WOW! Been to 4 shows and that was by far the best. Was hanging to hear Long Road, Soon Forget and Off he Goes and got them all plus more. Light Years was a great surprise and a really nice version. Then throw in Lukin, Crazy Mary, Driftin and Man of the Hour to blow us away. Arc was indescribable, just kept getting better and better. Great cover of the kids are alright. So glad to be a part of such a unique show, couldnt have asked for anything more.
AMAZING show!!! Again, too many highlights to count!
Light years. OMG. I never ever thought I would hear that live... What a magical song - Eddie's voice was so full of passion. Just beautiful.
Arc was amazing - the things the man can do with only his voice!!! Absolutely spellbinding... and I said to my friend that I could actually keep that sound going all night and never get sick of it...
Opening with Long Road I knew it was going to be a great night... So did Eddie The crowd was so LOUD compared to Thursday!
Only bad point of the night was my TC seats - in the lounge upstairs - a lot of disappointment there and I wont be taking a gamble on TC tix again when I can get better through ticketmaster - but once Eddie started playing, I forgot all about it and enjoyed the magic that is Eddie Vedder
My last concert of the tour and I just got the email re the US shows and thought "hmmm can I afford to go there?" LOL
Great review Elisha. btw it's lab coats not doctors coats.
Sydney, Australia - March 12, 1998; Sydney, Australia - February 14, 2003; Sydney, Australia - November 8, 2006; Sydney, Australia - November 25, 2006; Brisbane, Australia - November, 2009; Gold Coast, Australia - January, 2014, Gold Coast, Australia - November 2024
What a show. The first night was great but last night was just something special. thanks Ed. I guess thanks to the crowd as well for such an awesome atmosphere. Man of the hour, Porch, Lukin and Off He Goes were highlights for me.. and loving Golden State more and more. Cheers...
Oh, I could be new... you underestimate me
Melbourne - 16/3/95, 5/3/98, 18/2/03, 20/2/03, 13/11/06, 16/11/06, 20/11/09, EV 24/3/11 EV 25/3/11, 24/1/14, ....
Another great night in Melbourne...better seats and better crowd than Thursday night.
Totally rocked it (and lost it) during porch. Was good to have a seat on the isle (thanks 10c) and I swear Ed was looking at me when he gave a peace sign going off stage after Porch!
But I must say the highlight for me over the 2 nights was Ed singing Better Days & immortality on night 1.
The accoustics in the Palais are fantastic and complimented Eddies voice perfectly. I will have those songs ringing in my head forever. I hope I never forget that magic feeling.
Also nice to meet a few 10 clubbers. So glad you got tickets at the 11th hour. Happy Anniversary Shannon & Lisa for today and enjoy Perth.
2nd Show in two nights! Soo excited! 10C seats were great (thanks 10C) - only 10 rows back from the stage on the aisle....Got to see a bit more detail of Ed's face! hehe! Clearly I need to buy some glasses!
My favs tonight Light Years, Off He goes and Arc was amazing - worth the wait from the night before! Porch was awesome too....glad to see people getting up out of their seats to rock along! oh and man of the hour!
*sigh* now its all over.....although still have the songs playing in my head and a cool new poster to remember the night!
Another amazing Melbourne show. Crowd were pumped and Eddie could feel it.
No excessive shouting no idiot remarks just a pumped up crowd.
Eddie said 'I think its going to be a real good night'
After Elderly woman behind a counter (went off) Ed said 'now that's how its done'
Special credit goes to some dude about 8 rows from front middle for totally setting the vibe.
He was up standing and dancing and as the lights beamed on and off it was just amazing.
Ed commented numerous times it was a good crowd tonight.
Ed started talking about a shop in south yarra he visited today called 'Condom Kingdom'
He said more than just condoms were in that store, he found it humerous that it was right near
A pub he has had many big nights in called 'Dick Wsomething' anyway the wsomething had faded
And all Eddie could see was a BIG DICK sign riught near condom kingdom and wanted to see if vagina valley
Was around the corner! Haha
Crowd were so loud (in a good way cheering) Ed said 'just let me get through a few slow songs'
Man of the hour was amazing but what followed was just on fire.
Ed bought out Luc the Uke as in 'Lukin' then thrashed out a hard and fast Lukin
Followed straight away by Porch - I jumped up and did not sit back down!
