Even Flow Bonnaroo - "Never vote Republican."

Just noticed that at the end of "Even Flow" Ed says, "Never vote Republican." Does he usually say this, or is it only on this performance. I always thought he was making a random noise.
Down in the hole, Jesus tries to crack a smile beneath another shovel load.
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yeah we should vote for Ralph Nader instead.
Pearl Jam bootlegs:
okay? thanks for that but you really didn't answer my question.
No he usually doesn't say "Never vote Republican" during Evenflow. it was an ad-lib. question answered.
Pearl Jam bootlegs:
question answered wrong
i would say more than 50% of the time (probably closer to 75%) he says something like "never go republican" or "don't go republican" at the end of evenflow.
MTV Unplugged
Atlanta '94
Springfield, MA (unsure of date)
Live @ the Gorge 7/22/06
Live @ the Gorge 7/23/06
Live on Two Legs
NYC 7/8/03
MSG 9/11/98 (actually says "Fuck all Republicans")
Philly 10/3/05
Randall Island, NY '96
Seattle '98
Seattle '00 ("Vote, but don't vote Republican")
wow after giving a more thorough listen the end of the 2008 Evenflows, I have to concede that you're right. He's done this in prior years too?
either way George Bush completely owns Eddie Vedder and has for the last eight years so Eddie should probably give it a rest.
Pearl Jam bootlegs:
We have a BINGO..
Whoa, guess i never noticed how much he says it. Not that Ed had any influence, but i would never vote Republican anyways. makes no difference anyway, the GOP always wins Texas in every presidential election.
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Actually they're making things worse. Anyone hear about that Global Warming Energy Bill they almost passed last month? Would've sent energy prices through the roof with all the goddamn regulations they wanna impose.
Meanwhile they put the onus on people who are working their butts off to get ahead and taxing them 42% of their income.
Their programs just throw money away and things that are hugely ineffective and their solution to fix them? More money needed, more taxes.
Things like personal responsibility, adequate healthcare, incentive, etc, all are foreign concepts to that party.
The Republicans aren't much better and some of their more rightware ideals, particularly the social ones, are wholly out of date and out of touch. The lesser of two evils.
I will be voting Democrat not a republican regime.
I agree that you expect this from Ed at a PJ show but he should just shut up already. I for one go to concerts, sporting events etc. to escape the day to day political reality BS. At Mansfield he went on a rant about the Marines b/c they had a booth at one of the shows. He should be glad he lives in a country where he can do what he does. If I recall they have yet to tour in Iran, although that would be interesting.
This country will be relly messed up if we get Obamma with a Dem house and congress. Back to the Carter days.
If he just shut up, it wouldn't be eddie vedder. Then it wouldn't be Pearl Jam.
And this dem vs rep shit is stupid. Just a way to divide us apart and keep us down. You know what the dems and reps have in common? They're politicians.
Totally agree! I have no problem with Ed saying stupid things. He's got the mic.
Again, totally agree. Anyone who votes strictly by party is part of the problem. Vote the issue. Vote the person. Fuck the party.
EV Solo: 7/11/11 11/12/12 11/13/12
why should be shut up? he has the same right to say whatever he wants as you do to type this post. if someone thinks your thoughts are BS are you going to say "ok i'll shut up now." so if you don't agree then fine, you don't have to, just don't think that he's ever gonna shut up because of that. besides, you already know Ed goes on these rants, and if you don't want to hear them, don't go to the shows or don't listen to the boots. and even if you do go to the show, i'd think it's worth it if you have to listen to a few minutes of Ed talking about something you don't agree with if it gets you a couple hours of good music.
You're absolutely right, except, please don't call Bush a Nazi, he's just an asshole.
Guess American Politics are just a riddle to most Europeans. After the last 8 years, how can any American really believe he will be better of with another republican president?
Congress is relegated to inaction due to fear of a veto? Better to take up a cause and get vetoed than be seen as capitulating, as far as I'm concerned. But I don't believe your reasoning about why congress hasn't done anything. I think congress hasn't done anything because Democrats and Republicans are more alike than different when it comes to growing government and taking liberties. The FISA wiretapping issue highlights this. It wasn't inactivity, or fear of a veto. Most Dems (including Obama) voted FOR it. They actively voted in favor of violating the 4th ammendment. So quit making excuses for that worthless congress.