Pearl Jam dreams

Deep In The OceanDeep In The Ocean Posts: 196
edited November 2013 in The Porch
Hi there! I was thinkin that...have you ever dreamed with Pearl Jam?

The other day I dreamed that I was over the stage with them...but not as a person I was some kind of camera all around looking at the band and the crowd :lol: while they were playing unthought known!!!
From Montevideo, Uruguay.
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • voidofmanvoidofman Posts: 4,009
    Shortly after meeting Eddie in 2000 (I posted the story in the Has anyone met Mr. Vedder? thread), Pearl Jam were at a festival, I'm sure you all know it. I had a dream soon after this incident. It started in a large house, Eddie was pacing all around it, stepped over me while I was laying in the entrance door way. Then there was kind of like a gameshow that was related to the next part of the dream, a host (can't remember who) asked me to name 5 items that were in the next part. I said them all but only remember 2, a boat and a toque. I then was transported on a small row boat in an ocean somewhere, it was kind of dark and foggy, the water was dark and I'm sure was cold, Gord Downie (lead singer from the Tragically Hip) was in the boat wearing a toque and jacket. I was at the back of the boat, Eddie was in the water holding onto the back of the boat, I reached out my hand for him to grab it and pull him into the boat but he didn't and I woke up soon after. The look on his face was one of complete sadness, and I'm sure it was related to his feelings when that tragedy at Roskilde happened.
  • PapPap Serres, Greece Posts: 29,416
    Only once as a complete dream related only to our favourite band (I have just joined the "I saw Pearl Jam and talked to Eddie Vedder in my sleep" thread): "Last night, I dreamt of being present in an intimate Pearl Jam concert which took place in a university amphitheater. First of all, Ed (hairstyle 2003) started singing Amongst The Waves on the left side of the amphitheater while the other members of the band were on the stand. I was right next to him while he was singing and suddenly I interrupted his singing and asked him if he could give me some memorabilia after the show. He said "yes" but in an angry manner. I totally understand him. I was ashamed and kept standing next to him -the entire concert-, looking at the small crowd with a big smile and typing at my mobile phone the setlist. Now that I'm thinking of it again, I must have acted like an idiot. Nevertheless, Eddie didn't feel embarassed at all. As much as I can remember the setlist must have been the following: 1) Amongst The Waves, 2) In My Tree, 3) State Of Love And Trust, 4) Indifference (unplugged) and 5) Indifference (electric). In the end, Eddie gave me the warmest hug while the rest of the band - especially McCready (in the middle) and Gossard at the right - kept giving big smiles at the crowd while being in order hugging one another. Then Eddie told me to wait outside the front door and that the only things that he could give away were two LPs and one CD. In addition, he said that there was also a girl who was waiting for memorabilia. Immediately after I reached the front door, a lady waiting hidden behind the door, outstreched her hands and told me to choose between one LP and one CD. However, instead of one CD that I chose, I found myself keeping a paper which entitled me to take a bunch of memorabilia. That very moment, Eddie (hairstyle 2006) came to me out of the blue (I and the band were still in the university) and having said to me that this paper is just bullshit, he torn it down and threw it at the garbage. He told me to follow him. While we were walking hastily at the university's corridors, we run into the aforementioned girl and Ed (hairstyle 2006) did the same at her paper too". Recently, I keep having dreams including little abstracts related to Pearl Jam. :D
    Athens 2006 / Milton Keynes 2014 / London 1&2 2022 / Seattle 1&2 2024 / Dublin 2024 / Manchester 2024 / New Orleans 2025
  • samjamsamjam New York Posts: 9,283
    All the time! Most recently it a dream where I met Ed. I dreamt I was at some restaurant in NYC with my dad and my sister. I look over at the table diagonal from us and its none other than Ed and Jill eating dinner! I was shocked and kept quietly freaking out to my dad and sister. I kept looking over, waiting for an appropriate time to approach him but it just never felt right. So, I wrote something on a napkin (don't remember what it was I wrote) and motioned for the waiter and told the waiter to give it to Ed! He gave it to Ed who looked up and smiled. Don't remember much of what happened mid-dream, it was some conversation with my dad and my sister about the Knicks haha...but at the end Ed comes up to our table, hands me a pick, and I could only mutter out 'Thank you'. Then he & my dad proceeded to talk about each having 2 daughters! Then I woke up....

