(CBS) Sal Esposito is being called for jury duty in East Boston. The only problem is that Sal Esposito is a cat.
That's the catchy lede to a story that's popping up all over the web, being posted by local news outlets and big newspapers worldwide. The only problem is it's a year old.
Lives aren't going to be lost because a water-cooler animal story got recycled a year later by editors who simply wanted a piece of the pie as a (seemingly current) story started going viral on Facebook and elsewhere.
But the story of Sal the cat should serve as a reminder of how filled with misinformation our media echo chamber has become.
Sal's story was first posted by WHDH, an NBC affiliate in Boston, on Jan. 7, 2010. Sal's owners Guy and Anna Esposito had listed him on the "pets" section of a state census form. Some time later, Sal got a jury summons in the mail.
As WHDH reporter Janet Wu explained in the original newscast, Anna filed for Sal's disqualification of service. But since Sal isn't too old, ill, or a convicted felon, "She chose the most obvious reason - Sal can't speak English."
The jury commissioner was unmoved by the common jury duty dodge and denied the request. When the story aired, Anna had acquired a letter from Sal's vet stating that he's a cat, but, at least at the time, Sal was still under orders to appear in court March 23 - meaning March 23, 2010.
Flash forward 2011. On Jan. 13, the Huffington Post appears to be the first news source to publish a story about how "Boston resident Sal Esposito recently got called in for jury duty," complete with the details about the jury commissioner denying Sal's exemption and how he's still expected to show up March 23. Along with a few fringe news outlets, Canada's CBC also picks up on the story, reporting it as new.
Jan. 14: A Fox affiliate in Boston, the American Bar Association's online Journal, the Toronto Star.
Monday, Jan. 17: The U.K.'s Daily Mail, and the New York Daily News, two national papers that score big traffic with a mix of serious, salacious and absurd stories.
Keep in mind that many of these stories link back to the original WHDH report, with the January, 2010 date there for all to see. But many of them also link to one another. On Tuesday, a Washington Post blog picks up on it, and cites the current Fox affiliate report from Boston. Meanwhile a Fox affiliate in Cleveland links back to the Daily News. NPR's "Morning Edition" also picked up the story Tuesday, without attribution.
Readers like these quirky stories - and so do I. But there's a sloppiness attendant the rush to roll them out. News organizations point to one another as the source and move on, often without asking important questions. There's a reason we call the transmission phenomenon "viral." Once the story is out there, it's hard to contain.
(In Sal's case, there's no reason to believe that the original story isn't genuine.)
Although "Sal-gate" is inconsequential, the same dynamic has played out in more serious contexts. Numerous outlets, citing one another, passed on an erroneous report that Rep. Gabrielle Giffords was killed Jan. 8. Giffords' own husband was led to believe that she was dead.
My organization is guilty of it, too. We do rewrites and we make mistakes. I noticed the Sal the cat date discrepancy as I was setting about cobbling together our own version of a quick rewrite.
But in chasing trends, it's easy to lose sight of our most important goal - developing and maintaining trust among our audiences. Cite-and-rewrite often delivers little of value to those audiences and reporting should remain the cornerstone of the daily avalanche of content we produce.
8/28/98- Camden, NJ
10/31/09- Philly
5/21/10- NYC
9/2/12- Philly, PA
7/19/13- Wrigley
10/19/13- Brooklyn, NY
10/21/13- Philly, PA
10/22/13- Philly, PA
10/27/13- Baltimore, MD
4/28/16- Philly, PA
4/29/16- Philly, PA
5/1/16- NYC
5/2/16- NYC
9/2/18- Boston, MA
9/4/18- Boston, MA
9/14/22- Camden, NJ
9/7/24- Philly, PA
9/9/24- Philly, PA
Tres Mts.- 3/23/11- Philly. PA
Eddie Vedder- 6/25/11- Philly, PA
RNDM- 3/9/16- Philly, PA
just got a letter in the mail for jury duty at the end of Aug.
8/28/98- Camden, NJ
10/31/09- Philly
5/21/10- NYC
9/2/12- Philly, PA
7/19/13- Wrigley
10/19/13- Brooklyn, NY
10/21/13- Philly, PA
10/22/13- Philly, PA
10/27/13- Baltimore, MD
4/28/16- Philly, PA
4/29/16- Philly, PA
5/1/16- NYC
5/2/16- NYC
9/2/18- Boston, MA
9/4/18- Boston, MA
9/14/22- Camden, NJ
9/7/24- Philly, PA
9/9/24- Philly, PA
Tres Mts.- 3/23/11- Philly. PA
Eddie Vedder- 6/25/11- Philly, PA
RNDM- 3/9/16- Philly, PA
just got a letter in the mail for jury duty at the end of Aug.
skip it
i don't know least i'll get off work.
