Is Obama a one term prez ?

I would laugh my azz of if huckabee ran and got elected... this place would be a burning hot bed of dem's and raspy remarks. 
Godfather. ... ml?hpt=C1#

Godfather. ... ml?hpt=C1#
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That said, the Republicans will take the White House in 2016 (look at the voting records of the U.S. - see below), and they will own Congress at the same time.
1953-1961: Rep
1961-1969: De,
1969-1977: Rep
1977-1981: Dem
1981-1993: Rep
1993-2001: Dem
2001-2009: Rep, and a Rep controlled Congress from 2001-2007
2009-2017: Dem
2017-2021 or 2025: Rep.
See a trend?
I think Obama wins.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
I don't think huckabee has a snowballs chance in hell, I all joking aside would like to see a good dem in office, I just enjoy throwing the repub card around cause people on here get so wiggie about it....sick twisted sense of humor..maybe.. but it's just so fun sometimes to move against the grain.
i think things would have to go drastically wrong for him to not be re-elected. With the dow already over 12,000 and wall street big wigs pretty happy with the man in charge I don't see a way he is not re-elected. Which sucks because we will get the same non-sense we have dealt with for the last 10 years. ... Seems like no matter who wins we will end up with a continuation of gitmo, the patriot act, war, being the world's policeman, none of that will change, I am pretty sure they could put that cross-eyed german possum in a suit and it could be president...sure where they spend the money is a little different, in reality nothing changes so all you really need is a place-holder anyway...
Obama in a situation where he won't have to worry about being re-elected could be very interesting. We might get to see him at his best in that situation.
That being said...Ron Paul for Place-Holder 2012!!!!
It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
- Joe Rogan
I didn't think W was allowed back.
Sorry all kidding aside there doesn't seem to be an electable Republican. Doesn't everyone of the likely suspects divide the GOP in some way? Obviously some are more polarizing than others (particularly Palin?) but it seems that every one of them has a history or platform aspect that pisses off lots of people.
"Life Is What Happens To You When Your Busy Making Other Plans" John Lennon
Huh? Were you/are you a drama major by any chance?
I believe he will be re-elected. He isn't the guy I thought he was but the Republicans don't seem to be offereing up and legit worthy competitor. So I think the devil we know will beat the devil we don't.
Do you watch the news by any chance?
Nope, I'm too scared of the black guy that is taking away all my freedoms.
well played.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
I do think someone is going to have to climb the ranks and become a viable candidate. I think Palin / Newt / Huckabee are a little too polarizing. I think Romney hit his apex a few years back. I think Mitch Daniels would be an excellent leader but he doesn't have a national name brand or the "look". Daniels also isn't a fanatic on social issues and that would disappoint the far-right fringe.
Hell, maybe the GOP will throw a curveball and send Ron Paul out to the plate.
But he'd have to get the nomination first. And that is VERY unlikely.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
And the only reason I say this is because no one on the right will ever vote for Obama. And I believe that Paul could steal a lot of the votes from liberals hoping that there is a slim chance Paul can implement some change on foreign policy and fiscal issues.
Palin? Obama in a fucking landslide
Huckabee? Same... loony tune
Romney? Mormon!
Trump? PLEASE...
Santorum? He's a goon... no way
Christie, if the governor from Jersey ran... he might actually have a chance. But he's not going to.
Right now... the Republican party doesn't have a single candidate that can beat Obama. Unless a savior shows up in the next 6 months or Obama does something SERIOUSLY dumb... there is almost no chance that Obama is a one-term president.
I agree. But, it has happened before. Just look back a little ways to see when a governor from a small southern state ended up beating an incumbent president.
Yes, because those who disapprove of Obama's policies are obviously racist.
It actually wasn't well played at all; it was ignorant and typical.
Yes, because those who disapprove of Obama's policies are obviously racist.
It actually wasn't well played at all; it was ignorant and typical.[/quote]'s pretty funny because I would agree with you regarding the fact that too many people throw out the racist card with Obama. I was just messing with ya.
Just seems like you may be a bit over the top. Not much country left? How so?
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
Yeah. Obama wasn't able to get the swing voters to vote for him before, was he?
Or the "Obama Republicans," either.
IT was just those libbie socialists who voted for him.
Um... wait, what?
MANY people have under-estimated Barack Obama and paid the political price for it.
Ask John McCain, Hillary Clinton, and for that matter... ask John Boener in about a year.
This just made me laugh, and its such a great point, may George rest in peace.
"What is tomorrow?" He said "It's President's Day"
She asked "What does that mean?" .... I was waiting for something profound....
He said "President's Day is when Obama steps out of the White House and if he sees his shadow,
we have 2 more years of unemployment and stupidity."
I almost snorted my iced tea.