5th grader turns in his parents



  • JeanwahJeanwah Posts: 6,363
    If the DARE program had truly factual documentation of the dangers of both alcohol and marijuana, they'd see that alcohol carries more danger to its users. Police are simply following the outdated laws that pot use is more dangerous than alcohol use... which just isn't true.
  • Cree NationsCree Nations Posts: 2,247
    i remember when my nephew went through the DARE program and wore his shirt for like a week straight and he has a keen eye so he was on everything. It was cool and he was proud about it, good for him. He never fucked with his uncles "Arthritis Medication" though ;)
    ...a lover and a fighter.
    "I'm at least half a bum" Rocky Balboa


    Edmonton, AB. September 5th, 2005
    Vancouver, BC. April 3rd, 2008
    Calgary,AB. August 8th, 2009
  • josevolutionjosevolution Posts: 30,528
    Godfather. wrote:
    it is what it is and it's a shame that the kid even found himself in a position to rat out his folks,I blame his parents for not being responsible enough to keep their use under wraps,they knew what could happen it's not like this is the first time something like this has happened.


    Agreed you gotta blame the parents I've quit smoking and drinking i can't act like a hypocrite i do feel bad for the kid he was put into this situation by the PARENTS ... :oops:
    jesus greets me looks just like me ....
  • JeanwahJeanwah Posts: 6,363
    Godfather. wrote:
    it is what it is and it's a shame that the kid even found himself in a position to rat out his folks,I blame his parents for not being responsible enough to keep their use under wraps,they knew what could happen it's not like this is the first time something like this has happened.


    Agreed you gotta blame the parents I've quit smoking and drinking i can't act like a hypocrite i do feel bad for the kid he was put into this situation by the PARENTS ... :oops:

    How do we know that the joints weren't hidden well? Kids go through their parents things, I know i was nosy when I was that age.
  • josevolutionjosevolution Posts: 30,528
    Does it matter whether the joints were hidden well :?: or not :?: the point is he felt compelled to expose Hi's parents that is the problem here. i'm talking from experience my 13 yr old daughter found my stash because of the smell , i had to come clean in front of the family I've since stopped smoking and drinking i felt horrible about it i was so stupid thinking they couldn't smell it but now i'm glad she did expose me i have gained a ton of trust from both of my kids why because i was honest about it ...
    jesus greets me looks just like me ....
  • Drowned OutDrowned Out Posts: 6,056
    http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.c ... OTD9D1.DTL

    Parenting Through the Haze

    There may be a healthy dose of adult weed smokers, but how many of them talk straight about it with their kids?

    Marsha Rosenbaum holds a doctorate in medical sociology from UC San Francisco and has researched drug issues for 20 years. Wherever the director of the San Francisco office of the Drug Policy Alliance holds workshops about teens and drugs -- Salt Lake City, Arizona, even at a national PTA convention in Columbus, Ohio -- at least one parent sheepishly asks Rosenbaum a version of the same question:

    "I smoke pot once in a while. I have a good job, my marriage is strong and I'm in decent shape. It's never been a problem for me. So what do I tell my kid if I think they're smoking?"

    Or worse, what do I say if they find my stash?

    These parents aren't stoners, said Rosenbaum. They're not medicinal marijuana users or legalization advocates, either. They're lawyers. Land developers. Teachers. Homeroom mothers. They smoke marijuana occasionally -- socially, "like a glass of wine" is a common comparison.

    Yet privately, these parents are asking for help with a dilemma that isn't addressed publicly in many places: How do I talk to my kids about their pot smoking when I still do it -- and don't have any intention of stopping? They're finding there aren't a lot of places to go for information, especially for those who don't want to feed their children a reheated version of the federal government's "Just Say No" anti-drug campaigns of the 1980s.

    Besides, many kids are tuning out the government's zero-tolerance message. Last year, the Government Accountability Office, the investigative arm of Congress, found that the federal government's $1.4 billion anti-drug campaign wasn't working and said the drop in teenage drug use in recent years could be a result of other factors.

    Pot-smoking parents are everywhere in the Bay Area, say Rosenbaum and marijuana policy advocates. They take their regular turn in the carpool, and maintain their lawns and serve as lectors at their church. They're not tough to find. Getting them to talk about it is another matter.

    "But I'd be surprised if any of them would give you their full name, at least the folks you're looking for," Rosenbaum said. "It is the third rail of the third rail. You just don't talk about smoking marijuana, especially if you are high-functioning person."

    Indeed, few will publicly give voice to an otherwise silent minority of pot smokers: high-functioning, high-achieving adults -- many of them parents -- who still enjoy an occasional puff of the herb. Actually, nobody knows if they're a minority or a majority -- just that they're out there, they're silent and they have little desire to tell the world that, as the pot-legalization rally chant goes, "We smoke pot and we like it a lot."

    Described by anti-drug advocates as "the most drug-experienced (generation of parents) on record," today's pot-smoking parents grew up in the stoner haze of the 1970s, blew smoke at Nancy Reagan's "Just Say No" campaigns and roll their eyes at mentions of the DARE (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) program. Eleven percent of parents of children younger than 18 have smoked pot in the last year, according to a 2006 RoperASW survey for Partnership for a Drug Free America. Only 51 percent of parents said they'd be upset if their kids experimented with weed.

    But do you tell your kids that?

    The debate over how to have what the latest federal anti-drug campaign calls "these crucial conversations" about pot sounds similar to the disagreement over how to teach sex education.

    On one hand are the absolutists who say abstinence is the only option. Do not have sex. Period. The other approach preaches abstinence first, but also teaches children about safe sex.

    With pot, the zero-tolerance crowd says that when you talk to your kids about drugs, abstinence is the only option. Do not smoke pot. End of story. On the other side, led by activists and educators in California, is an approach called "Safety First: A Reality-Based Approach to Teens and Drugs."

