please bring back zombies.... to devote a show to eugene was dumb, seeing him whining/ crying the whole episode was brutal. pickles i love pickles... wtf Dwight should have been killed off by negan, tired of him as well. inform carol of glenn and abraham and get shit moving.
Hamilton 9-13-05; Toronto 5-9-06, Toronto 8-21-09, Toronto 9-12-11, Hamilton 9-15-11....
please bring back zombies.... to devote a show to eugene was dumb, seeing him whining/ crying the whole episode was brutal. pickles i love pickles... wtf Dwight should have been killed off by negan, tired of him as well. inform carol of glenn and abraham and get shit moving.
Yeah, devoting an episode to Eugene is such a waste. They've already established the fact that he's a coward
soooooo is eugene just being his typically cowardly lion self and really pledging alliance to negan? or is he just playing his angles and lying to everyone waiting for his moment to get back at negan or get saved by rick and co.? tough to tell, eh?
and what video game was he playing?
he is gaining trust and waiting while enjoying the safety and his new digs. he will get revenge for Abraham in the long run. there's no way he's actually becoming "a saviour".
"Oh're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
The battle with the saviors is more likely to be next seasons finale than this one. This season will end with the Alexandrians, Hilltop and the UpUpUps deciding to join together to fight.
I disagree. I think if they don't do something big in this season's finale, they will lose a LOT of viewers.
"Oh're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
The battle with the saviors is more likely to be next seasons finale than this one. This season will end with the Alexandrians, Hilltop and the UpUpUps deciding to join together to fight.
I disagree. I think if they don't do something big in this season's finale, they will lose a LOT of viewers.
Agreed. They have lost viewers this season and will prob keep losing viewers if they keep dragging everything out so much and having ridiculous cliffhangers like last season with who Negan killed with Lucille.
Next week looks like a snooze fest where Richonne get it on and they look for guns for the UpUpUps. That leaves 4 episodes where lots of other big stuff happens.
I doubt they anticipated losing so many viewers or they would've done things differently. The story line for this season has been locked in since before they started losing viewers. Not like they did reshoots during the break. And think about how long they drug other stuff out. The hospital, the prison vs Gov, Herschel's farm.
At best we'll be left with a half assed cliffhanger and maybe we'll see some small battles, but Im not expecting the big throw down with the Saviors this season. Seems like prime material for its own season.
I also think if more was gonna happen, the half season wouldn't be advertised with "Rise Up".
Next week looks like a snooze fest where Richonne get it on and they look for guns for the UpUpUps. That leaves 4 episodes where lots of other big stuff happens.
I doubt they anticipated losing so many viewers or they would've done things differently. The story line for this season has been locked in since before they started losing viewers. Not like they did reshoots during the break. And think about how long they drug other stuff out. The hospital, the prison vs Gov, Herschel's farm.
At best we'll be left with a half assed cliffhanger and maybe we'll see some small battles, but Im not expecting the big throw down with the Saviors this season. Seems like prime material for its own season.
I also think if more was gonna happen, the half season wouldn't be advertised with "Rise Up".
people keep talking about lost viewers. is there actual numbers to support this, or is it just supposition based on show content?
"Oh're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
Next week looks like a snooze fest where Richonne get it on and they look for guns for the UpUpUps. That leaves 4 episodes where lots of other big stuff happens.
I doubt they anticipated losing so many viewers or they would've done things differently. The story line for this season has been locked in since before they started losing viewers. Not like they did reshoots during the break. And think about how long they drug other stuff out. The hospital, the prison vs Gov, Herschel's farm.
At best we'll be left with a half assed cliffhanger and maybe we'll see some small battles, but Im not expecting the big throw down with the Saviors this season. Seems like prime material for its own season.
I also think if more was gonna happen, the half season wouldn't be advertised with "Rise Up".
people keep talking about lost viewers. is there actual numbers to support this, or is it just supposition based on show content?
It peaked in season 5 with 14 million avg viewers. Season 6 was a decrease of 1 million and looks like most episodes for season 7 have been around 10-12 million viewers. It's still a massive hit for a cable show so wouldn't expect it to go away anytime soon. But hopefully the somewhat declining ratings will speed things up a bit. Hopefully there's some sort of endgame in sight.
Here's an article from after the first half of season 7 finale...
