It was the sexiest mustache I could think of. I think after this is all said and done I should take all of these mustache and write a book about the history of mustaches or something.
It was the sexiest mustache I could think of. I think after this is all said and done I should take all of these mustache and write a book about the history of mustaches or something.
I support this and will help organizing the translation and editing of the German version
Please, Pearl Jam, consider a Benaroya Hall vinyl reissue!
It was the sexiest mustache I could think of. I think after this is all said and done I should take all of these mustache and write a book about the history of mustaches or something.
I support this and will help organizing the translation and editing of the German version
almost shaved yesterday! dont worry, i remembered just in time! wow that was a close shave hahah wow that was a terrible pun, and yet i still decided to post it
almost shaved yesterday! dont worry, i remembered just in time! wow that was a close shave hahah wow that was a terrible pun, and yet i still decided to post it
It'd be okay even if you did. As much of a following as we already have, this is really just preliminary stuff. I'm going to actually wait for the announcement to start growing my stache, but once the announcement comes, watch out.
almost shaved yesterday! dont worry, i remembered just in time! wow that was a close shave hahah wow that was a terrible pun, and yet i still decided to post it
It'd be okay even if you did. As much of a following as we already have, this is really just preliminary stuff. I'm going to actually wait for the announcement to start growing my stache, but once the announcement comes, watch out.
If I started the stache now I would look like Gandalf the Gray by the time the festival actually got here. I'm thinking I might go patriotic and start letting it officially go on 4th of July.
almost shaved yesterday! dont worry, i remembered just in time! wow that was a close shave hahah wow that was a terrible pun, and yet i still decided to post it
It'd be okay even if you did. As much of a following as we already have, this is really just preliminary stuff. I'm going to actually wait for the announcement to start growing my stache, but once the announcement comes, watch out.
If I started the stache now I would look like Gandalf the Gray by the time the festival actually got here. I'm thinking I might go patriotic and start letting it officially go on 4th of July.
It actually works out really well for me. . . my museum needs me to do some reenacting this summer because it's the Civil War's sesquicentennial, and since I can't grow a Leonidis beard, my handlebar mustache will make me look all old-timey. I'm really looking forward to it. . . I've never died from musket-fire before. Should be really fun.
I know! And I'm getting paid to die none-the-less!
you guys are cracking me up
It's going to be a two day reenactment. . . I get to live through the first day and I die on the second day. I'm really looking forward to it. I'm really lucky the museum I work for wants me dead.
It's going to be a two day reenactment. . . I get to live through the first day and I die on the second day. I'm really looking forward to it. I'm really lucky the museum I work for wants me dead.
Have fun and die gracefully!
Please, Pearl Jam, consider a Benaroya Hall vinyl reissue!
Comments ... 434264.jpg
all i shall say is happy birthday, ill leave this one alone... for now
Thanks Leeze
Major General Abner Doubleday
To learn more about the mustache that fired the first Union shot of the American Civil War, please click the following link:
Please check back again tomorrow for the next OPJ20MM featured mustache of the day.
I demand a sexy mustache for tomorrow
Are you insinuating that Major General Doubleday is not sexy?
Freddie Mercury
To learn more about the quintessential rock and roll power mustache, please click the following link:
Please check back again tomorrow for the next OPJ20MM featured mustache of the day.
Stockholm '00 ~~ Columbus '03 ~~ NYC-1 '03 ~~ Boston '04 ~~ Borgata'05 ~~ Cincinnati '06 ~~ Hawaii-2 '06 ~~ Bonnaroo '08 ~~ Chicago-1 '09 ~~ Philly-3&4 '09 ~~ Columbus '10 ~~ Dublin '10 ~~ Belfast '10 ~~ London '10 ~~ Berlin '10
It'd be okay even if you did. As much of a following as we already have, this is really just preliminary stuff. I'm going to actually wait for the announcement to start growing my stache, but once the announcement comes, watch out.
If I started the stache now I would look like Gandalf the Gray by the time the festival actually got here. I'm thinking I might go patriotic and start letting it officially go on 4th of July.
It actually works out really well for me. . . my museum needs me to do some reenacting this summer because it's the Civil War's sesquicentennial, and since I can't grow a Leonidis beard, my handlebar mustache will make me look all old-timey. I'm really looking forward to it. . . I've never died from musket-fire before. Should be really fun.
u havent lived until u died from a musket shot
I know! And I'm getting paid to die none-the-less!
It's going to be a two day reenactment. . . I get to live through the first day and I die on the second day. I'm really looking forward to it. I'm really lucky the museum I work for wants me dead.
thats pretty fuckin weird, not sure if i want to meet that guy
Or sit behind him at the show. Although, I'd probably have a few to many and start talking shit to the back of his head at some point