    They agree abstinence is the first and best option. But after parents lay out the dangers of drug and alcohol use, they encourage them to talk to their children about "responsible use." Moderation. Parents should tell their children that if they're curious, they will help them find out about the effects of certain drugs and explain how to recognize irresponsible behavior "when it comes to place, time, dose levels and frequency of use." The California state PTA has distributed more than 200,000 copies of the 26-page "Safety First" booklet since 2002.

    "Sometimes saying, 'You cannot do this,' doesn't work with children. This is a fallback position," said Pat Klotz, vice president for health for the California PTA. The Anaheim grandmother and registered nurse acknowledges that some of her more conservative Orange County neighbors aren't pleased with the approach, "but we think 'Safety First' is a more realistic approach about drugs."

    The federal government doesn't.

    "It (Safety First) is quite defeatist," said Bertha Madras, deputy director for demand reduction at the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy, the department charged with weaning America off the pipe. "It says that we can't really get a handle on this issue, so let's just accept casual use."

    Granted, the feds and pot activists have long disagreed on the scientific evidence on the dangers of marijuana use. And that disagreement leads to a fundamental one over how to talk to kids about drugs.

    Any discussion of "recreational" pot-smoking parents is a nonstarter for Madras. Her definition of "recreation" doesn't include mind-altering illegal substances. So don't bother equating the dope smoker's belief that a hit of pot to relax after work is no different than a glass of wine.

    "A glass of wine does not intoxicate most people. A glass of wine is a relaxant," said Madras, who is on leave as a professor of psychiatry at Harvard University. "People, when they smoke marijuana, they're not just relaxing. They're laughing louder, their appetite is increased, they are hearing things differently than normal. There's a whole range of distorted perceptions and distorted behaviors that come with that.''

    Parents: the Antidrug, a Web site launched by the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy, offers this example of how parents can explain past marijuana use. In this scenario, Chris, the son, tells his dad that he tried smoking pot:

    Dad: "Thanks for being honest with me. But I have to say I'm really disappointed to hear that. There can be serious consequences when you use drugs, even marijuana. You're putting yourself in danger and you could jeopardize your future."

    Chris: "Whatever, Dad. That's just way over the top. Besides, you told me before that you smoked pot in college and you turned out just fine. So what's the big deal?"

    Dad: "I did use it, and now I regret it. Looking back, I can see that I was lucky that nothing bad happened to me. I've seen plenty of bad things happen to other people and I don't want that to happen to you. It's just because I love you. You're much younger than I was when I tried it. The younger you use, the more damage you could do to your brain or your body."

    But that's past pot use. What's a current pot-smoking parent to do? Saying "Do as I say, not as I do" is hypocritical, Madras said.

    "Children really do see things in black-and-white," Madras said. "A parent cannot say that 'I am unique, I'm special, I can get away with it, but you shouldn't.' That doesn't resonate with kids."

    Hiding that bag of weed in the closet isn't a good idea, either. Madras said parents have to get over "their own guilt about their past or their current use. There is a barrier that they have to break through." She urged parents to look at their behavior and see what impact it has on their children.

    In many cases, parents aren't saying anything. Fewer than one in three teens say they learned about drug risks at home, according to the Roper study.

    The "Safety First" approach tries to get teens to tune back into the conversation by being less absolutist. First, parents should lay out the dangers of drug and alcohol use. Tell them that they'll be there to answer any questions and even research the effects of various drugs. And then, parents should accept that no matter what they warn their children about, risk-taking is natural to teenagers.

    "Teens who do use alcohol, marijuana and/or other drugs must understand there is a huge difference between use and abuse, and between occasional and daily use," according to "Safety First."

    "If young people continue, despite our admonitions to use alcohol and/or other drugs, they must control their use by practicing moderation and limiting use. It is impossible to do well academically or meet one's responsibilities at work while intoxicated."

    There's a thirst for an approach that doesn't end at "Just Say No," said "Safety First" author Rosenbaum. And more information may soon be on the way.

    Mitch Earleywine is an associate professor of psychology at the State University of New York in Albany and a favorite of the pro-marijuana crowd for his books like, "Understanding Marijuana: A New Look at the Scientific Evidence." The working title for his next book is, "A Parents' Guide to Marijuana," and his inspiration came from a very personal place.

    Earleywine is 43 and has been smoking pot since he was 15. Now that the professor has two young children, there have been some uncomfortable situations at home. Like when his kids see him sparking up a vaporizer, a tabletop device that creates a smokeless drag of marijuana.

    "When my daughter comes in and sees me vaporizing, well, I can only tell her it's a night light for so long," Earleywine said.

    Yet Earleywine often has trouble finding government funding for his studies, let alone subjects to participate in them, even just to answer questions. One of his most recent published reports relied on respondents answering questions over the Internet.

    Many high-achieving, occasional pot smokers are -- no stoner joke intended -- paranoid about the consequences of coming out. While studies say that 100 million Americans have tried marijuana and 11 states have some kind of medical cannabis legislation, that has done little to remove the stigma of pot smoking. Or the fear of having law enforcement knock on your door if you discuss it publicly.

    The Chronicle contacted a couple of pro-marijuana advocacy organizations to try to find people who fit this profile and were willing to go on the record. One advocate e-mailed the request to like-minded souls, but included a disclaimer: "I should say, I don't know what the legal implications might be for going on record."

    "It's almost easier to talk about it if you are a medicinal marijuana user, because then you have a reason that is seen as more socially acceptable," said Helen Nunberg, a Santa Cruz physician who sees hundreds of medical marijuana patients. "I would think people don't think it's secret, it's just private."