I did say they were losing viewers, but I was mostly trying to say that once season 7 started and they wwre concerned with declining numbers that they're locked in for better or worse.
After watching this show for 6 1/2 seasons how can anybody be confident that they're moving along in the Negan storyline. Hell, I binge watched it before the start of season 6 and there were times it dragged. It's not a new problem for this show.
I did say they were losing viewers, but I was mostly trying to say that once season 7 started and they wwre concerned with declining numbers that they're locked in for better or worse.
After watching this show for 6 1/2 seasons how can anybody be confident that they're moving along in the Negan storyline. Hell, I binge watched it before the start of season 6 and there were times it dragged. It's not a new problem for this show.
it absolutely did. no question. the entire farm season was a snoozer.
"Oh're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
Next week looks like a snooze fest where Richonne get it on and they look for guns for the UpUpUps. That leaves 4 episodes where lots of other big stuff happens.
I doubt they anticipated losing so many viewers or they would've done things differently. The story line for this season has been locked in since before they started losing viewers. Not like they did reshoots during the break. And think about how long they drug other stuff out. The hospital, the prison vs Gov, Herschel's farm.
At best we'll be left with a half assed cliffhanger and maybe we'll see some small battles, but Im not expecting the big throw down with the Saviors this season. Seems like prime material for its own season.
I also think if more was gonna happen, the half season wouldn't be advertised with "Rise Up".
That's exactly what I thought. Too few episodes left to get everything done for the big battle. They tend to drag a lot out, seems like they are trying to get 2 seasons out of Negan. No way they can unite everyone, equip themselves and take over the Saviors in 4 episodes. They'll do some irrelevant side/back stories to fill in a few weeks to stretch this thing out. Season finale this season is King E will finally agree to help.
i liked the episode, kind of reminded me of natural born killers... zombie style. haha makes no sense to give all those weapons away to a group you dont really know.
Hamilton 9-13-05; Toronto 5-9-06, Toronto 8-21-09, Toronto 9-12-11, Hamilton 9-15-11....
It was one of the better episodes this season. They should have hidden most of the food though in case Negan comes, and agreed should have kept most or at least half of the guns
one, it actually had some zombies in a zombie show. It wasn't that I liked it so much, it just wasn't as terrible as the rest of the season has been I thought. Seemed to actually be going somewhere, and, like I mentioned, actually killed a few zombies
I thought last week, just like the majority of the season, was boring, irrelevant and terrible. If they really needed to they could have gotten that story in 15 minutes, and still had most an episode for something useful. Last week, the week with just Darryl, and at least 1 or 2 others could have been combined into a single episode instead of stand-alones. This one was average. Not great or even good, but average.
I did say they were losing viewers, but I was mostly trying to say that once season 7 started and they wwre concerned with declining numbers that they're locked in for better or worse.
After watching this show for 6 1/2 seasons how can anybody be confident that they're moving along in the Negan storyline. Hell, I binge watched it before the start of season 6 and there were times it dragged. It's not a new problem for this show.
it absolutely did. no question. the entire farm season was a snoozer.
In my personal opinion, I feel that many of the declined viewers were the temporary, jump on the band wagon viewers for the last few seasons, and now they've grown tired of the fad. For instance, I was very surprised years back when my local library was showing The Walking Dead once a week or something for any housewives and soccer moms that wanted to see what all the phenomenon was about, somewhere around the third or fourth season I think. Again, my opinion, some of these wives/moms have to know what their husbands and older kids are watching and why, and then after a couple seasons or so, they lose interest and move onto the newest gossip and trend. Plus, people in general seem to lose interest sooner now. Is there no more show loyalty?! Or are there too many good shows to keep up with lately, plus its been a huge political news year......and possibly the end of the world....jk! lol I recently asked a fan of the show (since the comics) what he thinks of the show now, and he said it seems too cartoon-ish now. But just like everyone's weekly negative comments on here about each episode, I still see it all as constructive criticism. You can't please everyone. It does seem like the writers listen to the fans and try to give them what they're asking for, like last night's episode for the ones that wanted more zombie killing action. But the writers can't always cater to the audience either. Sometimes, they are trying to tell a story and the audience just has to try and keep up and quit bitching all the time. That's my two cents for right now. If you don't like it, ya'all can suck
I would consider myself a fan from the beginning. A friend told me about the first episode the day after it aired, I caught a re-run and watched every episode starting Season 1 episode 2 as they aired (or at least DVR it and watched it within a day or 2). I remember season 1 being fun the whole way through. But after that I have always felt there are too many episodes for the story they go with. The farm season was only a snooze-fest because they drug looking for Sophie until the mid-season finale I believe. What should have been an episode and half turned into 6. They repeat that mistake season after season. There's good stuff in there, it just needs to be an 8 episode season. My impression is they are trying too hard not to catch up to the comics. Unlike Game of Thrones, where the dude had like 10 years to write the next book and when he didn't, they just kept going anyway. There are almost no wasted episodes in GOT. I feel if I fell into a coma and missed half a season of The Dead (pretty much any season), someone could catch me up in 30 seconds and I'd be ready to continue. There are just too many wasted episodes and too slow of a story and to me it just seems worse every year, or I just have less patience. Not sure which.