    If only, if only.... :D
    "Sometimes you find yourself having to put all your faith in no faith."
    ~not a dude~
    2010: MSGx2
    2012: Made In America
    2013: Pittsburgh, Brooklynx2, Hartford, Baltimore
    2014: Leeds, Milton Keynes, Detroit
    2015: Global Citizen Festival
    2016: Phillyx2, MSGx2, Fenwayx2
    2018: Barcelona, Wrigleyx2
  • StillHereStillHere Posts: 7,795
    edited September 2011
    awwww that's sad, the boat dream
    but glad you got to meet him
    Post edited by StillHere on
    "How I choose to feel is how I am." ~ EV/MMc
    "Some people hear their own inner voices with great clearness and they live by what they hear. Such people become crazy, or they become legends." ~ One Stab ~
  • BUMP :mrgreen:
    From Montevideo, Uruguay.
  • PapPap Serres, Greece Posts: 29,416
    Athens 2006 / Milton Keynes 2014 / London 1&2 2022 / Seattle 1&2 2024 / Dublin 2024 / Manchester 2024 / New Orleans 2025
  • StillHereStillHere Posts: 7,795
    what to do
    what to do? :roll:
    "How I choose to feel is how I am." ~ EV/MMc
    "Some people hear their own inner voices with great clearness and they live by what they hear. Such people become crazy, or they become legends." ~ One Stab ~
  • First off I am a lurker but wanted to share my dream.
    My wife was pregnant and we didn't know the sex of our first born. One night I dreamed that I was up front at a show in front of Mike. After the show he throws me a pick. I looked down and it said boy on it.
    Two weeks later we have the ultrasound and sure enough my little boys manhood was quite obvious. Just more evidence that Mike is God!
  • Aero83_Aero83_ Posts: 933
    No, but had a dream I was trailed by twenty jammers..

    I butted up to the front of the tenc line in Jakarta, Indo and twenty of the more toolish types got really bent out of shape about the whole thing and followed me all the way back home to california..glad I woke up from that one because they were scary lookin as hell.. whew, getting a cold sweat just thinking about it.. :arrow:
    ...10/31/09, 05/21/10, Peru, Los Angeles
  • PapPap Serres, Greece Posts: 29,416
    JF184888 wrote:
    First off I am a lurker but wanted to share my dream.
    My wife was pregnant and we didn't know the sex of our first born. One night I dreamed that I was up front at a show in front of Mike. After the show he throws me a pick. I looked down and it said boy on it.
    Two weeks later we have the ultrasound and sure enough my little boys manhood was quite obvious. Just more evidence that Mike is God!
    Very nice dream! :mrgreen:
    Athens 2006 / Milton Keynes 2014 / London 1&2 2022 / Seattle 1&2 2024 / Dublin 2024 / Manchester 2024 / New Orleans 2025
  • yeah I've had a few. the first one I had not long after seeing them live in auckland

    I dreamt that Pearl Jam and Chris Cornell and Foo Fighters were using our house as a hotel. They played a concert on our lawn and then we cooked them dinner. I hugged Eddie a few times and me and my mum sat on the floor in our lounge while looking up at eddie who was telling us a story. He was then talking to me about how he had to fly home soon and do a new cover for the Backspacer album, one which he would draw himself. Then I went to the beach with my dad, Nate from Foo Fighters, Mike McCready and Chris Cornell. There was pine trees in the sand near the water and we had to go along and do something to the trees. But then a wave came and Chris got pulled into the ground and Mike said "we cannot try to say him, or we will all die" so we drove off and suddenly Mike was chasing us, like running down the middle of the road and we had to go through stoplights to outrun him.