    Woe to the person who tries to grab that third rail of the third rail of even talking about marijuana in a sympathetic way, especially when it comes to children. Ask Ricardo Cortes.

    Two years ago, the New York resident wrote and illustrated a children's book called "It's Only a Plant: A Children's Story About Marijuana." Although not a parent himself, Cortes was inspired to write it by several high-functioning, pot-smoking friends who were wrestling with this dilemma about how to reconcile their illegal dope smoking with their parental duties. Publishers wouldn't touch it and neither would most major chain retailers, so Cortes self-published it.

    In it, a young girl named Jackie woke up past her bedtime one night, opened her parents' bedroom door, and saw them smoking a joint. Her dad explains that it is a plant.

    The next day, the girl's mother takes her to see a farmer -- and pot grower -- named Farmer Bob. He doesn't smoke marijuana (it makes him sleepy), but explains that "doctors, teachers, artists, actors, even mayors and presidents" smoke this "flower."

    Then they visit a doctor, who explains that "marijuana is for adults who can use it responsibly." It "is definitely not for children." Jackie's mom agrees and said, "Marijuana is for grown-ups. Like driving a car or drinking a glass of wine. You can make a choice to try it or not when you are an adult."

    Conservative politicians and media types couldn't have asked for a fluffier pinata to beat on for a few news cycles. It was denounced by Republican Rep. Mark Souder, R-Ind. who called it a "pro-marijuana children's book" and read excerpts into the Congressional Record.

    Cortes, 33, did the rounds of the chat shows, including Fox's "The O'Reilly Factor" and took his lumps for its sympathetic portrayal of the drug (radio hosts would play trippy sitar music as he talked). But he was trying to make a point that pot smoking parents make only privately.

    Sold largely online through Cortes' self-publishing company and as a kitschy offering at the Urban Outfitters chain, "It's Only a Plant" has sold 6,000 copies. He's working on translating it into five languages.

    "I kind of enjoy all of those conversations," Cortes said. "That's what it takes to get something changed in this culture. More talk, talk, talk, talk."
  • Drowned OutDrowned Out Posts: 6,056
    Here is a link for the organization mentioned in the article above:


    There is a downloadable pdf of the pamphlet "Safety First: A Reality-Based Approach to Teens and Drugs", along with other resources.
  • redrockredrock Posts: 18,341
    eyedclaar wrote:
    It certainly isn't crystal clear to me how the parents were in the wrong when I know there is nothing wrong with smoking weed. .

    What is wrong is that it is illegal (whether one agrees to that or not) and the parents were breaking the law. Simple.

    Also, I don't believe in parents being high (or dead drunk) whilst having the responsibility of a child/children. OK... this one is 11 but could even an 11 year old deal with a major emergency whilst his parents are so stoned they can't take action? What if something is wrong with the kid(s) when parents are high (or, again, drunk)?

    Though I'm far from a miss goody two shoes, I have not been 'under the influence' anytime I was the sole person responsible for my child. It's just the way I choose to parent - I'm not passing judgement on anyone. And I don't think I could explain to my daughter it's OK to break the law because I believe it's not right. Where do you draw the line? Which laws do you break and which ones don't you?
  • eyedclaareyedclaar Posts: 6,980
    redrock wrote:
    What is wrong is that it is illegal (whether one agrees to that or not) and the parents were breaking the law. Simple.

    Also, I don't believe in parents being high (or dead drunk) whilst having the responsibility of a child/children. OK... this one is 11 but could even an 11 year old deal with a major emergency whilst his parents are so stoned they can't take action? What if something is wrong with the kid(s) when parents are high (or, again, drunk)?

    Though I'm far from a miss goody two shoes, I have not been 'under the influence' anytime I was the sole person responsible for my child. It's just the way I choose to parent - I'm not passing judgement on anyone. And I don't think I could explain to my daughter it's OK to break the law because I believe it's not right. Where do you draw the line? Which laws do you break and which ones don't you?

    I can’t really speak to the specifics of this particular couple’s situation or their relationship with the herb. I do know just about everyone has been misled on the “harmful” effects of marijuana. And it is so ingrained that even people who smoke, once smoked, know people who smoke, still really aren’t very educated on the subject. Look, we are the most drugged up society to have ever existed in the history of the world and I’m not even talking about illicit drug use. I’m talking over the counter and prescribed meds in addition to all the caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol. Add the illegal stuff to the list and just about every single mother fucker out there is doped up to some degree.
    I have literally been high every day for the last 20 years and there is nothing I can do sober that I can’t do high. I know that because I do EVERYTHING while high. Some folks choose to medicate themselves 24/7 with lab created synthetic chemicals, and nobody bats an eye at that shit because it is “Dr. Approved”, which really just means someone is making money on it; it still causes anal itching and turns your children into Labrador Retrievers (possible side effects!), but that’s alright, it’s legal! We certainly haven’t had all these designer drugs in our presence, in our bodies, in our very genetic make-up (watch the movie Botany of Desire) for the last 10,000 years like another NATURAL plant I know. And now days we all get to enjoy the diluted effects of these man-made drugs because they don’t break down and are being found in our drinking water. It’s free! Yay!
    I just get tired of the apathetic, and programmed reaction, to not be outraged at the absurdity of the law. Instead, the easier route is to turn it around on the people now suffering and say, “Well, you knew it was illegal, so you shouldn’t have done it, you moron.” Why isn’t the reaction, “For fuck’s sake, how many lives have to be destroyed waging this purely nonsensical war on a fucking plant?” One proven to have stunning medical applications… as well as the recreational side, which really for me, is one and the same.
    Now, am I suggesting, it is impossible to misuse the herb? No, and people do, but still, it is so much less a danger than alcohol or nicotine, so what the fuck people? Instead of continuing to bash pot smokers, or just feel apathetic to their plight, how about raising your voice for the greater good? Why not help question these absurd laws?
    Also, some smokers I know are the best parents I have ever seen. Some drunks I know, not so much. If a kid took his dad’s six pack of beer to the authorities, everyone would laugh, even if the dad was a violent drunk. Kid shows up with a plant, all hell breaks loose. I don’t get it.