been a fan since the beginning and will be a fan until the end. this season has had it's highs and has had it's lows. and with only a couple episodes left this season, i don't feel the satisfaction have gotten from previous seasons. overall, just an alright season, that i am sure will have an awesome season finale, only to leave us with another cliffhanger until october. i think the mid-season finales are bullshit and confuses the casual viewer which eventually results in loss of interest. it's just an unnecessary three month shut down IMO.
i think the main problem is the producers/writers have no idea how long this show is going to last with the comics still being written. you have these slow paced episodes focused on character development that really feel like a "waste" of an episode at times. it's like they are intentionally dragging it out because they know the show is in for a long, long haul and they are just squeezing as much story out of it as possible. which would be interesting, because if they end up deciding to end the series at the 10th season or so, you will have a very rushed ending with very fast paced episodes... kind of opposite to what they are doing now. interesting to see how it all pans out when it's said and done, but i am on board until the end.
That's exactly the problem. They don't want to catch up to the comics, so they go at the same pace as the comics, which isn't enough material for a season. I've wondered how they are going to end it. Are they going to create their own ending if the comics go on? Will they end the comics when they decide to end the show? This show cant go on forever, and usually after 7 or 8 seasons actors begin to leave and look for new roles. Most shows peak after season 7-8, and only last a year or 2 after that. Think of The Office, or How I Met Your Mother. Awesome shows, peaked after 6 or 7 years, and drug it out for another 1 or 2 and lost a lot of fans because they were terrible seasons. I really cant see this show going on more than 10 seasons. What will the comic writers do?
love reading the different view points weekly... its why i come back here most days.
what initially drew me to the show back in season 1 was the edge of your seat, suspense and action, when dealing with the zombies. yes story lines are needed, but they dont need to be dragged the fuck out like the last couple of shows. This episode provide a welcomed relief of what the show is about to me. Yes the rick/michone 9 1/2 weeks interlude was trying at times but when the action picked up i found it entertaining, better than prior weeks.
Hamilton 9-13-05; Toronto 5-9-06, Toronto 8-21-09, Toronto 9-12-11, Hamilton 9-15-11....
One thing I can't comprehend is Rick delaying going back to Alexandria. I understand he was having fun with Michonne, but I would be worried to death about my kids. I mean... it was only a few weeks ago that a maniacal homicidal psychopath was holding Rick's baby daughter on Rick's front porch and that same psychopath and his henchmen return at regular intervals. Not to mention an impulsive teenage son who always seems to get himself in trouble with said psychopath. Rick seems too comfortable with leaving Alexandria with so much going on. Who is in charge when he and Michonne are gone? Daryl is at the Kingdom. Carol is in hiding. Sasha and Maggie are at Hilltop. Is Aaron in charge? Angry impulsive Rosita? Tara?
The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way it treats its animals. Ghandi
The worst episode yet... This one was pretty bad. The throwing of the sword to Michonne? Uhg...
I thought that was BRUTAL. it reminded me of an old 80's live-action superhero scene with cheesy audio effects.
I loved the gratuitous zombie shit in the beginning. now it's just old. I hope rosita dies. she's fucking annoying. if I were the rest of the group, I'd be asking Rick "uh, hey, um, buddy, you know you have a baby to take care of, right? you can't just be going off on a sex holiday while we all pick up your slack".
