

  • FirstExitFirstExit Los Angeles Posts: 973
    I love fall for sure, but there's no way I can think about that now when the temps are still running around 100 in these parts. At least there's something to look forward to while I'm busy sweating my balls off :D

    it's actually supposed to get up to 80 in CT today...

    ....that coming after a low 60's weekend.
  • one of the last days to see those girls wearing spaghetti string cami tanks while walking around campus

    I love to turn you on
  • FirstExit wrote:
    I love fall for sure, but there's no way I can think about that now when the temps are still running around 100 in these parts. At least there's something to look forward to while I'm busy sweating my balls off :D

    it's actually supposed to get up to 80 in CT today...

    ....that coming after a low 60's weekend.
    That's not fair!
    All I have to do is revel in the everyday....then do it again tomorrow

    They say every sin is deadly but I believe they may be wrong...I'm guilty of all seven and I don't feel too bad at all
  • FirstExitFirstExit Los Angeles Posts: 973
    bump for pre-holiday spirit

    also bump for the red sox making the playoffs (in before "blind faith")
  • Newch91Newch91 Posts: 17,560
    Went to the Big E yesterday and noticed how beautiful the foliage was already starting to look.
    Shows: 6.27.08 Hartford, CT/5.15.10 Hartford, CT/6.18.2011 Hartford, CT (EV Solo)/10.19.13 Brooklyn/10.25.13 Hartford
    "Becoming a Bruce fan is like hitting puberty as a musical fan. It's inevitable." - dcfaithful
  • FirstExitFirstExit Los Angeles Posts: 973
    Newch91 wrote:
    Went to the Big E yesterday and noticed how beautiful the foliage was already starting to look.

    i was actually there on friday.

    deep fried butter ftw
    deep fried oreos ftw
    baked potatoes in maine house ftw
    ben and jerrys in vermont house ftw

    btw i was walking around campus today and it actually feels like fall outside. albeit a little warm.
  • FifthelementFifthelement Lotusland Posts: 6,963
    Had to make a road-trip to Northern Alberta last week, the foliage was amazing :thumbup:


    "What the CANUCK happened?!? - Esquimalt Barber Shop
  • PapPap Serres, Greece Posts: 29,391
    Athens 2006 / Milton Keynes 2014 / London 1&2 2022 / Seattle 1&2 2024 / Dublin 2024 / Manchester 2024
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