8/28/98- Camden, NJ
10/31/09- Philly
5/21/10- NYC
9/2/12- Philly, PA
7/19/13- Wrigley
10/19/13- Brooklyn, NY
10/21/13- Philly, PA
10/22/13- Philly, PA
10/27/13- Baltimore, MD
4/28/16- Philly, PA
4/29/16- Philly, PA
5/1/16- NYC
5/2/16- NYC
9/2/18- Boston, MA
9/4/18- Boston, MA
9/14/22- Camden, NJ
9/7/24- Philly, PA
9/9/24- Philly, PA
Tres Mts.- 3/23/11- Philly. PA
Eddie Vedder- 6/25/11- Philly, PA
RNDM- 3/9/16- Philly, PA
I've been called several times over the years, went through voir dire a handful of times and sat on a jury once on a wrongful death charge. They ended up settling, but I found the whole thing fascinating.
Being tried by a jury of your (supposed) peers is, for better or worse, one of the things I love about this country. Pain in the ass as the process can be, it wouldn't feel right for me to try and get out of it.
(plus I always get to catch up on my reading!)
I'll say though, it''s a shame that folks whose companies don't provide paid time to serve - or don't pay beyond a certain timeline - get screwed out of their regular pay.
I've been called several times over the years, went through voir dire a handful of times and sat on a jury once on a wrongful death charge. They ended up settling, but I found the whole thing fascinating.
Being tried by a jury of your (supposed) peers is, for better or worse, one of the things I love about this country. Pain in the ass as the process can be, it wouldn't feel right for me to try and get out of it.
(plus I always get to catch up on my reading!)
I'll say though, it''s a shame that folks whose companies don't provide paid time to serve - or don't pay beyond a certain timeline - get screwed out of their regular pay.
you have alot more faith in the justice system than i do. I think like our prison system the whole judicial system as a whole is complete joke, and racist and classist. The justice system that put away 3 teens for a crime in West Memphis when it was clear they were innocent and ignored the real killer, and the same system that lets mumia and peltier languish, and the same system that continues to expand building more prisons and throwing more people in. The system and powers that be dont give a damn. flat out. The prison industrial complex is a booming buisness. Private prisons are the new gold rush. I heard an insane statistic the other day, the prison system is funded 50 times more than the educational system. Even if we accept the idea that putting killers and bad people behind bars is a just and good thing, its a very muddied issue. Can people change? If you murder someone in 1970 and you are still in prison in 2012 do you deserve to be let out? If you commit murder or another horrible crime can your EVER be let out of prison? The status quo is that people dont and cant change, at least thats what the powers that be believe. Also, does prison help? Do killer stop and consider prison before committing crimes? Thats sort of in a nutshell why i will refuse to serve on a jury, or will let my feelings on this known during the interview process in deciding if im in or on the jury. The judicial system is more than messed up, and in my view needs to be abolished, along with prisons, to come up with a new and fair way to deal with crime. Locking someone up for 50 years, with currupt guards and security, with prison conditions being horrific, and marginalizing criminals doesnt help. It never has
I've been called several times over the years, went through voir dire a handful of times and sat on a jury once on a wrongful death charge. They ended up settling, but I found the whole thing fascinating.
Being tried by a jury of your (supposed) peers is, for better or worse, one of the things I love about this country. Pain in the ass as the process can be, it wouldn't feel right for me to try and get out of it.
(plus I always get to catch up on my reading!)
I'll say though, it''s a shame that folks whose companies don't provide paid time to serve - or don't pay beyond a certain timeline - get screwed out of their regular pay.
A case that is relevent for the news in the last few weeks, is the LA riot, rodney king case. The jury sure as hell didnt protect rodney, nor did they do their duty. I'd personally not like to associate myself with a system that sees a videotape of a black man being savagely beaten and assaulted, and then deciding, "oh the 4 officers dont deserve to pay or serve time". thats a system i'd rather not associate myself with.
I got called for jury duty last month and actually enjoyed it. Sat in a room for 2 hours and got released without having to sit on a jury. best part is by law I got paid by my employer (benefits included) for the day. I was at the beach by 11am. Gotta love it.
