Chaos in Egypt...what if
If Americans were to rally together like this over political issues do you think it would help to change political corruption any ?
If Americans were to rally together like this over political issues do you think it would help to change political corruption any ?
Post edited by Unknown User on
'how long til that is the US?'
These people are desperate, no work, poor, fixed elections. They are rebelling.
Do I think it helps to form a rebellion?
Yes but I think it's baby steps.
This has no leader, very disorganized. People are just going to get hurt unless they begin
to form a plan for change and get some money/power behind it.
Same would be true for any country.
And hopefully the US doesn't step in now and try to fix Egypt, or are we already?
They said most people made less then $5 dollars a day. They also said the street vendors where the most aggressive they've ever encountered, even beating the reigning champ, Guatemala.
I'm surprised there are more AMT topics on this situation. Maybe I just missed them.
Tear gas and rubber bullets are status quo for riots/protests, but shutting down the internet? This shit is pretty much unprecedented.
this whole mess is sad Pandi,I hope somthing good comes from it.
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
Ya, exactly. The U.S. people are so distracted that you'll never see the uprising. In my opinion, by looking at history, you can assume certain circumstances deserve the uprising of the people. If the bulls of wall street stealing your life's income and being bailed out for it, isn't a circumstance to rise up, then I don't know what is.
1998: Barrie
2000: Montreal, Toronto, Auburn Hills
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The key question is, would things get better if 300 million people destroyed our government and tried to start anew? Who would lead? What party / group is organized enough to have the support of the people to bring reform ... and most important, stability and peace?
Free waffles for anyone ... oh ya ... well guess what, you'll be the first in line when I launch a waffle out of my high powered waffle gun directly into your throat ... happy thoughts
Destroy our government ? Do you truly feel the government in place is there for you, making it your government? You can't seriously believe that the U.S. government acts on the behalf of the people and their greater good as a policy maker ?
Who would lead ? Well, hopefully the government would lead instead of the federal reserve leading the government. Most importantly -> stability and peace ? So, you feel stability and peace now, seeing that stability and peace would not exist because we would destroy the government ?
I'm sorry but is the constitution not a flame as I write this ? I wouldn't suggest destroying the banking system but I would definitely suggest exchanging the position of power between the banking system and the government.
I am a firm believer that we all need to put our efforts into the responsibility of sustaining our immediate surroundings with the notion of the greater good in mind. From there, future sustainability would trickle up and evolve into a collective greater good over time ... Truthfully, I think because of certain death for all of us, anyone can attempt to do anything they want because they only live once, and want to live this one time as they choose. If not giving a fuck has to happen to get what you want, some people won't give a fuck to get what they want. The rest of us have to try and stop them or slow them down.
... I think I've lost sense in what I wanted to say ...
1998: Barrie
2000: Montreal, Toronto, Auburn Hills
2003: Cleveland, Buffalo, Toronto, Montreal
2004: Boston X2, Grand Rapids
2005: Kitchener, London, Hamilton, Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto
2006: Toronto X2
2009: Toronto
2011: PJ20, Montreal, Toronto X2, Hamilton
2012: Manchester X2, Amsterdam X2, Prague, Berlin X2, Philadelphia, Missoula
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Things do need to improve, but not through violence. New leaders need to emerge. A new political party needs to emerge. And if the US does fall into anarchy, I'm moving to Canada.
All for 19.95. Not to be used with short sleeve shirts.
1998: Barrie
2000: Montreal, Toronto, Auburn Hills
2003: Cleveland, Buffalo, Toronto, Montreal
2004: Boston X2, Grand Rapids
2005: Kitchener, London, Hamilton, Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto
2006: Toronto X2
2009: Toronto
2011: PJ20, Montreal, Toronto X2, Hamilton
2012: Manchester X2, Amsterdam X2, Prague, Berlin X2, Philadelphia, Missoula
2013: Pittsburg, Buffalo
2014: Milan, Trieste, Vienna, Berlin, Stockholm, Oslo, Detroit
2016: Ottawa, Toronto X2
2018: Padova, Rome, Prague, Krakow, Berlin, Barcelona
2023: Chicago X2
2024: New York X2
I'm more worried about the bomb AFTER the chalupa.
I just caught up on today's events, and you're right.
1998: Barrie
2000: Montreal, Toronto, Auburn Hills
2003: Cleveland, Buffalo, Toronto, Montreal
2004: Boston X2, Grand Rapids
2005: Kitchener, London, Hamilton, Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto
2006: Toronto X2
2009: Toronto
2011: PJ20, Montreal, Toronto X2, Hamilton
2012: Manchester X2, Amsterdam X2, Prague, Berlin X2, Philadelphia, Missoula
2013: Pittsburg, Buffalo
2014: Milan, Trieste, Vienna, Berlin, Stockholm, Oslo, Detroit
2016: Ottawa, Toronto X2
2018: Padova, Rome, Prague, Krakow, Berlin, Barcelona
2023: Chicago X2
2024: New York X2
The American people would never exert the energy. There are celebrities to worship, the boob tube is always on, and McDonald's has 2 for 1 Big Macs.
We are content to be docile sheep.
You are probably right.
The people that do stand up in this country are often called radicals or as some of the people on this forum call them "REDNECKS" so a story like this makes me wonder who the real sheep are.