    Very weird

    The other one was that I was a secret agent and I had to go to hawaii and go into Eddies motel room without him knowing and remove a bomb which was in his laundry basket :P
    Then he came back in a I was hiding under the bed and he was like "Heya, whatcha doing down there?" "Just savin your life" I said and then I left..

    Pearl Jam Pearl Jam Pearl Jam!

    I'm looking to buy a single ticket to Ed's Sydney Opera House show, PM me if you've got a spare! I don't care where the seat is! :D
  • voidofmanvoidofman Posts: 4,009
    StillHere wrote:
    awwww that's sad, the boat dream
    but glad you got to meet him

    I forgot to mention how I felt in that dream, should be kind of obvious, like he did in that moment, helpless to help, couldn't reach out, etc. Was really sad and an awful moment for all of them. But it's in the past.
  • StillHereStillHere Posts: 7,795
    edited September 2011
    this is long, i know, but i've already shortened it a lot,there's so much detail in it
    I've had two recurring PJ dreams (well i should say eddie dreams)
    and one that stands out the most is one where in the dream:

    it is just Eddie and me
    we were young, in our teens, maybe 15, maybe a little bit younger, a bit older, i'm not so sure
    and he had been a runaway to the little town I where i grew up in eastern PA
    (a very popular town for runaway kids back then)
    He was not "Eddie Vedder of Pearl Jam" ....yet
    He was nobody – I was nobody
    we were just a couple of kids
    we were wonderfully close friends
    soul mates you might even say
    so comfortable with each other
    inseperable ~ and, in case you might think otherwise, totally platonic
    words were hardly needed to express thoughts and feelings
    we walked slowly side by side
    over the bridge that spans the little river
    a hot humid summer night
    a rock band was playing at the ferry dock
    probably at john & peter's where up and coming bands
    from all over the country often played (and probably still do)
    out on the back deck at the river
    ....long summer nights
    dark, humid, misty, ethereal
    silent black water swirling in eddies around the bridge pilings below
    the silver shimmer of the moon
    it's milky visage floating upon, maybe just under, the dark water
    i even "felt" the cool breeze that would come off the water
    such a welcome relief in the stifling heat
    i remember all of it as if it were absolutely real
    and as if it happened yesterday
    there are SO many details i won't go into here
    but the gist of the dream was that we were
    friends, but not "just" friends
    there was a special connection
    that very special place you can go to
    with one in a thousand, maybe a million, people
    we walked in silence, no need for words
    we stood at the railing on the bridge
    arms crossed on the rail, chins on forearms
    looking over and out into the soupy darkness
    quietly watching the water flow under the bridge
    the ripples, waves, eddies, silhouettes
    watching the moon slide behind clouds in the sky
    time standing still, passed in silence
    hours went by, but it didn't matter
    as natural as if we did this every night of our lives
    quiet understanding between us
    few words were spoken, even less were needed
    the music
    faint now and then
    muffled by the misty blanket
    hovering over the blackened river
    drew back from whence it came
    and i looked over to him
    nodded toward the band at the dock
    and said something like,
    that's your destiny, you know
    that's where you'll be some day
    he just sort of shrugged
    never looking up
    just shrugged, and watched the water flow
    and it kind of went on like that
    just quiet and comfortable
    and i knew in the dream that this would be a fleeting friendship
    that he would return home when summer was over
    but that i would never forget him or the summer we spent together
    and i hoped he'd never forget it either
    and then…somewhere in the crevices of my mind
    i knew who he was, or who he would become
    and i didn't know...but i did (i know that doesn't make any sense but that's how dreams are)