I thought the episode was bad. it's starting to remind me of a soap opera. a whole lotta dialogue with zero story progression. my wife asked me last night "is this show losing something?". I agree. we watched it last night as I wasn't in any hurry to see it. I used to get excited for Sunday nights. Now it's just "meh".
I really don't like the format of the cliffhanger. Episode 1 of this season should have been last season's finale. Then this season should have picked up after that. People would have still come back to watch it. all they are doing is pissing people off.
someone mentioned "show loyalty". Why do I have to be loyal to a show? if it sucks, why waste my time? it's not a person. and even a person that is this boring wouldn't get my attention anymore either. I'm sticking it out this season, and we'll see from there. I don't have cable, so paying the $70 per year on iTunes might be the deal breaker if it doesn't pick up.
I went down with the ship on Lost, and I should have quit when the polar bear showed up.
"Oh're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
One thing I can't comprehend is Rick delaying going back to Alexandria. I understand he was having fun with Michonne, but I would be worried to death about my kids. I mean... it was only a few weeks ago that a maniacal homicidal psychopath was holding Rick's baby daughter on Rick's front porch and that same psychopath and his henchmen return at regular intervals. Not to mention an impulsive teenage son who always seems to get himself in trouble with said psychopath. Rick seems too comfortable with leaving Alexandria with so much going on. Who is in charge when he and Michonne are gone? Daryl is at the Kingdom. Carol is in hiding. Sasha and Maggie are at Hilltop. Is Aaron in charge? Angry impulsive Rosita? Tara?
LOL. I forget that Rick even has a daughter half the time! She'll just randomly appear in an episode and it's like "oh yeah, there's Judith."
The worst episode yet... This one was pretty bad. The throwing of the sword to Michonne? Uhg...
I thought that was BRUTAL. it reminded me of an old 80's live-action superhero scene with cheesy audio effects.
I loved the gratuitous zombie shit in the beginning. now it's just old. I hope rosita dies. she's fucking annoying. if I were the rest of the group, I'd be asking Rick "uh, hey, um, buddy, you know you have a baby to take care of, right? you can't just be going off on a sex holiday while we all pick up your slack".
I thought the episode was bad. it's starting to remind me of a soap opera. a whole lotta dialogue with zero story progression. my wife asked me last night "is this show losing something?". I agree. we watched it last night as I wasn't in any hurry to see it. I used to get excited for Sunday nights. Now it's just "meh".
I really don't like the format of the cliffhanger. Episode 1 of this season should have been last season's finale. Then this season should have picked up after that. People would have still come back to watch it. all they are doing is pissing people off.
someone mentioned "show loyalty". Why do I have to be loyal to a show? if it sucks, why waste my time? it's not a person. and even a person that is this boring wouldn't get my attention anymore either. I'm sticking it out this season, and we'll see from there. I don't have cable, so paying the $70 per year on iTunes might be the deal breaker if it doesn't pick up.
I went down with the ship on Lost, and I should have quit when the polar bear showed up.
One thing I can't comprehend is Rick delaying going back to Alexandria. I understand he was having fun with Michonne, but I would be worried to death about my kids. I mean... it was only a few weeks ago that a maniacal homicidal psychopath was holding Rick's baby daughter on Rick's front porch and that same psychopath and his henchmen return at regular intervals. Not to mention an impulsive teenage son who always seems to get himself in trouble with said psychopath. Rick seems too comfortable with leaving Alexandria with so much going on. Who is in charge when he and Michonne are gone? Daryl is at the Kingdom. Carol is in hiding. Sasha and Maggie are at Hilltop. Is Aaron in charge? Angry impulsive Rosita? Tara?
Let me remind everyone this is a show based on a comic book where dead people rise up and eat the living. I think a little 80's superhero sword throwing is acceptable now and then.
-EV 8/14/93
-EV 8/14/93
I doubt they anticipated losing so many viewers or they would've done things differently. The story line for this season has been locked in since before they started losing viewers. Not like they did reshoots during the break. And think about how long they drug other stuff out. The hospital, the prison vs Gov, Herschel's farm.
At best we'll be left with a half assed cliffhanger and maybe we'll see some small battles, but Im not expecting the big throw down with the Saviors this season. Seems like prime material for its own season.
