Adding Billions of Dollars to the deficit wasn't suppose to be the reason why the GOP was voted in, right? These two subjects are adding BILLIONS!!
GOP is working on behalf of who? Because if you look at what Obama's tax bracket was purposing it was only a slight change to what we currently have. And it had absolutely no negative affect on the middle class. I am assuming you support this because you are part of that 2%, right?
Yes, I'm cruising around the globe on my Gulf Stream jet while posting on the PJ message board as we speak. I'll keep this short because I have brunch scheduled with the Prince of Monaco. It's good to be king.
Adding Billions of Dollars to the deficit wasn't suppose to be the reason why the GOP was voted in, right? These two subjects are adding BILLIONS!!
GOP is working on behalf of who? Because if you look at what Obama's tax bracket was purposing it was only a slight change to what we currently have. And it had absolutely no negative affect on the middle class. I am assuming you support this because you are part of that 2%, right?
Yes, I'm cruising around the globe on my Gulf Stream jet while posting on the PJ message board as we speak. I'll keep this short because I have brunch scheduled with the Prince of Monaco. It's good to be king.
well that makes sense. Now I know why your so defensive.
obama has not ruled from the left. he is a centrist.
Compared to who?
what are your examples of him ruling from the left?
you got your tax cuts. you have don't ask don't tell still on the books. you don't have medicare for all or a public option. we are still fighting the "war on turr"... i can go on and on. this is a 3rd bush term.
"You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry." - Lincoln
obama has not ruled from the left. he is a centrist.
Compared to who?
what are your examples of him ruling from the left?
you got your tax cuts. you have don't ask don't tell still on the books. you don't have medicare for all or a public option. we are still fighting the "war on turr"... i can go on and on. this is a 3rd bush term.
wow ! you sure call it like you see it...I take back all the crummy things I've said about you j/k
wow ! you sure call it like you see it...I take back all the crummy things I've said about you j/k
lol thanks.
i think i see things much clearer now. i voted for hope and change, and have lost hope, and gotten "the same".
i stand by my assertion earlier in this thread that he step down and not run for re-election. we stand where we are today because he failed to lead. he had the bully pulpit and did not use it. he had majorities in both houses and failed to crack enough skulls to get the dems in lock step to pass his agenda. he compromised on everything and fought for nothing. typical empty suit democrat. rarely do nice guys win their agenda, and rarely are great leaders well liked. he tried to be friend with everyone and you can not do that in politics, especially if you are the president. now he will not win.
come 2012 if the economy is still in the shitter, unemployment is still near 9%, wall street is still running amok with $90 billion bonuses for the ones that wrecked the economy, we are still at war, the income gap continues to widen, and if he is still caving into gop demands he will not win a second term. god knows he is not going to get his agenda with the gop controlled house. the gop can run a scarecrow or a manequin and it would probably beat obama. he needs a challenger in the primary. someone who will not retreat and will not surrender.
"You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry." - Lincoln
wow ! you sure call it like you see it...I take back all the crummy things I've said about you j/k
lol thanks.
i think i see things much clearer now. i voted for hope and change, and have lost hope, and gotten "the same".
i stand by my assertion earlier in this thread that he step down and not run for re-election. we stand where we are today because he failed to lead. he had the bully pulpit and did not use it. he had majorities in both houses and failed to crack enough skulls to get the dems in lock step to pass his agenda. he compromised on everything and fought for nothing. typical empty suit democrat. rarely do nice guys win their agenda, and rarely are great leaders well liked. he tried to be friend with everyone and you can not do that in politics, especially if you are the president. now he will not win.
come 2012 if the economy is still in the shitter, unemployment is still near 9%, wall street is still running amok with $90 billion bonuses for the ones that wrecked the economy, we are still at war, the income gap continues to widen, and if he is still caving into gop demands he will not win a second term. god knows he is not going to get his agenda with the gop controlled house. the gop can run a scarecrow or a manequin and it would probably beat obama. he needs a challenger in the primary. someone who will not retreat and will not surrender.
do you think that his situation is because of lack of experience or the nice guy approach that my have worked in lower level politics just don't work in the snake pit of big league politics ? or either ?