I went off! Many did - as lights flashed on and off Ed looked at the crowd it was a cool sight
To see 50 or so mixed through the theatre standing up, on their own, just feeling it.
I didn't care if I blocked peoples view - that song is MEANT to rock out too.
Ed was feeding just as much energy from us as we were him.
Standing Ovation.
Kids are alright was awesome - Ed had a vunerability in his voice and hit the high notes without losing his poetic sound.
Crazy Mary rocked - Ed stuffed it up and laughed but got right back into it and totally took me to 'that place'.
Light Years was great to hear that got a massive applause.
Keep on Rockin had everyone standing.
Ed said 'I don't often say this, so when I do I mean it - the crowd tonight is amazing'
So that was cool. Just all pumped and totally into every song .
One male yelled out ' I love youuuuu' Ed said when he was a teenager he never heard those words, so he always appreciates it.
Totally amazing night, 2 hours is not enough time with this amazing musician.
He strummed every note with passion and conviction, his boots pounding the harder he strummed the guitar.
He gives 200% at every moment. He believes and we are all his believers, as one man yelled
'Amen' yes indeed.
ed said there he goes was a request so i hope it was for the bloke in the 1st melb show thread
I hope it was for my husband too. I couldn't believe it when Ed said it was a request and then started playing Off He Goes - my husband and I silently had tears pouring down our faces - so emotional. Thank you Eddie.
I also got emotional when he said he didnt hear those words as an adolescent - being the mum of 4 boys and 1 girl to whom I tell everyday how much I love them and we never part ways without telling each other "I love you" - I cant imagine how sad that feeling is for him.
Although emotional it was an Amazing show again.
Would love to do New York - maybe 25th wedding anniversary present!!!
Great review Elisha. btw it's lab coats not doctors coats.
Haha I know but he asked for the 'doctor' to bring him out what he asked for!
Out came a lab coat person with the wine!
And YES to whoever asked - Lukin on Luc the Uke! OMG followed by Porch
Aha I see.
Can I hide in your suitcase and come to the Perth April 1 show with you??
Sydney, Australia - March 12, 1998; Sydney, Australia - February 14, 2003; Sydney, Australia - November 8, 2006; Sydney, Australia - November 25, 2006; Brisbane, Australia - November, 2009; Gold Coast, Australia - January, 2014, Gold Coast, Australia - November 2024
Ooh ooh forgot to add that yet again (I swear Ed can't do Melbourne without this)
Mentioning the cosmic physcos! He told us we all have to go out and buy the double cd?
Someone please clarify what Ed was on about..something about a bull dozer?!!
Hubby tells me one of the Cosmic Psychos (maybe lead singer?) owns a huge farm/land & took it as Ed was wanting to go hooning all over the farm in his big bull dozer ( tracktor kind of thang)
We had an AWESOME night 10 rows back (thanks 10c!) I LOVED the layering Ed did that was INSANE absolutely mind blowing!
We were actually sitting right behind and across one from that guy who stoot up & from behind ...
"Special credit goes to some dude about 8 rows from front middle for totally setting the vibe.
He was up standing and dancing and as the lights beamed on and off it was just amazing."
Gotta tell you he was cool at times but GEEEEEZE dude shut the hell up when Ed was talking OR even worse singing!! I would have gone nuts if I was directly behind him, sorry to say he was a bit of a twat :roll: but yes an very excited and pumped fan.
LOVED LOVED LOVED Kids are alright, played for Barry? the father who's daughter lives near Ed & their kids play together..... Loved that story ♥
So thank you Eddie YOU ROCK MY WORLD! xx
Sydney ♥ March 10, 1995
Sydney ♥ March 11, 1995
Melbourne ♥ November 20, 2009
To be continued... March 25, 2011 EV Solo Yeeeeeeeew!
Awesome night!! Loved every minute of it.
I said to my brother just after the show that 'it's a shame that those who never have witnessed an Eddie show will ever now how great he is!'.
Such a talented man. I would go to every Eddie solo gig if I could. I want more!
Ooh ooh forgot to add that yet again (I swear Ed can't do Melbourne without this)
Mentioning the cosmic physcos! He told us we all have to go out and buy the double cd?
Someone please clarify what Ed was on about..something about a bull dozer?!!