Godfather. ... 89116.html
1998: Barrie
2000: Montreal, Toronto, Auburn Hills
2003: Cleveland, Buffalo, Toronto, Montreal
2004: Boston X2, Grand Rapids
2005: Kitchener, London, Hamilton, Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto
2006: Toronto X2
2009: Toronto
2011: PJ20, Montreal, Toronto X2, Hamilton
2012: Manchester X2, Amsterdam X2, Prague, Berlin X2, Philadelphia, Missoula
2013: Pittsburg, Buffalo
2014: Milan, Trieste, Vienna, Berlin, Stockholm, Oslo, Detroit
2016: Ottawa, Toronto X2
2018: Padova, Rome, Prague, Krakow, Berlin, Barcelona
2023: Chicago X2
2024: New York X2 ... 0-545.html
1998: Barrie
2000: Montreal, Toronto, Auburn Hills
2003: Cleveland, Buffalo, Toronto, Montreal
2004: Boston X2, Grand Rapids
2005: Kitchener, London, Hamilton, Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto
2006: Toronto X2
2009: Toronto
2011: PJ20, Montreal, Toronto X2, Hamilton
2012: Manchester X2, Amsterdam X2, Prague, Berlin X2, Philadelphia, Missoula
2013: Pittsburg, Buffalo
2014: Milan, Trieste, Vienna, Berlin, Stockholm, Oslo, Detroit
2016: Ottawa, Toronto X2
2018: Padova, Rome, Prague, Krakow, Berlin, Barcelona
2023: Chicago X2
2024: New York X2
Nope. You have it all wrong.
These so-called 'people who stand up in this country'... were the very same people who didn't say jack shit from 2000 to 2008. They only 'Speak Up' when someone that is not who they voted for is in the White House. If anything, they are sheep that are hearded by the Republican shepperd speaking through the voicebox of a Fox disguised as one of them. They believe everything, without question, that their Shepperd tells them. Opinion and conjecture is mistaken for Fair and Balanced.
As for Egypt... to try to draw comparisons between the U.S. and Egypt isn't even close. Egypt has been under the contested rule of the same president for 3 decades. When a Republican wins the Presidency, these same people who are so up in arms, will, once again, revert back into complacency (and will, once again, condemn any opposition to 'their' president as treasonous).
Hail, Hail!!!
Cosmo consistatly hits it out of the park...
no not necessarily, they have always been there they just don't get the coverage to bring them to the worlds attention until we get some goofball running for office or voted into office and the media wants a story, and fair and balanced ? tell me what is that....what ever the self-righteous Democrat believes to be true ?
thats a wide open arena Cosmo and if you want to believe one network over another then that's almost silly,I can tell you that I don't believe one more than the other, they're all in my opinion a basic outlet for news/info story's and after that anything you read or watch is open for doubt and controversy and we all like a good conspiracy don't we.
General VoNguyen Giap.
General Giap was a brilliant, highly respected leader
Of the North Vietnam military. The following quote
Is from his memoirs currently found in the
Vietnam war memorial in Hanoi :
'What we still don't understand is why you Americans
Stopped the bombing of Hanoi . You had us on the
Ropes. If you had pressed us a little harder,
Just for another day or two, we were ready
To surrender! It was the same at the
Battle of TET. You defeated us!
We knew it, and we thought
You knew it.
But we were elated to notice your media was
Helping us. They were causing more disruption in
America than we could in the battlefields. We
Were ready to surrender. You had won!'
General Giap has published his memoirs and confirmed
What most Americans knew. The Vietnam war was not
Lost in Vietnam -- it was lost at home. The
Same slippery slope, sponsored by the US media,
Is currently underway. It exposes the
Enormous power of a Biased Media to
Cut out the heart and will of
The American public.
A truism worthy of note: ... Do not fear the enemy,
For they can take only your life.
Fear the media,
For they will destroy your honor.
and.. ... /id/384427
and the media lives on.
I've read this and I disagree with the fact that the people in power are stupid. I think they know exactly what their doing to benefit their own pockets. The greater good is not a priority.
Also, I knew about China not investing in their own currency to keep it weak. Try to explain that to someone and note the look on their face that comes back at you.
Thanks for article.
1998: Barrie
2000: Montreal, Toronto, Auburn Hills
2003: Cleveland, Buffalo, Toronto, Montreal
2004: Boston X2, Grand Rapids
2005: Kitchener, London, Hamilton, Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto
2006: Toronto X2
2009: Toronto
2011: PJ20, Montreal, Toronto X2, Hamilton
2012: Manchester X2, Amsterdam X2, Prague, Berlin X2, Philadelphia, Missoula
2013: Pittsburg, Buffalo
2014: Milan, Trieste, Vienna, Berlin, Stockholm, Oslo, Detroit
2016: Ottawa, Toronto X2
2018: Padova, Rome, Prague, Krakow, Berlin, Barcelona
2023: Chicago X2
2024: New York X2
that was my point for Cosmo, a 100 people can read that article and some will believe every word and some will think for them selfs then some will not believe a word at all and in the end all we got was a basic idea of what was going on and not know the whole truth and it's that way with every media outlet imo.
Not every media outlet works in the same way, perhaps in your country - but surely that does not equate to the world, although I do suspect some of you to believe this.
America has no where near the same level of issues that Egypt has experienced, and to suggest otherwise is to be willfully ignorant. I can see already that your "news" outlets, namely Fox is spinning the story about Muslim Brotherhood blah blah blah, and at how this will be bad for America.
The fact is that Americans have propped up yet another dictator, for their own gains, who will hopefully now be ousted by people (remember they are just people, not the James Bond villians that you so eagerly salivate over). Normal people who decide to revolt against a dictator, who have taken the very brave stand to oppose this regieme should be celebrated, not scorned or mocked.
You, Godfather, have been called on a number of different issues in the past given your poor understanding of discussed topics, your meandering rants, laced with personal insults to others, mocking tones, and sometimes bigoted opinions are very trying, at best, to digest and respond to, so do yourself the favor you have said many times you would: research the topic by viewing a number of sources and form your own opinion based on that.
At this point, I think the best thing that could happen for Egypt is that Mubarak resigns and announces new elections. Keep democracy alive and hopefully keep religion out of domestic policy.