I have feeling that it could be a combination of both but thats just a gut feeling.
I think he stepped into an arena of seasoned politicians who set him up and knocked him down and he had no idea how to handle the on slot of attacks from the snake pit,again just guessing
remember when he said those tax cuts "offended his conscious"?? hahahaha
welcome to the corporate duopoly
don't compete; coexist
what are you but my reflection? who am i to judge or strike you down?
"I will promise you this, that if we have not gotten our troops out by the time I am president, it is the first thing I will do. I will get our troops home. We will bring an end to this war. You can take that to the bank." - Barack Obama
when you told me 'if you can't beat 'em, join 'em'
i was thinkin 'death before dishonor'
do you think that his situation is because of lack of experience or the nice guy approach that my have worked in lower level politics just don't work in the snake pit of big league politics ? or either ?
I have feeling that it could be a combination of both but thats just a gut feeling.
I think he stepped into an arena of seasoned politicians who set him up and knocked him down and he had no idea how to handle the on slot of attacks from the snake pit,again just guessing
i don't think it in an experience issue. i think it is a lack of guts issue, and trying to work with everyone. how can you work with an entire congress when one side will not even come to the table? he needed to flex his muscles when he could, but he did not. he is not a fighter, he is a failure.
and the thing that pisses me off the most, is him and gibbs publicly berating and ridiculing his liberal base on several occasions.that was very glib and very insulting moves by them. we are the ones that raised and donated money, hung signs, made phone calls, campaigned for him and got him elected, and he has the nerve and the gall to publicly insult us. not anymore, not me. i am through with him. if i had the funds and the well-connected friends i would run against him in the primary myself. that is how angry i am at him.
"You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry." - Lincoln
i don't think it in an experience issue. i think it is a lack of guts issue, and trying to work with everyone. how can you work with an entire congress when one side will not even come to the table? he needed to flex his muscles when he could, but he did not. he is not a fighter, he is a failure.
and the thing that pisses me off the most, is him and gibbs publicly berating and ridiculing his liberal base on several occasions.that was very glib and very insulting moves by them. we are the ones that raised and donated money, hung signs, made phone calls, campaigned for him and got him elected, and he has the nerve and the gall to publicly insult us. not anymore, not me. i am through with him. if i had the funds and the well-connected friends i would run against him in the primary myself. that is how angry i am at him.
If you were being blackmailed by the GOP, what would you do?
wow ! you sure call it like you see it...I take back all the crummy things I've said about you j/k
lol thanks.
i think i see things much clearer now. i voted for hope and change, and have lost hope, and gotten "the same".
i stand by my assertion earlier in this thread that he step down and not run for re-election. we stand where we are today because he failed to lead. he had the bully pulpit and did not use it. he had majorities in both houses and failed to crack enough skulls to get the dems in lock step to pass his agenda. he compromised on everything and fought for nothing. typical empty suit democrat. rarely do nice guys win their agenda, and rarely are great leaders well liked. he tried to be friend with everyone and you can not do that in politics, especially if you are the president. now he will not win.
come 2012 if the economy is still in the shitter, unemployment is still near 9%, wall street is still running amok with $90 billion bonuses for the ones that wrecked the economy, we are still at war, the income gap continues to widen, and if he is still caving into gop demands he will not win a second term. god knows he is not going to get his agenda with the gop controlled house. the gop can run a scarecrow or a manequin and it would probably beat obama. he needs a challenger in the primary. someone who will not retreat and will not surrender.
do you think that his situation is because of lack of experience or the nice guy approach that my have worked in lower level politics just don't work in the snake pit of big league politics ? or either ?
I have feeling that it could be a combination of both but thats just a gut feeling.
I think he stepped into an arena of seasoned politicians who set him up and knocked him down and he had no idea how to handle the on slot of attacks from the snake pit,again just guessing
Lack of experience or Lack of guts? He got 70% of his agenda completed in the first 2yrs. Considering the fact that 2 wars were running, the economy was almost to the floor, the international community had turned their backs to the US, and all while the country is completely divided. I would say he did a pretty fare job.