Hubby tells me one of the Cosmic Psychos (maybe lead singer?) owns a huge farm/land & took it as Ed was wanting to go hooning all over the farm in his big bull dozer ( tracktor kind of thang)
We had an AWESOME night 10 rows back (thanks 10c!) I LOVED the layering Ed did that was INSANE absolutely mind blowing!
We were actually sitting right behind and across one from that guy who stoot up & from behind ...
"Special credit goes to some dude about 8 rows from front middle for totally setting the vibe.
He was up standing and dancing and as the lights beamed on and off it was just amazing."
Gotta tell you he was cool at times but GEEEEEZE dude shut the hell up when Ed was talking OR even worse singing!! I would have gone nuts if I was directly behind him, sorry to say he was a bit of a twat :roll: but yes an very excited and pumped fan.
LOVED LOVED LOVED Kids are alright, played for Barry? the father who's daughter lives near Ed & their kids play together..... Loved that story ♥
So thank you Eddie YOU ROCK MY WORLD! xx
Ahh thanks for that! I know Ed is life long friends with them.
I'm sorry that guy I mentioned was annoying, I only noticed him for that one song, shouting while Ed was speaking is not cool.
Few more things I remember (ed banter)
* Ed said that to write a song he needs to go to a far away place and we can all do it, even just sitting on a bus going through the city.
He when you do that you will have a song then lost his train of thought and said 'I have no idea what my point is ..
* I liked the story too about dedicating the kids are alright to an aussie friend who lives in states.
His kids play with her kids. Her dad came to the show..Ed acknowledged he probally has never been to a rock concert before
Or knows any of his songs but thinks he came, just to see someone who is close to his daughter.
Ed said I know you miss her and she misses you.
Then the kids are alright - just beautiful.
Saw Ed before the show....he played with my fingers through the fence. Nawwww. Two Ed moments for me this tour. Fuck yeah!
Both Melbourne concerts were so fucking good. Tour's over for me now. Three shows. Heaps of fun. Soooo many laughs. All with some of my most favourite people. :thumbup:
What a show...Heard Long Road few times but last night hearing it again it was something special. Could not believe my ears when I heard the first notes of Light Years... I was almost in tears. Amazing feeling listening to Porch upstanding...experiencing the song in its full greatness. Sooo happy to hear Arc...never heard it before..Eddie is trully great artist, he never sounded a good vine he is getting better with age. Other highlights for me were Society, Off He Goes, The Kids are Allright....Lukin! Thank you Eddie and pls come back again!
The experience of watching an artist in such a stripped back manner, passionately sharing his music is simply an intangible one. I had the joy of going to both melb shows. Both great, but Friday night the intensity was heightened - you could feel it in the line up before the doors opened. I was lucky enough to be second row on the right hand side and oh the joy. Being that close and seeing Ed's facial expressions as he so happily chatted with the crowd was very special. Also, having great fans either side of me was spectacular - as a united group we so happily stood and rocked out to so many songs. Cudos to the people behind us that were cool with us standing.
So many highlights, esp talking to fans outside the venue while lining up - i think 'Truestar' was one? Sorry my memory evades me, but it was a pleasure. And to Josh (i think) from near Chicago, you my friend are a good luck charm. Thurs night we chatted about Hurt and oh my F'n lord it was played. Friday night we picked out 2 songs we wanted to hear, and long road was the opener It took so much willpower to not bawl my eyes out. Light Years, Thumbing my way, Kids are alright, Lukin to Porch. Pure bliss.
To the moron (sorry but there is no other way of putting it) in the front row that continually took pics/video footage. Your blatant disrespect was so clearly OBVIOUS to the artist on stage. It was his request that no footage be taken. If your desire was to disregard it, be discreet about it. I wish Pete had taken you by the scruff of the neck and booted you out, but he was very polite to not destroy the show for the people on the end. (Said moron was sitting smack bang in the middle). At the end of the show, your rant that there no longer is a democracy as you were not freely able to film/photograph the night, OMG. If only i was 6 feet tall and male as i would have clocked you.
I could write so much more, but for now, it was a breathtaking honor. Ed thank you for allowing us into your world and sharing your passion. Josh i hope our predictions for the Adel shows come true - fingers crossed!
1995 • 2006 • 2009 • Adelaide
2007 • Wembley - London
2009 • Melbourne
2010 • Madison Square Garden
whats the deal with camera's not being allowed in the show?.. does that mean I shouldn't place a link to my friends photos that he took because it would be disrespectful?
