Why do male doctors treat women like it's all in our head?



  • _ wrote:
    Just curious, but do you also think straight men should only see straight doctors, women should only see female doctors of the same sexual orientation, etc?

    Not necessarily. Whether I like it or not, about 95-98% of the people out there are straight and their health issues are probably going to be front and center not only in medical school but just in general society.

    Without trying to get more graphic than would be appropriate on the Pearl Jam forum, I can't imagine a straight doctor giving all his gay male patients paps because he's heard of a local uptick in HPV and I can't imagine a gay patient telling a straight doctor that he was going on a cruise and the straight doctor saying something like "then we better make sure your hep vaccine is up to date if you want to get in the hot tub."

    And before I start to describe anterior sphincter repair therapy... I hope I've made my point.

    Wow! You clearly need to broaden your horizions. I think MLK and other civil rights leaders that fought so hard to get every individual their rights are spinning in their proverbial graves.

    First - 95% are straight? Really? I think GLAAD would be shocked to hear that statistic.

    ALL straight doctors don't know when to give a vaccination? What do they do when someone goes to a foreign country that requires special shots that they've never been to? Do they send their patient to a doctor in that country?

    This is also why the title of this thread is bothersome. Whenever you lump a group of people together, you are guaranteed to be wrong. This is not about male-female or gay-straight. It's about finding a doctor that is well educated, willing to listen and able to give appropriate advice, even if it is - I don't know, I suggest you see another doctor.
    Sorry. The world doesn't work the way you tell it to.
  • Wow! You clearly need to broaden your horizions. I think MLK and other civil rights leaders that fought so hard to get every individual their rights are spinning in their proverbial graves.

    Yeah. Because what Martin Luther King fought hardest for was for gay men to be routinely screened for things that are generally found in gay men but not straight men.
    First - 95% are straight? Really? I think GLAAD would be shocked to hear that statistic.

    Well, no. The recent census puts the number at 97%. I was just being optimistic.
    ALL straight doctors don't know when to give a vaccination?

    Where did I say that?

    I always find it odd the way that the second that straight men think they're being left out of something, they lose their shit. (I'm just making an assumption, you might not be male or straight.) When I say that I think gay men should have gay doctors, suddenly the straight guys all go into a panic and start to go on about Martin Luther King and civil rights.
  • JeanwahJeanwah Posts: 6,363
    StillHere wrote:
    My new doctor, and an American Heart Association article, is where I saw/heard that it tends to be male doctor's..but I know it can be female doctor's too (like the doctor that killed my mother)..My Godsister is becoming a doctor, and I keep telling her don't you be like that too!

    It makes sense tho, to find the doctor most like you in some instances. At the same time, "most like me" would mean young, and I deffo didn't want someone fresh out of medical school. This new doc, I was actually searching for a few hours online and after I saw it was 2am, and feeling exhausted, I just picked her cos I wanted to go to sleep..Not the smartest way to pick a doctor..thankfully I got lucky LoL..I found this site online called healthgrades.com..I found her on there after seeing her, and I wasn't surprised to see she had 5 stars for everything listed there..I checked some of the others I was thinking of seeing, just to see how they compared, and wow..one in particular that I thought she looked like a total bitch in her photo, got only 1 star for everything listed LoL..boy did I call that one dead on!

    Jeanwah, I'm so sorry for you and your husband's loss. I've been thinking of just going to the hospital ahead of my appt cos it has been getting consistently worse..and the breathing is getting weird..I have to consistently remember to breathe cos I keep just stopping, without realising until I'm suddenly gasping for air...and other times it will feel like the wind just got knocked out of me..I'm hoping it's not serious, but I definately need to take it serious with my heart condition, and with my dad's family history of heart disease..My dad says to wait for my appt..I dunno...

    just my 2 cents, but IMO is surely sounds like you should not be waiting. go get help now, please.

    I agree!!! Flutter girl, please don't wait til your appt. And when you do see someone, ask for a chest x-ray. It turns out that my husband's aunt had an embolism in her lungs which caused her shortness of breath. She was failed by her doctor and the system, when she could have been saved. Don't wait on this, and good luck!
  • Wow! You clearly need to broaden your horizions. I think MLK and other civil rights leaders that fought so hard to get every individual their rights are spinning in their proverbial graves.

