Cmon! Someone has got to want to chat about last nights episode?!?!
Someone please!!!!!!!!!
I've got a bunch to chat about!
Man, that shit was fucked up! This new group might be the creepiest bunch of fuckers I've ever seen on TV.
OK so I have one, maybe a few, problems with this episode.
Lydia is one broken person and a few days of compassion in a cell and she loses her killer instinct? Hearing a baby cry makes her realize her momma was full of crap? This part of the show all I could think about was Bobby Bouche in the waterboy talkin bout his "but momma said" spiel.
Why Alpha isn't wearing her mask is interesting. Why Alpha beats her child is interesting. Why Alpha wants her daughter back is interesting.
I have a few problems with the episode too. I don't think they developed the story very well as to Lydia and how she acted. First they show us the flash back of her dad being the asshole. Then something changes with her because Henry took her outside the cell and another flashback shows her mom being a psycho killer. So we have to presume that for all these years Lydia believed it was her dad, but in a few hours of being at Hilltop and talking to Daryl and Henry she suddenly realizes the truth? The story was developed so badly (or maybe just too quickly) that I didn't know whether to believe her or not. It seems like they compressed what should have been a longer story line into a partial episode. So Magna and group decide to slip out in the middle of the night to find Luke and Alden. They get out into the woods away from Hilltop and then all of a sudden they decide that it is too dark? Shouldn't they have realized that by the time they got a hundred yards or so away from Hilltop? And when they left Hilltop they talked about how they all stuck together and they had a quip about fighting for each other or something which incited the two that didn't want to leave to leave on the search. But then when they realize that it is too dark they split up leaving two in the woods - not only that - one of those left in the woods is the deaf one. Very contradictory.
I think the Whisperers are creepy and fun to watch. But it seems so senseless. They seem to accomplish nothing. Why do you just walk around with Walkers when you could walk a lot faster without them. Like when they were tracking Jesus, Aaron, and Eugene. Why dd they have to be with a big group and walk in circles? In the covered bridge fight they approach Daryl and see him get his cross bow out and shoot one of the real walkers. And what do the Whisperers do? They just keep walking towards Daryl. Who does that? If I saw somebody shooting at my group as we amble towards them I wouldn't keep ambling towards them I would take cover or run the other way. That Whisperer just waited until Daryl shot him in the leg. Anyway, enough of my gripes. I still watch the show and enjoy, but I also enjoy thinking about the mistakes.
The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way it treats its animals. Ghandi
I have a few problems with the episode too. I don't think they developed the story very well as to Lydia and how she acted. First they show us the flash back of her dad being the asshole. Then something changes with her because Henry took her outside the cell and another flashback shows her mom being a psycho killer. So we have to presume that for all these years Lydia believed it was her dad, but in a few hours of being at Hilltop and talking to Daryl and Henry she suddenly realizes the truth? The story was developed so badly (or maybe just too quickly) that I didn't know whether to believe her or not. It seems like they compressed what should have been a longer story line into a partial episode. So Magna and group decide to slip out in the middle of the night to find Luke and Alden. They get out into the woods away from Hilltop and then all of a sudden they decide that it is too dark? Shouldn't they have realized that by the time they got a hundred yards or so away from Hilltop? And when they left Hilltop they talked about how they all stuck together and they had a quip about fighting for each other or something which incited the two that didn't want to leave to leave on the search. But then when they realize that it is too dark they split up leaving two in the woods - not only that - one of those left in the woods is the deaf one. Very contradictory.
I think the Whisperers are creepy and fun to watch. But it seems so senseless. They seem to accomplish nothing. Why do you just walk around with Walkers when you could walk a lot faster without them. Like when they were tracking Jesus, Aaron, and Eugene. Why dd they have to be with a big group and walk in circles? In the covered bridge fight they approach Daryl and see him get his cross bow out and shoot one of the real walkers. And what do the Whisperers do? They just keep walking towards Daryl. Who does that? If I saw somebody shooting at my group as we amble towards them I wouldn't keep ambling towards them I would take cover or run the other way. That Whisperer just waited until Daryl shot him in the leg. Anyway, enough of my gripes. I still watch the show and enjoy, but I also enjoy thinking about the mistakes.
This "going rogue" theme in the show is getting ridiculous. Every time something happens they split up or go rogue rather than safety in numbers. Drives me nuts.