Its distracting and annoying seeing flashes going off out the corner of your eyes... still a few pics getting snapped tho...
Was a great night.... Eddies voice was amazing... I cant describe how good it sounded, I dont have words for it... But its like that beautiful sound that crystal makes when u tap it with a knife or spoon...just thought as I wrote that... that must be where the expression crystal clear comes from... anyway his voice was spot on.. Was stoked Long Road was the opener what a way to open my 1st Ev solo experience at the Palais Theatre also a 1st time for me.... a beautiful venue.. although I think the sound may have been a bit better downstairs than upstairs in the lounge...Sounds like a lot a 10c were on the floor...Our 10c tickets werent bad cos I guess they couldve been in the dress circle that dress circle did seem a long way away...sucked I didnt have binoculars as Ed was a little blurry.. I wish I could have seen him clearer even for one song.. but anyway Im not complaining cos I was stoked to be there. especially when I had seen the line up of ppl desperate for a ticket....
We waited outside for a sound check but that didnt happen ... was still had fun chatting with other fans and catching up.... It was like a windtunnel there and was so freezing.... A guy came out and handed out a few stickers and and referred to Stella and I as "the white coats".... Ed arrived about 6 and briefly came over to the fence and saw some fans... I just stood back and watched.. wow he looked so tanned and healthy.. the
tour must be agreeing with him.. or perhaps its australia...
will have to do part two tomorrow hell tired here after sitting up brushing knots out last night from the wind tunnel... Ed's hair was looking nice also ... Stella and I was talking we both wondered what kind of shampoo and cond Ed used..
to be cont...
My faves were... MOTH, Drifting, LongRoad, and picture in a frame and of course Arc...
Great hearing The kids are alright, Crazy Mary, RITFW and Big Sun totally went off along with Porch..
During Porch a few young guys were going of in the middle lounge...They wouldnt sit they were removed in the end.. shame they didnt see the rest :(
He handed a bottle of wine to the front row left side b4 crazy mary- didn't see it get passed around :?
saw that too, nope, it was quickly hidden
i love everything about this gig... the pre-show banter with the fans, seeing Ed in person and as Suz mentioned, we wondered what kinda hair product he uses :?
long road - you could feel the collective 'f*ck YES' from 10c members/fans in the crowd when he started the song
small town - with each passing gig i feel the crowd gets into this more and more, love it
picture in a frame - finaaally... i love this and really wanted to hear it at some point... so sweet
light years - hells yes ahhhh it was beautiful, i kinda 'dropped back' and absorbed this one, looking around the stadium i noticed most people had the same glazed/appreciative expression on their face
rise - wanted to mention, i just love hearing/seeing this love Ed moving around and getting into it/feeling the music... god he makes the mandolin looks so easy, it looks like an extension of his body 'cos it just flows so well.. :!:
lukin - the intro story, buying a bulldozer, and taking it to lukins - HAHA gold
porch - will not tire of it, ever!
arc - another one of those glazed/in awe experiences... :!: :!: :!:
ahhh it was all good labcoats provided great warmth, the happy meal did indeed make me happy (who asked that?), and Suz was an awesome roomie
roll on hometown Adelaide chances of that Elvis cover...? i'll dream..
And YES to whoever asked - Lukin on Luc the Uke! OMG followed by Porch
Lukin wasn't on the Uke. He did play a couple of chords of Lukin on the Uke earlier when he first got it out but the full song was normal acoustic version..
Whoever asked..Light Years was on acoustic.. I think it would have sounded better on electric though.
Was a great night.... Eddies voice was amazing... I cant describe how good it sounded, I dont have words for it... But its like that beautiful sound that crystal makes when u tap it with a knife or spoon...just thought as I wrote that... that must be where the expression crystal clear comes from... anyway his voice was spot on.. Was stoked Long Road was the opener what a way to open my 1st Ev solo experience at the Palais Theatre also a 1st time for me.... a beautiful venue.. although I think the sound may have been a bit better downstairs than upstairs in the lounge...Sounds like a lot a 10c were on the floor...Our 10c tickets werent bad cos I guess they couldve been in the dress circle that dress circle did seem a long way away...sucked I didnt have binoculars as Ed was a little blurry.. I wish I could have seen him clearer even for one song.. but anyway Im not complaining cos I was stoked to be there. especially when I had seen the line up of ppl desperate for a ticket....
