This is awful! These are my neighbors...that was Boomer!



  • polaris_x wrote:
    sooo ... say someone intending to harm your family comes onto your property ... is the dog supposed to stop when that person orders it? ... sometimes i wonder if people really are that stupid ... as if a dog is supposed to know that's a police officer ...

    the only thing sadder than this event is the people making excuses for a poorly trained officer who i hope is not actually a captain ...

    That's actually a very good point. And if it's ok for a police officer to shoot a dog that is ON IT'S OWN PROPERTY, barking at a STRANGER, is it ok for someone intending harm on the occupants of the home to shoot a dog that is ON IT'S OWN PROPERTY, barking at a STRANGER. I honestly don't see the difference, but I'm sure the police will come up with some excuse. It's a very sad state of affairs. I always get more upset at things done to animals, than things done to humans. I guess it's because animals, not only but especially dogs, are nothing but loyal and happy. They live only to please their family. There is no other goal or aim for them in life. It's very very simple. The love of an animal is one of the purest forms, and it upsets me so much to hear about them mistreated or harmed. I really honestly do feel for the family here. If that happened to my dogs, one of which is my 11 year old daughters dog, given as a birthday gift two years ago, how would you explain that to them? How would you say to your daughter who shares her bed with her dog, her best friend, ever single night, that a police officer shot and killed that dog because she was scared of animals, less than a week before Christmas.

    It is very sad.
  • What a fucking double standard. An officer of the law can shoot and kill a family member on its own property with no repercussion. But anything done to a K-9 unit is considered to have been done to an officer of the law.

    I'm so sorry. This makes me sick. :cry:
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