Also when did Henry become an idiot? He was all about the kingdom and hilltop and knowing about people then Lydia shows up and he forgets all that? Telling about their other camps? Lets her out of her cell?
I think it would have been a better story had she cracked him over the head w that hammer she was reaching for.
For survivalists a lot of them have momentary lapses of stupid...
I like the Whisperers, I think this could be a better season than we've had for a while. But still some issues.
I can't stand any scene with Judith. It also seems like Henry is the new Carl. The going rogue thing I agree is stupid, and realizing once you're out there that it is dark. How does Alpha even know Lidia was alive? Weren't the ones she was traveling with killed in the bridge? Wasn't she taken after those other 2 guys left, so they couldn't have spilled any beans about that.
I like the Whisperers, I think this could be a better season than we've had for a while. But still some issues.
I can't stand any scene with Judith. It also seems like Henry is the new Carl. The going rogue thing I agree is stupid, and realizing once you're out there that it is dark. How does Alpha even know Lidia was alive? Weren't the ones she was traveling with killed in the bridge? Wasn't she taken after those other 2 guys left, so they couldn't have spilled any beans about that.
So going rogue again... Seems to be the theme here...
Henry has quickly became my most hated person on WD.
Going forward the other tribes/clans will band together and fight off the Whisperers or whomever is marking territory now and sign that constitution.
Henry is going to continue to be the anti-hero.
That baby part really didn't make any sense as when Lydia heard the baby cry she had a meltdown. So they have had a baby with them the whole time? Huh?
OK. But don't have much time. I liked the whole matinee expedition. I guess because I love the King. I love Carol. And I love Jerry. Should that be a priority in the zombie apocalypse? Probably not, but I since they haven't had to fight a war recently and things seem to be going pretty good with them, why not try to obtain some of the unnecessary items of life that make life better. But I guess that symbol has something to do with Whisperer's territory so it may end up leading to more trouble. I don't think the Kingdom knows about the Whisperer's yet. I guess all the batteries finally died.
As to Henry, he is as annoying as hell. And now he is going to cause somebody to die probably by traipsing off after Lydia. He is a teenager so you have to give something of a break, but heck, he is a teenager that has for the most part grown up in this world and should have more sense. After all, he stabbed a guy in the throat a few years ago. He knows what kind of people are in this world and you can't trust everyone after just knowing them for a few hours. And I still can't get over the Whisperer's. It just seems like a stupid way to live. Not very efficient or productive.
And leaving that baby on the ground for the walkers!!!! OMG. That was nerve wracking. And it was cool how Luke was doing sign language with Connie who was hiding in the corn (Sorghum according to Talking Dead). And pretty scary with Connie and the baby in the field trying to avoid walkers.
The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way it treats its animals. Ghandi
Well done episode, IMO. I love that they seem to be moving the plot along this time.
Those Whisperers creep me the fuck out. They have nothing to live for and nothing to lose. Dangerous to the people who are trying to rebuild civilization.
I'm hooked again.
If hope can grow from dirt like me, it can be done. - EV
Well done episode, IMO. I love that they seem to be moving the plot along this time.
Those Whisperers creep me the fuck out. They have nothing to live for and nothing to lose. Dangerous to the people who are trying to rebuild civilization.
I'm hooked again.
How do you have a baby and live in that shit though?
Finally got around to watching it. Better than the last few seasons, but still in a downward spiral. I like the idea of the whisperes, as impractical as their method may be. But as already pointed out, stop with the going rogue plots. And Henry managed to do it twice in one episode. The whole baby thing was stupid. So anyone who makes a sound gets left for the walkers? SO this is the first time that baby has cried? I have a 4 year old and he still cries at least twice a day. I also don't see why any village would feel that threatened by the whisperers. The only weapons they have are small knives, trying to blend in with the dead is going to be a huge disadvantage in a fight. I assume everyone else still has guns, so it wouldn't be much of a fight.
Well done episode, IMO. I love that they seem to be moving the plot along this time.
Those Whisperers creep me the fuck out. They have nothing to live for and nothing to lose. Dangerous to the people who are trying to rebuild civilization.
I'm hooked again.
How do you have a baby and live in that shit though?
That would be horrible. It's difficult enough to care for an infant in this world. I can't imagine........