We waited outside for a sound check but that didnt happen ... was still had fun chatting with other fans and catching up.... It was like a windtunnel there and was so freezing.... A guy came out and handed out a few stickers and and referred to Stella and I as "the white coats".... Ed arrived about 6 and briefly came over to the fence and saw some fans... I just stood back and watched.. wow he looked so tanned and healthy.. the
tour must be agreeing with him.. or perhaps its australia...
will have to do part two tomorrow hell tired here after sitting up brushing knots out last night from the wind tunnel... Ed's hair was looking nice also ... Stella and I was talking we both wondered what kind of shampoo and cond Ed used..
to be cont...
My faves were... MOTH, Drifting, LongRoad, and picture in a frame and of course Arc...
Great hearing The kids are alright, Crazy Mary, RITFW and Big Sun totally went off along with Porch..
During Porch a few young guys were going of in the middle lounge...They wouldnt sit they were removed in the end.. shame they didnt see the rest :(
Great review Suz and I really love your explanation of Ed's voice.
I can't believe people actually got thrown out of the venue. :(
Sydney, Australia - March 12, 1998; Sydney, Australia - February 14, 2003; Sydney, Australia - November 8, 2006; Sydney, Australia - November 25, 2006; Brisbane, Australia - November, 2009; Gold Coast, Australia - January, 2014, Gold Coast, Australia - November 2024
Saw Ed before the show....he played with my fingers through the fence. Nawwww. Two Ed moments for me this tour. Fuck yeah!
Awesome! Funny how on facebook everyones minds went into the gutter when you said finger twiddle
Ha! "He played with my fingers" isn't much better either.
Sydney, Australia - March 12, 1998; Sydney, Australia - February 14, 2003; Sydney, Australia - November 8, 2006; Sydney, Australia - November 25, 2006; Brisbane, Australia - November, 2009; Gold Coast, Australia - January, 2014, Gold Coast, Australia - November 2024
Got fantastic seats through TM presale, Row B, RHS. Ed standing right in front when he was rocking out during Hard Sun, outstanding. Miss Colada we must have been a coupla seats away from you, we were on the middle aisle. Totally agree re: jerk taking pics/video. It was crazy distracting and just wanted to reach across and cuff him. Were you the one that poked him in the ribs with your poster tube?
I'm a bit of a giant, so was lucky the people behind us were cool when everyone was standing/jiving (cheers).
At the end of Hard Sun, Ed was waving to the crowd on his way off stage, looked at me, gave me a nod and reached over and flipped me his pick(!) Couldn't believe my luck, was a fantastic end to an amazing night. Just to have that acknowledgement from someone you hold in such high regard was a feeling that I'll never forget.
But.....somehow, between catching the pick (which was a surprise in itself), shoving it in my pocket so I didn't lose it, and getting in a cab, I must have dropped it!!!!! Think it would have been where I was standing. Can't believe it. Colour me shattered.
Slowly coming around to the fact that I should remember that it was an amazing night, and I got a whatsup from EV, so should be thankful for all of that anyway. I imagine that ill feeling about dropping the pick I have will subside at some point.
Light years. OMG. I never ever thought I would hear that live... What a magical song - Eddie's voice was so full of passion. Just beautiful.
Arc was amazing - the things the man can do with only his voice!!!
Opening with Long Road I knew it was going to be a great night... So did Eddie
Only bad point of the night was my TC seats - in the lounge upstairs - a lot of disappointment there and I wont be taking a gamble on TC tix again when I can get better through ticketmaster - but once Eddie started playing, I forgot all about it and enjoyed the magic that is Eddie Vedder
My last concert of the tour and I just got the email re the US shows and thought "hmmm can I afford to go there?" LOL
Oh, I could be new... you underestimate me
Melbourne - 16/3/95, 5/3/98, 18/2/03, 20/2/03, 13/11/06, 16/11/06, 20/11/09, EV 24/3/11 EV 25/3/11, 24/1/14, ....
Haha I know but he asked for the 'doctor' to bring him out what he asked for!
Out came a lab coat person with the wine!
And YES to whoever asked - Lukin on Luc the Uke! OMG followed by Porch
Totally rocked it (and lost it) during porch. Was good to have a seat on the isle (thanks 10c) and I swear Ed was looking at me when he gave a peace sign going off stage after Porch!