    To actually answer your question, I adhere to the laws I agree with and break the laws I don't. But, I'm kind of a wild child, so... 8-)
    Idaho's Premier Outdoor Writer

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  • mysticweedmysticweed Posts: 3,710
    eyedclaar wrote:
    redrock wrote:
    What is wrong is that it is illegal (whether one agrees to that or not) and the parents were breaking the law. Simple.

    Also, I don't believe in parents being high (or dead drunk) whilst having the responsibility of a child/children. OK... this one is 11 but could even an 11 year old deal with a major emergency whilst his parents are so stoned they can't take action? What if something is wrong with the kid(s) when parents are high (or, again, drunk)?

    Though I'm far from a miss goody two shoes, I have not been 'under the influence' anytime I was the sole person responsible for my child. It's just the way I choose to parent - I'm not passing judgement on anyone. And I don't think I could explain to my daughter it's OK to break the law because I believe it's not right. Where do you draw the line? Which laws do you break and which ones don't you?

    I can’t really speak to the specifics of this particular couple’s situation or their relationship with the herb. I do know just about everyone has been misled on the “harmful” effects of marijuana. And it is so ingrained that even people who smoke, once smoked, know people who smoke, still really aren’t very educated on the subject. Look, we are the most drugged up society to have ever existed in the history of the world and I’m not even talking about illicit drug use. I’m talking over the counter and prescribed meds in addition to all the caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol. Add the illegal stuff to the list and just about every single mother fucker out there is doped up to some degree.
    I have literally been high every day for the last 20 years and there is nothing I can do sober that I can’t do high. I know that because I do EVERYTHING while high. Some folks choose to medicate themselves 24/7 with lab created synthetic chemicals, and nobody bats an eye at that shit because it is “Dr. Approved”, which really just means someone is making money on it; it still causes anal itching and turns your children into Labrador Retrievers (possible side effects!), but that’s alright, it’s legal! We certainly haven’t had all these designer drugs in our presence, in our bodies, in our very genetic make-up (watch the movie Botany of Desire) for the last 10,000 years like another NATURAL plant I know. And now days we all get to enjoy the diluted effects of these man-made drugs because they don’t break down and are being found in our drinking water. It’s free! Yay!
    I just get tired of the apathetic, and programmed reaction, to not be outraged at the absurdity of the law. Instead, the easier route is to turn it around on the people now suffering and say, “Well, you knew it was illegal, so you shouldn’t have done it, you moron.” Why isn’t the reaction, “For fuck’s sake, how many lives have to be destroyed waging this purely nonsensical war on a fucking plant?” One proven to have stunning medical applications… as well as the recreational side, which really for me, is one and the same.
    Now, am I suggesting, it is impossible to misuse the herb? No, and people do, but still, it is so much less a danger than alcohol or nicotine, so what the fuck people? Instead of continuing to bash pot smokers, or just feel apathetic to their plight, how about raising your voice for the greater good? Why not help question these absurd laws?
    Also, some smokers I know are the best parents I have ever seen. Some drunks I know, not so much. If a kid took his dad’s six pack of beer to the authorities, everyone would laugh, even if the dad was a violent drunk. Kid shows up with a plant, all hell breaks loose. I don’t get it.

    To actually answer your question, I adhere to the laws I agree with and break the laws I don't. But, I'm kind of a wild child, so... 8-)

    right the fuck on e
    fuck 'em if they can't take a joke

    "what a long, strange trip it's been"
  • chadwickchadwick up my ass Posts: 21,157
    eyedclaar wrote:
    I can’t really speak to the specifics of this particular couple’s situation or their relationship with the herb. I do know just about everyone has been misled on the “harmful” effects of marijuana. And it is so ingrained that even people who smoke, once smoked, know people who smoke, still really aren’t very educated on the subject. Look, we are the most drugged up society to have ever existed in the history of the world and I’m not even talking about illicit drug use. I’m talking over the counter and prescribed meds in addition to all the caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol. Add the illegal stuff to the list and just about every single mother fucker out there is doped up to some degree.
    I have literally been high every day for the last 20 years and there is nothing I can do sober that I can’t do high. I know that because I do EVERYTHING while high. Some folks choose to medicate themselves 24/7 with lab created synthetic chemicals, and nobody bats an eye at that shit because it is “Dr. Approved”, which really just means someone is making money on it; it still causes anal itching and turns your children into Labrador Retrievers (possible side effects!), but that’s alright, it’s legal! We certainly haven’t had all these designer drugs in our presence, in our bodies, in our very genetic make-up (watch the movie Botany of Desire) for the last 10,000 years like another NATURAL plant I know. And now days we all get to enjoy the diluted effects of these man-made drugs because they don’t break down and are being found in our drinking water. It’s free! Yay!
    I just get tired of the apathetic, and programmed reaction, to not be outraged at the absurdity of the law. Instead, the easier route is to turn it around on the people now suffering and say, “Well, you knew it was illegal, so you shouldn’t have done it, you moron.” Why isn’t the reaction, “For fuck’s sake, how many lives have to be destroyed waging this purely nonsensical war on a fucking plant?” One proven to have stunning medical applications… as well as the recreational side, which really for me, is one and the same.
    Now, am I suggesting, it is impossible to misuse the herb? No, and people do, but still, it is so much less a danger than alcohol or nicotine, so what the fuck people? Instead of continuing to bash pot smokers, or just feel apathetic to their plight, how about raising your voice for the greater good? Why not help question these absurd laws?
    Also, some smokers I know are the best parents I have ever seen. Some drunks I know, not so much. If a kid took his dad’s six pack of beer to the authorities, everyone would laugh, even if the dad was a violent drunk. Kid shows up with a plant, all hell breaks loose. I don’t get it.

