My mustache wax is always warm
(I don't know what that means it just sounded dirty )
I'm seriously concerned about Big Drop though. What if something happened to him and he needs rescued? For instance, what if he has been kidnapped by amazonian Buffalo women who saw his stache and just had to possess him. What if he's tied up in a basement somewhere while these women do unspeakab....wait, never mind. Leave him be. He'll be fine.
Sorry I went MIA for a few days guys, just finished up my last final of the semester but it pretty much consumed me for the greater portion of the week. I'm back now and I'm thinking of a mustache of the day as we speak.
Please check back again tomorrow for the next OPJ20MM featured mustache of the day!
STRONG comeback by BD on the OPJ20MM Mustache of the day. In fact, I may go break out my old nintendo and drop Von Kaiser like a bad habit right now! Welcome back big fella.
Then you are already experienced in the ways of the lip tickler. The lovely ladies of the movement could use your help. Join us!!! I may have to hand out staches at Cheli's on June 26.
Sorry I went MIA for a few days guys, just finished up my last final of the semester but it pretty much consumed me for the greater portion of the week. I'm back now and I'm thinking of a mustache of the day as we speak.
Sorry I went MIA for a few days guys, just finished up my last final of the semester but it pretty much consumed me for the greater portion of the week. I'm back now and I'm thinking of a mustache of the day as we speak.
Today's OPJ20MM featured mustache of the day is. . .
Mayor Mike Haggar
In lieu of yesterday's Nintendo mustache, I decided to follow it up with another great 8-bit mustache. To learn more about the only mayoral mustache to single-handedly eliminate crime in his city, by killing all the gang members with his bare hands, please read the following link:
Please check back again tomorrow for the next OPJ20MM featured mustache of the day!
MFCarissa this better mean you are joining the movement and staching it up for PJ20!
I'm going to need some hormone therapy from the East German women's Olympic swim team.
Hey Leeze was on the East German Women's Olympic swim team and I'll have you know her mustache was au naturel.
:shock: :shh:
No, kidding, I was 12 when the wall came down. By then, they had stopped giving us those pills because there were only limited amounts of razorblades available. Since the governement needed to invest the forex in more important stuff and the country could not afford the disgrace of having bearded little girls walking around, they decided to undope us. I'm thankful, my chest if nearly hair-free by now
Please, Pearl Jam, consider a Benaroya Hall vinyl reissue!
No, kidding, I was 12 when the wall came down. By then, they had stopped giving us those pills because there were only limited amounts of razorblades available. Since the governement needed to invest the forex in more important stuff and the country could not afford the disgrace of having bearded little girls walking around, they decided to undope us. I'm thankful, my chest if nearly hair-free by now
Perhaps time to bring it back then? I mean, after all, it's for charity.
No, kidding, I was 12 when the wall came down. By then, they had stopped giving us those pills because there were only limited amounts of razorblades available. Since the governement needed to invest the forex in more important stuff and the country could not afford the disgrace of having bearded little girls walking around, they decided to undope us. I'm thankful, my chest if nearly hair-free by now
Perhaps time to bring it back then? I mean, after all, it's for charity.
Eeeh ... No. I'm all in for the Boots Electric Set now
Please, Pearl Jam, consider a Benaroya Hall vinyl reissue!
My mustache wax is always warm
(I don't know what that means it just sounded dirty
I'm seriously concerned about Big Drop though. What if something happened to him and he needs rescued? For instance, what if he has been kidnapped by amazonian Buffalo women who saw his stache and just had to possess him. What if he's tied up in a basement somewhere while these women do unspeakab....wait, never mind. Leave him be. He'll be fine.
Von Kaiser
To learn more about the best 8-bit mustache of all time, please click the following link:
Please check back again tomorrow for the next OPJ20MM featured mustache of the day!
Well when you're talking about staches, it's easy for your mind to go right in the gutter
Glad to see you're back Big today's featured mustache! Classic!
STRONG comeback by BD on the OPJ20MM Mustache of the day. In fact, I may go break out my old nintendo and drop Von Kaiser like a bad habit right now! Welcome back big fella.
Also, I had a feeling you would like today's stache, Leeze.
Also this:
This is the perfect segue into a beautiful mustache! I give you Red Wings assistant coach Paul MacLean:
MFCarissa this better mean you are joining the movement and staching it up for PJ20!
I'm going to need some hormone therapy from the East German women's Olympic swim team.
No you won't :thumbup:
I did go skiing in a fake mustache once.
Hey Leeze was on the East German Women's Olympic swim team and I'll have you know her mustache was au naturel.
Then you are already experienced in the ways of the lip tickler. The lovely ladies of the movement could use your help. Join us!!! I may have to hand out staches at Cheli's on June 26.
We're gonna make a man out of you yet BamBam
we almost sent out a search party
priorities dude!!
1. mustache
2. anything non-mustache
hope you did well on ur finals
I hope so too :?
Mayor Mike Haggar
In lieu of yesterday's Nintendo mustache, I decided to follow it up with another great 8-bit mustache. To learn more about the only mayoral mustache to single-handedly eliminate crime in his city, by killing all the gang members with his bare hands, please read the following link:
Please check back again tomorrow for the next OPJ20MM featured mustache of the day!
Tickle your fancy at the World Beard and Moustache Championships ... tml?hpt=C2
#8 is tyt
I also fully endorse the attached clip of the subject in photo number 8, Mr. Atters Attree.
:shock: :shh:
No, kidding, I was 12 when the wall came down. By then, they had stopped giving us those pills because there were only limited amounts of razorblades available. Since the governement needed to invest the forex in more important stuff and the country could not afford the disgrace of having bearded little girls walking around, they decided to undope us. I'm thankful, my chest if nearly hair-free by now
Perhaps time to bring it back then? I mean, after all, it's for charity.
Eeeh ... No. I'm all in for the Boots Electric Set now