A case that is relevent for the news in the last few weeks, is the LA riot, rodney king case. The jury sure as hell didnt protect rodney, nor did they do their duty. I'd personally not like to associate myself with a system that sees a videotape of a black man being savagely beaten and assaulted, and then deciding, "oh the 4 officers dont deserve to pay or serve time". thats a system i'd rather not associate myself with.
I see some of your points, but a jury's duty isn't to protect a victim, is it? It's to bring justice; determine what THEY believe is the truth, using the law as their guide. I do agree they failed miserably in doing so.
Still, the justice system has given many more their just desserts (I would think, anyway) than not. Is any system perfect? Of course not, nor can it ever be. Look at all of the rapists, pedophiles, murderers in prison. They got what they deserved, via the process.
Hey youngster, once I served at the Beverly Hills courthouse...now that is a nice gig! They gave us a 2-1/2 hour lunch break so I went to get sushi. Ended up having a great long meal and a sake or two next to Jeff Goldblum.
just got a letter in the mail for jury duty at the end of Aug.
skip it
i don't know least i'll get off work.
didn't get called for this one
got summoned again for Monday. Won't find out until tomorrow after 5 if i have to report. I think i'd rather do jury duty than go into work on monday
this would be my 3rd or 4th time being called. Only had to go once and that trial never happpened.
WEST CHESTER - A Chester County judge Tuesday sent the female half of a "toxic" New Garden couple to prison for two assaults on her husband, incidents that represent a fraction of the problems the couple have had over the years. "Of this type of domestic disturbance, this is probably the worst case I have seen in 15 years (as a judge)," said Judge Howard F. Riley Jr. during a sentencing hearing for Kathy Y. Murray at which he heard of the ongoing alcohol-fueled problems she and her husband have had over the past decade since they were wed. Police have been called to the couple's home as many as 50 times in the year preceding Murray's arrest in February. A prosecutor in the case said the couple argued about everything, from her son's behavior to the location of the car keys, and called police every time they fought. "They are involved in a 10-year war, not a 10-year marriage," Riley said after hearing the stories. "I probably should send both of them to state prison." Instead, Riley accepted the prosecution's proposed sentence for Murray of one year less one day to two years less two days in Chester County prison. Any sentence of less than two years overall is automatically served in the county system. He also ordered four years consecutive probation after her release. Murray had pleaded guilty to charges of aggravated assault, simple assault, possession of instruments of crime, escape and possession of implements of escape. Riley further imposed a condition of her release that she not have any criminal contact with her husband, Woodrow Murray, and that she not live in a house where there are guns or alcohol present. Murray, 52, of Landenberg, was taken into custody by New Garden police on Feb. 2 after she allegedly attacked her husband at their home with an aluminum baseball bat because she was upset that he had moved a computer so he could paint a bedroom in the house. Woodrow Murray suffered bruises to his abdomen, shoulders and back, but was not seriously inured. Kathy Murray was intoxicated at the time, said Assistant District Attorney Michelle Frei. The attack, Frei said, "went beyond words, and it went well beyond fists when she picked up that aluminum baseball bat," she said to Riley, displaying the weapon in court. Two days earlier, she had gone to the couple's automotive garage and again attacked her husband, this time because of an argument he had with her son over drugs found in the home. She punched him repeatedly with a closed fist, Frei said. The roles between the couple have been reversed in the past, Frei acknowledged. In 2006, Woodrow Murray was convicted of making terroristic threats against his wife. One of the officers involved in Kathy Murray's arrest said that in the brief time he had been with the New Garden force, he had been to their home at least 30 times. When police arrested her on Feb. 2, two officers took her to the New Garden Police Department, where they handcuffed her to a holding bench. Minutes later when checking on her, they discovered that she had somehow freed herself from the handcuffs and fled the building. A third officer caught up with her in a field less than a mile from the police station, and she was returned to the bench. Later, the officers found again that she had freed herself from the cuffs, but caught her before she could flee. They shackled her arms and legs this time before her transport to a preliminary arraignment and eventually to Chester County Prison. Frei told Riley that Kathy Murray had apparently unlocked the handcuffs with a key she had hidden on her and which the two male officers did not find because they did not feel comfortable doing a full search of her after the first incident. The key, Frei said, was discovered later while Kathy Murray was in prison, and an informant told corrections officers that she had one in her cell. It was found hidden in the sole of one of her shoes. Kathy Murray's attorney, Mark Rassman, told Riley that he did not believe that his client had the key when she was in the police office, and that she likely procured it in prison. But he said her flight from police custody that night and a subsequent scuffle with the officer who tracked her down showed a disrespect for the officers who had treated her civilly over the years she complained about abuse from her husband. "I told her it was like spitting in their face," Rassman said. Rassman had argued in favor of a light sentence for Kathy Murray by saying the injuries against Woodrow Murray were not serious. The real problem, he said, was the couple's marriage. His client and her husband, he said, "do not need to be together," Rassman said. "It is not a good situation." Kathy Murray apologized to Riley for her behavior, although she said she disputed some of the actions that Frei attributed to her. "I just wish none of this had ever happened," she said.
