Anyone ever been mugged or robbed?

Two thieves working together stole my camera yesterday as I was getting on the metro in St. petersburg. One blocked my way and the other took my Nikon D90 from my camera bag whilst I was trying to muscle past the scumbag in front of me.
The one who took my camera ran off the train, but his friend stayed on the train, so I ended up fighting with him and taking him down. Anyway, the police took fucking ages - 20 minutes to arrive - and in the meantime one of his friends arrived and in the confusion - by then there were a few people involved - they managed to get away.
Saw them - and me - on the cctv last night at the cop shop though, so I hope they get nabbed.
I'm so angry today.
Anyone else ever experienced this kind of thing?
The one who took my camera ran off the train, but his friend stayed on the train, so I ended up fighting with him and taking him down. Anyway, the police took fucking ages - 20 minutes to arrive - and in the meantime one of his friends arrived and in the confusion - by then there were a few people involved - they managed to get away.
Saw them - and me - on the cctv last night at the cop shop though, so I hope they get nabbed.
I'm so angry today.
Anyone else ever experienced this kind of thing?
Post edited by Unknown User on
Luckily I haven't been in my life
If it had been in London the old bill would have been on the scene in 1 minute flat.
That sucks.
This was in broad daylight - 4pm in the center of the city on a Saturday. These wankers have free reign to do their thing. It's bad.
Although the copper who eventually got involved later in the day and took up the case was brilliant. I could tell as soon as I saw him that he was on the money, even though he was quite young. And he gathered together all the cctv footage within a few hours.
p.s. Horos your avatar is mad crazy. I was like 'am I really seeing what I think I'm seeing?'. lol.
Thought I'd see if I could sneak that avatar in.
I also got a bunch of my clothes stolen from a dryer at the laundromat once. They took some of my favorite T-shirts. :( That's what I get for going across the street to buy a snack.
I was kind of shocked at some of my reactions to it afterward. I kept imagining finding the thief and smacking him in the face. I even fantasized about carrying a gun that I could pull on anyone who messed with me. This was very strange to me since I hate guns. The revenge fantasies hung around for several weeks.
While visiting Germany in 1999, we had a shopping bag stolen while in the train station in Frankfurt. I was trying to use a public phone, which were hard to find and inconvenient to use. Someone watching me in the station picked up the bag while I was distracted and got away. They didn't get anything of value but I still was furious. We reported it but of course nothing came of it. In the annals of crime, this was pretty inconsequential.
Sorry about your experience, Byrnzie. Being robbed like that is maddening.
its never happened to me but i did stop a couple pickpockets when i was in barcelona... that technique you encountered seems to be pretty standard practice
hope that catch em and you get your camera back... damn gypsies
Luckily I have never been mugged or robbed before. I can imagine how shitty it feels.
Had both my son's and my purse/wallet stolen in Disneyland Paris. Stupidly had them in a backpack and a group of girls crowded behind me. I was getting jostled a bit so when they went past I checked my bag and they were gone. Unfortunately, they were out of sight and gone by this time.
Hope you get it back.
Damn man, sorry to hear that. You're traveling too, arent you? fuck. I hope they catch them.
Me and two of my friends were robbed in Gaineville FL by three guys with one gun, no shots fired thankfully (1996). They took about 25 dollars combined from the three of us, plus our 12 pack of beer! fuckers. But within minutes there were cops everywhere and a helicopter. They caught all three assholes and they all served a few years in jail.
They did leave shattered glass eveywhere inside the car, though. Fuckers, they made me cut my thumb trying to clean it up... :(
Mexico City - July 18th 2003
Mexico City - July 19th 2003
Monterrey - December 7th 2005
Mexico City - December 9th 2005
Mexico City - December 10th 2005
Mexico City - November 24th 2011
I've never been robbed in person. My house was robbed when I was living alone in the student ghetto in college though. They broke in by removing the glass from a window on the side of my house in the middle of the day, when I was at work. (I know it was more than one person because they drank half of two cokes from my fridge.) They trashed the place, looking for something valuable, I guess. Thankfully I didn't really own anything valuable. I think they were on foot, because they took the small things (laptop, phone, VCR, etc.) but not the big things (desktop, TV, etc.).
More than being pissed about my things, I was concerned for my safety. It was obvious that a woman lived there alone, and I found out after I moved in that the previous woman who lived there had some guy breaking in all the time & stalking her. Sure enough, they/he/someone came back about a week later, in the middle of the night, when I was obviously home. I watched his shadow as he tried to get in the front window, and then he went back to the same window that he'd gotten into before. I don't think I've ever been more scared in my life. Thankfully, I had fixed up the windows so he couldn't get in. The police were there in 7 minutes, but he was gone by then.
There's one thing I always remember the 911 operator saying: When the man's shadow disappeared from the front window, I told the 911 operator that I thought maybe he was going around to the side window he got in through before, but I couldn't see that window without going into the back bedroom. She asked if I had animals in the house and, if so, what they were doing. They were staring intently in the direction of that back bedroom. I guess they heard him back there before I did.
Other than that, my old car was broken into several times, for the sound system, CDs, change, etc. Thankfully it was easy to break into, so they never had to break the window.
Your story gave me goosebumps. I feel sorry for all the receivers of the terrible deeds I've read about in this thread. I hope some good karma is heading your way, and I'm glad everyone was OK.
That's good, in my case the worst part was cleaning the glass inside and paying for a new window, which was more expensive than the crappy stereo they took.
Mexico City - July 18th 2003
Mexico City - July 19th 2003
Monterrey - December 7th 2005
Mexico City - December 9th 2005
Mexico City - December 10th 2005
Mexico City - November 24th 2011
fuckers. Hope you get it back, or at least get a few minutes in a dark alley with them.
Thanks. I feel extremely lucky that I've never been robbed in person, assaulted, abused, etc.
I know what you mean! My neighbor's car window was broken recently & she cut her hand all up trying to clean the glass. And I once had a roommate whose back, curved window was broken and the cost to replace it was more than the car was worth, so his car was essentially totaled! What's wrong with people anyway? :evil:
anyhoo - if you are traveling for long periods of time ... it's really hard to stay vigilante especially if you come from a relatively safe place ...
one person distracted.
the cops took forever to come, about 40 minutes.
it really sucks, you feel so stupid and so taken advantage of its hard to explain. i feel for you!
i had made a thread about it.
you defended the thieves, btw.
I had parked my car in a lot about a block from where I worked and then I stayed late that night. Normally I would have moved my car closer before it got dark but my husband had come by to take me to supper after I got off work. So as we drove up to my car (now the only one in the parking lot), I said "OMG there's somebody in the car!"
We called the police and then drove up beside my car. I rolled down the window and yelled "Hey! That's MY car! You get the hell out of my car!" The guy looked completely confused and tried to find the door handle. I guess he couldn't find it because he finally just climbed back out of the window and ran away. Of course he was long gone by the time the cops got there. At least he didn't have a chance to steal anything.
Looking back, that was kind of a stupid thing to do! What if he'd had a gun? Of course, if he had he'd probably be robbing people, not breaking into cars.
The next day my co-workers thoroughly enjoyed the story, especially the part about me yelling at the guy.
Hate to admit it but I have anger issues towards certain demographics because of this
but they didn't take my PJ tapes (this was a while ago
my old boss said, can you blame them
yeah, he was a jackass