    I’ve tried to analyze this dream
    And I think the dream is about the total connection
    That I feel…that many, if not most of us feel
    With eddie’s words and lyrics
    As if we could have written them ourselves had we the talent
    I find it to be absolutely amazing how his words somehow capture
    All of our deepest thoughts and fears and joys
    As if he’d been right there with us somehow…forever

    i almost wrote him once and told him about that dream
    i even put it down on paper
    all the details (there’s so much more)
    but before i sent it i came to my senses
    thought better of it
    don't want to freak him out altogether you know?
    I DO want to be allowed into the next show…so..i put that idea to rest real quick

    then there is a 2nd dream
    when eddie comes back to that same town, several years later
    he's maybe in his early- to mid-twenties
    he looks different. There’s lots of gorgeous hair for one thing
    he's still the same
    quiet, shy, funny, quick, witty
    but something's changed – deep inside
    can't quite put my finger on it
    there is distance in what once was a beautiful friendship
    time changes everything
    now there's Pearl Jam (or Mookie, not sure which…but it must have been PJ cuz the whole town was nuts over them)
    the upcoming show - didn't actually seem to be "inside" anywhere
    but just there
    i hadn't known about the show and i knew i couldn't get in now
    don't remember why
    i could see it but couldn't get in
    and then eddie was there
    i don't think he came to find me
    i think we just ran into each other
    (or maybe i was searching, i'm not sure)
    on the far side of the bridge
    I recall it was in front of the now & then shop
    In the alcove between that and the old pizza hangout
    (so much detail)
    and i was disappointed that he hadn't told me he was coming
    and hadn't looked me up when he arrived
    to me, he wasn't eddie vedder, famous PJ frontman
    he was just eddie, my dear old friend from that long ago summer
    a bit older...and something had changed
    something intangible
    there we were
    i had missed him, wanted to spend some time
    he was busy, in a hurry
    he said he'd get me into the show, not to worry
    he had to go for a bit now, but he'd be back
    just going to get the wine
    we'd have a drink
    but he didn't return
    i waited
    and then the show went on
    and i was on the outside
    i could hear it…at points i think i could even see it, from afar
    sort of, but not, you know how dreams are
    and i was hurt
    my dear old friend had forsaken me
    in his budding fame
    my . old. friend
    well, things had changed
    and it seemed he'd forgotten me now
    and i remember how he said then
    "these shows, i give away so much of myself that i feel there's nothing left of me.
    nothing to give to my loved friends..."
    or something very similar to that (i know i'm not quoting accurately)

    that's basically how that one ends,
    most of the time

    those dreams are like a continuing story
    i've had the first dream repeatedly for years
    for so long that sometimes i wonder which came first
    pj or the dream?
    the dream or pj?
    its always more or less the same
    the two dreams seem to fit together
    they don't occur together
    at least not that i'm aware
    but they seem to go together
    a continuation
    i like the first a whole lot better
    than the latter
    well, you can see why

    and when i wake, i have to wonder
    (call me nuts if you want to, go ahead, it won't be the first time and surely not the last)
    but i always have to wonder if he was ever actually there when we were kids?
    (So many west coast kids actually were…not sure what attracted so many to such a tiny town, but they came, every summer we met more, every winter we lost them)
    in that town...just a mixed up kid running from the world?
    aaahhh.....but then i remember
    he ran to the west coast, not the east
    and so there it is
    please try not to be too harsh
    Post edited by StillHere on
    "How I choose to feel is how I am." ~ EV/MMc
    "Some people hear their own inner voices with great clearness and they live by what they hear. Such people become crazy, or they become legends." ~ One Stab ~
  • StillHere wrote:
    this is long, i know, but i've already shortened it a lot,there's so much detail in it
    I've had two recurring PJ dreams (well i should say eddie dreams)........................
    .............and so there it is
    all laid out bare and vulnerable
    please try not to be too harsh

    woah, the way you wrote it, I could picture it all.
    Lovely images and description. I had to re-read some of the parts of the first dream because I just loved the way you described it.
    I don't get why anyone would blast you for it? Maybe you were a bit too graphic the first time you told it? haha
    well I liked reading about it, I find dreams fascinating and all those parts where you kinda knew, but you didn't, i totally understand. I get them all the time in dreams.
    A recurring dream? that's cool and your analysis of it makes complete sense.
    The 2nd dream reminded me of "Off He Goes" haha i don't's cool how you've got 2 dreams that are like continuations of each other