    Yeah. Because what Martin Luther King fought hardest for was for gay men to be routinely screened for things that are generally found in gay men but not straight men.
    First - 95% are straight? Really? I think GLAAD would be shocked to hear that statistic.

    Well, no. The recent census puts the number at 97%. I was just being optimistic.
    ALL straight doctors don't know when to give a vaccination?

    Where did I say that?

    I always find it odd the way that the second that straight men think they're being left out of something, they lose their shit. (I'm just making an assumption, you might not be male or straight.) When I say that I think gay men should have gay doctors, suddenly the straight guys all go into a panic and start to go on about Martin Luther King and civil rights.

    Hey, I'm not going to fight with you. A) The MLK reference was a general reference to a well known activist that achieved greater equality for everyone. B) 97%? I guess I am misinformed. C) You did site that a doctor would not know to give you a vaccination if you went on a cruise. Thus, you are saying they don't know when to give a vaccination. D) I don't care who you go to. I am not feeling excluded. I'm not a doctor, so how would I be excluded if you go to any kind of doctor? Doesn't affect me one iota.

    All I am saying as a matter of general advice, people (I am not referring to you - I'm referring to everyone else) should find a good doctor and he or she may or may not be exactly like themselves.
    Sorry. The world doesn't work the way you tell it to.
  • Even better, when he sticks his finger up my asshole, I can bill Blue Shield.

    I agree with you bout choosing a gay doctor. A straight doctor could be the most thorough and educated doctor on the planet, but it doesn't mean he understands. And in some cases, it is best to find a doc who understands. If I could find a Gypsy doctor, I would switch, even with as much as I like my new doc, there is a lot to my culture and our marhime laws that she can learn, but won't fully get.

    I'm not so sure about going to the ER now..last night my symptoms all just suddenly stopped, not tapering off slowly, just stopped cold. After a couple months of this (tho only about a week and a half of the pressure and pain around my heart). This morning it was back slightly, and right now, it's stopped again. I'm confused. :|

    Edson - he can fine me all he wants for not having insurance. I have zero income at this moment and am technically considered homeless cos I don't have a home in my name and don't pay rent (the house I live in is in probate still..it can take up to a year before it's in my name..)..so fines won't do him a bit of good LoL..I feel bad for seniors..their cost is higher- $700 a month..It's assinine.
  • Even better, when he sticks his finger up my asshole, I can bill Blue Shield.

    I agree with you bout choosing a gay doctor. A straight doctor could be the most thorough and educated doctor on the planet, but it doesn't mean he understands. And in some cases, it is best to find a doc who understands. If I could find a Gypsy doctor, I would switch, even with as much as I like my new doc, there is a lot to my culture and our marhime laws that she can learn, but won't fully get.

    I'm not so sure about going to the ER now..last night my symptoms all just suddenly stopped, not tapering off slowly, just stopped cold. After a couple months of this (tho only about a week and a half of the pressure and pain around my heart). This morning it was back slightly, and right now, it's stopped again. I'm confused. :|

    Edson - he can fine me all he wants for not having insurance. I have zero income at this moment and am technically considered homeless cos I don't have a home in my name and don't pay rent (the house I live in is in probate still..it can take up to a year before it's in my name..)..so fines won't do him a bit of good LoL..I feel bad for seniors..their cost is higher- $700 a month..It's assinine.

    Did you have a stress test done? You need to find the solution. I understand you "can't afford it" financially. But, you can't not afford it. You need to find out what the issue is. Is there a clinic in your area that perhaps you can go to? Perhaps there's a cardiologist that does indigent care (sorry, doesn't sound great, but that's the terminology). This is not a question of if - you NEED to get it diagnosed. A stress test can cost anywhere from $300 to $1,500 depending on where you live and the version done (nuclear, dye/no dye, straight stress, etc.). You can even explain your situation to the cardiologist and perhaps he can set up a payment plan on a low rate. You could even try a radiologist that has a cardiologist just read the results. Whatever. There are good doctors out there that will take your financial situation into consideration.