    To actually answer your question, I adhere to the laws I agree with and break the laws I don't. But, I'm kind of a wild child, so... 8-)

    i agree fully.
    pot smokers are some of the best people i know and these same pot smokers are great parents.
    as eyed pointed out, the drug administration is out of control.
    this society is out of control and brainwashed.

    again, when i read eyed's entries it is like we are twins/brothers or something, word for word.
    love you brother...
    you are a smart fucker. (not that i am intelligent or anything, you have me beat :evil: )
    thank you for your presence on this board.

    now i'll stop with the mushy shit.
    for poetry through the ceiling. ISBN: 1 4241 8840 7

    "Hear me, my chiefs!
    I am tired; my heart is
    sick and sad. From where
    the sun stands I will fight
    no more forever."

    Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
  • Drowned OutDrowned Out Posts: 6,056
    redrock wrote:

    What is wrong is that it is illegal (whether one agrees to that or not) and the parents were breaking the law. Simple.

    Also, I don't believe in parents being high (or dead drunk) whilst having the responsibility of a child/children. OK... this one is 11 but could even an 11 year old deal with a major emergency whilst his parents are so stoned they can't take action? What if something is wrong with the kid(s) when parents are high (or, again, drunk)?

    Though I'm far from a miss goody two shoes, I have not been 'under the influence' anytime I was the sole person responsible for my child. It's just the way I choose to parent - I'm not passing judgement on anyone. And I don't think I could explain to my daughter it's OK to break the law because I believe it's not right. Where do you draw the line? Which laws do you break and which ones don't you?
    I'm glad you're not passing judgement, because you seem to have a very skewed perspective of how impaired marijuana makes a person. Have you ever smoked?

    "whilst his parents are so stoned they can't take action?" Seriously? Are you talking about MJ here? I've repeated here ad nauseum that impairment levels from a joint are lower than that of a person with a .08% blood alcohol content. That means, if you enjoy a fair sized glass of wine with dinner (which you admit to doing), you are likely as impaired as a person who has smoked a joint.

    If a person is a responsible parent AND smoker (remember these are not mutually exclusive conditions), they will not be stoned in a situation where a potential "major emergency" could occur. Why is it we can leave this responsibility to parents when it comes to legal intoxicants, but it's a problem with the illegal ones? Only because of the legality, right?

    As Ive said before; I can think for myself and will encourage my kids to do the same - I do not tie morality to legality. There is a difference between right and wrong, and legal and illegal. Smoking pot is not WRONG, the laws are. I'm more concerned that my kids know right from wrong than pushing them to obey bullshit laws that I have a huge moral problem with. The line is clearly drawn between right and wrong. I dont need the government to define it for me, or them.
  • Drowned OutDrowned Out Posts: 6,056
  • chadwickchadwick up my ass Posts: 21,157
    I'm glad you're not passing judgement, because you seem to have a very skewed perspective of how impaired marijuana makes a person. Have you ever smoked?

    "whilst his parents are so stoned they can't take action?" Seriously? Are you talking about MJ here? I've repeated here ad nauseum that impairment levels from a joint are lower than that of a person with a .08% blood alcohol content. That means, if you enjoy a fair sized glass of wine with dinner (which you admit to doing), you are likely as impaired as a person who has smoked a joint.

    If a person is a responsible parent AND smoker (remember these are not mutually exclusive conditions), they will not be stoned in a situation where a potential "major emergency" could occur. Why is it we can leave this responsibility to parents when it comes to legal intoxicants, but it's a problem with the illegal ones? Only because of the legality, right?

    As Ive said before; I can think for myself and will encourage my kids to do the same - I do not tie morality to legality. There is a difference between right and wrong, and legal and illegal. Smoking pot is not WRONG, the laws are. I'm more concerned that my kids know right from wrong than pushing them to obey bullshit laws that I have a huge moral problem with. The line is clearly drawn between right and wrong. I dont need the government to define it for me, or them.

    and thank you
    for poetry through the ceiling. ISBN: 1 4241 8840 7

    "Hear me, my chiefs!
    I am tired; my heart is
    sick and sad. From where
    the sun stands I will fight
    no more forever."

    Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
  • "whilst his parents are so stoned they can't take action?" Seriously? Are you talking about MJ here? I've repeated here ad nauseum that impairment levels from a joint are lower than that of a person with a .08% blood alcohol content. That means, if you enjoy a fair sized glass of wine with dinner (which you admit to doing), you are likely as impaired as a person who has smoked a joint.
    You're smokin the wrong stuff pal. ;)

    There is definately weed out there that can fuck you up WAY more than a glass of wine. So let's be fair about it. We have no idea what kind or how much these parents were doing. And we have no idea how regularly, or if they ever smoked while the kids were even home.

    But to say that weed can't fuck you up is just silly. This guy I know....he's been pretty fucked up off some killer weed in the past. :D
  • aerialaerial Posts: 2,319
    lettinggo wrote:
    eyedclaar wrote:
    redrock wrote:
    What is wrong is that it is illegal (whether one agrees to that or not) and the parents were breaking the law. Simple.

    Also, I don't believe in parents being high (or dead drunk) whilst having the responsibility of a child/children. OK... this one is 11 but could even an 11 year old deal with a major emergency whilst his parents are so stoned they can't take action? What if something is wrong with the kid(s) when parents are high (or, again, drunk)?