    anyway, i've only had one dream that had PJ in it, but they weren't really in it so I don't know if it counts. But I was at a show, I don't know/can't remember who I was with and it must've been either during the show or the soundcheck and I remember Mike being on stage and then I'm sure I saw Eddie like on stage too, but I can't remember. It was a very "blurry" dream haha

    loved reading about everyone's dreams though :)
  • StillHereStillHere Posts: 7,795
    StillHere wrote:
    this is long, i know, but i've already shortened it a lot,there's so much detail in it
    I've had two recurring PJ dreams (well i should say eddie dreams)........................
    .............and so there it is
    all laid out bare and vulnerable
    please try not to be too harsh

    woah, the way you wrote it, I could picture it all.
    Lovely images and description. I had to re-read some of the parts of the first dream because I just loved the way you described it.
    I don't get why anyone would blast you for it? Maybe you were a bit too graphic the first time you told it? haha
    well I liked reading about it, I find dreams fascinating and all those parts where you kinda knew, but you didn't, i totally understand. I get them all the time in dreams.
    A recurring dream? that's cool and your analysis of it makes complete sense.
    The 2nd dream reminded me of "Off He Goes" haha i don't's cool how you've got 2 dreams that are like continuations of each other

    anyway, i've only had one dream that had PJ in it, but they weren't really in it so I don't know if it counts. But I was at a show, I don't know/can't remember who I was with and it must've been either during the show or the soundcheck and I remember Mike being on stage and then I'm sure I saw Eddie like on stage too, but I can't remember. It was a very "blurry" dream haha

    loved reading about everyone's dreams though :)

    thanks, glad you enjoyed. (i may have elaborated a bit more on that other thread back when, ya ;) there was one particular statement that had a few folks bent out of shape. to me it was nothing but the truth. funny how people take things and run with it sometimes)

    everyone's dreams are so interesting. nice :D
    "How I choose to feel is how I am." ~ EV/MMc
    "Some people hear their own inner voices with great clearness and they live by what they hear. Such people become crazy, or they become legends." ~ One Stab ~
  • megatronmegatron Posts: 3,420
    i have dreams that im at shows all the time. got on stage once. then a cow kicked me off

    i also had a dream they were playing at like union square but they were on top of a moon bounce type contraption. impossible to climb
  • Aero83_Aero83_ Posts: 933 a bit dizzy after reading some of those...
    but would love to hear more tho....:) ha
    ...10/31/09, 05/21/10, Peru, Los Angeles
  • in eds treein eds tree Denver Posts: 539

    so i have no idea where this came from, but i had the weirdest pj dream (well, i guess eddie) last night. i dreamed that somehow i heard something or came across some evidence that seemed to indicate that eddie, and possibly the band, were engaged in some shady business practices that could possibly be illegal. i posted something about it on here to see if anyone had heard anything about it, and well apparently it turned out to be true and the authorities were onto it because of my post (a lot of law enforcement officers on this board maybe? lol) and long twisted dream short, somehow i ended up being responsible for breaking up the band and eddie possibly going to jail. in my dream it was in all the magazines and i was referred to as a "whistleblower"...i literally woke up in a cold sweat! hahahaha

    definitely the first pj related NIGHTMARE i have had :P
    keep on rockin' in the free world.
  • voidofmanvoidofman Posts: 4,009
    ^^ That is definitely a nightmare. :lol:
  • PapPap Serres, Greece Posts: 29,416
    i ended up being responsible for breaking up the band and eddie possibly going to jail.
    Athens 2006 / Milton Keynes 2014 / London 1&2 2022 / Seattle 1&2 2024 / Dublin 2024 / Manchester 2024 / New Orleans 2025
  • in eds treein eds tree Denver Posts: 539
    Pap wrote:
    i ended up being responsible for breaking up the band and eddie possibly going to jail.