If hope can grow from dirt like me, it can be done. - EV
Finally watched this week. Had a bad storm sunday night and the cable went out, had to wait for the rerun. I'm liking the Whisperers. Hate Henry. It looks to me like his character was written as as a replacement for Carl, as Carl was the one who befriended Lydia in the comics (haven't read them myself, just read things about the comics). But he can go too, Henry is just as annoying as Carl. This may be old news to many, but I just learned Michone is leaving the show. How do they expect to carry on when everyone quits? They need to find an end game soon for the series before there is no one left anyone cares about.
And now I just read there are 3 made for TV movies in plans for TWD, that are going to star Grimes and what happened to him. Don;t know if I like this or not yet.
Finally saw this week's episode. I guess the writers decided to go the traditional horror flick route and pretend the bad guy dies, only to have him really live after a fall that would have killed anyone. And why Daryl wouldn't just double check, or throw a couple zombies down after him I don't know. But that end scene was another shark jump I think.
Finally saw this week's episode. I guess the writers decided to go the traditional horror flick route and pretend the bad guy dies, only to have him really live after a fall that would have killed anyone. And why Daryl wouldn't just double check, or throw a couple zombies down after him I don't know. But that end scene was another shark jump I think.
What I did LOVE was the Highwaymen joining the Kingdome to help clear safe passage for people.
That is how I would view people in the apocalypse, getting together to help fellow man and not this kill or be killed crap.
Pretty heavy ending!!! So how did the whisperers get to everyone?? Alpha was mingling around in the Kingdom but she obviously didn't get them all out by herself.. .
'95: Brisbane BEC March 21 & 22 '98: Brisbane BEC March 14 & 15 '03: Brad Surfers Paradise Troccadero Jan 11 '03: Brisbane BEC Feb 8 '06: Brisbane BEC Nov 10 & 11 '09: Brisbane QSAC Nov 25 '11: EV Solo Brisbane QPAC March 10, 12 & 13 '11: PJ20 Alpine Valley Sep 3 & 4 '14: Gold Coast BDO Jan 19 EV Solo QPAC Feb 22, 23 & 25
Pretty heavy ending!!! So how did the whisperers get to everyone?? Alpha was mingling around in the Kingdom but she obviously didn't get them all out by herself.. .
It consisted of the Highway men so I'm thinking they all went out together to go back to Hilltop and got ambushed.
Henry I think got nailed when he went to check on that "pipe noise"?
Seeing Edith was the biggest shocker to me. Henry, not so much.
Alpha letting anyone live doesn't sound right, or setting boundaries.
So we know a war is coming. Just when I thought that people would finally want to rebuild society I was wrong.
Also it seems that the Slipknot people only have 1 gun where the 5 compounds should have a bunch and be able to make bullets so this should be easy for them to start plucking them off.
All that I once held as true
I stand alone without beliefs
The only truth I know is you.
Lydia is one broken person and a few days of compassion in a cell and she loses her killer instinct? Hearing a baby cry makes her realize her momma was full of crap? This part of the show all I could think about was Bobby Bouche in the waterboy talkin bout his "but momma said" spiel.
Why Alpha isn't wearing her mask is interesting.
Why Alpha beats her child is interesting.
Why Alpha wants her daughter back is interesting.
Talk to me people!
I think the Whisperers are creepy and fun to watch. But it seems so senseless. They seem to accomplish nothing. Why do you just walk around with Walkers when you could walk a lot faster without them. Like when they were tracking Jesus, Aaron, and Eugene. Why dd they have to be with a big group and walk in circles? In the covered bridge fight they approach Daryl and see him get his cross bow out and shoot one of the real walkers. And what do the Whisperers do? They just keep walking towards Daryl. Who does that? If I saw somebody shooting at my group as we amble towards them I wouldn't keep ambling towards them I would take cover or run the other way. That Whisperer just waited until Daryl shot him in the leg. Anyway, enough of my gripes. I still watch the show and enjoy, but I also enjoy thinking about the mistakes.
Also when did Henry become an idiot? He was all about the kingdom and hilltop and knowing about people then Lydia shows up and he forgets all that? Telling about their other camps? Lets her out of her cell?
I think it would have been a better story had she cracked him over the head w that hammer she was reaching for.
For survivalists a lot of them have momentary lapses of stupid...
I can't stand any scene with Judith. It also seems like Henry is the new Carl.