But I must say the highlight for me over the 2 nights was Ed singing Better Days & immortality on night 1.
The accoustics in the Palais are fantastic and complimented Eddies voice perfectly. I will have those songs ringing in my head forever. I hope I never forget that magic feeling.
Also nice to meet a few 10 clubbers. So glad you got tickets at the 11th hour. Happy Anniversary Shannon & Lisa for today and enjoy Perth.
My favs tonight Light Years, Off He goes and Arc was amazing - worth the wait from the night before! Porch was awesome too....glad to see people getting up out of their seats to rock along! oh and man of the hour!
*sigh* now its all over.....although still have the songs playing in my head and a cool new poster to remember the night!
Now thats a review. Well done.
I hope it was for my husband too. I couldn't believe it when Ed said it was a request and then started playing Off He Goes - my husband and I silently had tears pouring down our faces - so emotional. Thank you Eddie.
I also got emotional when he said he didnt hear those words as an adolescent - being the mum of 4 boys and 1 girl to whom I tell everyday how much I love them and we never part ways without telling each other "I love you" - I cant imagine how sad that feeling is for him.
Although emotional it was an Amazing show again.
Would love to do New York - maybe 25th wedding anniversary present!!!
Aha I see.
Can I hide in your suitcase and come to the Perth April 1 show with you??
ARC was different but great
gotta say tho lukin into porch
Rod Laver Arena - Nov 14, 2006
Etihad Stadium - Nov 20, 2009
EV solo palais theatre - Mar 25,2011
Hubby tells me one of the Cosmic Psychos (maybe lead singer?) owns a huge farm/land & took it as Ed was wanting to go hooning all over the farm in his big bull dozer ( tracktor kind of thang)
We had an AWESOME night 10 rows back (thanks 10c!) I LOVED the layering Ed did that was INSANE absolutely mind blowing!
We were actually sitting right behind and across one from that guy who stoot up & from behind ...
"Special credit goes to some dude about 8 rows from front middle for totally setting the vibe.
He was up standing and dancing and as the lights beamed on and off it was just amazing."
Gotta tell you he was cool at times but GEEEEEZE dude shut the hell up when Ed was talking OR even worse singing!! I would have gone nuts if I was directly behind him, sorry to say he was a bit of a twat :roll: but yes an very excited and pumped fan.
LOVED LOVED LOVED Kids are alright, played for Barry? the father who's daughter lives near Ed & their kids play together..... Loved that story ♥
So thank you Eddie YOU ROCK MY WORLD! xx
Sydney ♥ March 11, 1995
Melbourne ♥ November 20, 2009
To be continued... March 25, 2011 EV Solo Yeeeeeeeew!
I said to my brother just after the show that 'it's a shame that those who never have witnessed an Eddie show will ever now how great he is!'.
Such a talented man. I would go to every Eddie solo gig if I could. I want more!
Ahh thanks for that! I know Ed is life long friends with them.
I'm sorry that guy I mentioned was annoying, I only noticed him for that one song, shouting while Ed was speaking is not cool.
Few more things I remember (ed banter)
* Ed said that to write a song he needs to go to a far away place and we can all do it, even just sitting on a bus going through the city.
He when you do that you will have a song then lost his train of thought and said 'I have no idea what my point is ..
* I liked the story too about dedicating the kids are alright to an aussie friend who lives in states.
His kids play with her kids. Her dad came to the show..Ed acknowledged he probally has never been to a rock concert before
Or knows any of his songs but thinks he came, just to see someone who is close to his daughter.
Ed said I know you miss her and she misses you.
Then the kids are alright - just beautiful.
Both Melbourne concerts were so fucking good. Tour's over for me now. Three shows. Heaps of fun. Soooo many laughs. All with some of my most favourite people. :thumbup:
★ 2009 - Sydney, Brisbane, Auckland, Christchurch ★
★ 2011 - EV Newcastle, Melbourne 1, Melbourne 2 ★
So many highlights, esp talking to fans outside the venue while lining up - i think 'Truestar' was one? Sorry my memory evades me, but it was a pleasure. And to Josh (i think) from near Chicago, you my friend are a good luck charm. Thurs night we chatted about Hurt and oh my F'n lord it was played. Friday night we picked out 2 songs we wanted to hear, and long road was the opener
To the moron (sorry but there is no other way of putting it) in the front row that continually took pics/video footage. Your blatant disrespect was so clearly OBVIOUS to the artist on stage. It was his request that no footage be taken. If your desire was to disregard it, be discreet about it. I wish Pete had taken you by the scruff of the neck and booted you out, but he was very polite to not destroy the show for the people on the end. (Said moron was sitting smack bang in the middle). At the end of the show, your rant that there no longer is a democracy as you were not freely able to film/photograph the night, OMG. If only i was 6 feet tall and male as i would have clocked you.