8/28/98- Camden, NJ
10/31/09- Philly
5/21/10- NYC
9/2/12- Philly, PA
7/19/13- Wrigley
10/19/13- Brooklyn, NY
10/21/13- Philly, PA
10/22/13- Philly, PA
10/27/13- Baltimore, MD
4/28/16- Philly, PA
4/29/16- Philly, PA
5/1/16- NYC
5/2/16- NYC
9/2/18- Boston, MA
9/4/18- Boston, MA
9/14/22- Camden, NJ
9/7/24- Philly, PA
9/9/24- Philly, PA
Tres Mts.- 3/23/11- Philly. PA
Eddie Vedder- 6/25/11- Philly, PA
RNDM- 3/9/16- Philly, PA
What are your experiences with Jury duty? I'm turning 30 this year and have never been summoned to serve. I'm curious to see how many times you guys have been summoned to serve. After 12 years of being a legal adult, I'm surprised I've never been summoned. I guess I'm lucky.
Are you registered to vote? I think in NJ that's somehow connected. I get summoned every 3 years (I believe that's as often as they can legally). Usually its a lawsuit for auto accident, I would not mind serving but I can't do auto lawsuits. I've been sued for accident where another woman had a seizure, crossed over median, driving south in north bound lanes, caused 5 car accident, and I was sued because my car hit another car after being struck by another vehicle involved. How is that my fault?? Hate lawsuits. I always say I can't be objective when it comes to those. I remember one where the husband could no longer perform his marital duties in the bedroom because of the stress resulting from a car crash. Get the fuck out of here. Fucking looking for a free ride for life.
Can you see why I get dismissed? I think there's probably smoke coming out if my ears when the judge questions me. .
just got a letter in the mail for jury duty at the end of Aug.
skip it
i don't know least i'll get off work.
didn't get called for this one
got summoned again for Monday. Won't find out until tomorrow after 5 if i have to report. I think i'd rather do jury duty than go into work on monday
well went in. waited about an hour for them to seat and organize people. then went to the courtroom. attorney and defense lawyer asked the potential jurors questioned. they discussed it and all. Then they called some jurors numbers to sit in the back (they weren't selected, which i was one of them). then the judge told the people that weren't selected to go home. So i'm home now. Pretty interesting. didn't have to go to work and get to do what i want now. Have to call back the number later tonight to see if i have to go back tomorrow morning though.
8/28/98- Camden, NJ
10/31/09- Philly
5/21/10- NYC
9/2/12- Philly, PA
7/19/13- Wrigley
10/19/13- Brooklyn, NY
10/21/13- Philly, PA
10/22/13- Philly, PA
10/27/13- Baltimore, MD
4/28/16- Philly, PA
4/29/16- Philly, PA
5/1/16- NYC
5/2/16- NYC
9/2/18- Boston, MA
9/4/18- Boston, MA
9/14/22- Camden, NJ
9/7/24- Philly, PA
9/9/24- Philly, PA
Tres Mts.- 3/23/11- Philly. PA
Eddie Vedder- 6/25/11- Philly, PA
RNDM- 3/9/16- Philly, PA
just got a letter in the mail for jury duty at the end of Aug.
skip it
i don't know least i'll get off work.
didn't get called for this one
got summoned again for Monday. Won't find out until tomorrow after 5 if i have to report. I think i'd rather do jury duty than go into work on monday
well went in. waited about an hour for them to seat and organize people. then went to the courtroom. attorney and defense lawyer asked the potential jurors questioned. they discussed it and all. Then they called some jurors numbers to sit in the back (they weren't selected, which i was one of them). then the judge told the people that weren't selected to go home. So i'm home now. Pretty interesting. didn't have to go to work and get to do what i want now. Have to call back the number later tonight to see if i have to go back tomorrow morning though.
interesting to see this thread. i had just had it last week locally and got on a trial and was there for 3 days. 1st time ever got picked (been summoned 5 or 6 times). was definitely interesting being on a jury for the 1st time.