    Lmao, dude...that is how I felt. You know how you wake up from bad dreams trying to shake them off and decide if it was real or not?? Rough few to twenty seconds after I woke up, haha
    keep on rockin' in the free world.
  • unlost dogsunlost dogs Greater Boston Posts: 12,553
    Pap wrote:
    i ended up being responsible for breaking up the band and eddie possibly going to jail.

    Well now we know who to blame when it happens.

    Of course now I can't remember my most meaningful PJ dream.

    But I do vaguely recall a recent one. I know it was something to do with me being in the band, in Matt's place. Which is odd because 1. I can't play the drums 2. I have absolutely no rhythm and 3. I couldn't carry a tune in a bucket. But nonetheless we were walking out on stage and I remember wishing there were more lights as there was a pretty good chance I was going to stumble onto the drum set and send everything flying.
    15 years of sharks 06/30/08 (MA), 05/17/10 (Boston), 09/03/11 (Alpine Valley), 09/04/11 (Alpine Valley), 09/30/12 (Missoula), 07/19/13 (Wrigley), 10/15/13 (Worcester), 10/16/13 (Worcester), 10/25/13 (Hartford), 12/4/13 (Vancouver), 12/6/13 (Seattle), 6/26/14 (Berlin), 6/28/14 (Stockholm), 10/16/14 (Detroit)
  • PapPap Serres, Greece Posts: 29,416
    I remember wishing there were more lights as there was a pretty good chance I was going to stumble onto the drum set and send everything flying.
    Athens 2006 / Milton Keynes 2014 / London 1&2 2022 / Seattle 1&2 2024 / Dublin 2024 / Manchester 2024 / New Orleans 2025
  • First off I am a lurker but wanted to share my dream.
    My wife was pregnant and we didn't know the sex of our first born. One night I dreamed that I was up front at a show in front of Mike. After the show he throws me a pick. I looked down and it said boy on it.
    Two weeks later we have the ultrasound and sure enough my little boys manhood was quite obvious. Just more evidence that Mike is God!

    I like that dream.

    I dreamt that I played w/ Pearl Jam on stage, and then Ed drove me home in a old red pick up truck.
  • stargirl69stargirl69 Posts: 6,387
    I have never had a dream about the band but many years ago I had a dream that unfolded as the lyrics to Release
    “There should be a place where only the things you want to happen, happen”
  • eeriepadaveeeriepadave West Chester, PA Posts: 42,506
    Long dream last night, but i'll just skip to the Pearl Jam part (the other parts were kinda weird, even for more me :lol: ) Anywho I was in the car with one of my cats. Somehow how the new Pearl Jam album got out and I think i dreamt it (like a dream within a dream thing). I was trying to remember the tracklistings and they were being shown on the window . I was writing them down on my GPS unit which was a pain cuz everytime i wrote them down i would spell it wrong or something. Also my cat was getting on my nerves by coming up to me and rubbing herself on me while i was writing them down before i forgot. Willow, my one cat i kept on pushing her out of the way so i could write down the songs. Also the car was driving by itself :? Evantually i thought "Why don't i just use my phone to write them down. I started to and then i woke up. Weird part I remembered some of the titles, granted they were weird titles though. "Pull, Pull, Push, Hehe","Fixitfurniture" or something along those lines. Also the next single or the album title had "Starting" or "Standing" as the first word. Oh yeah also "Ole" was on there so i new it was real. ;):lol:
    8/28/98- Camden, NJ
    10/31/09- Philly
    5/21/10- NYC
    9/2/12- Philly, PA
    7/19/13- Wrigley
    10/19/13- Brooklyn, NY
    10/21/13- Philly, PA
    10/22/13- Philly, PA
    10/27/13- Baltimore, MD
    4/28/16- Philly, PA
    4/29/16- Philly, PA
    5/1/16- NYC
    5/2/16- NYC
    9/2/18- Boston, MA
    9/4/18- Boston, MA
    9/14/22- Camden, NJ
    9/7/24- Philly, PA
    9/9/24- Philly, PA
    Tres Mts.- 3/23/11- Philly. PA
    Eddie Vedder- 6/25/11- Philly, PA
    RNDM- 3/9/16- Philly, PA
  • StillHereStillHere Posts: 7,795
    funny dave!
    when the new album comes out we'll find out if you're really clairvoyant :)
    who knows there just might be a song entitled "Ole!" on it (LOL!!!!) :lol:
    "How I choose to feel is how I am." ~ EV/MMc
    "Some people hear their own inner voices with great clearness and they live by what they hear. Such people become crazy, or they become legends." ~ One Stab ~
  • StillHereStillHere Posts: 7,795
    i had another PJ (again Eddie) dream a few weeks back and it was not very flattering to myself...

