Very happy it arrived! I don't personally know Cate but was happy to contribute given the many good things everybody has to say about her. ENJOY!!
to think that friends would do this is one thing, but to think strangers would, some of whom i have not come across until you all did this for me, is just such an unfathomable act of grace.
last night when i was relaying the story to my #2 daughter all she said was, oh my god mum...crazy pearl jam fans umm yeah.. crazy cool pearl jam fans.
thank you all again so very much
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Very happy it arrived! I don't personally know Cate but was happy to contribute given the many good things everybody has to say about her. ENJOY!!
to think that friends would do this is one thing, but to think strangers would, some of whom i have not come across until you all did this for me, is just such an unfathomable act of grace.
last night when i was relaying the story to my #2 daughter all she said was, oh my god mum...crazy pearl jam fans umm yeah.. crazy cool pearl jam fans.
thank you all again so very much
Gimli 1993
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
I was amazed how many people said they were in with a donation before i even told them who it was for. it was awesome.
i didnt even know holy grails existed until jason told me. i thought i know monty pythons holy grail and thats about the extent of it. im pretty much out of the loop here and try to keep on the downlow, which for someone as opinionated as me isnt always easy.
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
I was amazed how many people said they were in with a donation before i even told them who it was for. it was awesome.
i didnt even know holy grails existed until jason told me. i thought i know monty pythons holy grail and thats about the extent of it. im pretty much out of the loop here and try to keep on the downlow, which for someone as opinionated as me isnt always easy.
Gimli 1993
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
im sitting here speechless atm. for those of you who know me personally youll know what an accomplishment that is. i am truly humbled by all of you alls generosity. you made me cry you fuckers. :P
so this morning i go down the PO to get something. i am expecting some CDs, but recently theyve been coming into my mailbox, so i couldnt figure out what was awaiting me at the PO. but whatever it was required my signature.. and that intrigued me more. the woman behind the counter(no she wasnt elderly) dumped this big 'thing' on the counter and i thought WTF!! thats the size of a 12". i dont understand. so i lug this package home, all the while thinking what it could be and who sent it to me and who the hell is scott??? i seriously did think it was the size of the TEN boxset but dismissed that as being just too ridiculous for words. who would send that to me??? it cost way too much, though i did have my suspicions about if it was the TENset who would be behind it. i got it home and opened it and was literally floored. i said to my daughter that i didnt understand and she said maybe it was sent to me by mistake. and i said well who would make such a mistake???
i fondled it for a bit, and yes reverentially went through the notebook, then fired off an email to the person i thought would be most responsible. what i got back was a vague email asking was there a note? i said no there was no note and asked again if he was behind it. by this stage i was quite anxious and frustrated cause, as i told jasonE, never in my life has someone taken such a initiative with me, so that was freaking me out a little. then came the confession. i was sitting at the bus stop reading jasons explanation and became so overwhelmed by such generosity that i started crying.... and then wouldnt you know it... the bus came.
i just want to thank everyone for such a grand gesture... especially paul, jason and scott... this means more to me than i could ever possibly express with words.
im sitting here speechless atm. for those of you who know me personally youll know what an accomplishment that is. i am truly humbled by all of you alls generosity. you made me cry you fuckers. :P
so this morning i go down the PO to get something. i am expecting some CDs, but recently theyve been coming into my mailbox, so i couldnt figure out what was awaiting me at the PO. but whatever it was required my signature.. and that intrigued me more. the woman behind the counter(no she wasnt elderly) dumped this big 'thing' on the counter and i thought WTF!! thats the size of a 12". i dont understand. so i lug this package home, all the while thinking what it could be and who sent it to me and who the hell is scott??? i seriously did think it was the size of the TEN boxset but dismissed that as being just too ridiculous for words. who would send that to me??? it cost way too much, though i did have my suspicions about if it was the TENset who would be behind it. i got it home and opened it and was literally floored. i said to my daughter that i didnt understand and she said maybe it was sent to me by mistake. and i said well who would make such a mistake???
i fondled it for a bit, and yes reverentially went through the notebook, then fired off an email to the person i thought would be most responsible. what i got back was a vague email asking was there a note? i said no there was no note and asked again if he was behind it. by this stage i was quite anxious and frustrated cause, as i told jasonE, never in my life has someone taken such a initiative with me, so that was freaking me out a little. then came the confession. i was sitting at the bus stop reading jasons explanation and became so overwhelmed by such generosity that i started crying.... and then wouldnt you know it... the bus came.
i just want to thank everyone for such a grand gesture... especially paul, jason and scott... this means more to me than i could ever possibly express with words.
thank you thank you thank you thank you
Another Satisfied Customer
I know that some people are already working on the next holy grail - there are a couple of threads about it.
Someone now needs to start figuring out who's next after the next one.
I have not been here much as of late, and had to ask Paul yesterday if it had arrived as I missed the update! And considering I dont know you, I couldnt ask you in anyway. ...Anyhow, Glad you like it! I actually thought about putting a note in it saying it was from Paul, but I figured this would make it more fun! ;-) Enjoy it!! Glad I could be a part of it!
My friend was going to see Eddie last night. Since he was in Vegas, I gave him 5 Grand to gamble with. I told him I wanted it all to go on Black. Bastard! PhillyCrownOfThorns-11-2-12
"Rise above principal and do what's right."
Enjoy cate
to think that friends would do this is one thing, but to think strangers would, some of whom i have not come across until you all did this for me, is just such an unfathomable act of grace.
last night when i was relaying the story to my #2 daughter all she said was, oh my god mum...crazy pearl jam fans
thank you all again so very much
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
i didnt even know holy grails existed until jason told me. i thought i know monty pythons holy grail and thats about the extent of it. im pretty much out of the loop here and try to keep on the downlow, which for someone as opinionated as me isnt always easy.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
I know that some people are already working on the next holy grail - there are a couple of threads about it.
Someone now needs to start figuring out who's next after the next one.
My friend was going to see Eddie last night. Since he was in Vegas, I gave him 5 Grand to gamble with. I told him I wanted it all to go on Black. Bastard! PhillyCrownOfThorns-11-2-12