I also think if more was gonna happen, the half season wouldn't be advertised with "Rise Up".
-EV 8/14/93
It peaked in season 5 with 14 million avg viewers. Season 6 was a decrease of 1 million and looks like most episodes for season 7 have been around 10-12 million viewers. It's still a massive hit for a cable show so wouldn't expect it to go away anytime soon. But hopefully the somewhat declining ratings will speed things up a bit. Hopefully there's some sort of endgame in sight.
Here's an article from after the first half of season 7 finale...
After watching this show for 6 1/2 seasons how can anybody be confident that they're moving along in the Negan storyline. Hell, I binge watched it before the start of season 6 and there were times it dragged. It's not a new problem for this show.
-EV 8/14/93
It wasn't that I liked it so much, it just wasn't as terrible as the rest of the season has been I thought. Seemed to actually be going somewhere, and, like I mentioned, actually killed a few zombies
This one was average. Not great or even good, but average.
I remember season 1 being fun the whole way through. But after that I have always felt there are too many episodes for the story they go with. The farm season was only a snooze-fest because they drug looking for Sophie until the mid-season finale I believe. What should have been an episode and half turned into 6. They repeat that mistake season after season. There's good stuff in there, it just needs to be an 8 episode season.
My impression is they are trying too hard not to catch up to the comics. Unlike Game of Thrones, where the dude had like 10 years to write the next book and when he didn't, they just kept going anyway. There are almost no wasted episodes in GOT. I feel if I fell into a coma and missed half a season of The Dead (pretty much any season), someone could catch me up in 30 seconds and I'd be ready to continue. There are just too many wasted episodes and too slow of a story and to me it just seems worse every year, or I just have less patience. Not sure which.
i think the main problem is the producers/writers have no idea how long this show is going to last with the comics still being written. you have these slow paced episodes focused on character development that really feel like a "waste" of an episode at times. it's like they are intentionally dragging it out because they know the show is in for a long, long haul and they are just squeezing as much story out of it as possible. which would be interesting, because if they end up deciding to end the series at the 10th season or so, you will have a very rushed ending with very fast paced episodes... kind of opposite to what they are doing now. interesting to see how it all pans out when it's said and done, but i am on board until the end.
I've wondered how they are going to end it. Are they going to create their own ending if the comics go on? Will they end the comics when they decide to end the show? This show cant go on forever, and usually after 7 or 8 seasons actors begin to leave and look for new roles. Most shows peak after season 7-8, and only last a year or 2 after that. Think of The Office, or How I Met Your Mother. Awesome shows, peaked after 6 or 7 years, and drug it out for another 1 or 2 and lost a lot of fans because they were terrible seasons. I really cant see this show going on more than 10 seasons. What will the comic writers do?
what initially drew me to the show back in season 1 was the edge of your seat, suspense and action, when dealing with the zombies. yes story lines are needed, but they dont need to be dragged the fuck out like the last couple of shows. This episode provide a welcomed relief of what the show is about to me. Yes the rick/michone 9 1/2 weeks interlude was trying at times but when the action picked up i found it entertaining, better than prior weeks.
I loved the gratuitous zombie shit in the beginning. now it's just old. I hope rosita dies. she's fucking annoying. if I were the rest of the group, I'd be asking Rick "uh, hey, um, buddy, you know you have a baby to take care of, right? you can't just be going off on a sex holiday while we all pick up your slack".
I thought the episode was bad. it's starting to remind me of a soap opera. a whole lotta dialogue with zero story progression. my wife asked me last night "is this show losing something?". I agree. we watched it last night as I wasn't in any hurry to see it. I used to get excited for Sunday nights. Now it's just "meh".
I really don't like the format of the cliffhanger. Episode 1 of this season should have been last season's finale. Then this season should have picked up after that. People would have still come back to watch it. all they are doing is pissing people off.
someone mentioned "show loyalty". Why do I have to be loyal to a show? if it sucks, why waste my time? it's not a person. and even a person that is this boring wouldn't get my attention anymore either. I'm sticking it out this season, and we'll see from there. I don't have cable, so paying the $70 per year on iTunes might be the deal breaker if it doesn't pick up.
I went down with the ship on Lost, and I should have quit when the polar bear showed up.
-EV 8/14/93
Who the eff wrote and directed this episode?!?