Were there any group whose numbers were not called at all? If so, those are most likely to have to go back tomorrow.
yeah they were some.
mine was local as well. (few miles from where i live). Glad i had jury duty but glad i wasn't picked
8/28/98- Camden, NJ
10/31/09- Philly
5/21/10- NYC
9/2/12- Philly, PA
7/19/13- Wrigley
10/19/13- Brooklyn, NY
10/21/13- Philly, PA
10/22/13- Philly, PA
10/27/13- Baltimore, MD
4/28/16- Philly, PA
4/29/16- Philly, PA
5/1/16- NYC
5/2/16- NYC
9/2/18- Boston, MA
9/4/18- Boston, MA
9/14/22- Camden, NJ
9/7/24- Philly, PA
9/9/24- Philly, PA
Tres Mts.- 3/23/11- Philly. PA
Eddie Vedder- 6/25/11- Philly, PA
RNDM- 3/9/16- Philly, PA
don't have to go back. my "pool order" # was around 100 and they just wanted like 150- 280 or something like that for tomorrow.
8/28/98- Camden, NJ
10/31/09- Philly
5/21/10- NYC
9/2/12- Philly, PA
7/19/13- Wrigley
10/19/13- Brooklyn, NY
10/21/13- Philly, PA
10/22/13- Philly, PA
10/27/13- Baltimore, MD
4/28/16- Philly, PA
4/29/16- Philly, PA
5/1/16- NYC
5/2/16- NYC
9/2/18- Boston, MA
9/4/18- Boston, MA
9/14/22- Camden, NJ
9/7/24- Philly, PA
9/9/24- Philly, PA
Tres Mts.- 3/23/11- Philly. PA
Eddie Vedder- 6/25/11- Philly, PA
RNDM- 3/9/16- Philly, PA
don't have to go back. my "pool order" # was around 100 and they just wanted like 150- 280 or something like that for tomorrow.
is this local or federal jury duty you are referring to? isn't local just one day or one trial? For Delco it's one day or one trial but federal is 3 days minimum.
don't have to go back. my "pool order" # was around 100 and they just wanted like 150- 280 or something like that for tomorrow.
is this local or federal jury duty you are referring to? isn't local just one day or one trial? For Delco it's one day or one trial but federal is 3 days minimum.
local (chester county). it's usually one or two days or length of a trial. I guess if you don't get picked the first day it's highly unlikely they need you the second, but who knows. they told us to call back just in case.
8/28/98- Camden, NJ
10/31/09- Philly
5/21/10- NYC
9/2/12- Philly, PA
7/19/13- Wrigley
10/19/13- Brooklyn, NY
10/21/13- Philly, PA
10/22/13- Philly, PA
10/27/13- Baltimore, MD
4/28/16- Philly, PA
4/29/16- Philly, PA
5/1/16- NYC
5/2/16- NYC
9/2/18- Boston, MA
9/4/18- Boston, MA
9/14/22- Camden, NJ
9/7/24- Philly, PA
9/9/24- Philly, PA
Tres Mts.- 3/23/11- Philly. PA
Eddie Vedder- 6/25/11- Philly, PA
RNDM- 3/9/16- Philly, PA
Funny that this thread pops up today. Got my summons for federal jury duty in the mail yesterday. Looking at when I'm supposed to report and the potential cases, I'm a little nervous that it will wind up being for the Charleston massacre case. That one will likely be long and drawn out.
got a letter for jury duty towards the end of October
8/28/98- Camden, NJ
10/31/09- Philly
5/21/10- NYC
9/2/12- Philly, PA
7/19/13- Wrigley
10/19/13- Brooklyn, NY
10/21/13- Philly, PA
10/22/13- Philly, PA
10/27/13- Baltimore, MD
4/28/16- Philly, PA
4/29/16- Philly, PA
5/1/16- NYC
5/2/16- NYC
9/2/18- Boston, MA
9/4/18- Boston, MA
9/14/22- Camden, NJ
9/7/24- Philly, PA
9/9/24- Philly, PA
Tres Mts.- 3/23/11- Philly. PA
Eddie Vedder- 6/25/11- Philly, PA
RNDM- 3/9/16- Philly, PA
got a letter for jury duty towards the end of October
was suppose to go today but about a week or so ago i got an email saying not to call the night before or report today and the panel I was selected for has been cancelled. So that was pretty cool.
