I make them using a cool site I know. It must remain my secret however, or else I will not be able to hold my head high round these parts, cos all my secrets will be exposed. I have shown one other member in the Forum which site I use, but he is sworn to secrecy. If you want me to make you one however, then tell me what you have in mind and I will give it a go!!
That's a tough one, you've had so many good ones. Can you give me a few to choose from?
Well the site, has different 'effects' - like images dissolving or rotating or flicking between images, and you put your own images in. So give me an image and I will work some magic on it!
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Wow Tremors, Didn't know you had skills other than being a "peddler of EV erotic material" hahaha
very good writing.
intense, beautiful, striking - oh wait, sorry I'm on the wrong thread. Gotta find my way back to the EV thread haha
just kidding of course
I love your stuff, poems and writing. it's all really good and moving. your choice of words sticks out, really opens my eyes
these 3 are my favourites
Consult the golden compass before noon
Seek inner peace, it's always within reach
The tighter the trap; the more you find inside
Create space, make a gap
Release control
And step into the world
Without agenda, without plan
Observe what will unfold
Today, tomorrow
Look, what comes flooding in
Rolling hills, rolling breeze
Fresh cool basin
Valley nestling and turning me over
Wind turning over me
Sink into valleys
Town, dwarfed by the view
Gaining perspective
Trying to find the littler you.
the one above reminds me of when i went to scotland on a family holiday, we stayed in cabin in the middle of nowhere, really nice holiday. really good poem.
i can't believe i am just coming across this thread now
i was reading and was going to quote something i liked very much
but instead i kept on reading
and i find that i cannot quote it now
as i cannot decide which parts i love best
wonderful work
i love reading you
thanks for sharing
(oh and geez i also wish i knew which site it is that you use for your avatars )
"How I choose to feel is how I am." ~ EV/MMc
"Some people hear their own inner voices with great clearness and they live by what they hear. Such people become crazy, or they become legends." ~ One Stab ~
Words circling the rim of the ineffable
Center always truth
Truth in ethics
In the centre always ethics
Without this
With this, unity
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True love
I held it once
I still feel it
A love deeper than all her pain
Like a glass struck and ringing
At a higher frequency
Her sound swept through me
Clear, me, in love, simple
Came without trouble
Clearly and evenly
We held in each others arms
I remember she always said how her hands fitted mine
I remember she said how her ring grew too tight
I remember she said why do you talk to her when we fail?
Now she is the one to whom I bear no grudge
Now she is the one
I cannot think
Or speak of
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When they shut me away this time I met a guy who knew how to fight. He was a provocative arsehole. Still is. Kind of makes me smile. Amazing how threatening locking up someone with intelligence is. He ran that place better than the lot of them, called every bluff they made, dragged me out of my vacant absence, sparked some life into me. Good guy. They treated him appallingly, but I still smile. You had to be there. Asking the head doctor 'Are you still worshipping God??' That isn't going to win you any favours. I remember pacing the halls with him, following the pretty nurses, and I was saying all sorts of weird shit, that made a lot of sense at the time. He however was saying 'You remind me of someone...... who is it.....? Cleopatra?? What a charmer. He taught me a lot of lessons. Like when they lock you up and beat you up and drug you up and abuse you, in the name of civilisation - it's ALWAYS better to tell them they are cunts.
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Right through the deepest Winter chill
Can still be found
Found through work
Friendship, communion
And the setting light to fear
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When the sickness runs so deep. In you not me. I don't know what to do.
When the answer seems so far and what used to doesn't work
I don't know what to do
When the messages make me worse and the past comes running up behind
And praying seems so pointless, the pain is too subdued
Then I cannot find my centre whichever way I turn
What are we going to do when the centre is no more?
Me, I'll just smash a few lightbulbs in the corner of my room
That always used to work
Throw the toys out of the pram
And probably give up the fight
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Wow Tremors, Didn't know you had skills other than being a "peddler of EV erotic material" hahaha
I would really like to know more about this tremors
any samples??
