.
so cute they are
And I'm Veronica Corningstone, Tits McGee is off tonight...
mike not Pearl Jam
(never mind matt
kinakamot ang aking puwit...
me rascando pompis...
krap mijn reet...
boku no ketsuoana o kizu...
bahrosh teezy...
06-Prague, Berlin, Vienna, Zagreb
08-NYC I/II, Hartford, Mansfield I/II
I agree with everything you said except the first part. I still think most of *us* would go see them. Would the casual Alive/Betterman/Daughter fan? Probably not. Us hardcores? I bet most of us would. We have too much history with these guys. I guarantee most of us would still want to see Matt/Stone/Jeff/Mike/Random Guy.
Typo Man: "Thanks kidz, but remembir, stay in skool!"
In my happy world they continue on until I die in 50 years or so.
I am reluctant to like any new bands since they all break up it seems.
Montreal/98, Toronto/00'03'05'06x2, Brad Toronto/02, Buffalo/03, Kitchener/05, London/05, Hamilton/05, Late Show Taping/06, Cleveland/06, Pittsburgh/06, Bridge School Benefit Concert/06, Hartford/08, Mansfield 1/08, EV Montreal/08x2, EV Toronto/08x2...
nah, i live in the northeast. it's just that over the years i've gotten sick of driving more than 2-3 hours at a time, plus my back has been getting worse every year, so sitting in a car for extended periods of time really aggrivate it. also, i haven't left the scene, i'm still around. i just gave up on the shows, that's all. like i said, if they play my hometown, i'll be there. but that's the only way. unless i'm on vacation somewhere and they happen to be playing while i'm there.
scroll back, i've already explained it. and calm down. it's not like it's the end of the world because i don't have the urge to go to one of their shows anymore. christ, it frees up a ticket for someone that maybe never got a chance before.