8/28/98- Camden, NJ
10/31/09- Philly
5/21/10- NYC
9/2/12- Philly, PA
7/19/13- Wrigley
10/19/13- Brooklyn, NY
10/21/13- Philly, PA
10/22/13- Philly, PA
10/27/13- Baltimore, MD
4/28/16- Philly, PA
4/29/16- Philly, PA
5/1/16- NYC
5/2/16- NYC
9/2/18- Boston, MA
9/4/18- Boston, MA
9/14/22- Camden, NJ
9/7/24- Philly, PA
9/9/24- Philly, PA
Tres Mts.- 3/23/11- Philly. PA
Eddie Vedder- 6/25/11- Philly, PA
RNDM- 3/9/16- Philly, PA
I got called twice in rapid succession because the first was cancelled, and so was the other one. They were both civil cases, and I assume they were both settled out of court, because they never even made it to jury selection. This didn't happen until I was in my late-30s btw... and I wonder if I'll ever be called again. I have no intention of trying to get out of it. It's totally my civic duty, and I'm happy to serve.
Post edited by PJ_Soul on
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. ~ Desiderata
Done it twice. The first time I went with it because I (obviously) hadn't done it before and thought, hey why not. I'll get double paid to not go to work for a couple days.
Once was more than enough.
2nd time around they came in before selection and said we have one case that is definitely going to go for at least a week. Naturally I got called for that one so I answered the lawyer's screening questions in a way that I knew one side would vote me out.
10/31/09- Philly
5/21/10- NYC
9/2/12- Philly, PA
7/19/13- Wrigley
10/19/13- Brooklyn, NY
10/21/13- Philly, PA
10/22/13- Philly, PA
10/27/13- Baltimore, MD
4/28/16- Philly, PA
4/29/16- Philly, PA
5/1/16- NYC
5/2/16- NYC
9/2/18- Boston, MA
9/4/18- Boston, MA
9/14/22- Camden, NJ
9/7/24- Philly, PA
9/9/24- Philly, PA
Eddie Vedder- 6/25/11- Philly, PA
RNDM- 3/9/16- Philly, PA
10/31/09- Philly
5/21/10- NYC
9/2/12- Philly, PA
7/19/13- Wrigley
10/19/13- Brooklyn, NY
10/21/13- Philly, PA
10/22/13- Philly, PA
10/27/13- Baltimore, MD
4/28/16- Philly, PA
4/29/16- Philly, PA
5/1/16- NYC
5/2/16- NYC
9/2/18- Boston, MA
9/4/18- Boston, MA
9/14/22- Camden, NJ
9/7/24- Philly, PA
9/9/24- Philly, PA
Eddie Vedder- 6/25/11- Philly, PA
RNDM- 3/9/16- Philly, PA
10/31/09- Philly
5/21/10- NYC
9/2/12- Philly, PA
7/19/13- Wrigley
10/19/13- Brooklyn, NY
10/21/13- Philly, PA
10/22/13- Philly, PA
10/27/13- Baltimore, MD
4/28/16- Philly, PA
4/29/16- Philly, PA
5/1/16- NYC
5/2/16- NYC
9/2/18- Boston, MA
9/4/18- Boston, MA
9/14/22- Camden, NJ
9/7/24- Philly, PA
9/9/24- Philly, PA
Eddie Vedder- 6/25/11- Philly, PA
RNDM- 3/9/16- Philly, PA
Being tried by a jury of your (supposed) peers is, for better or worse, one of the things I love about this country. Pain in the ass as the process can be, it wouldn't feel right for me to try and get out of it.
(plus I always get to catch up on my reading!)
I'll say though, it''s a shame that folks whose companies don't provide paid time to serve - or don't pay beyond a certain timeline - get screwed out of their regular pay.
you have alot more faith in the justice system than i do. I think like our prison system the whole judicial system as a whole is complete joke, and racist and classist. The justice system that put away 3 teens for a crime in West Memphis when it was clear they were innocent and ignored the real killer, and the same system that lets mumia and peltier languish, and the same system that continues to expand building more prisons and throwing more people in. The system and powers that be dont give a damn. flat out. The prison industrial complex is a booming buisness. Private prisons are the new gold rush. I heard an insane statistic the other day, the prison system is funded 50 times more than the educational system. Even if we accept the idea that putting killers and bad people behind bars is a just and good thing, its a very muddied issue. Can people change? If you murder someone in 1970 and you are still in prison in 2012 do you deserve to be let out? If you commit murder or another horrible crime can your EVER be let out of prison? The status quo is that people dont and cant change, at least thats what the powers that be believe. Also, does prison help? Do killer stop and consider prison before committing crimes? Thats sort of in a nutshell why i will refuse to serve on a jury, or will let my feelings on this known during the interview process in deciding if im in or on the jury. The judicial system is more than messed up, and in my view needs to be abolished, along with prisons, to come up with a new and fair way to deal with crime. Locking someone up for 50 years, with currupt guards and security, with prison conditions being horrific, and marginalizing criminals doesnt help. It never has
A case that is relevent for the news in the last few weeks, is the LA riot, rodney king case. The jury sure as hell didnt protect rodney, nor did they do their duty. I'd personally not like to associate myself with a system that sees a videotape of a black man being savagely beaten and assaulted, and then deciding, "oh the 4 officers dont deserve to pay or serve time". thats a system i'd rather not associate myself with.