I could write so much more, but for now, it was a breathtaking honor. Ed thank you for allowing us into your world and sharing your passion. Josh i hope our predictions for the Adel shows come true - fingers crossed!
2007 • Wembley - London
2009 • Melbourne
2010 • Madison Square Garden
Its distracting and annoying seeing flashes going off out the corner of your eyes... still a few pics getting snapped tho...
We waited outside for a sound check but that didnt happen ... was still had fun chatting with other fans and catching up.... It was like a windtunnel there and was so freezing.... A guy came out and handed out a few stickers and and referred to Stella and I as "the white coats"....
tour must be agreeing with him.. or perhaps its australia...
will have to do part two tomorrow hell tired here after sitting up brushing knots out last night from the wind tunnel... Ed's hair was looking nice also ... Stella and I was talking we both wondered what kind of shampoo and cond Ed used..
to be cont...
My faves were... MOTH, Drifting, LongRoad, and picture in a frame and of course Arc...
Great hearing The kids are alright, Crazy Mary, RITFW and Big Sun totally went off along with Porch..
During Porch a few young guys were going of in the middle lounge...They wouldnt sit they were removed in the end.. shame they didnt see the rest :(
2010 - Belfast, London, Berlin, Arras, Werchter
2012 - Manchester 1+2, Berlin 1+2, Stockholm, Oslo
2014 - Berlin, Leeds, Milton Keynes
i love everything about this gig... the pre-show banter with the fans, seeing Ed in person and as Suz mentioned, we wondered what kinda hair product he uses :?
long road - you could feel the collective 'f*ck YES' from 10c members/fans in the crowd when he started the song
small town - with each passing gig i feel the crowd gets into this more and more, love it
picture in a frame - finaaally... i love this and really wanted to hear it at some point... so sweet
light years - hells yes
rise - wanted to mention, i just love hearing/seeing this
lukin - the intro story, buying a bulldozer, and taking it to lukins - HAHA gold
porch - will not tire of it, ever!
arc - another one of those glazed/in awe experiences... :!: :!: :!:
ahhh it was all good
roll on hometown Adelaide
Lukin wasn't on the Uke. He did play a couple of chords of Lukin on the Uke earlier when he first got it out but the full song was normal acoustic version..
Whoever asked..Light Years was on acoustic.. I think it would have sounded better on electric though.
hi stella
Awesome! Funny how on facebook everyones minds went into the gutter when you said finger twiddle
I'm looking to buy a single ticket to Ed's Sydney Opera House show, PM me if you've got a spare! I don't care where the seat is!
Great review Suz and I really love your explanation of Ed's voice.
I can't believe people actually got thrown out of the venue.
Ha! "He played with my fingers" isn't much better either.
Oh man, what a night!
Got fantastic seats through TM presale, Row B, RHS. Ed standing right in front when he was rocking out during Hard Sun, outstanding. Miss Colada we must have been a coupla seats away from you, we were on the middle aisle. Totally agree re: jerk taking pics/video. It was crazy distracting and just wanted to reach across and cuff him. Were you the one that poked him in the ribs with your poster tube?
I'm a bit of a giant, so was lucky the people behind us were cool when everyone was standing/jiving (cheers).
At the end of Hard Sun, Ed was waving to the crowd on his way off stage, looked at me, gave me a nod and reached over and flipped me his pick(!) Couldn't believe my luck, was a fantastic end to an amazing night. Just to have that acknowledgement from someone you hold in such high regard was a feeling that I'll never forget.
But.....somehow, between catching the pick (which was a surprise in itself), shoving it in my pocket so I didn't lose it, and getting in a cab, I must have dropped it!!!!! Think it would have been where I was standing. Can't believe it. Colour me shattered.
Slowly coming around to the fact that I should remember that it was an amazing night, and I got a whatsup from EV, so should be thankful for all of that anyway. I imagine that ill feeling about dropping the pick I have will subside at some point.