It's just over on the Porch the only way of my getting any attention from the females there is to post mild erotica (aka pictures of Ed looking 'hunky') in the 'pics where Eddie looks hot' thread. I've given it up for now though, because I don't think Ed's really very keen on that thread
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Wow Tremors, Didn't know you had skills other than being a "peddler of EV erotic material" hahaha
I would really like to know more about this tremors
any samples??
I wondered aloud when I saw that remark too. Cuz if Tremors is peddling erotica of that ilk, hey, well, you know...TREMORS why haven't you looked me up regarding that? You KNOW I'm rather partial to a certain person bearing those initials don't you?? heheheeee what's up with that?
"How I choose to feel is how I am." ~ EV/MMc
"Some people hear their own inner voices with great clearness and they live by what they hear. Such people become crazy, or they become legends." ~ One Stab ~
Wow Tremors, Didn't know you had skills other than being a "peddler of EV erotic material" hahaha
I would really like to know more about this tremors
any samples??
It's just over on the Porch the only way of my getting any attention from the females there is to post mild erotica (aka pictures of Ed looking 'hunky') in the 'pics where Eddie looks hot' thread. I've given it up for now though, because I don't think Ed's really very keen on that thread
ahhhhhhhh...that explains my last question. you're probably right. perhaps that could be your birthday gift to him...eh?
"How I choose to feel is how I am." ~ EV/MMc
"Some people hear their own inner voices with great clearness and they live by what they hear. Such people become crazy, or they become legends." ~ One Stab ~
It's just over on the Porch the only way of my getting any attention from the females there is to post mild erotica (aka pictures of Ed looking 'hunky') in the 'pics where Eddie looks hot' thread. I've given it up for now though, because I don't think Ed's really very keen on that thread
ahhhhhhhh...that explains my last question. you're probably right. perhaps that could be your birthday gift to him...eh?
I take direct instruction from our noble leader. And when he tells me for the umpteempth time 'I will not be treated as property', I know it's time to get that thread locked. Shame though, because the girls there are really nice
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It's just over on the Porch the only way of my getting any attention from the females there is to post mild erotica (aka pictures of Ed looking 'hunky') in the 'pics where Eddie looks hot' thread. I've given it up for now though, because I don't think Ed's really very keen on that thread
ahhhhhhhh...that explains my last question. you're probably right. perhaps that could be your birthday gift to him...eh?
I take direct instruction from our noble leader. And when he tells me for the umpteempth time 'I will not be treated as property', I know it's time to get that thread locked. Shame though, because the girls there are really nice
"How I choose to feel is how I am." ~ EV/MMc
"Some people hear their own inner voices with great clearness and they live by what they hear. Such people become crazy, or they become legends." ~ One Stab ~
Fresh air rolls over the brow
There's a zip in the icy air
Inside memories bubble gnaw and fester
Inside times are hard
Stepping out the ice wind strips the skin from my face
Blows a gust through my heart
Starts to open up crevices long seized up
Danger surrounds as the mountain passes
Untrodden for years see movement again
Danger in the chill wind and I falter
This takes time
These paths though are solid
The footing is sure
It will be a long winter
But we are sure to find the way
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Wish you were here...
♥~RIP Dad
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Send my credentials to the house of detention
Wish you were here...
♥~RIP Dad
Is harder to combine PJ with a face. I thought you liked your 'feminine' icons! I'll do you a PJ one. Hold on a while
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Wish you were here...
♥~RIP Dad
Here's more along the lines of a PJ related thing. PM me, and I'll see what I can do
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very good writing.
intense, beautiful, striking - oh wait, sorry I'm on the wrong thread. Gotta find my way back to the EV thread haha
just kidding of course
I love your stuff, poems and writing. it's all really good and moving. your choice of words sticks out, really opens my eyes
these 3 are my favourites
the one above reminds me of when i went to scotland on a family holiday, we stayed in cabin in the middle of nowhere, really nice holiday. really good poem.