For the first time in 100 years we have some real Health Care Reform, he regulated Wall St, he revamped the student loan process, he passes the largest stimulus in history, ..etc...etc...
Maybe I'm not as upset because I'm more conservative then I am liberal. But yeah- I still wish he would have done more and been more demanding. But a lot of Dems left him hanging or couldn't unit behind one idea on many issues. I am pissed that immigration reform wasn't handled, but I also realize that there are a ton of other fights going on, and some of the polls show that the majority of people want the Pres taking on other issues(understandably). I am upset about a lot of things that President has done or has not done....but at the end of the day I feel he is the best candidate for the job..
I would still give him a B-/C+ on his Presidency yr to date, and he still has my vote/support.
well that makes sense. Now I know why your so defensive.
Compared to who?
you got your tax cuts. you have don't ask don't tell still on the books. you don't have medicare for all or a public option. we are still fighting the "war on turr"... i can go on and on. this is a 3rd bush term.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
wow ! you sure call it like you see it...I take back all the crummy things I've said about you
lol thanks.
i think i see things much clearer now. i voted for hope and change, and have lost hope, and gotten "the same".
i stand by my assertion earlier in this thread that he step down and not run for re-election. we stand where we are today because he failed to lead. he had the bully pulpit and did not use it. he had majorities in both houses and failed to crack enough skulls to get the dems in lock step to pass his agenda. he compromised on everything and fought for nothing. typical empty suit democrat. rarely do nice guys win their agenda, and rarely are great leaders well liked. he tried to be friend with everyone and you can not do that in politics, especially if you are the president. now he will not win.
come 2012 if the economy is still in the shitter, unemployment is still near 9%, wall street is still running amok with $90 billion bonuses for the ones that wrecked the economy, we are still at war, the income gap continues to widen, and if he is still caving into gop demands he will not win a second term. god knows he is not going to get his agenda with the gop controlled house. the gop can run a scarecrow or a manequin and it would probably beat obama. he needs a challenger in the primary. someone who will not retreat and will not surrender.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
do you think that his situation is because of lack of experience or the nice guy approach that my have worked in lower level politics just don't work in the snake pit of big league politics ? or either ?
I have feeling that it could be a combination of both but thats just a gut feeling.
I think he stepped into an arena of seasoned politicians who set him up and knocked him down and he had no idea how to handle the on slot of attacks from the snake pit,again just guessing
welcome to the corporate duopoly
what are you but my reflection? who am i to judge or strike you down?
"I will promise you this, that if we have not gotten our troops out by the time I am president, it is the first thing I will do. I will get our troops home. We will bring an end to this war. You can take that to the bank." - Barack Obama
when you told me 'if you can't beat 'em, join 'em'
i was thinkin 'death before dishonor'
and the thing that pisses me off the most, is him and gibbs publicly berating and ridiculing his liberal base on several occasions.that was very glib and very insulting moves by them. we are the ones that raised and donated money, hung signs, made phone calls, campaigned for him and got him elected, and he has the nerve and the gall to publicly insult us. not anymore, not me. i am through with him. if i had the funds and the well-connected friends i would run against him in the primary myself. that is how angry i am at him.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
If you were being blackmailed by the GOP, what would you do?
Lack of experience or Lack of guts? He got 70% of his agenda completed in the first 2yrs. Considering the fact that 2 wars were running, the economy was almost to the floor, the international community had turned their backs to the US, and all while the country is completely divided. I would say he did a pretty fare job.
For the first time in 100 years we have some real Health Care Reform, he regulated Wall St, he revamped the student loan process, he passes the largest stimulus in history, ..etc...etc...
Maybe I'm not as upset because I'm more conservative then I am liberal. But yeah- I still wish he would have done more and been more demanding. But a lot of Dems left him hanging or couldn't unit behind one idea on many issues. I am pissed that immigration reform wasn't handled, but I also realize that there are a ton of other fights going on, and some of the polls show that the majority of people want the Pres taking on other issues(understandably). I am upset about a lot of things that President has done or has not done....but at the end of the day I feel he is the best candidate for the job..
I would still give him a B-/C+ on his Presidency yr to date, and he still has my vote/support.
yeah, apparently not enough: ... 94195.html