    Do you qualify for Medicaid? There is help out there. You need to find it before it's too late.
    Sorry. The world doesn't work the way you tell it to.
  • I was going to a free clinic before till that asshole Charlie Crist cut funding, and the new asshole Rick Scott hasn't re-added the funding.
    I can check around tho..And don't worry bout the name of it, I'm used to that one already LoL..the only time I got embarrassed or bothered by that kind of thing was when this obnoxious clerk at that free clinic loudly asked if I was homeless at the front desk (tryna get me to pay to see the doctor) in front of a packed room and I had to say yes.

    I qualify for medicaid, but the problem with it is unless you have enough proof to satisfy them of your disability, you ain't gettin it. Medicaid denies more often than private health care. Both for getting on it, and then for getting any treatments..

    But yea, I am going to look around. Maybe I will just go to the ER after all, the county hospital..Cos I have a Jackson card so it's $60 to get seen..I'd have to just ignore the bill they send later till I can afford to pay it..
  • mikalinamikalina Posts: 7,206
    Don't be afraid to switch doctors if you have to. There are plenty of wonderful/caring doctors out there both male and female.... good luck to you. :D
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  • __ Posts: 6,651
    _ wrote:
    Just curious, but do you also think straight men should only see straight doctors, women should only see female doctors of the same sexual orientation, etc?

    Not necessarily. Whether I like it or not, about 95-98% of the people out there are straight and their health issues are probably going to be front and center not only in medical school but just in general society.

    Without trying to get more graphic than would be appropriate on the Pearl Jam forum, I can't imagine a straight doctor giving all his gay male patients paps because he's heard of a local uptick in HPV and I can't imagine a gay patient telling a straight doctor that he was going on a cruise and the straight doctor saying something like "then we better make sure your hep vaccine is up to date if you want to get in the hot tub."

    And before I start to describe anterior sphincter repair therapy... I hope I've made my point.

    I agree that gay male docs are more likely than straight docs to consider the unique needs of gay men. But, ultimately, anticipating patients' needs is what all good doctors should do, whether gay or straight - and I think there are more of them out there than you believe. My gray-haired male gynecologist anticipates my needs better than I ever could - and better than most of the female providers in the department would. (Yes, I know it's not a perfect analogy, as women are more prevalent - and therefore more studied in med school - than gay people.)

    I'm glad you were able to find such a good doc though; that's all that's important on a personal level & it's amazing that you found such a perfect match.

    I'm curious about this 97% study. Based on my limited personal experience, I'd estimate it more at about 85%. Medicine is the "gayest" profession in which I've ever worked.
  • _ wrote:
    I'm curious about this 97% study. Based on my limited personal experience, I'd estimate it more at about 85%. Medicine is the "gayest" profession in which I've ever worked.

    You've clearly never worked in my industry.
  • __ Posts: 6,651
    _ wrote:
    I'm curious about this 97% study. Based on my limited personal experience, I'd estimate it more at about 85%. Medicine is the "gayest" profession in which I've ever worked.

    You've clearly never worked in my industry.

    You work in gay porn, don't you? Yes, I would imagine that profession would have a higher than average percentage of gay people.
  • _ wrote:
    You work in gay porn, don't you? Yes, I would imagine that profession would have a higher than average percentage of gay people.

    Although oddly enough, still a slim majority of straight men.

    Go figure.
  • __ Posts: 6,651
    _ wrote:
    You work in gay porn, don't you? Yes, I would imagine that profession would have a higher than average percentage of gay people.

    Although oddly enough, still a slim majority of straight men.

    Go figure.

    And yet you still employ them, even if they're straight?

    Go figure. ;)
  • _ wrote:

    And yet you still employ them, even if they're straight?

    Go figure. ;)

    yes, although I'm going to say the skill set for which they're being employed is different than being a doctor.
  • __ Posts: 6,651
    _ wrote:

    And yet you still employ them, even if they're straight?

    Go figure. ;)

    yes, although I'm going to say the skill set for which they're being employed is different than being a doctor.