    i don't know if i remember all the details now but it was something like

    Went to an Ed show.
    After the show for some reason Eddie invited me and a friend up to his room for a drink and a chat
    Of course we went
    It was a 2nd floor room with outside access and wooden stairs to the ground...kind of like a little apt..and really not all that nice
    Jill was there and we were having a really nice time
    We hung out for a while and chatted and then they started gathering up coats and bags and stuff and said they had to go out
    I asked (boldly) where they were headed
    They said they were going over to see Bevy while they were in town
    "Bevy..MY sister Bevy?" I asked
    yep...that's the same. Apparently my (estranged) little sister Bevy and Jill are great friends in the dream
    Well...I was TOTALLY jealous.....SOOOOO jealous
    I asked nicely if I could go along
    They said no (nicely) ... that they had made specific plans etc
    And to my own amazement I kept it up....I knew I was being a jerk but I just couldn't seem to help myself
    After all ...this was MY Eddie..not HERS! ( terrible, I was the biggest idiot ever!)
    I was insanely jealous of them leaving my company to go and see her
    So I whined and carried on and acted like a little brat and made such a fool out of myself
    (when I woke up from the dream I was .. in real life.....totally embarrassed for my behavior and actions even though it was only a dream)
    So off they went with me yelling and whining a toddler who's been told to share their favorite toy :roll:
    And the look on Eddie's face was of total disappointment in me
    And THAT stung....really big sting

    Odd thing...I would bet that my sister wouldn't even recognize Ed's name as being a part of PJ....although I could totally see her hanging w Jill.

    Embarrassing...Wow... never knew I could be so petty...but dreams have a way of revealing all don't they? :oops:
    "How I choose to feel is how I am." ~ EV/MMc
    "Some people hear their own inner voices with great clearness and they live by what they hear. Such people become crazy, or they become legends." ~ One Stab ~
  • eeriepadaveeeriepadave West Chester, PA Posts: 42,506
    Pearl am dream last night in which i saw the Made In america set list. They opened with Release and ended with Yellow Ledbetter. Also Hunger Strike and Say Hello to Heaven were on there as well (I'm guessing with Cornell). NO songs really stood out apart from them. Also No Dirty Frank or Oceans though :(
    8/28/98- Camden, NJ
    10/31/09- Philly
    5/21/10- NYC
    9/2/12- Philly, PA
    7/19/13- Wrigley
    10/19/13- Brooklyn, NY
    10/21/13- Philly, PA
    10/22/13- Philly, PA
    10/27/13- Baltimore, MD
    4/28/16- Philly, PA
    4/29/16- Philly, PA
    5/1/16- NYC
    5/2/16- NYC
    9/2/18- Boston, MA
    9/4/18- Boston, MA
    9/14/22- Camden, NJ
    9/7/24- Philly, PA
    9/9/24- Philly, PA
    Tres Mts.- 3/23/11- Philly. PA
    Eddie Vedder- 6/25/11- Philly, PA
    RNDM- 3/9/16- Philly, PA
  • megatronmegatron Posts: 3,420
    Just more evidence that Mike is God!

    this made me :lol:
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