The going rogue thing I agree is stupid, and realizing once you're out there that it is dark.
How does Alpha even know Lidia was alive? Weren't the ones she was traveling with killed in the bridge? Wasn't she taken after those other 2 guys left, so they couldn't have spilled any beans about that.
How would Alpha have known?
Henry was going to do something else stupid and I would have been right about that.
Henry has quickly became my most hated person on WD.
Going forward the other tribes/clans will band together and fight off the Whisperers or whomever is marking territory now and sign that constitution.
Henry is going to continue to be the anti-hero.
That baby part really didn't make any sense as when Lydia heard the baby cry she had a meltdown. So they have had a baby with them the whole time? Huh?
As to Henry, he is as annoying as hell. And now he is going to cause somebody to die probably by traipsing off after Lydia. He is a teenager so you have to give something of a break, but heck, he is a teenager that has for the most part grown up in this world and should have more sense. After all, he stabbed a guy in the throat a few years ago. He knows what kind of people are in this world and you can't trust everyone after just knowing them for a few hours. And I still can't get over the Whisperer's. It just seems like a stupid way to live. Not very efficient or productive.
And leaving that baby on the ground for the walkers!!!! OMG. That was nerve wracking. And it was cool how Luke was doing sign language with Connie who was hiding in the corn (Sorghum according to Talking Dead). And pretty scary with Connie and the baby in the field trying to avoid walkers.
Those Whisperers creep me the fuck out. They have nothing to live for and nothing to lose. Dangerous to the people who are trying to rebuild civilization.
I'm hooked again.
The cornfield sequence with no sound was a nice little add.
All that I once held as true
I stand alone without beliefs
The only truth I know is you.
Better than the last few seasons, but still in a downward spiral.
I like the idea of the whisperes, as impractical as their method may be.
But as already pointed out, stop with the going rogue plots. And Henry managed to do it twice in one episode.
The whole baby thing was stupid. So anyone who makes a sound gets left for the walkers? SO this is the first time that baby has cried? I have a 4 year old and he still cries at least twice a day.
I also don't see why any village would feel that threatened by the whisperers. The only weapons they have are small knives, trying to blend in with the dead is going to be a huge disadvantage in a fight. I assume everyone else still has guns, so it wouldn't be much of a fight.
These slipknot people need to go.
Highway Men are going to be introduced now?
Where are the Oceansiders?
I would like Negan to be an everyday character and change his stripes. I don't see any reason why that wouldn't happen?
It's ok if Henry dies at this point. This story line with him is just awful.
And their leader? Yeah, that bitch sucks. I hope Lydia gets to do her in.
Agree with everything you said.
I'm liking the Whisperers. Hate Henry. It looks to me like his character was written as as a replacement for Carl, as Carl was the one who befriended Lydia in the comics (haven't read them myself, just read things about the comics). But he can go too, Henry is just as annoying as Carl.
This may be old news to many, but I just learned Michone is leaving the show. How do they expect to carry on when everyone quits? They need to find an end game soon for the series before there is no one left anyone cares about.
What I did LOVE was the Highwaymen joining the Kingdome to help clear safe passage for people.
That is how I would view people in the apocalypse, getting together to help fellow man and not this kill or be killed crap.
That was one of the best episodes that I have seen.
DID NOT see this coming.
Lots to chat about.
A few things I didn't like but we can discuss those too.
Someone PLEASE start the convo!!!
So how did the whisperers get to everyone??
Alpha was mingling around in the Kingdom but she obviously didn't get them all out by herself.. .
'03: Brisbane BEC Feb 8 '06: Brisbane BEC Nov 10 & 11 '09: Brisbane QSAC Nov 25
'11: EV Solo Brisbane QPAC March 10, 12 & 13 '11: PJ20 Alpine Valley Sep 3 & 4
'14: Gold Coast BDO Jan 19 EV Solo QPAC Feb 22, 23 & 25
Henry I think got nailed when he went to check on that "pipe noise"?
Seeing Edith was the biggest shocker to me. Henry, not so much.
Alpha letting anyone live doesn't sound right, or setting boundaries.
So we know a war is coming. Just when I thought that people would finally want to rebuild society I was wrong.
Also it seems that the Slipknot people only have 1 gun where the 5 compounds should have a bunch and be able to make bullets so this should be easy for them to start plucking them off.