    I don't know; it sounded kind of similar when you described your appointments earlier. :lol:
  • EmBleveEmBleve Posts: 3,019
    I qualify for medicaid, but the problem with it is unless you have enough proof to satisfy them of your disability, you ain't gettin it. Medicaid denies more often than private health care. Both for getting on it, and then for getting any treatments..
    This is interesting to me...what do you mean that you have to 'have enough proof to satisfy them of your disability'? Are you referring to the medical ailment that you are suffering from now (which, btw, I hope you get to the bottom of it :) ) I did not realize that even if someone is on Medicaid, treatment can be denied based on that fact alone. Is that what you mean?
  • _ wrote:

    I don't know; it sounded kind of similar when you described your appointments earlier. :lol:

    Haha... I guess that's true. And I think I have a script to start writing.
  • Flutter GirlFlutter Girl Posts: 548
    Well, the good news is my heart is okay, aside from being fast..bad news is I have two untreatable diagnosis..The pain and discomfort that felt like it was the heart are two seperate muscles that I somehow managed to permanently damage so I just gotta learn to deal with the pain and all cos there is medication to help, but I just so happen to be allergic to it. Yay :|

    The other symptoms are attributed to Late Onset Tay Sachs (LOTS) disease :(

    Still need a few more tests, then I have an appt with a specialist who will tell me everything about LOTS and learning how to live with it..At least I will now have the proof needed to get on medicaid to afford the care for it..No one in the family even knew my dad's side has some Jewish in them, only knew my mom was..

    EmBleve wrote:
    I qualify for medicaid, but the problem with it is unless you have enough proof to satisfy them of your disability, you ain't gettin it. Medicaid denies more often than private health care. Both for getting on it, and then for getting any treatments..
    This is interesting to me...what do you mean that you have to 'have enough proof to satisfy them of your disability'? Are you referring to the medical ailment that you are suffering from now (which, btw, I hope you get to the bottom of it :) ) I did not realize that even if someone is on Medicaid, treatment can be denied based on that fact alone. Is that what you mean?

    With medicaid, if you are trying to get on it for a disability (as opposed to being elderly, or pregnant), you have to have a certain amount of proof. So like folks with mental disorders tend to get denied unless it's something like mental retardation where you can physically see there is something wrong. And even then, it's ridiculous. The lawyer I spoke to explained that if you are missing and arm and a leg, it doesn't matter. Even tho the judge and the medicaid doctors (who decide if you qualify) can plainly see you are missing a leg and an arm, unless you have a doctor note this in your medical records every 3 months, you will be denied medicaid coverage. For issues that you can't see, such as chronic depression or something like bipolar disorder, even if you do have a doctor noting it in your records every 3 months, you will still get denied. It's absolutely assinine.

    Then, if by a miracle you do get on medicaid, you will get bottom of the bin service. Only health care coverage that denies more than medicaid is medicare. You'd think something like a cracked molar tooth(cracked all the way thru) would qualify as a necessity to get fixed, considering all the complications that not fixing it will lead to, right? Nope..Medicare catagorizes it as cosmetic..My friend had to pay out of pocket..after she saved up for months living with the pain..
    Medicaid works much like the VA when it comes to what the government is willing to pay for...generic everything(with some things, this is not always ok), 20 year old outdated and inefficient treatments (cheaper than the newest stuff out there), and outright denial for a good number of treatments and medications that most folk would consider necessary, but medicaid and the VA do not. It took my mom 9 years to get the electric wheelchair that she qualified for..The excuse the VA told her for not giving it to her- "you're too young to be dependent on an electric w/c"....she wrecked her body struggling with a manual chair (and mine, as I was her care taker)...the same excuse was doled out to a fella who is a parapledgic with a feeding tube permanently inserted in his abdomen in a position that makes using a manual w/c excessively difficult. He actually already had the electric chair. They fed him this excuse so they could take it away and give him a walker. He's bedridden now without the chair. but I'm getting in to a rant now LoL..so I'll stop here cos I could go on for days about how horrible the VA healthcare system is...ever see the movie Article 99? It's too realistic.
  • Jason PJason P Posts: 19,165
    Well, the good news is my heart is okay, aside from being fast..bad news is I have two untreatable diagnosis..The pain and discomfort that felt like it was the heart are two seperate muscles that I somehow managed to permanently damage so I just gotta learn to deal with the pain and all cos there is medication to help, but I just so happen to be allergic to it. Yay :|

    The other symptoms are attributed to Late Onset Tay Sachs (LOTS) disease :(
    Bummer :(

    Good luck with your treatments! Hopefully you can find something to deal with the chronic pain.

    Best wishes!
    Be Excellent To Each Other
    Party On, Dudes!
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