    Though I'm far from a miss goody two shoes, I have not been 'under the influence' anytime I was the sole person responsible for my child. It's just the way I choose to parent - I'm not passing judgement on anyone. And I don't think I could explain to my daughter it's OK to break the law because I believe it's not right. Where do you draw the line? Which laws do you break and which ones don't you?

    I can’t really speak to the specifics of this particular couple’s situation or their relationship with the herb. I do know just about everyone has been misled on the “harmful” effects of marijuana. And it is so ingrained that even people who smoke, once smoked, know people who smoke, still really aren’t very educated on the subject. Look, we are the most drugged up society to have ever existed in the history of the world and I’m not even talking about illicit drug use. I’m talking over the counter and prescribed meds in addition to all the caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol. Add the illegal stuff to the list and just about every single mother fucker out there is doped up to some degree.
    I have literally been high every day for the last 20 years and there is nothing I can do sober that I can’t do high. I know that because I do EVERYTHING while high. Some folks choose to medicate themselves 24/7 with lab created synthetic chemicals, and nobody bats an eye at that shit because it is “Dr. Approved”, which really just means someone is making money on it; it still causes anal itching and turns your children into Labrador Retrievers (possible side effects!), but that’s alright, it’s legal! We certainly haven’t had all these designer drugs in our presence, in our bodies, in our very genetic make-up (watch the movie Botany of Desire) for the last 10,000 years like another NATURAL plant I know. And now days we all get to enjoy the diluted effects of these man-made drugs because they don’t break down and are being found in our drinking water. It’s free! Yay!
    I just get tired of the apathetic, and programmed reaction, to not be outraged at the absurdity of the law. Instead, the easier route is to turn it around on the people now suffering and say, “Well, you knew it was illegal, so you shouldn’t have done it, you moron.” Why isn’t the reaction, “For fuck’s sake, how many lives have to be destroyed waging this purely nonsensical war on a fucking plant?” One proven to have stunning medical applications… as well as the recreational side, which really for me, is one and the same.
    Now, am I suggesting, it is impossible to misuse the herb? No, and people do, but still, it is so much less a danger than alcohol or nicotine, so what the fuck people? Instead of continuing to bash pot smokers, or just feel apathetic to their plight, how about raising your voice for the greater good? Why not help question these absurd laws?
    Also, some smokers I know are the best parents I have ever seen. Some drunks I know, not so much. If a kid took his dad’s six pack of beer to the authorities, everyone would laugh, even if the dad was a violent drunk. Kid shows up with a plant, all hell breaks loose. I don’t get it.

    To actually answer your question, I adhere to the laws I agree with and break the laws I don't. But, I'm kind of a wild child, so... 8-)

    right the fuck on e
    “We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.” Abraham Lincoln
  • chadwickchadwick up my ass Posts: 21,157
    "whilst his parents are so stoned they can't take action?" Seriously? Are you talking about MJ here? I've repeated here ad nauseum that impairment levels from a joint are lower than that of a person with a .08% blood alcohol content. That means, if you enjoy a fair sized glass of wine with dinner (which you admit to doing), you are likely as impaired as a person who has smoked a joint.
    You're smokin the wrong stuff pal. ;)

    There is definately weed out there that can fuck you up WAY more than a glass of wine. So let's be fair about it. We have no idea what kind or how much these parents were doing. And we have no idea how regularly, or if they ever smoked while the kids were even home.

    But to say that weed can't fuck you up is just silly. This guy I know....he's been pretty fucked up off some killer weed in the past. :D

    but um,
    the guy you know
    um... was merely stoned
    everything i can do straight i can do even while smoking Afghani killerdiller

    when going to college i would attend algebra class higher than a damn kite
    passing conplex math tests and turning in excellent homework on time, never late.

    stoners are stoners.
    to me that means they can do everything they can do sober.

    what major emergency can't a stoner handle?
    the house burning down? please pass the doritos while i warm my feet by the fire

    oh no, the kid broke his arm playing football with his friends
    i guess beings i am so fucking blowed i cant drive a car
    this is horse shit
    for poetry through the ceiling. ISBN: 1 4241 8840 7

    "Hear me, my chiefs!
    I am tired; my heart is
    sick and sad. From where
    the sun stands I will fight
    no more forever."

    Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
  • eyedclaareyedclaar Posts: 6,980
    You're smokin the wrong stuff pal. ;)

    There is definately weed out there that can fuck you up WAY more than a glass of wine. So let's be fair about it. We have no idea what kind or how much these parents were doing. And we have no idea how regularly, or if they ever smoked while the kids were even home.

    But to say that weed can't fuck you up is just silly. This guy I know....he's been pretty fucked up off some killer weed in the past. :D

    I smoke the finest weed and hash in the freakin' world. I have lines on the shit all over the pacific northwest. I have the equivalent of multiple degrees in potology. And I'll still get blazed and whip everyone's ass in a game of chess, or basketball, while handling whatever emergency you got. I'm not saying it doesn't fuck me up, I'm saying that particular high is one I can rock right the fuck out! I'm like superman! :lol:
    Idaho's Premier Outdoor Writer

    Please Support My Writing Habit By Purchasing A Book:



  • normnorm Posts: 31,146

  • chadwickchadwick up my ass Posts: 21,157
    eyedclaar wrote:
    You're smokin the wrong stuff pal. ;)

    There is definately weed out there that can fuck you up WAY more than a glass of wine. So let's be fair about it. We have no idea what kind or how much these parents were doing. And we have no idea how regularly, or if they ever smoked while the kids were even home.