9/29/04 Boston, 6/28/08 Mansfield, 8/23/09 Chicago, 5/15/10 Hartford
5/17/10 Boston, 10/15/13 Worcester, 10/16/13 Worcester, 10/25/13 Hartford
8/5/16 Fenway, 8/7/16 Fenway
EV Solo: 6/16/11 Boston, 6/18/11 Hartford,
Still, the justice system has given many more their just desserts (I would think, anyway) than not. Is any system perfect? Of course not, nor can it ever be. Look at all of the rapists, pedophiles, murderers in prison. They got what they deserved, via the process.
Hey youngster, once I served at the Beverly Hills courthouse...now that is a nice gig! They gave us a 2-1/2 hour lunch break so I went to get sushi. Ended up having a great long meal and a sake or two next to Jeff Goldblum.
...he's a strange bird, that one
didn't get called for this one
got summoned again for Monday. Won't find out until tomorrow after 5 if i have to report. I think i'd rather do jury duty than go into work on monday
this would be my 3rd or 4th time being called. Only had to go once and that trial never happpened.
10/31/09- Philly
5/21/10- NYC
9/2/12- Philly, PA
7/19/13- Wrigley
10/19/13- Brooklyn, NY
10/21/13- Philly, PA
10/22/13- Philly, PA
10/27/13- Baltimore, MD
4/28/16- Philly, PA
4/29/16- Philly, PA
5/1/16- NYC
5/2/16- NYC
9/2/18- Boston, MA
9/4/18- Boston, MA
9/14/22- Camden, NJ
9/7/24- Philly, PA
9/9/24- Philly, PA
Eddie Vedder- 6/25/11- Philly, PA
RNDM- 3/9/16- Philly, PA
Can you see why I get dismissed? I think there's probably smoke coming out if my ears when the judge questions me.
Otherwise, I have no problem serving.
didn't get called for this one
got summoned again for Monday. Won't find out until tomorrow after 5 if i have to report. I think i'd rather do jury duty than go into work on monday
well went in. waited about an hour for them to seat and organize people. then went to the courtroom. attorney and defense lawyer asked the potential jurors questioned. they discussed it and all. Then they called some jurors numbers to sit in the back (they weren't selected, which i was one of them). then the judge told the people that weren't selected to go home. So i'm home now. Pretty interesting. didn't have to go to work and get to do what i want now. Have to call back the number later tonight to see if i have to go back tomorrow morning though.
10/31/09- Philly
5/21/10- NYC
9/2/12- Philly, PA
7/19/13- Wrigley
10/19/13- Brooklyn, NY
10/21/13- Philly, PA
10/22/13- Philly, PA
10/27/13- Baltimore, MD
4/28/16- Philly, PA
4/29/16- Philly, PA
5/1/16- NYC
5/2/16- NYC
9/2/18- Boston, MA
9/4/18- Boston, MA
9/14/22- Camden, NJ
9/7/24- Philly, PA
9/9/24- Philly, PA
Eddie Vedder- 6/25/11- Philly, PA
RNDM- 3/9/16- Philly, PA
got summoned again for Monday. Won't find out until tomorrow after 5 if i have to report. I think i'd rather do jury duty than go into work on monday
well went in. waited about an hour for them to seat and organize people. then went to the courtroom. attorney and defense lawyer asked the potential jurors questioned. they discussed it and all. Then they called some jurors numbers to sit in the back (they weren't selected, which i was one of them). then the judge told the people that weren't selected to go home. So i'm home now. Pretty interesting. didn't have to go to work and get to do what i want now. Have to call back the number later tonight to see if i have to go back tomorrow morning though.
interesting to see this thread. i had just had it last week locally and got on a trial and was there for 3 days. 1st time ever got picked (been summoned 5 or 6 times). was definitely interesting being on a jury for the 1st time.