Love this one too
cant wait to read more
i can't believe i am just coming across this thread now
i was reading and was going to quote something i liked very much
but instead i kept on reading
and i find that i cannot quote it now
as i cannot decide which parts i love best
wonderful work
i love reading you
thanks for sharing
(oh and geez i also wish i knew which site it is that you use for your avatars
"How I choose to feel is how I am." ~ EV/MMc
"Some people hear their own inner voices with great clearness and they live by what they hear. Such people become crazy, or they become legends." ~ One Stab ~
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Center always truth
Truth in ethics
In the centre always ethics
Without this
With this, unity
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your poems create very intense moods and atmospheres, i love it
and also, your new avatar is really cool
i need to make me a good avatar
I held it once
I still feel it
A love deeper than all her pain
Like a glass struck and ringing
At a higher frequency
Her sound swept through me
Clear, me, in love, simple
Came without trouble
Clearly and evenly
We held in each others arms
I remember she always said how her hands fitted mine
I remember she said how her ring grew too tight
I remember she said why do you talk to her when we fail?
Now she is the one to whom I bear no grudge
Now she is the one
I cannot think
Or speak of
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Thanks! Here I just made one for you to try. If you want to use it 'save image' onto your pc, then upload it in your profile.
The only danger with this one, is that it might cause some forum members an epileptic fit I guess! I could probably tone it down!
More like this
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ooooh thanks
im going to use the 2nd one if that's cool with you?
loved them both, but like you said the 1st one's a bit of a migraine-inducer
Hahaha - yes I think I'm going to have to remove it. It's doing my head in too. Yours looks great though!
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Send my credentials to the house of detention
Twisted and tainted
You can never know
Hopeful, hoping, praying
Looking for a shoulder
Yet some times
Those times
Self sufficient
Fragile, toughened, keep near the surface, or.....
But under all that
it is you who slice me to ribbons
and Them
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loved this one. really good
i relate to it a lot, especially at the moment
thanks as always
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Right through the deepest Winter chill
Can still be found
Found through work
Friendship, communion
And the setting light to fear
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When the answer seems so far and what used to doesn't work
I don't know what to do
When the messages make me worse and the past comes running up behind
And praying seems so pointless, the pain is too subdued
Then I cannot find my centre whichever way I turn
What are we going to do when the centre is no more?
Me, I'll just smash a few lightbulbs in the corner of my room
That always used to work
Throw the toys out of the pram
And probably give up the fight
Send my credentials to the house of detention
"what a long, strange trip it's been"
It's just over on the Porch the only way of my getting any attention from the females there is to post mild erotica (aka pictures of Ed looking 'hunky') in the 'pics where Eddie looks hot' thread. I've given it up for now though, because I don't think Ed's really very keen on that thread
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I wondered aloud when I saw that remark too. Cuz if Tremors is peddling erotica of that ilk, hey, well, you know...TREMORS why haven't you looked me up regarding that? You KNOW I'm rather partial to a certain person bearing those initials don't you?? heheheeee what's up with that?
"How I choose to feel is how I am." ~ EV/MMc
"Some people hear their own inner voices with great clearness and they live by what they hear. Such people become crazy, or they become legends." ~ One Stab ~
ahhhhhhhh...that explains my last question. you're probably right. perhaps that could be your birthday gift to him...eh?
"How I choose to feel is how I am." ~ EV/MMc
"Some people hear their own inner voices with great clearness and they live by what they hear. Such people become crazy, or they become legends." ~ One Stab ~
I take direct instruction from our noble leader. And when he tells me for the umpteempth time 'I will not be treated as property', I know it's time to get that thread locked. Shame though, because the girls there are really nice
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"How I choose to feel is how I am." ~ EV/MMc
"Some people hear their own inner voices with great clearness and they live by what they hear. Such people become crazy, or they become legends." ~ One Stab ~
There's a zip in the icy air
Inside memories bubble gnaw and fester
Inside times are hard
Stepping out the ice wind strips the skin from my face
Blows a gust through my heart
Starts to open up crevices long seized up
Danger surrounds as the mountain passes
Untrodden for years see movement again
Danger in the chill wind and I falter
This takes time
These paths though are solid
The footing is sure
It will be a long winter
But we are sure to find the way
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