    But to say that weed can't fuck you up is just silly. This guy I know....he's been pretty fucked up off some killer weed in the past. :D

    I smoke the finest weed and hash in the freakin' world. I have lines on the shit all over the pacific northwest. I have the equivalent of multiple degrees in potology. And I'll still get blazed and whip everyone's ass in a game of chess, or basketball, while handling whatever emergency you got. I'm not saying it doesn't fuck me up, I'm saying that particular high is one I can rock right the fuck out! I'm like superman! :lol:

    some people cannot handle a hit of great weed

    i do my greatest work while swimming in a phat green sack of budding treasure
    and yes you are like superman.

    me, i am like aquaman.
    i am also bob marley's greatest client
    we visit almost daily
    yeah that's right, bob comes to see me
    mr. jerry garcia too
    all over it

    see what weed supermen can do?
    rule... and write great poetry

    fuck y'all
    for poetry through the ceiling. ISBN: 1 4241 8840 7

    "Hear me, my chiefs!
    I am tired; my heart is
    sick and sad. From where
    the sun stands I will fight
    no more forever."

    Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
  • if you really honestly believe that pot-smoking parents are "in the minority", it is YOU who is deluded.
    DeLukin wrote:
    All we can do as parents is our best - I suppose if you can honestly say that frequent recreational drug use while raising kids is your best, so be it. I'm saying your in the minority. Sorry you don't like that fact, but no amount of self-rightgeousness is going to change it. If that makes me 'judgemental' then I can accept that.
    Gimli 1993
    Fargo 2003
    Winnipeg 2005
    Winnipeg 2011
    St. Paul 2014
  • I don't get this "you broke the law, so you are a terrible person" bullshit. years ago there was prohibition. were the people that home-brewed all of a sudden, when this law came into effect, after years of legal drinking, bad parents? nope, they were just people who needed a fucking drink after a long day/week/morning. Whatever.

    pot has been around since time began. it only became illegal in the 1930's. and we judge those who smoke it? preposterous.
    Gimli 1993
    Fargo 2003
    Winnipeg 2005
    Winnipeg 2011
    St. Paul 2014
  • chadwickchadwick up my ass Posts: 21,157
    Paul David wrote:
    I don't get this "you broke the law, so you are a terrible person" bullshit. years ago there was prohibition. were the people that home-brewed all of a sudden, when this law came into effect, after years of legal drinking, bad parents? nope, they were just people who needed a fucking drink after a long day/week/morning. Whatever.

    pot has been around since time began. it only became illegal in the 1930's. and we judge those who smoke it? preposterous.
    for poetry through the ceiling. ISBN: 1 4241 8840 7

    "Hear me, my chiefs!
    I am tired; my heart is
    sick and sad. From where
    the sun stands I will fight
    no more forever."

    Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
  • chadwickchadwick up my ass Posts: 21,157
    Paul David wrote:
    if you really honestly believe that pot-smoking parents are "in the minority", it is YOU who is deluded.
    DeLukin wrote:
    All we can do as parents is our best - I suppose if you can honestly say that frequent recreational drug use while raising kids is your best, so be it. I'm saying your in the minority. Sorry you don't like that fact, but no amount of self-rightgeousness is going to change it. If that makes me 'judgemental' then I can accept that.
    you speak the truth brother, pauld
    well done
    for poetry through the ceiling. ISBN: 1 4241 8840 7

    "Hear me, my chiefs!
    I am tired; my heart is
    sick and sad. From where
    the sun stands I will fight
    no more forever."

    Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
  • redrockredrock Posts: 18,341
    redrock wrote:
    I'm glad you're not passing judgement, because you seem to have a very skewed perspective of how impaired marijuana makes a person. Have you ever smoked?

    "whilst his parents are so stoned they can't take action?" Seriously? Are you talking about MJ here? I've repeated here ad nauseum that impairment levels from a joint are lower than that of a person with a .08% blood alcohol content. That means, if you enjoy a fair sized glass of wine with dinner (which you admit to doing), you are likely as impaired as a person who has smoked a joint.

    If a person is a responsible parent AND smoker (remember these are not mutually exclusive conditions), they will not be stoned in a situation where a potential "major emergency" could occur. Why is it we can leave this responsibility to parents when it comes to legal intoxicants, but it's a problem with the illegal ones? Only because of the legality, right?

    As Ive said before; I can think for myself and will encourage my kids to do the same - I do not tie morality to legality. There is a difference between right and wrong, and legal and illegal. Smoking pot is not WRONG, the laws are. I'm more concerned that my kids know right from wrong than pushing them to obey bullshit laws that I have a huge moral problem with. The line is clearly drawn between right and wrong. I dont need the government to define it for me, or them.

    As I said.. no miss goody two shoes. I have smoked - a lot. But without being responsible for children. Did I say 'fair sized' glass of wine ;) I know how cannabis can affect you as I know how alcohol affects you. MJ has an immediate effect on the part of the brain that, amongst other things, deals with initiative, thought process, concentration and processes - same effects from 4 or so units of alcohol (about two glasses of wine). And chronic/long term use of MJ does lead to long term health issues but, again, no different than alcohol, smoking cigarettes or abuse of prescription drugs, though no deaths are directly attributed to the physical effects of smoking marijuana.

    Also, an emergency is what it is... not planned. So how can you say a responsible parent would not be 'under the influence' in case of emergency?

    Also... you will note that in my post I didn't only mention being stoned, I also said drunk. I still believe that one should have all their wits about them, not diminished by drugs or alcohol, when in sole charge of children (young ones especially).

    You have decided that smoking pot is not wrong but the law has decided it is. That is your choice. I am not debating that. The poster I was responding to was having problems seeing what was wrong about having your stash at home. I just said what was wrong is that it was illegal WHETHER ONE AGREED WITH IT OR NOT. Personally, I don't really see as the legality of smoking marijuana as a moral issue. It certainly is a social and health issue, but moral? Or criminal?