mine was local as well. (few miles from where i live). Glad i had jury duty but glad i wasn't picked
10/31/09- Philly
5/21/10- NYC
9/2/12- Philly, PA
7/19/13- Wrigley
10/19/13- Brooklyn, NY
10/21/13- Philly, PA
10/22/13- Philly, PA
10/27/13- Baltimore, MD
4/28/16- Philly, PA
4/29/16- Philly, PA
5/1/16- NYC
5/2/16- NYC
9/2/18- Boston, MA
9/4/18- Boston, MA
9/14/22- Camden, NJ
9/7/24- Philly, PA
9/9/24- Philly, PA
Eddie Vedder- 6/25/11- Philly, PA
RNDM- 3/9/16- Philly, PA
10/31/09- Philly
5/21/10- NYC
9/2/12- Philly, PA
7/19/13- Wrigley
10/19/13- Brooklyn, NY
10/21/13- Philly, PA
10/22/13- Philly, PA
10/27/13- Baltimore, MD
4/28/16- Philly, PA
4/29/16- Philly, PA
5/1/16- NYC
5/2/16- NYC
9/2/18- Boston, MA
9/4/18- Boston, MA
9/14/22- Camden, NJ
9/7/24- Philly, PA
9/9/24- Philly, PA
Eddie Vedder- 6/25/11- Philly, PA
RNDM- 3/9/16- Philly, PA
10/31/09- Philly
5/21/10- NYC
9/2/12- Philly, PA
7/19/13- Wrigley
10/19/13- Brooklyn, NY
10/21/13- Philly, PA
10/22/13- Philly, PA
10/27/13- Baltimore, MD
4/28/16- Philly, PA
4/29/16- Philly, PA
5/1/16- NYC
5/2/16- NYC
9/2/18- Boston, MA
9/4/18- Boston, MA
9/14/22- Camden, NJ
9/7/24- Philly, PA
9/9/24- Philly, PA
Eddie Vedder- 6/25/11- Philly, PA
RNDM- 3/9/16- Philly, PA
6/19/95 Red Rocks
9/11/98 MSG
11/19/12 EV solo Tulsa
7/19/13 Wrigley 10/19/13 Brooklyn 2 10/21/13 Philly 1 10/22/13 Philly 2 10/25/13 Hartford
10/08/14 Tulsa 10/09/14 Lincoln
9/26/15 NYC Global Citizen
4/16/16 Greenville 4/28/16 Philly 1 4/29/16 Philly 2 5/1/16 MSG 1 5/2/16 MSG 2 8/7/16 Fenway 2 8/20/16 Wrigley 1
4/7/17 RRHOF New York City
9/2/18 Fenway 1 9/4/2018 Fenway 2
9/18/21 Asbury Park
2/4/22 EV Earthlings NYC 2/6/22 EV Earthlings Newark 9/11/22 MSG 9/14/22 Camden
9/3/24 MSG 1 9/4/24 MSG 2 9/7/24 Philly 1 9/9/24 Philly 2
10/31/09- Philly
5/21/10- NYC
9/2/12- Philly, PA
7/19/13- Wrigley
10/19/13- Brooklyn, NY
10/21/13- Philly, PA
10/22/13- Philly, PA
10/27/13- Baltimore, MD
4/28/16- Philly, PA
4/29/16- Philly, PA
5/1/16- NYC
5/2/16- NYC
9/2/18- Boston, MA
9/4/18- Boston, MA
9/14/22- Camden, NJ
9/7/24- Philly, PA
9/9/24- Philly, PA
Eddie Vedder- 6/25/11- Philly, PA
RNDM- 3/9/16- Philly, PA
was suppose to go today but about a week or so ago i got an email saying not to call the night before or report today and the panel I was selected for has been cancelled. So that was pretty cool.
10/31/09- Philly
5/21/10- NYC
9/2/12- Philly, PA
7/19/13- Wrigley
10/19/13- Brooklyn, NY
10/21/13- Philly, PA
10/22/13- Philly, PA
10/27/13- Baltimore, MD
4/28/16- Philly, PA
4/29/16- Philly, PA
5/1/16- NYC
5/2/16- NYC
9/2/18- Boston, MA
9/4/18- Boston, MA
9/14/22- Camden, NJ
9/7/24- Philly, PA
9/9/24- Philly, PA
Eddie Vedder- 6/25/11- Philly, PA
RNDM- 3/9/16- Philly, PA
Once was more than enough.
2nd time around they came in before selection and said we have one case that is definitely going to go for at least a week. Naturally I got called for that one so I answered the lawyer's screening questions in a way that I knew one side would vote me out.