    If enough people have problems with cannabis being illegal, fight to get the laws changed. Simple.
  • chadwickchadwick up my ass Posts: 21,157
    redrock wrote:
    As I said.. no miss goody two shoes. I have smoked - a lot. But without being responsible for children. Did I say 'fair sized' glass of wine ;) I know how cannabis can affect you as I know how alcohol affects you. MJ has an immediate effect on the part of the brain that, amongst other things, deals with initiative, thought process, concentration and processes - same effects from 4 or so units of alcohol (about two glasses of wine). And chronic/long term use of MJ does lead to long term health issues but, again, no different than alcohol, smoking cigarettes or abuse of prescription drugs, though no deaths are directly attributed to the physical effects of smoking marijuana.

    Also, an emergency is what it is... not planned. So how can you say a responsible parent would not be 'under the influence' in case of emergency?

    Also... you will note that in my post I didn't only mention being stoned, I also said drunk. I still believe that one should have all their wits about them, not diminished by drugs or alcohol, when in sole charge of children (young ones especially).

    You have decided that smoking pot is not wrong but the law has decided it is. That is your choice. I am not debating that. The poster I was responding to was having problems seeing what was wrong about having your stash at home. I just said what was wrong is that it was illegal WHETHER ONE AGREED WITH IT OR NOT. Personally, I don't really see as the legality of smoking marijuana as a moral issue. It certainly is a social and health issue, but moral? Or criminal?

    If enough people have problems with cannabis being illegal, fight to get the laws changed. Simple.

    weed should be decriminalized today; and it actually is, depending where one is and who the lawman or lawwoman is that busts the marijuana user(s), amount plays into this as well.

    i've been set free when busted red handed.
    more and more lawman/lawwoman do not give two shits about people smoking grass.
    these are great law officials.
    they are actually going after real criminals.
    for poetry through the ceiling. ISBN: 1 4241 8840 7

    "Hear me, my chiefs!
    I am tired; my heart is
    sick and sad. From where
    the sun stands I will fight
    no more forever."

    Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
  • Pepe SilviaPepe Silvia Posts: 3,758
    redrock wrote:
    eyedclaar wrote:
    It certainly isn't crystal clear to me how the parents were in the wrong when I know there is nothing wrong with smoking weed. .

    What is wrong is that it is illegal (whether one agrees to that or not) and the parents were breaking the law. Simple.

    Also, I don't believe in parents being high (or dead drunk) whilst having the responsibility of a child/children. OK... this one is 11 but could even an 11 year old deal with a major emergency whilst his parents are so stoned they can't take action? What if something is wrong with the kid(s) when parents are high (or, again, drunk)?

    Though I'm far from a miss goody two shoes, I have not been 'under the influence' anytime I was the sole person responsible for my child. It's just the way I choose to parent - I'm not passing judgement on anyone. And I don't think I could explain to my daughter it's OK to break the law because I believe it's not right. Where do you draw the line? Which laws do you break and which ones don't you?

    where do you and others stand on parents that don't wear their seat belts, text while driving, don't turn their head lights on in the rain during the day, jay walk......? or is it only certain laws that if you break make you a bad parent?

    and how do we know the parents didn't wait until the kid went to bed to toke up?
    don't compete; coexist

    what are you but my reflection? who am i to judge or strike you down?

    "I will promise you this, that if we have not gotten our troops out by the time I am president, it is the first thing I will do. I will get our troops home. We will bring an end to this war. You can take that to the bank." - Barack Obama

    when you told me 'if you can't beat 'em, join 'em'
    i was thinkin 'death before dishonor'
  • Pepe SilviaPepe Silvia Posts: 3,758
    i've been to a lot of mexican restaurants that served pretty big margaritas, outback and lots of other places have really big drinks, too, what about the parents that have one of those or some wine with dinner?

    what about a parent having a beer while at a sports game with their kids?

    i'm sure most would say it's fine as long as you don't get wasted or too drunk to function which is what i think drowned out was saying. it's not like you take one hit of reefer and your blasted out of your skull, even with really good stuff. there are different levels of being stoned, you can still function within certain levels of them. also, i've been reaaaaaalllllllly high before and had scary situations happen, nothing involving kids, and it snapped me out of that fog pretty quickly, people call things like that a buzzkill.

    if i had a child or more under my supervision i think i could react just as well as a sober parent with a lower level buzz.
    don't compete; coexist

    what are you but my reflection? who am i to judge or strike you down?

    "I will promise you this, that if we have not gotten our troops out by the time I am president, it is the first thing I will do. I will get our troops home. We will bring an end to this war. You can take that to the bank." - Barack Obama

    when you told me 'if you can't beat 'em, join 'em'
    i was thinkin 'death before dishonor'
  • redrockredrock Posts: 18,341
    where do you and others stand on parents that don't wear their seat belts, text while driving, don't turn their head lights on in the rain during the day, jay walk......? or is it only certain laws that if you break make you a bad parent?

    and how do we know the parents didn't wait until the kid went to bed to toke up?

    Not wearing seatbelts :shock: Text while driving :shock: , etc. Never said anything about being a bad parent - just my way of parenting. Whether kids in bed or not makes no difference, I believe that one adult should always be fully aware (especially with young children).

    But we strayed from the original idea of this thread. Where these people live, it is illegal to possess cannabis and therefore they were breaking the law (again - whether we agree to that or not), making their child part of an illegal activity, with all it's consequences. Was the youngster right or wrong to turn his parents in? I can't say and I don't think any of us here can either as we do not know the whole story. The main point though, in my opinion, the child should not have been put in a situation where turning in his parents was an option. The fault directly lies with the parents.
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